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I'm so sorry for disappearing this month, I ended up getting very sick and being generally stuck in bed for the past few weeks. Getting better slowly but I'm very much sorry for the lack of audios and time away from things. I will be getting back to normal as soon as I am able.

It's been weird and uncomfortable being unable to make audios as its my comfort zone at this point, but I will be returning with full force after the sickness stops beating me up. Again, to everyone I'm very sorry for the delays, this won't happen again.

How have you all been? I've missed the ever lovin heck out of all of ya!! I hope you've been taking care of yourself well!! I'm gonna come back with some baku deku content and a bunch of void stuff maybe a void audio sometime soon with visuals and then for the tiers I'll probably pick something from the previous poll :3 Unless ya'll want a new poll then that's fine!

As for sin call, I'ma try and make it as soon as I get better but in the case that I am coughing too much I'll postpone it and not charge for it this month! But for now I think I'll feel up for it pretty soon as long as I can beat down this sickness!

Been doing some writing and reading and trying to use my loss of taste and smell to eat even healthier! Since I can't taste then it means I can remove the sweet stuff completely! Workin on health and beating the sickness down little by little!

It's been a wild ride but I've very much missed you all and can't wait to get back into things. Ya'll are a huge source of inspiration and comfort to me, and I'm sorry its been so inconsistent recently. I will not let this sickness nor anything keep me away for very long!! Love ya'll truly!! I will be catching up for lost time as soon as my voice is more stable, and will give my absolute most to make the best content I can and return twice as strong!!

Love ya'll and thank you for your patience and kindness!!



We all love and appreciate you Cece! I hope you get better soon, please take care of yourself. We can wait for as long as you need ^^

Random Is Online

I'm sorry to hear about your illness, but I'm happy to hear you're recovering! Get well soon Cece, we love you ❤️


Please please please prioritize your health first!! Thank you for letting us know what’s been going on lately, but just remember that we all support you and want the best for you, and that means your health is more important than an insanely frequent (and high quality) upload schedule. I hope you recover quickly and well! We’ll all be here waiting for you 💖💖💖


As someone who's recovering from sickness myself, I more than understand the frustration of needing to do so, so much but unable to actually get any of it done. Like I've said many times before and will say again in the future, we love you Cee, and we'll be waiting right here for you to return when you feel ready to come back. <33 Take care of yourself <3


Rest well!

Riley Quinton

Please take care and take your time getting back into the audios, don't burn ur self out


Get well soon 🙏 ❤❤

Baby Bird

Feel better Cece! Hope you have a speedy and uneventful recovery with no lasting effects (that loss of taste and smell part concerned me >.<) But be well 🥰


Take your time to recover, hope you'll feel better soon!


Don’t worry, Cece! Take your time healing and recovering! ❤️❤️

Amy Rose

Your health is so much more important but I’m glad to know you’re recovering, lots of rest, water and tea!!!!! Take it slow we’ll still be here ❤️❤️❤️