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Things are gradually ramping up and very much getting close to a bunch of big dates and huge events that are coming and I just want to thank you all for your patience and kindness and continued support! Please be sure to look out for yourself first and foremost and always treat yourself with love and respect. With that said, I would have never been able to make it this far without all of you being the kindest and most wonderful community ever!! Thank you for existing and thank you for giving me so many smiles and so many good times. I will make sure to always return that smile and give my everything to make this Patreon and by extension this community thrive and get lots of new and innovative stuff too! I can't wait to make the interactive story stuff! It's been a bit of a bumpy road but with any luck it should be something done in the coming months! Also more livestreams since void will be done very soon!! :3 EXCITING STUFF LOVE YALL AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING! I won't let you down!!



Hiiii I love you!💖I was wondering if the recent hawks rut video was still up somewhere bc it’s my fave and I can’t find it😭


we all love you!! and please know its okay to not pump out hour long audios, i would and i’m sure others would even love 5 minute audios of our favs just talking or asking how our day was or them saying they missed us etx


It’s there! If you go to her posts and search “Hawks” or “Rutting Hard” it will pop up 💕