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Hello everyone! Just a heads up that my former discord account was recently hacked, please unadd YY#5489 if you had it added. If you received any messages within the last 24 hours please be wary. And Under no circumstances click any links!! I will make a new one and post it here and on pat as soon as I do. So sorry if they say anything mean or anything ;; much love everyone!! Stay safe!!


Kyleea Nova

💜💜💜💜 Much love to you as well dear.

Lunic Lily

Thanks for the heads up!




got it


Thanks for the heads up 👍💕


I hate that happened to ya! Hopefully you will be able to get it resolved.


thanks for the heads up!! hopefully you can get it fixed🤍


Hey my patreon has be acting weird for like a week now everytime I open the app it completely freezes and I’ve deleted it multiple times does anyone know how to fix this?

Schlerp Schlorp

Yikes thanks gor the heads up!

Nina j

try using the website in a browser instead of the app until the app fixes itself, that's what I do👍🏻


Thanks for the heads up! I'm sorry this happened to you ;; a couple of my friends and other Discord servers I'm in have had incidents like this happening recently, and I hope you're doing safe and it gets resolved soon! ♥️


OMFG NO WAY 😢😢😢. I sincerely hope it wasn't a fucking anti 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Hope you're doing alright too, love ya 💖💖


Ahh sorry to hear that, it's been going around recently, I even remember giving one of your YH discord staff a heads up about it not long ago. Honestly, I wouldn't suggest sharing the new discord account number here, too high a risk. I'd try to either let those people recontact you through discord on a mutual server you are on (like YH) and then go from there. If you share it here, you may end up with hundred of thousands of friend requests. Really sucks, gotta be so so careful nowadays Dx gotta have that two point verification on everything!


Whoever did it is a big meanie. Hope everything else is OK ❤❤❤


Oh-no. I’m sorry Yato-Kami 🌸💖🌸💖🌸 You don’t deserve to have this keep happening to you. Please stay calm and safe. Don’t worry too much everything will be alright.

Meli VonCherry

Thank you for letting us know about this!! If there is more people affected it makes me less worried of someone going throwing hate to Cece and more inclined to think that it's probably a Discord problem! o-o)

Lex & Kari

They said it was their final attempt at contacting me regarding my car’s extended warranty. But I told them that was impossible….because my car’s been dead for 40 years 👻👻👻


Just another losers attempt to cause damage. Like they don’t have anything better to do with their time. Thanks for the heads up CECE


That really sucks I’m so sorry 😣 Hope everyone’s ok!

Yep Yep

I'm so sorry that happened 😰I hope everything's ok now! Please stay safe ❤️