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So since the 10 tier is working on coming up with ideas I thought I would make things fun with this one too!

Any ideas you have feel free to post! I’ll try and give some time then pick one in a little bit! No pressure and no matter what I’ll try and make it a masterpiece!



Tamaki, Dabi, Aizawa, Cloud Strife or Zhongli 🥰


Dabi :3

Squishy Bird

Joe from Skate the Infinity

Feral Idiot

Are we ever gonna pick up from that one audio where Hawks raw dogs us while baku was on the phone yellin at him


Thoma from Genshin Impact


Here me out...we watch him win a match... We ourselves just finished one and cuaght his. Admiring him, his athleticism abd his leadership. He was always around in middle school and gave you a pep talk out of no where when you're team didn't make it to nationals. He didnt have to do thst or even know you but he gave you a thumbs up and left. Ever since the n we've strived to be the best volleyball player and to attend college where he goes.... We approach him after the game congratulate him and being very forward ask him out on a date. Suprised he said yes... And was actually thinking about the same thing since he srarted to notice you durring your games as well. Hes sweet and says yes! We get dinner, hes a total gentleman and brings flowers turnning to see us he claims we are stunning. Durring dinner he talks about future sports goals, jow much he loves his teammates and his future career. As we get ready to leave it begins to rain walking a car drives buy and splashes mudy water on us. Being a gentleman he offers his shower at his place thats only a few blocks away. At his place he walks in the bathroom to give us clothes to bartow only to stoo and see us nude trying our hair we make eye contact... Shocked he appologizes leaves the clothes and closes the door. On tge other side he monologs on how beautiful we are. We exit the bathroom only in his big tshirt. As he sits thier sheepishly on his bed smiling up at us. He asks how the bath was and mentions that he threw our clothes in the wash... He trying not to be to obvious internal monologues about our creamy thighs and soft looking skin, our supple lips ect. He then meets our eyes and slowly leans in and says this is not like him but hes having a hard time holding back can i kiss you. He kisses you. Says he wants more and proceeds to soft dom you. At the end says hes niticed us and our character for awhile now as well and says he loves us. And thst he plays well and wins whever we're around its like we are his charm... And thus he asks if we'll stay in his life and keep bringing him luck... We say yes he chucks kisses us agian with a I love you, my lucky charm. DONE! This is for cece to use only


Hard Dom Inuyasha or Sesshomaru x female listener. Or Death the Kid X female listener? Anything hard Dom with Angst. Demon Dabi or Shoto Todoroki sounds good to.


I will be BEGGING for a Kirishima workout audio. Like he starts very encouraging, telling us we’re so beauty-cool to be lifting that much weight and cheering us on in our cardio. Maybe he joins us in some lifting and we hear some sweet little grunts and sighs? 👀 And it all could end with some steamy sexy times in the locker rooms 😏🤤


Toji or Megumi Fushiguro, perhaps? Megumi, all serious and cranky all the time, having a quiet date with the reader that ends in soft, vanilla NSFW? Maybe the listener is another jujutsu student and this is one of the only times they can spend any together, so he shows them his demon dogs? (I'm just spitballin', but I definitely wanna see something with him going!) As for Toji, well, he reads as hard dom to me so I'd half expect him to wring the listener's neck and that's my Thing


Late to the party, but I'd love to have some Osamu Miya 💗


I just switched tiers and was scrolling back and saw this. Are we able to get a denki n shinsou sammich?