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Hi everyone! First and foremost I wanted to say I love you all so very much and I will be trying to regain some footing back in my pace of things.

I’ve not be the most well, both emotionally and physically, the toll and toils of the past hurt my feelings immensely, and I’m learning slowly but surely how to move past them. To know people would tell such malicious falsities about me hit really close to home.

I love you all and am getting better c: so please don’t worry, I’ve realized I can’t be so scared of being more creative even if it can be frightful.

With that in mind, my goal is to post more variety in styles of audios, some for no strings attached type things, as well as story based and short romantic ones! I want to improve every single day and I will absolutely be trying to refine and improve to give you all my best every day that I possibly can.

Let’s see, other than that, it’s just been a lot of trying to learn better ways to deal with hurt, I’ll try and make some comfort audios for the subject as I usually do best at making them when I’m feeling that emotion. The connection helps make it so much more real.

I hope that you all enjoy this place, and I will fight and strive and do everything I can to make it constantly better by the day!

I feel bad because sometimes I feel compelled to say I’m more ok than I am, because it’s my coping mechanism, but I’m definitely working on being ok! I won’t let the people who hate or misunderstand me win and I’ll always try and make all of you and everyone I can smile!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love and care and concern and for being the best community I’ve ever had the honor of being a part of.



please take care of yourself, we are all here and we love and support you.


Maybe some Mirio or Bokuto comfort audios? Either way we love you dearly Cece and we are here to support you all the way!!! 💗💗💗


Please take a break. We want you to be more than okay qwq ❤


Take care of urself love we’re here and not leaving ok I hope u and ur health is fine


cece! i hope you’re taking care of yourself tons!! pls don’t take what they say about you to heart, especially when you know your own truth! sending lots of hugs x 💗💓💞💖


You got this! Health comes first and it's okay to not be okay

Timothy Ingram

You got this Cece it going to be ok keep your head held high and do your best 👍💯


I haven't been with ya for a long time but, all your audios make me smile. Even the ones of the characters I'm not hopelessly simping for for all eternity. So glad to hear you're doing better


Please I love you so much, you’ve brought me so much joy from your voice alone and I can’t wait to see how you bring new ideas to the table! ☺️ I hope you have a good night Cece!! <3


Take your time cece, you mental health is more important and I’m sure we can all wait until you feel better mentally and physically. Just get better love, you don’t need to rush anything either


Fight CeCe! We are here supporting you, I hope you are taking care properly of yourself, Thats the most important thing! We love you!!!! 😌😌😌💕


Aw Yato, thank you for everything you do. We all appreciate you. And remember to take the time to take care of yourself.


I am so proud of you. Thank you, for everything but I am so glad that you are doing things for you--and putting yourself first!


I love you, Cece! 💖 Take your time with everything you need and please take good care of yourself. It's good to be honest with how you're feeling. If we can ever help, just let us know. c: or if you need a break it's okay to take some time. We all care about you and want you to be happy as you've made us! 💕

Helios Flame

Take all the time you need Cece! Mental health is extremely important!


Cece we love you very much. I know what happened must be very shocking to you. But remember that we are here for each other. You make all of us feel safe and happy and I hope we can return the feeling for you. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us cece. You helped me a lot through hard times and for that Imm forever grateful. Make sure to take good care of yourself cece. I hope you’ll feel 100000000000000000000% better soon. We’re always here for you!! Ganbare cece 🥰🥰 we love you lots. Forever and always


Please take care of yourself Cece 🥺🖤 We love you sm and I hope you feel better soon, I’m always here to talk if you’d like to to rant or just talk ^-^ It can be hard listening to hate or anything negative but I really hope you see how much everyone here appreciates you and how much you help all of us.

Yami Kumo

We love you CeCe 💕 x

Itachis Wife

We love you Cece 🥰 your happiness is what’s most important x


Awww love you too hun! You are so strong and amazing. Just take time for yourself and do what you need to do for you💖


I’m honestly so proud of you, you’re an incredibly strong person to be able to work through something like this❤️ Take your time😌


Cece, dude, I love you so much and I hope you can get over everything as soon as possible💜 We, on patreon, all love and support you, i hope you know that💜 Screw the people who were spreading fake rumors about you, you are an AMAZING person, always trying to include every kinds of people in the audios, always being careful and listing all the things that might trigger people, istg ur so cool, dude😭🖐 u the coolest


First I love you cece, and give some time to your self but Could you do a toga one please


thank you!!! please take care


We appreciate you and everything you do ❤️ you don't have to rush, work at a pace you're most comfortable with


Take all the time that you need love 💕 we’ll still be here when you’re ready❤️ your mental health is more important than these audios so never forget to put yourself first, and take care💕


We love it here and appreciate everything you do. Take care of yourself first, always 💕💕

Genesis Cheshire

Aye aye captain. You're doing wonderfully. Be safe & know we will support you in anyway we can. Cheers🍦


We love and appreciate you CeCe❤️Thank you for everything you give us, but your own health and happiness are what's most important🌼


Honestly the way you handle things is very inspiring to me. So many people want to bring you down for no reason other than to be hateful and you try to keep your chin up every day. Well, just know you're an inspiration to folks like me that struggle finding the best in things and finding reasons to move forward in a positive way. I wish you nothing but the best in your journey towards healing from all this BS and becoming the best version of yourself you can possibly be! :)

Nea Karlsson

I love you so much! ❤️


Take your time and take care of yourself 🥺❤️


Take care of yourself first! Thank you for all that you do!

Camille Cruz

If only I could make comfort audios for you in return, I would! Please feel better! You have my love and support always.


We love you here. It’s okay to NOT be okay. You are human y’know? With everything that went down I’m impressed you are handling it so well. I know that we only get to see you through your work but we care about your well being. We don’t want you to overwork yourself. Rest your body and soul. We are here 💕


Taking a break is okay, your health comes first! We'll still be here later. We love you. 💕

Yana S.

You're amazing. Take Good care of yourself 🥰


Trying your best to pull yourself out of that hurt is sometimes all we can do so just know we all love support and root for you 💖 you’ve done so much to comfort us and i am so great full for that because sometimes it’s all I had just your audios and my blanket is all it took to take me out of very dark places. Thank you love 💕


I'm a new patron and I love your work. Even if the content I listen to is sexual,it's comforting. I've had very very bad experiences in my life and almost ended it. Listening to your comfort audios really helps. So if there's anything I can do to help you,I'm here. You deserve that much. 💙

Schlerp Schlorp

Know that we all adore you Cece. You're a kind, hardworking thoughtful person and we support you. I hope you can find a good way to help you with your problems and know that there are always people here to listen.💕💕💕

Crystal Jubilee

Just wana say thank you so much cece for hanging in there with us, you’re really strong and fierce and I know the hurt is heavy, haters will always think the worse of someone who is beloved! Ppl still think other influencers/celebrities are guilty of stuff long after being proven innocent or being dead! BUT no matter if your following is big or small, just remember that ppl care deeply for you, I care deeply for YOU and am glad you’re pulling thru, I know it’s not easy but you’re a fighter Cece remember that. 💜 ❤️ ♥️ 🤗

Serena Takami

We love you Cece! You are doing an amazing job, and you bring so much happiness into my life personally with your work💕 Your happiness and well being is important, so take all the time you need!🌸


Cece.. pls know that you are so so so loved and appropriated. And pls know how you helped so many people including myself. Pls take care and I really hope you’re able to smile when you read our comments. Love you so much. Pls dont stop being you. You are always loved. Always always. ❤️


Please continue the plus size audios 🥲


Sending hugs and lots of love just remember to take care of yourself and take a break from time to time self care o'clock is important


We love you Cece! Please continue to take care of yourself ok. Thank you for everything seriously. You truly are amazing. You won’t fight this battle alone. We’re here ok. 💜💜💜💜 We are proud of you. Take all the time you need to get better. We’re in no rush.


Make sure your cup is full before you try fill others. So look after yourself first, we're still going to be here and we love you because you are you and not because of what you produce for us. Also, learn to take breaks more often 💜 we'll still be here if it's one week or three! Be good to you, that's all we want CeCe ⭐


You are honestly one of my favorite creators out there. You work so hard and do so much for your community. There will always be hateful people saying hateful comments and lies because they feel the need to make themselves feel better putting others down. There are many of us who see the hard work and passion you give. I’m proud of everything you do and make this space as safe and comfortable as you can. We love you! Take your time in your own self healing because you are important and your feelings are valid. All the work you put out amazes me every time! You always do a good job imo :) So take your time in healing, we want nothing but the best for you. 💕


I will always support you no matter what ❤️ please take care of yourself first Cece ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Cece... 🥺 You’re in my thoughts and I’m constantly sending you good vibes! I’m sorry that people can be so hateful and hurtful without a care in the world and I was so happy to fight the ones I did. ^^ You have an incredible strength in you and I’m so happy you told them to frick off and doing what you love to do for people who love you back! ❤️ Both mental and physical health are super important so if you need a break to take care of either; please do! We big brain non-sheeple love and care for you immensely and will always understand. Love you bunches!!! 💕

Logan LaBeaux

First and foremost, please take care of yourself Dear! You are amazing and I can say you bring me so much joy! I am always so happy when I see a Patreon notification no matter how awful of a time I am having! The people who have made up stuff about you, that is wrong to lie and discredit anyone's name. Be strong love! We may not go through the same struggles but I have been in dark places in my life before so I know how all that feels! You are loved and amazing, never forget that! I like that you want to do more variety also. Still waiting on my Daichi lmao! There is no rush because I know being ok takes time and you need to get yourself in a good place! Lots of love! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


It’s perfectly okay not to be okay! People can be cruel and hurtful and you can’t help but be affected by that. As long as you know you have so many people that love and support you just as you’ve loved and supported us! Excited for the new style of audios to come out!


sad is temporary, swag is forever 😎


Cece, you’ve been a wonderful person general and I love your audios no matter what it is!! You’ve comforted me numerous of times and got me out of my dark places or helped me sleep please take care of yourself as in love you so much

Feral Idiot

Ayo I dead forgot miss girl had her whole left foot in a jail cell a few months ago that’s crazy


Thank you for all you do! You are our pillar and we will always support you too!!


I'm so glad you're working on focusing on the positives! It's not easy when there are people trying to bring you down, but we're so proud of you of keeping your chin up and moving forward the best that you can! You're such an incredibly talented person who deserves all of the positivity and love! We're here for you, no matter what. Please continue taking care of yourself mentally and physically, you deserve happiness and love all around! Thank you for being you. Sending you love and hugs 🤗💖


Awwwwe CeCe 🥺 you deserve all the good things and I’m so sorry about how crappy things have been. But even after the worst storms, there’s always a sun to come back to 😊 love you lots!


Hey, Cece! ♥️ I just wanted to say that you’re a person too so everything that you feel is absolutely understandable and all your emotions are so valid. You are SO strong and I am SO proud of you. We (your fans) really care about your wellbeing and please take care and be good to yourself, you deserve all the love from everybody, INCLUDING yourself. You’re a beautiful person inside and out and we love you ♥️ If you need time to rest and/or treat yourself, please do that, because after all the energy and time you invest just so that we’re happy, you deserve all the best and all the appreciation. Love you and if you need to talk/vent, please do ♥️

Illiana Cantu

I love you so much please do what u feel is necessary to make yourself feel better however u can. Healing shouldn’t be rushed take your time🤍✨you are special you are loved you are important💗

Zehel says

Please do take care, Cece! I for one am not going anywhere and I’m sure that most if not all agree. I’m sure you probably do stress, like other content creators, about pleasing your audience but please please remember; It’s definitely okay to not be okay. ❤️ I respect and appreciate your honesty and bravery in dealing with that horrible situation, hun! Sending you love and light ❤️❤️❤️


We are here to support you and the awesome work you do! Plz plz plz take care of yourself, we care about YOU, not the haters 🙃


It's okay to not be okay! However of course I wish you all the best and I hope you'll get better soon ❤️ take care of yourself Cece ❤️


We love you, Cece! I’m not gonna say “just don’t let it get to you”, because that’s a lot easier said than done. Taking it day by day and finding ways to cope is all you can really do. But we’re all so proud of you, and we’re here for you!! Sending love, light, and good vibes! You deserve the world. You bring so much to our lives. Thank you for being you. 💜

Sleepy Songbird

We're all here for you Cece! You're an incredibly strong person for pulling through and not giving up! Love you lots ❤


Love you soo much Cece!! ♥️♥️


I love you so so much💖everything that happened a few months ago was so horrible to go through. Seeing literally the sweetest and most caring creator be attacked like that for NO reason other than rumors & lies was so heartbreaking, I couldn’t even imagine what you were going through. I know how it feels to wanna focus on the positive but sometimes the negative is so loud and so nasty, it’s hard to push through, but we love you so so much, no matter what you need, whether it’s time off to help your voice, or nice messages, or ANYTHING, we’ll always support you. You and your work mean the whole WORLD to us. Even if there are people being nasty, there will always be people like that, but we will stand up for you and love you no matter what💗💗

Game Girl Mary



We love you Cece!!! You are a very strong person for not giving up. Love youu 💜💜💜

Lunic Lily

We love you Cece! Take your time. We’ll gladly wait for ya and always be here for ya ^_^


Take as much time as you need, we love you and we just want what’s best for you!


aww Cece💕 Your content has helped us so much and even though there have been many ups and downs you‘ve never given up. Im glad you are feeling better but remember to take care of yourself hun and to find time to relax once in a while especially when things are a bit overwhelming!!!Love you lots☺️🤍


Sending you much love your way! Things will get better, and I'm glad to see you're taking it one step at a time on your own pace. We're here for you throughout the journey 💜


Gawd damn Cece I fucking love you , I will support the amazing work that you do. Take a rest , drink some water, I will always be your hyped women along with everyone here and the discord. You are important and special to us all. Take it nice and easy Darling (♡˙³˙)


You are the best and well appreciated!


We love and support you!!! 💛




OMGGGGGG CECE We really appreciate it but we love you so much here or on YouTube as well because ever seen I heard your first audio, my brain just explode of how your voice sounds just like a boy and also not saying it rude it's just I never knew that you can do a male voice and you always make some comfort audios of mha, Haikyuu, or anything that you do I really like it but all of this that your doing is making me smile, cry, fall asleep, or whenever there's NFSW I just freak out and made me laugh or blush at the same time but all that I'm trying to say is that keep on working of what your working on and just keep on trying your best 👍 and don't let anyone hate you because if they said that they hate you like we all got your back 😎 everything that we can support you always and also want to say is that take care of youself, take some time, but Thank you for all that do, Cece 😇🥰

Yuki Aizawa

I love being part of this community, and you're doing amazingly well. We love you, and fuck the haters. All you need is us and we'll always be here for you. Hugs!!!!


I’ve learned it’s ok to not be ok. The more one try’s to deny pain, the more hurt it will do in the long run. A week ago I was diagnoses with Atrial fibrillation, a condition that usually only effects people twice my age. Being a workaholic and dealing with work place stress causes more pain then just emotional. I wish I had done more to ease my work load or didn’t try to please everyone. I told myself so many times I needed a vacation, but I never took one. I never gave myself a chance to rest. Why turn down money when it kept popping up. Cece please listen to yourself, don’t ignore those little warning signs. Rest, heal. We will still be here when you come back.


Its okay to not be okay! Everybody has their ups and downs in life some more than others but dont let that bring you down! We love you a lot Cece and I hope you get well soon!💕


Always prioritize yourself FIRST, that’s what my therapist taught me Cause you’ll be the only one who’ll stay with you through thick and thin.


You have been amazing considering what you've been going through. We all love and appreciate you Cece. You keep feeding us and working hard. Keep your own pace and remember self care my love, we will all be here for you, forever grateful to you for sharing your amazing talent with us. You have quite literally saved lives Cece. I'd like to share a saying I live by... "Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter." We all know how kind and genuine you are. ❤️




in the past when I've listened to your comfort audios, i've been curious if some of the topics you address have been things going through your head. if you find it helpful to make them, then do so! they help us just as much too ❤️ we understand that you're just one human doing your best c: lots of love from arizona ❤️

Hannah Hatch



All the love, Cece! ❤️ Hope you're gonna get better soon and we all love and appreciate you lots 💕 thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to the new content you're gonna make! It's gonna be amazing! ( Like everything you do) have a good day 💕✨


I think it’s really admirable that even when you’re going through rough times, you still make the best content you can for your supporters, but please remember to be selfish with yourself from time to time. At the end of the day, you only get one body and it’s best to take care of all aspects of yourself as best as you can, even if this means not putting out content if needed. Although putting others first is a great thing, it can also be very draining; with all that’s happened recently, I don’t think it’s wrong to say you could definitely use some more rest. I know it’s hard to spend your day while not feeling productive, but sometimes your body and soul need to rest. Maybe watch your favorite movie or listen to a new song! Either way, thank you for all that you do for us and thank you for making such a positive influence in my life. We all love you very much, and to make it more personal, I love you very much! So please remember to take good care of that person I/we love 🖤♠️🖤


The stars watch over you 💚


Cece please always prioritize your mental health and well being first. You don't have to be okay all the time and it's important to allow yourself to feel your feelings. If you ever need or want a break, we'll still be here to fully support you because we truly want what's best for you. We may have come for the audios but we stayed for you.💖




stay positive !! 💗💗


Thank you for everything that you already do, Cece! We love and appreciate you very much. Like alot of people have already said, make sure you prioritize yourself first. Everyone needs a break every once in a while to sort themselves out. We will still be here to support you with open arms. ❤

Ruby Spider

As I got older, I realized that there are ppl who are miserable SOBs that just go through life looking for someone to try to make feel as miserable as they are. It really isn't personal, but ofc it FEELS personal! But really, if it wasn't one person, it would have been another, just bad luck for the person who hits their radar. That's my theory of Jerks. 😘Hope you find the spring in your step again!


Honestly, it's only natural that you feel hurt after all that happened. No one should go through this amount of straight up bullying, let alone someone as kind and giving as you. You've already helped and are still helping and comforting so many people, myself included. So don't forget to put that loving energy towards yourself as well. Take all the rest that you need and want. We're here for you and we love you ❤️




I know it sucks atm,, its okay to feel that hurt cause anyone going through this would be hurt too. Its alot of shit you're dealing with. You're a great person and the trolls that try to come after you dont know you and only what they perceive of you so their opinions do not matter. I hope you feel better and im sending you all the love babes 💕💕


From someone who’s studying psychology right now in college, I just wanna say I’m proud of you for what you have done this far and don’t give up! But also make sure to take care of yourself! We’ll still be here 😊

Amanda Barker

Nothing but love and respect for you!

Meli VonCherry

Oh dear Cece... It hurts me to see you hurt, it really does, I know how easy is to say that you are OK when you truly aren't, I know how it feels to don't want to "bother" anyone with what you feel. Being able to feel is wonderful but sometimes is like a curse too, you are a really kind and empathic person and that is why it hurts you even worst... I am sorry that you have to deal with this, you don't deserve it. I know trusting people is hard but please relay more in others because you are dealing with so much pain over your shoulders, and I am not the best example of sharing what I feel, but you can lay some of this weight on me or any person you feel comfortable with, you are not alone, and you are not a burden, you don't have to deal with this alone, you are one of the kindest people I know, anyone will be honored to heard you up and help you to deal with these ugly emotions, it's not a burden it's brave. I appreciate you share with us how have you been feeling and it's totally comprensible, please remember you are human and there would be things who can affect you because you have a sweet heart and sentiments too, don't look at them like weak points because they aren't, they say a lot about you, they say you are caring, that you want to improve and want to keep fighting for what you believe! but you are also aware that there is people who forget there is a human behind the screen and can act really mean.

Meli VonCherry

Your greatest victory is that you have never put a blind eye on those haters, you have learned a lot and they haven't been able to stop you, you have been fighting this hole time! And that must be hard... , that is why a lot of us want to defend you when someone says something mean to you(you don't ask us to, but we do it anyway because we care about you) please please please, relay on someone whoever you trust more and share how you feel because your feelings are valid too! And you are not here just to confort us, if there is something we can help you with we will happily, so please don't blame yourself thinking "I must work harder harder" when you have been working hard to heal and that is even more important and impressive, just try to not fight alone that battle, our mind can be very means and sometimes we need other people to make us comprehend everything it's going to be al right, give us an objective perspective and even hug us, and help us fight those negative thoughts I love you Cece with all my heart, but you aren't here just to make everyone happy it must be you top priority to be happy yourself too!! 💕 *Sending a BIG BIG BIG HUG* My DMs are always open ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ And please do not blame yourself, you are not disappointing us, you are not a burden, you aren't bothering us, there is nothing you could have done to change things, there will always be mean people, don't let them steal your light, take your time to heal too, I hope this message reaches you ❤️


You are the most precious cinnamon roll ever. People who hurt you are ones who envy you and that have something going on with their life that they have to bring someone so amazing and creative as you are down. And its okay to also have all kinds of emotions. Keep being you no matter what. If people keep trying to bring you down for no reason then it means you are doing something right and they just cant stand how amazingly great you are. So never blame yourself. Rooting for you! As much as I love your audios, I care for you. I also want you to feel happy and comforted as well so dont push yourself too hard and tire yourself. Work in your own pace. Much love from a small bean and a virtual hug! ☺❤❤❤❤

Yui Dragneel

I love you so much! And I want you to take better care for not only yourself but us. We worry for you and it’s okai for us to worry for someone we care about. Please put yourself first we will understand. Much love and hugs 💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗🤗


We love you Cece! Stay positive and stay strong!❤️❤️


Its ok to admit you arent ok. I think it makes you stronger, and when you realize it, you can help yourself, or find help to get you through it. I send my love and support, take care of yourself!


Please take all the time you need to feel okay! I know that this is something hard to deal with since no one likes to be hurt by others maliciously without proper reason. Just keep your chin up, Darling! We are always here to support you every step of the way. Progress and recovery will not happen overnight, but it is the small steps that make a big difference!

Aya Hideki

Always take care Cece! Put yourself first before anyone else. Your wellbeing is still the most important right now especially after everything that happened. Thank you for always updating us. :)


We love and support you Cece! You can do this! Take your time recovering! We understand! You are amazing and will be able to pull out of this funk stronger than ever!


I just...I love you and I'm so grateful for you and your audios. That's right, for YOU too, you will take my affection 😂 (I jk 😉). So please, you are allowed to put yourself first especially after the absolute hell you went through and are still going through. I mean, the fact alone that you picked yourself up, stood your ground and said 'I won't stop making content', was absolutely incredible. You're incredible, and I hope you know that, if not you better be aware now bish! 😁😘 Like so many others have already said, we genuinely care and worry about you, so if you gotta go away for little periods of time to take care of you, then do it! God knows we know how much the internet can take it's toll, but I cannot even begin to imagine what you were thinking/feeling when it all happened. People will literally do anything to stave off boredom or to drag someone down for the hell of it, even try and ruin someone's life, although as absolutely vile as that is, it's unfortunately reality now. Anyway, I don't know what this is other than me rambling 😂👌. I say again 💕WE LOVE YOU💕, I hope you're having/you've had a lovely day and I wish for you all of the huggies in the world. 💜💜💜 xxxxxx


Aw bby I love you bunches! Please try your hardest to take care of yourself! We are all here for you ❤️


I really don't know how to put it into words ... You are the person who deserves the most to be ok!! ❤❤❤ * gently holds *


We all love you, no matter what. One thing I can suggest is a book called 'the art of living' by Epictetus. It's a short read but it has some great info. I, as well as others here, suffer a lot with a number of different issues, but it shouldn't stop us from doing what we love, and we love you and your work. ❤❤❤❤❤


I wanted to say something comforting but I'm not good with words so I'll just say this. Subscribing to your Patreon was one of the few things that made me really happy latey. I'm also working hard on being okay, and your audios are always pure joy to listen to. Thank you so much 😊😌


Love you Cece, I really hope you continue healing thank you for all your great audios 💕💕


I’m always in your corner. Love you and please take care. You’re special to all of us 🧡


One step at a time Cece. What you went through because of those hateful people was traumatic and it's ok to say that you're not okay. Take the time to sort through your feelings and most importantly take time for the sake of you mental health. There are those of us who will understand if you take a break for this. I hope you know majority of us only want for you to feel the best you can and do the best you can with no need to push yourself. Remember it's ok not to be okay. Love ya💛


We will always support you no matter what. I know things will get better and if there is anything we can do, please let us know. You are doing amazing and you are proving to the haters how strong and resilient you are. Keep going even when it’s tough and back you up the entire way. Love you❤️


We're all works in progress, here, so working on being okay is the best thing that you can possibly do. Sending you all the love and care and support, Cece. 🥰🥰🥰


We love you too and take care of yourself . Also take things one step at a time its not easy getting back from what you went through so take your time 🥰😘


Cece, you have such a big heart! We love you so much and it’s ok to not be ok sometimes. Always put yourself first. We’ll be here for you no matter what 💕


CECE ♡ take some time off if u feel u need too, most of us will understand! You've been doing a lot lately and compared to last year ur range has grown so much and even tho I'm a simp for just Dabi & Hawks, I know there r so many people here plus me who appreciate all ur hard work! and u always manage a smile from me when I'm on here so please focus on making yourself feel good too love u! 🥰


Love you so much Yato-Kami 🌸💗🌸💞 Take your time with feeling better. And just do what feels natural to you. We love you and will be here for you no matter what.


Sending lots of love your way Cece!❤️❤️❤️


Take your time girl, you’ve done so much for us, its okay to not be okay 💕 we love you !! And appreciate what you do for us every day, i hope things lighten up for you and that you feel better soon, we always got your back Cece! You can do this 💕💕💕


You are amazing. I simp so hard for certain characters for years. But because of you and these audios, I have a new appreciation and love for characters I would not have looked at. So thank you for opening up my 🌎


WE LOVE YOU CECE! And we understand. Take care of yourself. And know that if you ever need us we are here for you. Giving you lots of hugs and face kisses! 😘😘😘😘😗😗😗😗😗


Thank you for saying truth, you are an exemple to me as I am attempting to be vulnerable knowing there will be haters in the future for me too. I know I can do it, and to see someone I respect and love so much doing just boost my determination up! Thank you for all your hard work, I love you Cece 💛💛


You always do more than enough for us, all of us, take care of yourself please and make sure your okay. I’m glad you opened up to us and told us what’s going on in your life right now. We love you lots and get better at your own pace 🥺❤️

Dark Huntress

First, take care of you! People would lie for clout now and they don’t think about how it could affect someone’s life. Everyone makes mistakes but it’s what you learn from them that makes you a better person. So many creators give up when they make a mistake, and the bullies win and now they think they can bully everyone into quitting or stopping what they like to do. With you still being here and still creating makes me know you are a strong person and I know the haters are going crazy. Also, don’t let what happened in the past stop your creativity. I know how you feel, I have several novels published but I could only write them when I was angry at my husband who is now he’s my ex and I’m happy and now I can’t write. I was an emotional writer like you.


Cece if you need to, take a break and focus on yourself. We got your back!


Do what you are most comfortable with, and what makes you happy! I hope that things get better for you. I hate that what was said about you was said. Things get better in time, and I hope you focus on your mental an physical health because it's important. Remember to rest, nourish and hydrate! Thank-you for working hard. You're appreciated, loved and cherished. No matter what kind of audios you make it's the person first who makes them who matters most.

Adri Ari

You help us all so much. Honestly! I can tell how passionate you are, how caring you are, and how kind. I only wish that we could offer you the same emotional support you give to us, because you definitely deserve it. But since we can't as much, take a virtual hug. 🤗I know it gets hard, for me personally, yesterday was a rough one. But today's a new day, and all we can do is try to keep our head up. Definitely try your best at being resilient you awesome human being!! Sending you positivity 💓


Never feel ashamed about what you want to do creatively - there is absolutely NO WAY that is possible to please everyone all the time (speaking from both experience and from an outsider's perspective here). I'm sorry you've had to go through so much and hope you do start to feel better - both emotionally and physically! Something I've also learnt after many years of ALWAYS being the one friend/family member/person that is "doing okay" no matter what... Is that it's okay not to be okay all the time - sure enough, most people (or the ones that actually do care at least) will not only appreciate your honesty, but also show you support back as they understand themselves xx always remember to take care of yourself first ❤️


Man. I fuckin love you bro. And like, I'm not just saying it, because that what people on the fuckin internet and NPCs say. I'm a real fucking human person with a million thoughts and a million shit going on, and one of those thoughts is that you are fucking great, and I hope the best shit happens to you forever, and I hope you think you're the best. You're fucking cool, and fucking funny, and people should be thankful you did the world the service of being born, and I hope that's how you feel about yourself too, because well... why the fuck not.


💘You are an amazing & creative person. Don't forget that! You help SO many ppl cope with various emotions, stresses, & struggles with the amazing work that you do. 💯Remember though, that YOUR mental & physical state are what is MOST important. Work comes afterwards.💯 Ppl do & say hateful things out of Jealousy, lack of self-love, & purely because hurt ppl hurt ppl. They find outlets to share hate because they hate themselves or a situation they're in. Misery loves company. It is not always an easy feat to overcome bullying, slander, & libel, but know that YOU have many, MANY thousands of ppl in your corner who love you, believe in you, & trust you.😊 Please, if you need to take more time off do that for your own sake & sanity. We will be here when you get back. No rush on healing love. Thank you for all that you do! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Love ya bunny ♡♡♡ you're so amazing and keep up the good work


Thank you so much Cece, for all the hard work you do and for the love you put into everything you make. ❤️💕❤️ sending you lots of love and hugs 🤗❤❤


We all love you cece. Your passion into doing this audios is amazing and I look up to you very dearly. You are so so talented and pls don let people tell you otherwise. Your feelings are so so valid and we wouldn’t mind on you taking a break and just keep working on yourself on getting better. Its ok not to be ok. ❤️ You have helped so many people and I hope you know that you are indeed making us smile. And I hope we do too. I hope that you can also smile and laugh when you read silly comments or just smile in general to know how much loved you are. Cause we do.. Very very much.


we love you so much cece!! it’s okay to not be okay, we will always support you!! ❤️❤️


I’m the worst with thoughtful words but thank you for always being here for us, Cece. You are such a delightful, kind and genuinely good hearted person. We are always going to be here for you, even if you ever need to take a break. We just love you so much and want you to be happy and healthy. Just know that we are in your corner and we love you dearly! 💕


We all heal at our own pace. Like we always tell you, take your time, drink some water, rest if you have to. We understand 🤍 What they said about you took a toll on you and that’s normal, remember we believe you are human too and your feelings are very valid. Rest okay🤍

Mai Nara

Thsts goood of your. Pleast do your best and get rest


Love you Cece. Thank you for all the hard work you done and doing. You are much appreciated. We got your back ❤️


Thank you so much CeCe for all that you do☺️💖Everyone heals in their own way and at their own pace, always take a break whenever you need to because how you feel is valid. You’re always doing your best!


Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is know you’re not ok and work everyday to find your happiness 🥰 thank you for all you do and always being here for us. Know that we’re always here for you as well. Remember though, you come first 💛 we’ll always be here 😊

Quiet Loyalty

I appreciate your openess and vulnerability about your recovery process. What youve been thru is an intense steam roller of events that because of where your work lives, does not have the effect of being completely dismissed by time and/or truth. Even before the last rock thrown from a glass house, you pushed thru SO much. Im so sorry that youve had to go through this thick skin gauntlet of sorts but thank you. Thank you for continuing to find joy and cause to keep building community and your craft. You are so talented but a gift without passion becomes a burden. Please continue to work thru what you need to. Keep holding space to catch your breath. Be gentle with yourself. It's exhausting to have to constantly be on the defensive just to do what you love. I hope you can see thats why this community is still chugging along, youre not just talented but are dedicated to enjoying what you do. What stands out the most is actually your strength and resilience thru it all. You are still standing, allbeit sometimes with a slouch of exhaustion but, you're still standing and THAT is a testament to what reserve n resolve you have in you. You are damn strong and youre allowed to be tired or feel hurt. It freakin SUCKS that people choose you to be horribly disgusting to, but im glad this community is here for you as much as we are for one another. While we help to keep it goin, this is the house that Yato built. While you take what you need to heal thru this, try not to let the negative eclipse this very real and positive truth and fact. This community exists bcs you took that 1st step, recorded that 1st audio. Thanks for still finding a reason to keep building and updating us as you go along.

Mako Dazai

Take your time there are people here who believe in you and know that haters will hate but those how believe in you will have faith and trust you some of us use your audios as a copeing mechanism themselves and we thank you for all you do be you and stay strong take care though


Cece, please take all the time you need to heal and be ok. I understand that this month (and year in general) has been very stressful on you, and all the hurt has been getting you down, but there's a reason why this community exists. To show that there are people like myself who love and care about you, and want you to be well. ♥️ Maybe as a few suggestions to destress a bit, I recommend meditation, coloring (like physical books or digital apps), walking your dogs, or just taking a bath to calm yourself a bit. ♥️ You're very brave, and one of the most empathetic creators I've met that always strives to be better when given the chance. Take all the time you need to heal and be better for not just me and the rest of us, but for YOURSELF. I love you, Cece. ♥️


Take care of yourself, Cece! 🍵 As much as there's an argument for not living in fear, it's also true that what you've gone through would rattle anybody. Recovery is not a linear point-A-to-point-B thing, so please don't rush your healing for anybody. You have 20k people here who have stuck with you through events lately - I imagine we'll stick with you as you heal at your own pace as well. You're very strong and resilient, and it takes a lot to continue to use your platform as one of kindness and good faith. But know that we care about you just as much! I'm excited to see where your new goals here take you. I'm here mostly for the soft fluffy stuff and the overarching story in your bnha audios, but I'd love to see you grow as a storyteller as you diversify your one-shot audios. In any case, please take care of yourself! Don't feel like you have to run yourself into the ground for anyone's sake, including ours. I like to think your patrons understand and care about you, and want to see you happy and healthy. Your work will naturally follow ❤︎


Hey Ms. Cece! If you need someone to talk to privately, just let me know. I'm not a licensed therapist but I'm a pharmacist with some focus on psychology if you need an ear to listen

Yep Yep

Cece, I'm so, so sorry for what you went through. After you returned from that (incredibly short) break that anyone would desperately need, I've been both baffled and so damn proud, but all this time, I never once considered you healed, no where near it. I wouldn't be, I don't know who would be after that. In my heart, I always want you to be honest with what you feel, what YOU need; time, care, anything. You're a person with your own feelings, not simply a voice catering to people. I know they didn't mean harm, but I think perhaps because you kept working and time passed, some figured you had healed up. This is your platform, a home you've created for so many, and we're not going anywhere. I know you stride so hard to cater to so many, but please never forget to look at yourself and what you need. You carry so much hurt that's not going away anytime soon. I'm still new and just some random stranger somewhere else in the world, but from the depths of my heart, many of us genuinely care for and have so much love for you in our hearts as the beautiful person you are. Know you have all of the Bakugo-intensity-hugs, love and anything else you need!!!




I would much rather wait until you are doing better then force you to try and keep up in the state you feel you are in. As an Artist who is manic depressive (meaning I could be the happiest go luckiest person in minute then literally wish I was dead and just 100% sad the next) I have the most difficult times drawing sometimes because my heart comes from my heart/emotions and when my heart is hurting for any reason my art flow is usually blocked. Just know that WE FELLOW PATREONS HAVE YOUR BACK NO MATTER WHAT. I’ve always been the human diary to all my friends and I always have room for one more if you need anything. Don’t be afraid to ask. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AND I MEAN THIS WITH THE UP MOST APPRECIATION! 🥰🥰❤️❤️


It’s perfectly fine to not be okay! You deserve to feel what you need to so that you can heal. I’m sorry you’ve experienced a hurt like this, but know that you have so many people behind you that will stick by your side. If you ever need a break, don’t feel guilty! Take the time you need. And you should always be doing the audios that you want to do. This is your platform and we’re just happy to be here. This community has been so lovely and accepting to me since I joined and your comfort audios got me through some really tough times. I’ve got your back and I know many many others do too! 🖤


We love and support you sweetbean and hope your doing well. If you need anything, your community is always here for you!


Others as well as I, have been with you through the start. All those people who left upon hearing it are fake news.. I am so sorry, what was done to you was not right. But now you know who the real ones are. And they love you so very much.




It’s ok to not be ok, you don’t have to pretend in front of us :) take good care of yourself, especially after all that happened.


We love you too CeCe. We've got your back. Take extra good care of yourself, we can wait for audios. You do what you need to dear one.


Love you so much , just know to some of us these audios help us cope with this pandemic or past relationships issues that leave us to want to feel loved but take time away from reality so what you do is nothing short but amazing and helpful That being said it’s okay to feel how you are, you have taken so much from strangers for being misunderstood and I’ll be by you no matter what you need to do to keep yourself safe and healthy ❤️


I’m pretty new so I don’t really know what’s happening with you but from what I’ve seen you seem like a good person so I hope things settle down and you feel better and stronger then before. 🙂


You never have to hide from us Cece, your health is 100% the TOP priority. You are human and there is nothing wrong with that. Please know how incredible you are. 🖤🖤



Jennifer Langton

You are the voice artist and you do as you need. You have our love.


:(( i hope you feel better soon, no matter what haters thing you should ignore them because it really is impossible to make everybody happy at the same time !! i think you are really talented and an amazing individual <3 take time to recover and please don’t overwork yourself <3


Cece your health and well-being is the most important thing to us you are what’s getting us through this mess we’re all in. If you need to get somethings off your chest on how feel than do so this is your safe space as well as ours if we’re paying for this beautiful content you put out than you have every right as the creator to do what you want or need to do we love you and always will. 💖💖💖💖


im always happy with everything you do so keep up the work that will make you feel better becose that is what is most important, always remember that!


Cece, your health is important too. As listeners, it’s important to us that you’re taking time and care for yourself. Please recover strong and come back with a bang. I love you and your audios. But your health and happiness come first ☺️♥️


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Cece. Please do not feel bad, you’re feelings are absolutely understandable. What happened was traumatic, and it’s going to have a physical and mental toll. Please know we’re here for you. Taking time to heal is nothing to apologize for and we’re here to help you up in every way we can. It’s the least we can do for you always being there for us. All the virtual hugs, dear, and thank you so much for being you.

Pamela Anderson

Your health is important to us too, Cece! I hope you know how much we care about you and I'm really sorry for the things people are saying about you, it's not fair to you or how hard you have worked to be a good person. We love you!


We love you Cece. You work so hard for us and it never goes unnoticed. Your health always comes first for us and I hope you know everything you do is always loved. I'm so proud of you and your work. Please stay safe and healthy. ❤❤❤❤


Those people made up rumors for the same reason Timothy did about Melanie Martinez- they're jealous. You're so talented and deserve all the attention you get and they have to make up a disgusting story to get attention. Please take care of yourself! You've given us plenty to listen to in the mean time!


I'll just leave a *hug* cause sometimes is worth a 100000 words. We love you.


Just remember, even if you "think" you're getting a VA role somewhere, posting about it is EXTREMELY taboo in the industry, so watch out.


Please take all the time that you need, we are all here to support you and we will do anything in our power to make you feel better ❤️


Sending virtual hugs! I along with many others truly appreciate all you do. Please take some time for yourself if you need to ❤️

Belphie's Cow Plushie

Take your Time, CeCe. Your health and Mental Health are more important, you are more important then entertainment audios. Take as long as you need to full recover from the hurt you feel, it's completely valid, and understandable. Being falsely accused of something like that is messed up, and just plain wrong, I hope you never have to go through that again. We all care for you CeCe, please stay healthy and safe!

Mirajane Virfin

Nothing is more important then your mental and physical health! Please stay healthy before anything! Keep up your great work at being mentally ok!

Common Ghoul

My dear, you can only help us when you yourself are up to par. If you are not feeling well, you MUST take care of yourself first. Take a break if you need to, but know that we love you VERY much🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Cece, you are are so love for who you are by so many. Some people are just plain mean and want nothing more than to bring others down. I can’t say I know how you feel because I’m sure I have felt different when people have hurt me but it’s in that same place of hurt. Scars left on your heart that ache. If you ever figure out how to remember the compliments you receive and forget the insults and hurt, tell me how. Please rest and take comfort in the love we have for you. Take the time you NEED to center yourself and feel better. We will be here. I know I will. ❤️❤️❤️


I gonna do the Bakugou back at you CECE❤️VERBAL HUG❤️ we're not going anywhere rest up😁

Riahhh Hatake

Plz get some rest! Your health and happiness will always come first we are always going to support you and are here for you. It’s okay to be selfish and focus on ur self. Feel better💓

marcus medina

I had a feeling you weren't doing okay, and it speaks volumes to your selflessness that you kept on for us, but please, Cece... remember to take breaks, rest, care for your own mental health first. We'll all still be here for you when you come back, and your true supporters know better than to believe such obvious lies and slander. Love you, queen, take care of yourself and drink your mf water, sleep, and be sure to eat proper meals!! ❤️❤️❤️


Kenma comfort another one on anxiety !!!! Since he doesnt do good in social places which might be a sort of social anxiety

Lady Saiya

I just want you to know that you’re incredible. You create amazing content and have only improved your talent over these past years. I know you’ve been through so much along your journey and it can be disheartening, but know that there are people like me who love and appreciate all the work, time and passion that you put into these audios. So please don’t feel bad about wanting to take time for yourself and to get your feelings in order. It’s ok to not be ok. You’re happiness and well-being is what’s most important. Much love Cece 💕💕💕


I'm terribly sorry for what you're going through, Cece. You're such a kind and beautiful soul and it hurts to know how poorly you've been treated through misunderstandings and hate. Just know that we've got your back through thick and thin and that we cherish you deeply. Its perfectly okay for you to take your time to heal and rest. It seems its much needed and deserved. We'll be waiting with open arms for you, Cece. We love and appreciate you and all that you've done for us. Much love and thousands of hugs from a grateful patron and subscriber💙💙

Mika Boogey

Thank you for all your hard work and what you continue to do. Please take all the time you need to heal ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for all that you do. It's okay to be not okay, and I hope you can take some time to yourself and rest. We'll always be here! You're more important, and you come first!


Always here for you, Cece, and so are all the others. I know what it's like to feel like you have to say you are okay, when... you're not. You give each one of us a huge smile and hope. Please take your time. Rest easy, especially your head. Remember, your mental health is just as important as your vocals! To me, anyway. I'll be keeping you in my mind! Thank you so much for everything you do. It's an amazing talent, never stop.


Take ur time babe. You’ll see the other end of this💖


Point em out! Ill kick their asses!! ❤

Izumi Midoriya

I really really value your honesty <3 its ok to not be ok all the time, and i had to learn myself that healing takes time :) Thanks for everything, and I'm cheering for you, CeCe!

Hisui the Artist

Heya Cece! I know you don't know me and I'm just a little little bug among many others, but I still wanted to tell you that I never believed any of those accusations and rumors about you. Not because I can say that I know you at all, but it just felt way off to the person I felt you are and when I'm landing on a tiktok or comment that's spreading rumors or false facts I try to correct things. so...even if I'm a little bug. I hope, this way, I can at least be a firefly, flying among your other supporters that are bringing a little light into the darkness, for you. Love you, Cece!💚😌

Kel Bell

Take care Cece! We love you so much darling!


Hey cece have you ever thought of doing an audio where its listener x you? Or is that too personal of a thing maybe... it seems like a really cool concept and maybe we can comfort/ spoil you!


I'm so happy to have an update from you and hope you know we are all here for you. Cece please keep going at your own pace. I'm glad your doing better even if it's a little, it's a lot to us. We love you and all you do. Nothing can change that. You are a strong beautiful person from what I've learned following you. So no matter what, be you! Cause I think your the best! ❤


I'm happy you're not giving up. You're pushing through and that is absolutely amazing!

Simp Children

We love you! Please take care of yourself! The ones here will always support you!


CECE YOU AMAZING HUMAN. also... don’t know if you’ll ever see this 👀 but I work as a speech pathologist and do a lot of voice research and treatment and I would loooove to hear what you exactly do to your voice and anatomy to give your voice such range and diversity... the nerd in me is popping out 👀👀


Cece it’s so good to hear from you. Please take care of yourself, we can be patient. Your health is most important! I can’t explain in words how much the audios and your discord have brightened my life. I’m so glad you’re here, Cece.


I forgot to mention, every time I listen, I marvel at how amazing each voice is. 😍


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CECE WE ALL DO 🥰❤️ we all want what’s best for you and please take care of yourself you’ll get through it ok, i know you will ❤️

Sora Yukai

Cece, it's nice to hear from you! Thank you for sharing with us about how you have been doing lately :) I hope that you have someone close to you to help you cope and move past that confidently. I'm looking forward to the new thing you will be trying. As you said, it could be scary to bring a different variety of audios because everyone could have a different opinion about it. Though I think taking risks it's like getting a haircut, some may like the change; some would prefer the previous one, however; what is important is if you like your new look or not, either way, you will attract the people who share the same sentiment as you do. It's nice how you try to take everyone's opinion into account, like the nicknames "firework", the new characters, the requests, new improvements; It's awesome to know the creator pays attention to their community members. I do think we tend to forget you are just one person. Not to say you are not capable, but just as you show here how human you are, we could be more appreciative of what you do for us too :) I think a lot of comments talk about this too, about how you bring so much happiness to others; I hope you don't get tired of reading this, but thank you so, so much for everything you do. Please, never put yourself last; give yourself proper love too <3 I have to say, the recent audios feel so genuine and vivid like you can connect with the emotions that the characters are expressing. About the Aizawa host audio, I went and fix myself a drink and listened to it while folding laundry (bc adulting)... It felt like I was at a bar, looking for some company, forget about loneliness. I suck at expressing how I felt... accompanied, comforted, understood, listened to, pampered, and moved. I can go on and on about what I love about the recent audios but I think this is already too long, sorry about that. You are doing great, Cece!!! I hope with all my heart you feel better soon and spread your wings to explore whatever is you want to do!! Thank you!!! <3


Remember to just take your time. Love you so much! You come first in your life, remember that! ♡♡


my lame ass would love more comfort stuff 🥰

Kristen Fahselt

Girl you are a Queen, and even the queen is allowed to not be okay sometimes. Just remember you have all our love and support anytime you need it.


Love you and thank you for all you do 😘


we love you Cece and i hope you feel better soon! please take care of yourself🥺❤️


We love you Cece. Take time for you 💕

Arie Roswell

You are doing absolutely amazing work!!!! Remember, for every “hater” there is you’ve got a hundred supporters! It’s ok not to be ok and I’m glad you’re sharing those thoughts with us. I hope you know we are here to support you in any way we can, so just ask! 🥺😍🥰

Ciel Vestal

💜💙 We love you!! Don’t push yourself, we’re all supporting you!

Jessica Patterson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-11-11 02:41:47 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us
2021-04-29 11:17:21 We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us

We love you and you're audios but we care about you're health far more than the content you so lovingly and carfully put out for us