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For anyone who's in the server and wants to be, there will be a small scheduled maintenance in the near future, if you would like to stay you can message an admin that you would like to stay (if you havn't been active!) If by chance you do get cleaned via the maintenance, feel free to rejoin via this link! You're more than welcome! Love ya'll!!

PS: This is only if you haven't been active and verified yet~! Sorry for the confusion xD


Join the Yato's House Discord Server!

Check out the Yato's House community on Discord - hang out with 9,949 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.



awe thank you🥺

Deadly bunny

Idk how to even get in


I messaged an administrator and am still awaiting approval for entry


How long does it normally take to be allowed in? I sent in the required verification stuff a week or so ago and haven't heard back yet (sorry for asking)

Mama Cookie

Dhshdhdhd Ahhh need to be a little more active ;3;


I don't know the discord code for the server T-T

Christine Carter

I never really could get into using discord. Glad I got a chance to try though! I’ll go so someone else can jump in ❤️


I never use discord, but in saying that I don’t even know the entry code or process hahab


I still don’t actually know the discord server link 😅


I was finally able to join the server I'm so happy ;-;


You have to have a discord account, obviously, and then just click the link above :D It'll refer you to the website and you'll have to click on 'accept invitation'.


I didn't know you had a discord. I just joined 😁


The link is right above the post? :D Click on the picture above the text, it'll automatically refer you to be able to accept the invitation for the server.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

heya, may I ask to be patient a bit with the admins, most of them are sleeping / resting rn so it will take some time to reply :>


Cece, hope you are doing well love. Have you been resting properly? Eating proper meals ? Taking care of yourself? I hope you have a wonderful week. I send you all of the love and hugs ♡


I saw that 😅 finally figured out how to join the discord server has no idea how to work it 🤣 woe is me.


I'm so shy, but I try my best to be active ; 3 ; social anxiety sucks tho


I'm 100% sure that Cece does everything that she can to keep herself rested and healthy and to take care of herself, I have a feeling she knows better than anyone what happens when she doesn't.

sam chu

is anyone able to join now? it said I had to like take a picture of my tier as proof I am a patron but I think the administrators are asleep?


it's alright, as long as you have shown some level of interaction with the server in the last 3 months you should be fine. Even if it's a comment here or there.


Right now there is currently only 1 admin available and online, so it may take time for them to get through the verifications, but if you want to, you can wait a few hours until some of the other admins are also awake.

sam chu

thanks :)! <3


Hey dear, at the moment there is only one admin on right now so it may take some time for them to get through the verification, however if you find that in 24hrs you don't get a reply, please feel free to send them a follow up message just to push your dms with them up to the top of their dms list.


Anyone know the password ? This is my first time ever using discord and confused of the process 🥺😩🥴


Looked and read them three times i miss read it


Thanks ! Found it ✨


Maybe shoot them a quick DM in your chat with them just to push your dms with them up to the top of their notifications, sometimes dms can be pushed down due to them getting so many. If you don't get a response in 24hrs, please try approaching another admin :3


All good dear, you can be active within your own terms, as long as you are verified within the server the scheduled maintenance won't affect you, is what I've been told.


Hm, I got kicked and banned for nothing. They changed Rules later that they say I break it AFTER I got banned. I didn't get the chance to join back. Because I were kicked once, and before they changed you can be kicked 2 times. Now its only 1 time according to end of October Rules. So I got banned for waiting the access that I joined back because of 1 Rules that changed. Idk why, but I would join again, and I were very active there. But everyone, just join there. There's a huge high strict rules. You can easy get kicked and banned. But it was fun there. Oh btw, I was there on first days of October, so there was a LITTLE different, idk how they are now. <3


Honestly I tried to enter it before but I never got in and it’s been months so I don’t worry about it.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

hey pinky, pls approach to any available admin so they can take a look. usually peeps wont get kicked or banned for no reason you know. hope you have a good day :>


If I wasnt banned by an exadmin because she didnt like me (I wasn't ever given an actual reason), I would join back in a heartbeat ;-;


Theres also alot of people with the banned for no reason issue... https://www.reddit.com/r/Yagamiyato/comments/k8axk2/yato_house_bans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share idk.


I'd happily join back in a heartbeat, but I was banned from YH back in October and wasn't given a ban reason by the bot when it happened ;-;


I joined when the server went up but the requirements and asking for all the informarion to verify just was too much and asking for all of that just was too much of an effort 💀 kept forgetting to do it for months and now its just "i dont want to do it anymore". Procrastination i guess xD id doubt id even be active bc i get shy and anxious in gc or servers with ppl idk so i just lurk LOL


will we get more aizawa soon? 🥺🥺


I’d like more tamaki 🥺 please

Raven Rose Darcy

I would have loved to be part of your community, but seeing as how I was banned for doing absolutely nothing, but existing, I can’t, but I will continue to support you in any way I can. I can tell you that the only thing I was at fault for was owning a server, and being too lenient on the members of that server. I'm just confused as if other server owners who had this problem were also given a ban as punishment? I love the people at YH. I would accept the punishment if I did do something, but I literally did nothing.


Damn what you mean?? Whats going

Marie Noir

Hi Kuro, could you send me your discord username? I am an admin and could provide a reason if youd like, and look into the ban?

Kaila Edwards

I haven’t been active recently but I am verified.... do I need to worry or message anyone?


I’m still patiently waiting for an admin to reply. Y’all gonna be slammed! ☺️ can’t wait to see the rest of the house.


I'm in the $100 tier. Gojo, Kiri, Daichi are immaculate. I do hope Cece will see my suggestions and add them to the audio. Please let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to add. Unlike you, I'm willing to hear out the ex communicated. I do hope you can get your situation fixed. Otherwise I do suggest you should change down to 25 dollar tier as I doubt you would get back in with all this fake racism you trying to spread. have a nice life. <3


i keep trying to contact admins but it says dms arent allowed


I am still waiting for a issue with my verification. As soon as that is done I will rejoin because I'm probably going to be purged lol


Still need an approval by an admin. I'm sure your all busy.

✨Hawks' Baby Bird✨

Honestly, I love being in the server it's super nice and friendly there. I'm just not really active cuz I'm literally ignored whenever I write literally anywhere. So I just kinda gave up on writing in any of the channels 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I've been waiting to be approved by an admin, but, sent a message just in case. They all seem so nice and I'm sure utterly slammed! Thanks for letting is know CeCe 💖 Also, hoping everyone is having a lovely weekend 💖🌹


Is it actually active? Most of the people that spoke there that were part of the community since early this year were banned when A Certain ExAdmin went on a powercrazy rampage and kicked anyone that she didnt like/disagreed with her. I know of at least 10 people that adored the community but she went in and destroyed their love for it. I really wish there was a way to support you and actually be in the community. But with the toxicity created in YH from day one.... it's made it impossible. This community used to be called a fambase. We were all family. But then someone came in and ruined it, tainted it, and even if they are gone, their damage hasnt been undone. And until it is I dont thi k anyone will feel safe in the server. So many people are terrified to speak up about it, because they think they will be banned- they know they will be. And it's really sad because we adore you. And hell alot of the admin and mod team too! There was just a few people in it that kicked us out and made it horrible. Hopefully, the rot and toxicity is gone and the family can be mended. But until what that person did, the people she hurt, is fixed? It cant be.

Marie Noir

Hi Theo! Thank you for your input on this, I do know that the server had hurt some loyal fans and we are working as hard as possible to repair that trust and bond. If you have any questions or concerns, the current admins are redoing rules and looking at some warnings/bans that may have been done for the wrong reasons, please let an admin know and we can for sure look at fixing any wrongs.


I se t my documents to admin a few days ago to get verified but I’m not getting answers 🥲


Feel that! I love to read and just be on the server, it's like a safe zone. But I don't really get into a written conversation, so I'm just vibing. ✨😅


Nice! Can’t wait to be apart of the community, I joined a server that I assumed was yours but turned out to be a fake and there was a lot of minors, it made me super uncomfortable but I’m glad that you guys have a age verification process!!!


funny how not a single admin can come and explain themselves? 😟😟😟🤔🤔🤔🤔


Maybe just shoot them another message when you see them online/active again, they can get swarmed by dms and sometimes it can push people down their dm list. If you don't get a reply in 24hrs, you can let them know you will go approach another admin for verification <3

Tabitha Guss

Catch me not getting into the server a third time because of social anxiety. I'll hang back and stick with the community tab and commenting here in the comment section xD

Angel Price

I'm confused about what are suppose to do after following the information of leaving ID and billing history.


The Admins will age verify you and assign the proper tier to you. After that you’ll have full access to the server (:


Hey! On discord the red icon means DND or do not disturb but it’s more for them to not hear notification pings. If you need to contact them please shoot them a message and they’ll get back to you as soon as they can (:

Marie Noir

Take your time! Everyone has such different levels of comfort, and you can go as slow or as fast as you need!!

Marie Noir

Hi Angel! Did you reach out to an admin after finding the password in the guidelines and posting in the verification channel?


Well damn, maybe since they have stated that they are reviewing warnings, you can come back to the server. That is, if your warnings were invalid.

Marie Noir

Hi Raven, it's Marmie! So we won't discuss bans of other previous members except with them, as it's their business. You were not removed for "no reason", but in the name of privacy I won't air it here. If you'd like more info on the ban I'd be happy to DM you, please feel free to DM me at any time. As I've stated in multiple comments I will accept friend requests so you will be able to reach out to me. Please let me know how I can help!


All good, once you have your verification sorted it should be all good! However if you do get wiped before it is sorted, you can click the link and come back in again~ <3

Nikki Quiñonez

I've tried so many times but I can't seem to get in...

ChibiNeko Chan

My brain...I can’t find the password


The password can be found in rule 21 of the House Rules 🙂


Look at rule 21 in the House Rule for the password 🙂

ChibiNeko Chan

Diamonique Glass thank you I found it after sending that lol


What is this for ?? Sorry I’ve been here a bit but idk what the purpose for the discord is


I got kicked from the dungeon by Haze who apparently thought me asking for a audio without pegging was kink shaming where in fact I was just sharing my opinion. My friends kicked got reviewed and she’s now back in but I’m not? Please tell me how that is fair? You guys say “please message a admin if you have any concerns” where really half the time all the admins have their bios closed. I’ve tried to contact admins before but have gotten nowhere with it. And it’s really sad to see other people having similar issues. Being kicked from the dungeon for sharing a opinion isnt kink shaming.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

interaction, sharing interests, talking about anime and audios, talking with mutuals and yagami yato herself sometimes :>


Make sure to actually read the rules/guidelines for the server as well.


I only tried haze because she was the dungeon admin at the time


Not sure if I have or have not but please let me stay


If you are within the server already as a verified member, then you do not need to fret as the scheduled maintence won't affect you regardless of how active or inactive you are within the server~ <3

Vivid Nectarine ♪

yeah, may I ask to pls try again. all admins are nini now I think but later they are available :>


Is it still available to rejoin if some one leaves the server after the cleaning?


I looked a rule 21 and I must be slow as hell cause I still can’t find the password


As far as I know, as long as you haven't been banned, you are 100% able to click the link Cece provided to the discord and rejoin~ The cleaning will only affect those who are not verified, so if you get yourself verified before the maintence, you should be all good!


You will need to read all the rules to find the password needed for the next step in verification, as the password is hidden within the rules, make sure to read them all carefully so you find it~


Just a note though! I just found out have to let your first payment at the end/beginning of the month process first before you can join


I’m banned for no reason still LMAO


i entered the password and it still won’t let me in lol. this sucks😅


Hey there! You can dm me your discord ID and I can look into that for you! 💖😊

Cloud Begner

I left honestly for a few reasons. My main reason was Im not sharing my photo I.D. with random strangers on the internet. So thank but no thanks


Yeah, lol, I don't have a school ID. That was well over 10 yrs ago for me. I'm not uploading my ID or passport. I get the concept, but it's a no for me as well.


If someone has all the requirements but lack the billing history, can they still join?


I used my driver's license but blocked the personal info and they were totally fine with that. You're absolutely right in not just straight up uploading an ID to strangers.


So I messaged you in discord cause it would let me message the admins


I don't even knooow if I was able to verify the first time I entered. All I can see in my discord is the Foyer, the welcome and the house rules xD. I am super lost aahhh


from what i heard from other members still apart of the discord, this seems like an extremely toxic community :( i will however still support you from outside the server!! <3


To everyone that was banned, or scared to speak up publicly, or just have frustrations to vent, you're not alone. We all love Cece and would never promote hate to her or her team. That being said, this post here is to help others feeling so down and like the family has gone toxic to talk about it and get support from eachother. Please, check it out and consider commenting or emailing the OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Yagamiyato/comments/k8axk2/yato_house_bans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I've ben waiting for a verification reply for 6 days now. I don't think I'm gonna be able to get in. :(


Hey dear! If you see the yato-foyer that means you got through the first step of verification, the next step is you need to dm an admin your bill for this month on patreon and a form of ID (with the ID you can cover/remove all the details other than date of birth) and then they will assign you the verified sinners role which will let you into the rest of the server. Hope this helps dear!

Nikki Quiñonez

Totally not related to this thread but what happened to the Bakugo audio of him in heat? I can’t find it 🥺


I was wondering if we were gonna have a yamaguchi audio ?


Is there going to be a Kageyama B day special?? 🥺🥺🥺


We know she be doing Levi Ackerman though because it’s his birthday on Christmas! :] 💓☕️

Karen Fernandez

Dmed an admin just before Halloween with and the admin never responded.

Karen Fernandez

I can not find you . All I see are mods no admin and there is no freya . Except one nice person who is not you. lol I'm sorry not a discord veteran. Help....


Hi im on the server and the admin Lejla is online if you wanna go give her a quick dm. Im pretty sure since its the holidays most of them are just offline and spending time with their families

Karen Fernandez

Thank you! I just thought I was doing something wrong and couldn't see anything.


A real shame that people can no longer feel safe in this server, Cece. Not your fault by any means, but the toxicity spreading from the admins is out of control. It’s like a ghost town. The server is crashing and burning and honestly? It’s kinda like karma coming to bite. I just hope you get out in front of this before the entire server bites the dust.


Agreed. Sharing your experiences is a good way to get them off your chest - and let them all know that you aren’t alone in the incredibly targeted harassment.


Oh word? Have you brought it up? Cuz as far as I can tell the server is finally breathing from the swift action cece and staff have taken💜

Bakusauce on my tiddies

Trust me the community itself isn’t toxic, we’re a family. Unfortunately it’s the ones that have more power that are usually being referred to in that manner based on things that have happened. But not the whole community itself.


Knowing me with my luck I'll accidentally get pushed


I don’t understand [Discord] and at this point I’m too afraid to ask 😅


Im way to scared to make friends online i chickened out lol