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Join the Yato's House Discord Server!

Check out the Yato's House community on Discord - hang out with 2,491 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.



Yay! So hype


I am speed👀


I am so excited!! 💗💗💗


omw 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💨💨


oop the bot is broken


Maybe I can join tho one since I missed the 25 tier 😔


the chaos in verification 😂😂😂😂😂


i have never tapped a notification so fast in my link


Oh RIP that poor server

Dabi Dani

I love being home-


lmao we broke discord

Dabi Dani

Verification is c h a o s rn


Thank you !!! ♡♡♡


it's broken lol


wtf is happening in verification, it's like the !bananamilk apocalypse


Oof yhall flooding the poor bot


ahh im so excited! thank you cece🖤🖤🖤


Tress I’m so ready to interact with everyone!


Keeps saying error when you put in the password with everyone


Can’t wait!!


Finally I get in the discord 😭😭


We broke discord everyone. Thanks for playing


Finally I’m back after being kicked like 3 months ago!


I appreciate it but no thanks, over 500+ is just a bit too overwhelming.


discord? broke

Traveller Tori

Okay so I kinda missed the 25teir discord link so is there a chance itll be up or...

Mallory Ward

I feel so bad for the bots in verification rn 😅


Omg it’s gone wild, I’ll wait for ppl to stop spamming so I can finally join in it 😪


the mee6 bot is broken lol


Thank you !!!!!


There's so much going on already, I've never used discord IDK what I'm doing!!! 😅

Asia passmore

Idk how discord works someone help


F! I can't found the password 😭


rip the bot in verification


Not sure I’m a fan of them having a pic of my drivers license.....


We broke discord it literally won’t let any of us in omg we are a mess 🤚🏻💀😂


Never works on my phone 😔 will have to try when I get home from work now


Who else is confused with the chaos in the verification channel?


Yeah im just gonna wait to join its freaking out lol Servers just up and we are already breaking it


think there’s a technical issue going on

Tabitha Guss

Mhh I'd have to take a photo of my BC id later but I better note it down.


To many people trying to join at once is overwhelming it


Wow. My first time and I can’t get in 😩😂


Lmao maybe give it a few minutes the boy is dead


the way y’all broke it-


The hawks😱!!!!!😫😫😫THE HAWKS ART!!🥵🥵!!! how peron is breathing💦💦!!!! 🥵🥵🥵


Why are we all saying !bananamilk


this is taking so much time :(


its broke LOL

Brittany Andrews

I have no idea how discord works. 😭😭


What do I need to do to get past the foyer page?


First time and I can't even join inn


That poor bot People won’t take a break


Not y’all killing the bot


I wish I could join but I’m at work 😩😩


The bot, crying for help begging for mercy Y'all: PASSWORD PASSWORD PASSWORD


Can someone tell how to get past the foyer page? It’s asking to make sure I have the “verified sinner” role but like how do I see that??? And what are the roles about?? I’m so confused!


You have to put the password into verification But the bot seems to be down and people keep spamming so you’ll probably have to wait


GUYS WHAT THE HELL. I legit JUST redownloaded Discord and it's telling me that I can't send messages in 10min.?! WHAT'D YOU ALL DO LMFAO


So the password is “!bananamilk”, or I’m just stupid???


error: discordbot.exec has stopped working. please try again later

Alex Himura

i feel bad for the bot who is verifying everyone... poor overwhelmed bot


I am waiting patiently 🙇🏼‍♀️


I'm very scared


it is an option for the discord server, it’s normal you just have to wait :)


It's broken lol 🤣 everytime I tried typing the password it just puts me on the timer of waiting 5 minutes. Lol


Poor bot can’t handle everyone getting on all at once 😆


Yay! So excited to join!


I’m stuck there too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Have been since 100$/25$ tier got the link on Saturday. Been scared to ask cause I don’t want to annoy the admins.


There’s literally so many people joining at once and I love it 😂😂

Tabitha Guss

I forgot how social anxiety sucks the big one.. gahh


I literally just blocked everything out on my ID except my name and DOB as all that it needs.


A nice thing to wake up to


I'm staring at the discord app hoping to find out how to figure it out if I have the role or not by pure osmosis 👁👄👁


It’s to make sure you’re over 18. Just block everything but your name and dob. We’re all really nice. It’s your call though.


I'll have to show a picture of my ID?? *cries in Latina language*

Asia passmore

How do you figure out if you have the verified sinner role in think I’m over thinking this


I have never used Discord and im old i need help I made it to the foyer i took screenshots and pic of DL how do I dm the admin? UGH


What’s the password?


If you need to see if you are a verified winner role, swipe right in the discord channel scroll through the names and find yours. Click it and screenshot it.


How do we know if we are verified?


It's taking so long by the time I'm in I'll have to be at work 😔

Kara Tyrell



I was just saying the same thing. I’m on there but I don’t understand what I’m suppose to be doing


Ok I was gonna ask if I'm just dumb and don't know how to use Discord (still a possibility tbh). Is the process that the admins are verifying each verification? If so, that would explain why it takes so long. Good luck to our fine folks working the server!


Ahhhh i’d love to join but I won’t be able to afford the $10 tier next month ;;


*cries in confusion*


Just letting y'all know...policing ppls profile pics isn't a great idea. This ain't the only discord I'm in and half the stuff y'all listed is...pretty popular? Like no HxH? half the time my pfp is illumi but w/e


I'm trying to verify and discord id not letting me. I try to message the admins and it's saying I'm blocked.


Anyone know what to do if I don't have a copy of the email receipt? I think it got deleted when I purged my emails 😩


On Patreon it lets you see the receipt from when you were charged at the beginning of the month, go to manage membership, billing history, and just screenshot that :3


This is my first time but does anyone know how you know you have the verified sinner role on your laptop/pc? I'm very confused.


my pfp was chrollo! i changed it bc i wanted to join this server, and i totally understand why some of the things were listed but i really wonder why hxh was on there?


discord confuses and upsets me >:( but i’ll do it for cece!!


You will get used to it. I only got discord earlier this year, i've gotten pretty good with it, just takes a bit of time :3


Question: Since we’d need to dm a photo of a legal document, can we block out things like the passport/id number?


I blocked out my personal information. The only thing they need to see is DOB, probably your name too?


Can we all just agree that this artwork of the queen is chefs kiss?


omg i completely forgot about this AND ITS STILL ACTIVE WOOOO


I can't join but it's all good

Brittany Andrews

I have no idea how to work discord. I got in but there's so much idk what to do!! 😭


i cant find the charge email


i wont be able to get innnn




The admins are splitting the verifications to make it faster but theres still lots of people that they need to confirm and stuff. I got verified within 30 mins of submitting my info to admin so the wait shouldn't take too long.


Are you using the patreon website or app? because you can go in the app and find your purchase history which they will accept as well


I see some of the admins saying their dms are closed? Are they just taking a break or do I have to dm someone else? Cuz I’m a patient bean, I’m just worried about not getting in


I finally got home from work, but all the admin dms are closed 😭 guess I gotta wait until later 😔


I’ve joined i been looking forward to going cece discord because it’s always talked about an I’m so confused lol how does this thing work


I’m so confused on how to work It


I just got off work... and the admin dms are closed 😅 guess I'll try later 😅😅


I’ve been looking all day how to check if I’m verified and when I finally figure it out the admins are closed 🥴💀 I’m dumb lmao, can’t wait to join y’all tomorrow though! <3


Need to sleep I'll look tomorrow goodnight yato


Does anyone know what time admins are back open? 🥺


Why are certain anime banned from the server? Like I understand the top one but not the rest?!


What’s a role in discord and how can I see my role?


Will Akaashi ever get a second video?


Okay but- what do I do if I dont have a receipt for a charge yet? I just subscribed and I wont get a receipt till the first of next month :(


We gotta show our state Id?


This discord is confusing


I was pretty excited until it was mentioned that I needed to use my face for part of the verification process.


it's ok, I looked like a hooker on my ID xD


i have no clue how discord works like who are the admins where can i find them


Swipe right or click on the very top right hand corner icon. You should see a list of members here. Right under Yagami Yato, there is a section that says ✨ADMINS✨, and this contains all the admins. Read their little Tagline thingies to see if they’re available for verification. Click on their name and select “Message”. Now just submit all the stuff you need to submit, and wait! I hope I did ok explaining this, it would be much easier if I could simply send you screenshots 😅😅 dont worry I was hella confused too


Does anyone know how long the verification process takes? I sent all my information in. So I guess it’s a waiting game for now? 😓😓


Are they still doing it? I thought it was for yesterday only, and honestly... I ended up giving up on the discord.. I didn't know how to work it and I had to wait like 30 mins for an admin before I just gave up.. not to mention there were so many steps to get in... my ADHD had me so overwhelmed with the multiple paragraphs and such...I wish the process was a little more simpler


God I’m so confused *crying* I’m not a tech savvy person, I have no clue how to check my role or when it’s socially acceptable to dm an admin this was a terrible idea on my part


Same discord is confusing for me

☆༒ NahFam༒☆

When all the admins are unavailable for verification 😭 but i don't wanna include the picture. Nobody wants to see this ugly mug of mine 💀


You have to wait for the admin's to be available for verification. It will say if they are under their usernames. I imagine they are very busy right now with new peeps and they are taking their time with that before they become available again.


Tbh ya girls too paranoid to be giving information out 😗✌️


has anyone made it past yatos foyer? i sent my stuff in to get verified and i haven’t heard anything back.

Asia passmore

I think cause some of them have controversial themes in them, and people are really sensitive now days and look for any reason to cancel


I cant seem to find if i have the verified sinner role so im too scared to dm an admin 😩


I've already gave the password and so fair the chats are the same


I’m chillin waiting to get dmed back y’all tell me how green the grass is on the other side 🥺 🌿🌿

Asia passmore

All the admins say do not disturb for the past couple days now, and I accidentally dmed one cause I didn’t know what that icon meant at first now I feel bad......

Divinity Bell

Anybody Thats been verified and in the server but still confused. Ask me questions I might can help


I’m confused as well on what a role is like I got the password but I’m confused on how I was supposed to get this role


Has anyone been verified yet? Or made it past Yato’s foyer? All the admins say do not disturb for the most part. I’m just getting a little anxious now.


How do you know if you are verified. I’ve put in the password several times and I’m not getting anything.😂


I'm just going to wait for the weekend. When people dont work just in case

Divinity Bell

The Admins have had thousands of people to verify they are likely taking a break before they start up again


I'm struggling because - I don't get email receipts from Patreon for some reason? And I dug forever trying to find one justbin case and nada and even though I have my billing history on patreon, PayPal billing email, and PayPal proper stub - I don't think it'll be accepted for verification. X.X shoot.

Divinity Bell

I dont either I just took SS of all my stuff on here that shows im a $10 tier


would anyone be willing to help me out a bit with getting set up? I got in through the admin but I don't really understand discord :/ I'm monkeybutler#4723

Divinity Bell

What do u need help with? The first thing i did was introduce myself in family members. Then go to colors and roles to pick out your roles and what chat room you would like to be in just by clicking on thr corresponding emoji

Divinity Bell

I'm not sure but my friend told me to pick one and she's like a discord junkie who has been in there for awhile so I just listen to her


Ive been waiting over a day! The rules only say that I need the pass word and I got that do what now? Im crying I just want in cmon.. I can’t even dm an admin cause all say do not disturb rn..


I can’t find the password


I'm sorry ;; things are a bit chaotic cause much more people joined at the same time than we had prepped for! It will slow down and get fixed soon I think!

Asia passmore

I finally got in but I’m scared to chat with people in the chat room they all seem to know each other and I don’t think I’d fit in ☠️


i can't find the password deither


Have all the $10 tier been accepted? I haven't recieved word from the admin I sent my photos to at all. :( Should I resend them to a different one?


I was removed form the discord server


I JUST got a discord and not sure how to get into the server. Halp!!!


Not sure if your still looking but if you read carefully through the rules it is very clear in there! ❤️


If your on mobile swipe right and find your name, click your username and there should be a little tag saying your roles! On desktop I think the usernames are already on screen


You can get on with the $5 tier as well! You just will have a different role under your name ❤️❤️


Not sure if you still need help but ima give it anyways! First I would highly suggest doing this on pc. Too many things and my blind ass went nuts trying to do it at first haha. Click the link posted which will bring you to the invite page. You should be brought into the welcome page and you follow the instructions from there! In the left is the channel rooms, and on the right is the members. You'll have to send some photos to an admin so just pick one that's online on the right side. When it says to check if you have the "verified sinner role", that can be seen under your username on the right. On mobile just swipe right, find your username, and click it. There will be a little tag there that says it. You'll have lots of those soon enough ❤️ Hope this helps and if you already figured it out awesome haha


If anyone is coming on a bit late and is looking for help I'd be happy to help answer any questions! ❤️


Hi, i've been busy with life and not been able to join the discord server, and am very new to discord, i'm either blind or just can't read but I can't seem to find the password? is it a very obvious thing i'm not getting or is it just not there anymore? any kind of help would be amazing !