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No, I did not hurt animals. I love animals and have 2 dogs that I love with all my heart. I tried to keep it simple as I don’t want to feed into the false drama.





?! Wait did someone actually say this?? That’s so random

Jazmin Pichardo

I can’t stand people.... always starting shit


Never crossed my mind


I am SO tired of tiktok


Some people really need to get a life


Who said you hurt animals? What?


Jesus fucking hate ppl who just jump head first to hurt you


What is happening? How. How do people assume? You’re a precious bean? Constantly supplying us with seratonin. Why do people do people have to be mean to you? Or make up things? Thanks for existing ❤️


Why are people targeting you so much!! It's so mean and you're so kind :(


Im confused


I hate people sometimes


What the hell? Who is saying this stuff?


Somebody talkin shit?! WHO WE FIGHTIN


I missed something. what even happened?


it’s so ridiculous that people are saying this. you do NOT deserve this, cece!!


Wtf, where did that come from? Fuck them


what is this even about? what? are people rly saying this?


people really be trying to find any reason to tear you down. ugh. you deserve so much better :( i'm so sorry


Where did this even come from???


The fact you even have to disclose this makes me want to scream. People actually suck.


What did i miss


What’s going on now 🙄😞


We know. Don’t know why people keep coming for you smh. Love you dude


Some people be dumb as hell why would they think that


People just like to destroy any happyness that exists in this world

Excuse You

What??? Idk what happened but... jeez


....what....? What the hell are people making up now?


I’m sorry your going through this keep your head up love


You can’t catch a break, can you Cece? Thank you for being calm and level headed about this. The less attention it gets the better.

Cat Bradham

Excuse me what?? Who would think you hurt animals?? I'm so confused


Who the fuck?????


Im lost. Who said some stupid shit

Poshy Peach



Whoa what????? Where and how did this come up?


We will never cancel a queen like you!!


We love you, I’m sorry people are spreading false shit to make you look bad ;-;


Thank you for clearing that out because theres alot of people freaking out on tiktok


who ever said you hurt animals is getting bullied❤️ jkjk i’mma just be angry at them 🗣🗣

Hyper_ Ent

Why are people assuming cece hurts animals now? What is happening?

Kassy Nicole Addis

This is the wildest claim of her! Like really!!! Leave the Queen alone! 👸🏻


This is literally the first time I’ve heard a rumor about this


People are really trying to think of stuff to make you look bad. I'm really sorry about that. ;o; You don't deserve that

Mirio Togata

been knew sweetheart people just don't like to research anything anymore


Wait where are all these coming from??? this is getting ridiculous


Why can't people let creators just do their thing without attacking them


Sitting here wondering why there would ever be animal abuse allegations against her like 🧐🧐

Bonnie ☕️

Huhhh what’s happening now😭

Mani Takami

Hurt animals? Wha y’all trippin.


Y’all what is goin on


What’s going on? Honestly how can someone say something so thoughtless about such a kind soul?


Who’s saying this? I know I shouldn’t fight but I will


Okay where are people coming up with this stuff? It's so unnecessary!!


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this kind of thing :/


I'm guessing this is because of the sudden boom of your audios on tiktok and *sighs* people suck :/

slasher slut

People thought you abused animals??? When did this happen


Who the fuck was saying you hurt animals?!?


tsk tsk drop the @ 🔪


Sorry this is happening to you :'(

Feral Idiot

Tell me why I literally just saw ppl talking abt this on tiktok like half an hour ago akskekdjjwkaka 💀

The Hooligans

What? Why are people even saying this? Wtf? I can’t with people no more


What the fuck??? Who -


LMAO WHAT!!!!! people make up the most random shit wtf


from what ive heard, some screenshots have been circulating about her ab*sing and k*lling animals .


bruh it's on SIGHT! y'all need to leave her alone already dafuq


We love you hun 💞 I don’t know who’s saying this stuff but I won’t hesitate to throw hands just please stay safe


Wtf are people going on about now-


This is getting out of hand, why must drama about you keep getting spread. Can’t people let you live in peace.


oh thank the lords 😭😭


What?! Where did That even come from!!


Oh boy, was it tiktok again?


i beg your pardon 😎🤏😃


people are so bored these days


What in the seven hells are those people complaining about now? Is it that Hawks and Dabi banter? If so they need to take a chill pill.

Rose Rodriguez

So much dumbass drama I can’t even keep up. Like what ???? Mierda


people just tryna find any way to get people to hate you, where did that even come from ??? dont worry queen, we know youre a good person.


I have no idea where this came from but you are a kind person. We support you and care about you!!


I know it’s total BS but it’s some 17 y/o on tiktok who put it up and I believe Cece, she doesn’t seem the type to hurt animals at all


Am I the only one out of the loop and confused about this?


....what on earth? Are.... people asking you those things??? Jeez that must be upsetting... I’m sorry man ;-;


Are people just throwing random accusations at you be and hoping it sticks?!


for anyone wondering, it was because of “screenshots” circulating on tiktok of a discord convo between cece and someone where she was admitting to torturing animals as a “coping mechanism” and people on tiktok were believing these tiktoks because they seemed “legit” but obviously its just another “cancel yagami” thing that flopped 🤧🤠


Wait what? Why would anyone think you’d do that?


I’m vv confused on where that rumor even started?


y'all will say anything won't you???


We love you cece no matter what ! I’m so sorry you get all this hate. You really do make others happy! You care about us so much. Much love and happiness towards you !!

anna boke

I'm so sorry people keep doing this to you. It's like when one attempt to cancel you doesn't work, they just get bolder and more ridiculous with their accusations. Just know we are here for you :)


Yo who the fuck said that? your literally the nicest person on the planet, like wtf

Katira Moon

I am truly so SO sorry that you have to go through this shit. It’s not at all fair. You do so much, you work so hard, and you’re talent is unmatched. We love you and appreciate you! 💗💗💗💗 You’re the best Queen Cece!!!


wait I'm confused?? who would even believe that Cece is the sweetest thing


People are so rude... False rumors are ugly and so help me I will stand behind you til the very end!


Who tf said she hurts animals?! Miss cece would never


Alright who’s talking shit? I just wanna talk... 😡


Wow people are stupid,nobody would believe that


This is ridiculous do people not have anything better to do then putting false comments on somebody it’s really sad

Musha Shijuki

I never believed you did hun your to kind of a soul for that


Folks rlly do be grasping at straws for this type of stuff now huh




are people really just making up rumors about cece now? can’t they just leave her and our little community alone?! this is so messed up


I- not again😔🤚


Why are people so evil for no reason I’m so sorry queen 😞


I know alot of people are seeming out to get you. I just wanna let you know that there are people who believe in you to do the right thing and honestly support you and your content. That's just it. Its YOUR content. Do whatever you.want with it and leave all the hate behind. In regards to the screenshots, honestly in my opinion, I can't throw a stone at someone without first throwing one at myself. No one has a right to judge you, no one else is above you, we are all equal. Just do what you do best! Keep your head high and carry on. I believe someones past doesnt dictate their future! We love you cece!

SassySeppy {September}

I’m gonna beat someone with a rake if they keep coming for cece


Please don’t ever be afraid to take some time for yourself CeCe 🥺 you’re always looking out for us but don’t forget to take care of yourself too amongst this negativity!


Theres this rando girl on tiktok that i follow, she accused you of abusing pets and saying you admitted to it. Idk where they got that but if its not true, thats fucked up..


We love you cece, whoever said that is absolutely crazy 💜


Wiiiild. You’re an amazing human homie. We respect you and know people are whack

Poppa Juicy

Yeah everyone, there was some chick on Tiktok making a post about this and said she got evidence, she’s also one of those people who attacked her after the vs. audio. I looked but nothing came up so I’m confused like the rest.


People love to hate on you 😒 I’m so sorry Cece, we love you so much please ignore them


Aight time to slash tires


are people seriously asking this


O_o wha?! People were actually saying otherwise?

Alice Kerssens


Veronica Allison

Cece, I’m so sorry for how people have been lately. I think you are an absolutely wonderful person. I hope that you don’t let this get to you and please take a break if you need it. I want you to know that I am grateful for your audios every single day. I know you’ll probably never read this but, I hope that if you do that this will help. Please, take care of yourself and be happy at the end of the day


Wait a minute, where did this come from!?!? Who the hell is spreading rumors like this??


Jesus Christ are ppl saying that? Ppl will lose an arm and a leg to try and make ppl look bad. Meanwhile the ppl they trynna make look bad are thriving


honestly people just like to spread false rumors ugh im sending positive vibes!!!! you don’t deserve any hate!!!!

Cloud Begner

Some people are just spiteful and full of hate towards things they are jealous of


I’m sorry people are being so awful towards you right now cece you have been such a blessing to this community since you started posting your work and everyone here loves you tremendously please keep posting your content and fuck your haters queens don’t let the opinions of sheep bother them


So all the screenshots are fake?

Lilly June

People always tryna start shit God damn, fuck whoever is trying to do that cece you're amazing and caring, considerate and just overall a good person. We all know that and we support you


Ummm Chile... 🧍🏽‍♀️


Thank you for touching on it


That’s crazy! People were actually saying different?! That’s messed up!

Patricia M Daniels

Was it those tik tok bitches, again? They wild.


What the...this hate is really getting out of hand now, bitch now I'm ready to throw hands


Can people like fuck off?


I- where tf is this even coming from I swear 🥴


Who ever is starting drama! Your moms a 🌟hoe🌟


I’m sorry you have to deal with stuff like this. I just don’t understand what’s so hard about ignoring someone/something that you don’t like. Why do people have to do weird shit like this??


I swear people are coming up with whatever they can just to give you a bad name. I really do not understand all the negativity 😭


As someone who also has dogs whom i love dearly, I’m very glad to hear this. Thank you for addressing it. 🥰


It’s a tik tok post and people are coming up with crazy rumors :(


whoa wth. This is new. Where the hecc did THIS even come from gdjdkslal ppl are WILD


Who’s saying this? Really? You have nothing better to do? It cost $0 to leave cece alone


Did I miss something?


Wait what?!?! Who did ever said such a stupid thing!?!?! Srly people love to make up stuff to bring people down


Who said that wtf who said that? Hello? I’m confused honey WHO said that?! You’ve had your shiba’s for so long and they’re well taken care of wtf.


Who on earth decided that they were gonna spread stupid false rumours about someone else just because they wanted to. Who thinks that's a good idea??? WHY


not mfs being bored now coming up with anything 😭


I first saw it on keondra.k TikTok page - discord screenshots of Yagami says she hurt animals but I can’t find them anymore which means they were obviously bs and she took em down


who even-- why are ppl saying this shit??


What in the friggidy hell is going on?? Who's spreading gross rumors about you? WHO'S ABOUT TO CATCH MY HANDS




We believe u don’t worry ❤️❤️


People are crazy!!! Making shit up for no reason!

Sieko Valantin

I saw the first sentence in my notification square.... I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT'S GOING ON!!


I saw a tiktok about that. And I was greatly confused. I swear if people are just making up shit- you literally post about your dogs on insta


Bruh whose giving her shite


Omg what are people going on about now...? 🙄


You always have caring and kind heart, wonder who came up with that idea, stupid ppl, don’t care about them


Um.... why are people being jerks?


2020 is not it...


Wait hold up? Where is this coming from?? Who said this 🤥


Someone on TikTok posted “screenshots” that said she did those things. It’s upsetting that someone would do this.


Thank you for addressing it. I don’t know why those screenshots were posted and if they were real it’s still a very vulnerable thing to post without permission like- obviously its a very touchy thing

Jessica Mungin

I stg whoever is starting unnecessary drama, I will personally DELETE YOUR KNEECAPS

Mama Cookie

This will get lost in the sea of comments but for those who have tik tok and other forms of social media please don’t add more fuel to the fire that is going around. It will add more stress on to cece, I understand you want to protect her and set it straight but you’ll only add more shit on to. It’s people trying to start shot again,we know cece and know that this not any thing that she would ever do and that is all that matters we don’t need this to blow up and back fire so let’s try to just enjoy cece and love her.


Sending love! These people are honestly so fucked up for spreading lies like this when you’ve done nothing wrong


So people are that bored?? They’re just saying any lie now..


i’m sorry cece you have to deal with this :( it’ll get better ❤️


Where the fuck is all this bullshit coming from man


cece don’t worry we love you!! 🥺❤️ i’m sorry everybody giving you such a hard time, pls find time to rest and to take care of yourself!


It's all the straight men upset that they gotta up their game to compete with this... jk.... mostly


We all know you would never


Cece. You are a wonderful person. You give us all the love, that we never knew we needed from our comfort characters. Whoever is saying this awful stuff about you. Ignore it. Only true people will know the truth.


What??? Who accused you of this??? People are stupid cece. Don’t listen to them. We love you 💕


We are here for you cece! I believe those are false rumors, we got your back ❤️💜


Im getting tired of these kids trying to start stuff. These audios are the only thing keeping me sane. If I never found Yagami idk where I'd be rn.


very obviously lol discord messages arent formatted like that and yagami doesnt type/talk like that at all


I’m I missing something.. I feel like I should understand what’s happening but I don’t... at all 🥴


I wouldn’t believe it either, cece seems like the sweetest person I’ve ever known...


WHAAAAT?! People don't know what to make up now jeez


I’m so sorry that people keep on trying to hurt you when all you do is give us amazing audios and safe platform


Cancel culture is the thing so hard and I hate it. I only found CeCe 4 months ago through YouTube, and I find out that tiktok found her and shit and now she's become a "trend" to talk about, like ok sis get ur likes and move on. Why can't we have anything... They're trying to bully her off the platform..


Mm. People can catch these hands and its mainly the minors and the teen karens that do crap like this unfortunately


We have your back!!!

Thayron Sim

Why are there people like that? It's makes me angry that our Queen who brings us joy, comfort, safety is subjected to these kinds of sh*t!! What can we do? I feel so helpless being unable to do more than show support for our Queen!


Wait what??? Who comes up with this crap


Aight bet time to get our bats 😤 no one messes with our queen 🌟


What is wrong with people? I’m sorry you have to go through this hun😔💕


WTF?!? People are idiots. I’m sorry this is happening to you. You are a queen and deserves everything 👑. We got your back Cece!


yagami haters: Me: murder is suddenly legal now-


Girl I love you but you probably need to post evidence and actually address this on youtube not just patreon. Contact the people involved because theres a lot against u right now and its your word against screenshots.


this is starting to stray into libelous territory, to tell you the truth. if it were me i wouldn't even dignify it with a response.


People really be out here trying to ruin someone's life for fun 😡😤 fucking assholes


I am so sorry ppl are doing this to you Cece! We love you and we will support you!


It kills me people are coming up with so many crazy reasons to just be mean to you...


Wtf who is saying this? I haven't heard about this!


We love you and I’m so sorry people are trying to find false things to fault you with

terushima yūji

why do people even accuse you of crap like this? it’s so unnecessary. i’m so sorry you have to deal with stuff like this. we love you cece!


Ppl are bored uh... get a life and grow up.




I can't believe anyone would accuse you of this, Cece 😔 We absolutely trust you and know you would never do this ♥️


I'm sorry people are assholes who like to spread rumors. Keep your head up, we know you're the sweetest person alive.


uh... who started this rumor?? y’all really grasping at straws to make Cece look bad 😔


Who would say that?? You seen so kind it's just so terrible


Whoever is starting shit with our queen is about to catch these hands


i just saw a tiktok of that! it's quite disgusting and disrespectful that people make rumors like that.


I’m sorry you have to go through all of this Cece... you’re such a sweetheart and people don’t seem to have anything better to do than to ruin things..


I don't understand why people is really trying to cancel you, like, they're really invested in just creating really nasty rumors in order to bring you down. we love you.


Dude...people have way too much time on their hands 🤦🏻‍♀️ love you Cece!


Oh no, what drama did I miss again?


Who in the world said that?!


we love you cece 😔


The world is burning people are dying but starting drama is the main priorty for these kind of people who start drama for no reason.


Who said what now? Nico nico some knee caps


We ALL know you would NEVER hurt any kind of animals,your way to kind!❤️


One girl started going off on people on tiktok when they’d question her “proof” which was screenshots of discord when we all know on discord you can name yourself ANYTHING. She was telling people to shut up, and just saying if you trying to argue and you go “shut up” I’m not listening anymore 😒


Alright, whoever said CeCe hurts animals, I just wanna talk👿🖕👊↕


Screenshots? Is this a TikTok thing or somewhere else?




Where are these screenshots that everyone keeps talking about???


Who started that??? Honestly can bitter, unnecessarily rude people leave her alone already


cece!! i believe you, but others may not; some people will say they need hardcore evidence T-T




i literally saw some stupid tiktok video with a person posing as you on discord texting someone saying you eat and hurt animals like the fuck ? i knew that shit was iffy as fuck .


People are so desperate to tear someone down 'just because'. Who ever started that rumor should get their head out of their ass. Stay strong, Cece.


Apparently there were like screenshots or something like that idk haven't seen anything though


uh i'm lost what happened ?


Unfortunately with more exposure, more hate comes along. It’s kinda sad to see people try to create discord in what’s a safe space for a lot of people. Especially since it’s as simple as just... moving along and ignoring a creator instead of investing time into making people hate them. 😔


what the fuck is going on


What?! Who tf started that crap?! Don’t worry Cece we stand by you 🥺💕


What did I miss now..? Don't people have better things to do than spread crap like this?


Sorry people are being trash to you. You deserve so much more happiness. Thank you for all you do 💕


I’m here for cock 🍆🍆🍆🍆 and you always deliver cece ily no matter what 💓


Don’t worry about that mess. People that don’t like you are just trying to find another reason to bring you down and bash you. I wish you didn’t have to address this but I see why you had to as some fans started to believe or question it. I knew this was a lie and didn’t engage with none of it. Continue being you and ignore the drama. Love you 💜


I’m so sorry people keep trying to slander you. That isn’t right or even fair.

Cas the Sass

Why do people keep hating on you? There is no reason for all this hate towards a sweet wholesome person. Love you Cece


Ps. I don’t know why people are so hateful.. Hope everything is doing alright with you all!


It’s clear that a lot of drama has been occurring lately. It’s not my place to say but maybe taking a small break could help. I think your popularity is probably bothering some people and grabbing the attention of those who don’t like you. I’m sure all of this is mentally exhausting too. I don’t know how you do it.


You're an amazing person and most of us know you wouldn't hurt a fly you're strong you are valued and you are loved, stay strong we're here to help 💖


I’m so tired of people starting drama but in case it’s getting to you I want you to know that honestly you’re audios help me tune out of the real world when I’m having a bad day


Anyone could and should be able to tell that that is just another cancel tactic by some crazy person. I don't believe Cece would ever actually do such a thing. Hearts out to you and with popularity comes hate. You have more people than love you though, so keep your head up!


I have 7 dogs and I love them all Cece don’t listen to whoever said whatever we love you and all of God’s Fur Babies.

Deku's Doll

Correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently it's some girl on TikTok posting """screenshots""" of Yagami admitting to killing and torturing animals.


We knew you didn't. Unfortunately people like that have already made their mind up and cannot be reasoned with. Just need to ignore, block, move past cause they want attention. They will get bored eventually.


Im hoping that this was a joke in reference to beating the 😺up or like torturing the overgrown pigeon we all know an love but if these accusations are being thrown around im so sorry and you have my support cece


Wait what????? Who said that🤬🤬🤬


Listen, you do so much for me as a person who doesn't know you on a personal level, you're full of such love and kindness. I can't believe the ugly of people's hearts that they would spread such a thing. I love you and I hope you're doing well and keep a peace of mind through this chaos.


If you ask me they just need to go on and get rid of tik tok then if they using it to make false claims against such a sweet individual. I swear you would think people would learn to sit down and be better people with this whole pandemic going on, thats aight, God don't like ugly and the people doing this are just gonna suffer more in the long run just keep being beautiful and sweet you


getting so tired of the constant drama going on lately ..... :(


I’m so sorry Cece I hope things get better and people stop spreading rumor and giving you hate 🥺 you make so many people’s day a whole lot better and you are so loved by your fans 💜


We pay good money for this, and we don’t want it any other way. Cuz you deserve it & we love you from the bottom of our wittle hearts Cece. 😚😚💝💖


I can't believe people are STILL trying to cause unnecessary drama when there are so many more important things to be focusing on now.


Yagami we are all here for you. We know you aren’t that kinda person. We all love you! Ignore the people talking shit they just want to make you miserable more than they are! Stay strong sweetheart you have so many people backing you up!🥰


Unfortunately it’s a common trait of jealousy amongst humans these days to talk badly about people who are doing things they like and succeeding. You have all my support and I’m new here 💕

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

Who in the hell would even think that about you? These people clearly know nothing about you.


Listen girl there are always gonna be haters out there who’ll want to start so much shit. you’re doing great and i love supporting you. WE LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️


My gosh! People need to quit bullying our girl! Much love, CeCe❤❤


please don’t listen to them, we love you so much.


Where is this even coming from like who comes up with this stuff


Nobody admits to abusing animals like come on now yall weird 💀 this is why we can’t have nice things 😐🚶🏾‍♀️




They’re really just saying anything at this point now


Where do these rumors even come from??? I swear, people just like to start shit for no reason. You're the sweetest a person can be cece, so keep being you and don't let them get you down ♡

The English Major

B, you do great work. Your audios help me sleep and bring joy to my day. You’ve helped me cope with some of my worst panic attacks and I cannot thank you enough for that. The world will always try to discredit those that have an impact. The world makes a sport out of tearing down those that find success for themselves. But keep rising. Keep doing good. We will be here. My prayers go out to you and those around you, may you have peace and strength when drama arises and the wisdom to navigate it. You got this, queen ✨


I’m so tired of this never ending drama and I’m sure you are too. I’m so sorry people keep doing this, but keep your head up, it’ll all be okay!

Poppa Juicy

I was dumb enough to not save the vid, it was a girl with weird make up on, and she went on how someone had screen shots and they deleted it cause the thought cece was gonna sue them and it sounded bogus so I left it cause I mean it sounds just like a quick grab for drama


cece can never get a break it’s always one thing after another 🤦🏽‍♀️


I'm so sorry that people are constantly coming for you and making stuff up. Please take care of your mental health during these issues. We love you. ♡


Some people just lead such boring lives that this is how the manage to get through the day. It's kinda of sad honestly but don't worry when something new comes along then they'll jump on that bandwagon because all the crave is their five minutes of fame. I apologize for the bitter truth but I don't sugarcoat my words for anyone ^3^ sorry not sorry


This is getting ridiculous, people spreading shit like this. We love you, Cece.


Where did that even come from? Who would make that kind of claim?


It’s sad that now you’re getting more well known, hate and rumors come with it. I don’t know how someone could lie about a disgusting topic like that though. Thank you for addressing this though, it shows you’re the bigger person to shut down these horrible accusations about yourself. Take some time to yourself if all of this is beginning to be too much!


Why are people still giving you shit? 😤 If someone doesn't like you, they don't have to associate with you. Simple as that. I sware they use your name for CLOUT. 😡


Because according to them, Cece is "lewding minors" and they dont like it

Bonnie ☕️

The girl who started the rumor on tik tok took her videos down and apologized because she felt it was reckless to share them and start up a defamation thing or whatever. People need to realize you can’t just spread stuff like this online it ruins people’s lives


Don’t listen to those stupid false rumours, they are not worth your time💕


God people just cant stop with this shit, its ridiculous and I really hope cece knows we all love her and are here to support her❤


It is so easy to fake discord screenshots. I’m so sorry Cece.


someone can easily change their name and pic on discord do they not know that?? And screenshots can be edited so easily I saw it already and it's so blurry and it doesn't even have cece number# next to her name on the screenshot


Seriously like... CeCe is precious and people are just starting things now

Deku's Doll

Jesus Christ I swear these people don't have anything better to do than make up shit about her. Y'all leave CeCe alone like holy shit. Fuck TikTok oml


Anyway, we love and support you. Don't forget that. Please take care of yourself 🥰


Theres screenshots of her saying this on discord but they might be fake idk


y'all, seriously ... when you see this shit, just report it. giving it a platform does more harm than good. what they want is attention and they're getting it when their stuff starts going around and people start trying to argue with them. the best defense in this instance is to report in the hopes that their shit gets taken down, and disengage.


What the hell? People are reaching


People are really just pulling shit out of their ass and thin air, huh? Like darling, there's better shit to do than harass someone.


the person who posted on tik tok blocked me 🥰😌


what 😀 tf people up to

Rogah Taylah

Who is making these claims? They are honestly so wrong about you. I hate seeing people hating on you because you do so much to help people. Love you Cece


Wishing you all the happiness and love. ❤ I'm so sorry you're having to go through this 😔


Wtf, why do people do these kind of things and spreads crap.. I'm sorry cece, we love you.




And then when people say anything questioning the screenshots, all they get is essentially an "ugh 🙄". This fake cancel culture shit is ridiculous. Saying things like the ones that have been said could be seriously damaging to a person's name and character. For people that aren't fans and don't like CeCe's content, they sure like to talk a lot of shit about it.


Youre here spreading love and these jerks just wanna ruin it. Screw those people. Theres no need for false rumors in hate when this all starting with love and all of us coming together.


Cece take a well deserved break from the internet. You deserve it take a break from people. Also wasn't TikTok supposed to be banned in the US?? What happened with that?


Why are people trying to cancel yagami every other week?? Leave her alone and let her live her life! We love you cece!


I haven’t actually been apart of this community long but I already know damn well she wouldn’t do something like that. 😤 Fools needa shut their mouths.

Meli VonCherry

Wait what?! OMG!! This was what was happening?!? 0-0 I...!! Damn that is sick! To false accuse someone to such thing!!

MaryKate Bailey

What? Was there a rumor going around that she did?!? Wtf


Babe, we love you and we're here for you, ALWAYS remember that 💕

Tanjiro's Doll~

Haters just mad cause they don't have nothing to do and their not successful. It's the risk that well anyone takes when becoming successful.


The only excuse I've seen, if because Cece is "lewding minors"


Girl you're a queen, other people are trying to take you down. But your followers will never let that happen we love you too much queen👑👑👑


Wait what why was this even said? This is silly. Honey. You don’t need to explain yourself. We know you are a good person with a good soul. I’m so sorry there are idiots who love to spread false accusations. Just please know that we love and appreciate all that you do. You’ve really helped so many people, myself included. Love over hate. ❤️ we love you so much.


Excuse me what the fuck!? Who said that?!

Poshy Peach



What?! I can’t believe someone said that to You! You are an amazing person Cece!!


TO PEOPLE WHO ARE SAYING CECE NEEDS TO "PROVE" HER INNOCENCE. She absolutely does not. It is the job of the accuser to provide irrefutable proof before spreading false allegations. There has not been. People are bandwagoning without proof. PLEASE don't make this something bigger than it needs to be. Please just laugh it off. Please just be frustrated and move on. These kinds of things will never stop happening, because it is a byproduct of being well-known. Keep showing Cece love and support and appreciation, thats the best course of action anyone can take.

Renae ❄

Who spread those awful rumors??? I just wanna talk 😤😤😤😤😡😡. Ugh people are such damn jerks.


Sigh basically she got a screenshot from someone else and posted it on tik tok and she took it down....like really people just want to get clout by putting some else down! I get you want to be popular or whatever but do it on your own merit and dont spread lies. There's other things people can be focusing on....I'm sorry cece....it just seems like aholes have been targeting you lately. I hope it doesn't get to you too much and you know you have a community here of people that care for you genuinely and appreciate you and everything you do.


ppl are literally reaching rn


They need to leave you alone, you are so precious to us and we can’t stand when you get hate!!!


She should just sue these people at this point. This is just beyond wrong and mf disgusting


I don’t know if you will agree with this but I think you should take a day or two off I really worry about you and all this stuff that is happening is so so so horrible and it breaks my heart every time I see a new thing to cancel you. I swear this isn’t me being mean I just really love your work and I want you to feel safe and happy and I’m sure everyone else wants you to feel safe and happy I’m so sorry people are like this fo believe anything shown to them :( Hang in there we all love you very much








Anyway. We are here for you, we support you, and *we* do have discerning, logical thought processes that tell us, if something looks fake and fishy and out of character, it's probably some concocted bullshit. Apparently that's too hard a concept for some that want to immediately jump to canceling someone just because they don't like their content.

Alora Hawkins

I love you. I’m very sorry this is happening to you.


that’s not what the screenshots said 🗿


I am sorry you have to deal with such disgusting people fabricating these atrocities against you. At the end of the day, they are just jealous that you are talented, successful, and making that sweet coin doing what you love. 💚💚💚


I love you so much! Please take care of yourself ❤️


of course queen


People really trying so hard to hurt you,,, why would they do that, Cece I really hope you’re mentally okay, I love you, I don’t want anything bad happen to you...😭😭😭. Fuck I really wanted to protect you but I don’t know how 😭😭😭

Mercy Mayhem

damn people love staying on your ass with rumors. It's the cutest shit when I hear your dogs barking in the background of audios.




WE LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

cece, we love and support you always and i hope you remember you don’t owe anyone the detailed explanation or proof they feel entitled enough to ask for. your instagram is proof enough that you love and care for your two dogs, and anyone with sight and hearing knows you are a kind, compassionate person who would never do such a thing. i’m glad you aren’t feeding into the drama and i’m very sorry you have to keep explaining yourself because people are jealous of your success or feel entitled. keep your head up and keep killing them with kindness. 🧡✨


So who made the rumor up cause I just wanna talk. The real fans know this isn’t true Cece and I’m so sorry you had to take time out of her day to clear this up. People are just miserable nowadays. Much love from your fans❤️


Same, can someone explain what the irritating haters did this time??? Why is Cece needing to make a statement like this?? What exactly are they accusing her of and what proof do they have???


Ignore the haters!💜💜💜💜💜


Yall fr I feel some kinda livid. Not only trying to drag our Queen down, that one post I saw on tiktok even bashed us as her followers because we defend her. tf 👿


At first I got worried but the screenshots literally read like an edgy 13 year old’s “dark humor”. That tiktoker especially always talks bad about you so of course she’ll want to spread it like wildfire. It’s ridiculous, and I’m sorry you have to go through so much shit. If you need a break, please take however long you need, Cece 🥺


yagami: ladies and gentlemen it was lovely having you this year, see you next year... or not.. *hehe*

Renae ❄

Why would you attack someone who is such a sweet, loving, angel and only doing what makes her happy??? Uggghhh I am so mad 😤😤. Love you Yato👑 and I am so sorry this is happening! 💔💔💔


I don't believe in rumors unless the the person spreading them around has ACTUAL PROOF if not den they need to shush n stop making things up to ruin other peoples lives Cece ur amazing n i just love the stuff u do keep doing it n don't stop some people just wanna b messy cuz they're bored


Keep your head up Cece your real fans will always love you and stay by your side! Ik it might be hard to ignore the hate but just know that there’s people out there that truly love and support you💜💜


Comes down to people being jealous, and wanting to take you down for it. Sorry you are dealing with it.


Good lord I'm so sorry Cece. This is so ridiculous. I'm so proud of you for handling this like the sweet, classy, honest person you are. It makes me sick that you're having to go through this.


Honestly what in the actual fuck is happening with people these days?! This BS is getting out of hand. Like why would anyone even waist their time coming up with such scummy lie! I feel utterly disgusted by this. Hope you keep well cece and just keep sure that this community is here for you all the way ❤❤❤🤟🤟


People start useless nonsense every week at this point against the absolute sweetest woman and it's sickening. Karma comes back I hope these people know that


I can't deal with these fucking children anymore. 🙄


Where do this even come from like tf??


Gosh, people are SO awful to spread baseless rumors like that. We love and believe you Cece! Don't let the haters get you down! 💜💜💜

Cherry Blossom Savvy

Everyone does realize that Hawks was joking the whole time right....? Are they seriously freaking out over a joke..?


I believe in you Cece! Please don't feel burdened by these haters and take care of yourself! 💖💖

Ren ✨

People make me so mad. Unfortunately it’s super easy for someone to change your name/nickname and icon on discord. Imagine being so fixated on trying to “cancel” someone or whatever. I’m sorry you have to deal with crappy people doing these things Cece 😕❤️ love you so much!


I’m so confused? Like do people have nothing better to do than try and fixate on one person and try to cancel them all the time. I’ve been part of the Yagami Yato fam for a few months like 3 ish, but damn I’ve never seen a creator have to apologize as much as Cece has. It’s exhausting bc she doesn’t HAVE TO.


Girl wtf they praying on your downfall Keep your head up ❤️


The sc looks so fake ppl will believe anything without real evidence just to shit on others

Carolina Caballero

Who would say that? I’m sorry Cece please keep doing you and don’t listen to anything ridiculous.


people are saying u hurt animals? wtf? anyways stan yagami yato for clear skin ❤️


im sorry but the way this made me CACKLE bc of how RIDICULOUS it is.. ur legit an angel. the sweetest on earth. ugh people are so ugly. love u n plz take care cece💖


Wow people you really do desperate to cancel and genuinely good person that you straight up making shit up now huh.

Reese E. Cups

I believe in you and I have faith in you and I will never let you down until you ask me to go away. You have given all of us so much inspiration and confidence in ourselves. It will take so much more than rumors to make us run from you. We love you so much. Never lose faith in us because we will never lose faith in you. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Yall I just looked up who was talking mess on tiktok and she had two recent vids up talking mess but now they're gone!


I missed the drama. Theyre saying WHAT now about you now??? 🤣🤣


cece u should a take a break im sure this tolling on you


Agreed. It honestly feels like a big portion of this bullshit comes from the underage TikTokers that get ahold of her content. Which... is an entirely THEM problem, not CeCe's.


That’s disgusting that someone would even say that about CeCe. Literally the nicest person ever! I’ll happily beat these ppl up.


At some point Cece is gonna stop doing these and then what?!?! I swear if people don't find something else to do


I am so sorry people are trying to attack you like this, Cece. But we are YOUR fans. Your voice(s) uplift us, brings us comfort and joy. Your creativity amazes us. You, yourself are a truly caring individual and we all see that in you. As you said in your audio, some people will try and get you down, but just know you are loved, you are valid, you are worthy. Keep your head up. “DON’T let other people get you down! They aren’t allowed to... You’re my Teddy Bear. You are a precious kitty kat, DON’T you forget that. Its all going to be okay, puppy. You are my little pebble, so let your bolder shoulder this with you. Sunshine, continue to shine. That's why I love you... Chibi-Chan. He he I. Love. You. Player 2 you are a wonderful person, and you are lovely. You are the definition of Beautycool. You are my cute lil’ Gummy bear darlin’. Baby Bird, don’t let anyone put you down. Baby... i love you. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou.” I pretty much listened to all your comfort audios today... But maybe you need to hear this more than me or anyone else right now? ❤️ We are here for you. We see through the drama.


I just block them I’m to damn stressed to be dealing with attention seekers who don’t have anything better to do than try and start drama


Idk where this is coming from , be we love and support you !!


People really need to pull their heads out of their a$$es. You’ve done nothing wrong and we all love you so much! You’re in my prayers that this crap lets up. You’re amazing!


drama is bs! we love you. don’t lose yourself


Block whoever you need to, take all the time you need to, and most importantly, find your peace. People who have not found their motivation, goals or aspirations have a tendency to attack those who do because they are not trying to be their best selves while you are. Let them waste their energy and keep doing what makes you happy. Cece, we really do love and appreciate you, take care of yourself and lean on us because we will be here for you :)




people just love to drag unproblematic people into drama like it hasn’t been like this before 🧍🏾‍♀️


Man cece its ok hunny ♡ people just like to jump on the hate wagon and just wanna mess up everyone's day. We got ya back boo


Are you fucking kidding me Are yall fucking serious making false ass rumors Gwjahduwb zjwvsuw dj8wgw e I fucking hate ppl god damn


I had one of them pulled up while also on Patreon, and it said it had three comments which were suspiciously missing when I clicked on them... and then there went the video. 🙄

Gojo’s Blindfold

First of all where are these weird rumors coming from? Tf?


Cece i fucking love you just fyi💜

Bonnie ☕️

The “screenshots” are super blurry and people seem to believe it because of the profile picture alone which could be used by literally any account


I'm completely out of the loop with whatever drama is going on, but I'm saddened to hear you're dealing with false rumors CeCe. Haters are gonna hate, but you just gotta keep doing what you love. You got us, your fans to love and support you and wishing you the best. ❤

Satoru Gojo

People will do anything for clout and attention hun. You know you didn’t do anything to your animals, you know nothing happened. Stick with what you know, And continue to follow your dreams :)


Honestly people will say anything in order to get views on TikTok and for what they’re useless views don’t mean shit Your the best don’t let them get to you ❤️


Wtf is happening now. Folks this is a safe space. Keep the drama to a minimum or none at all if possible please


They’re really trying to find any excuse to cancel you? Don’t worry bb we all know who you are and you’re AMAZING!! Please don’t let them get to you 🥺


People will ALWAYS find a reason to complain. Cece is amazing and the drama tiktok brings is ridiculous.


What the fuck is wrong with people? if you have an issues with CeCe leave. Leave this community we don't want you. I'm tired of this drama fucking find something better to do.


I've seen two comments from this Makiya person and it seems like we have an obvious little asshole spy. Cece, we as patron can't block each other, but YOU CAN BLOCK PATRONS. JUST SAYING


Y'all just make sure you report any fool pulling that mess please cause folks love being bitter


Why can’t CeCe just live her life without being attacked every 5 minutes? This is dumb. Children need to stop.

B00bl3s Gang



Dude wtf, people are really that desperate to make other miserable? For what reason


Ugh....what is this even about? Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock. That is pretty scary to be accused of that. :(


The amount people will go just to try to ruin someone’s career is disgusting. In no way does Cece deserve any of this. This all came out of no where. Us as your fans love you. 💖 Keep your head up and we hope nothing but success for you.


What the hell is wrong with people. Why are they grasping at straws? I swear, this quarantine is creating people with too much time on their hands that do and say dumb garbage because they have nothing better to do. We love you CeCe!


A group of us did a mass report and the videos got taken down.


Omg can people just leave u alone.. they're THAT bored🤦🏾‍♀️


What the hell has happened? Where did this come from? What ever happened to the first rule of the internet? Don’t like it don’t read/watch/listen to it.... 🤦🏻‍♀️


??? Oh my god I hope whatever is happening stops. You don't deserve to have ridiculous rumors spread!!!!

Deku's Doll

Someone fetch me my crowbar, the person who made these rumors has just lost their knee cap privileges.


Some no body made false dms of yagami and tried to make her look bad and abuse animals


It’s not fair you have to deal with this. You’ve done so much for all of us and worked so much only for people to try to tear you down. Keep your head up!! <3


i’m gonna analyze both sides. i’m neutral in this, before anyone says anything. if she did supposedly abuse animals in the past, then that is something reasonable to get mad over. i don’t condone animal abuse, and like most, i would be angry. there is no justification for animal abuse no matter what. it isn’t normal to hurt animals, the only animals i’ve killed were insects like flies and spiders. for the context of the messages, i am going to assume yagami had supposedly hurt an animal like a cat or a bird. there is also a possibility that these messages could be faked. a while back i’ve impersonated a friend on discord as a little prank with ease, easily changing my profile to theirs and changing my name, the only thing not changing was my tag (the number part). the only way for this theory to not be true is to check yagami’s discord tag and compare with the account speaking with the admin.


This is so stupid. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this idiocy. True fans know and love you. We are here for you. ♥️♥️


The fact people are making false accusations and lying is stupid and continues to do so. She hasn’t done anything wrong . Ppl literally try to normalize fictional characters and think she lewding minors !? And this is ridiculous like people need to seriously stop it. If you don’t like being on this side of Patreon then leave if you’re that uncomfortable


And THIS is why 2D is always best.♡


Why are people trying to create drama with someone who makes anime boy sex audios 💀💀

Neohin P

People will just make up things to drag others down. Your audios have made my life so much better i refuse to believe this.


Someone got their 10 sec on fame. It’s a sad display of proof. Guess what? Cece, there is a thing called defamation of character. Get her.


Drop some names ma’am I’ll handle them


holy shit i didn't even make the connection are u fucking KIDDING ME


I really am sorry you have to deal with this Cece. I feel bad that people keep coming up with stuff like this. I really don’t understand it or why they seem to target you for “lewding minors” when you’re not?? How is this any different than other fan produced works of shipping characters or self insert works?? Like that’s the case then like EVERY fanfic and fan art ever should get taken down????? If y’all wanna argue that then y’all need to shut riverdale down and like every other show about teenagers in canon sexual relationships in the show. This is so unfair, that I almost wish you didn’t blow up on TikTok like you did. Like I don’t want to see another artist I like get doxxed from the internet cuz of harrassment and having to apologize every two days. Like too many artist I like have just straight up deleted their entire blogs and all their work cuz of shit like this cuz people jump on the ethics signaling bandwagon. I’m so tired of cancel culture and drama like this. You really don’t deserve this Cece and I’m so sorry. I hope that in the next month with the next billing cycle this all dies down and we can enjoy things again without this outside pressure. Hoping for the best! And me and my friends with continue to love and appreciate your work!! ☺️


What on earth???? Were people claiming this?????


There are literally screenshots, they came from her, have y’all not seen them?


I swear the minute someone starts to gain popularity there is always toxic ass people trying to bring them down!!😤 CECE WE LOVE YOU AND WE STAND BY YOU!!!💕💕💕




What about the mods that were in the screenshot? Can they confirm or deny anything? Saying lol no doesn’t deeesclate anything here


Who the hell started that?! 😾 Man people need to calm the fuck down! Its not right for you to be attacked like this, you do not deserve it one bit! Why can't some people see that you have created safe place for people to express themselves and be open with one another? Geez Louise! More positive note I hope you and your pups are doing well.🥰💗


Its getting ridiculous how theres something new every week like im lowkey sick of it.


I'm newer to the community so I might not have much room to talk so all I'll tell you is that people who have nothing better to do on the internet will try to come up with anything negative just to start rumours. The "toxic cancel culture" is around anyone with an audience to see it. So you do NOT have to defend yourself even if your just trying to reassure everyone who is here for you. We know better ❤ It doesn't take a genius to understand how passionate of a human being you are after seeing how you interact with everyone here. There's no way I would ever believe you'd do anything like that 😂 maybe that sounds naive of me to say but my judgement of character hasn't let me down yet 😉💙 We love you Cece. Maybe you should take a break from your craft for a bit, relax, you do so much for this community.

Yuna Zoldyck

Now who in the hell said that?? And why?? Like what is the point in that?! Like stop makin drama!! It’s just embarrassing!! I’m so sorry Cece that you have to deal with this type of crap you really don’t deserve this!

Lady Saiya

Is this about what happened in the Fried Chicken Comfort audio? Are people really grasping at straws and spreading rumors just to find something to hate Cece for? And for what? What has she done to deserve this? She loves what she does and is good at what she does. She is gaining popularity because she is talented and brings joy to others. If you can't handle that, then leave.


It’s literally all over tik tok like the people on there are not giving her a break they keep starting up rumors and shit


dms/chat logs don't show the numbers associated with a tag. those screenshots are a. very easily faked and b. impossible to verify in this way, and they probably know that.




It’s VERY easy to create fake screenshots, esp with discord.


Why is it that Cece can’t go a week without making an apology? Why are people making so many false rumors and accusations just to hurt her career and community?!



Lessa Murray

Stay strong CeCe we love you!!!


Cece, always know, that there are those of us who got your back. You don't see us, but we are here, making sure you aren't walking alone, reporting or blocking targetted harassment when needed from the shadows like some fbi agent. I rememeber what its like having an online witch hunt against me, i refuse to let anyone feel alone or go through a situation like that. Also, we all know you love animals, i mean you used to put on little story shows for the barn cats! Of course you love animals! You have two doggos too! And girl, if you ever need a pick me up, i would be MORE THAN HAPPY to draw your favourite husbandos, or your OCs, you make me happy with your hardwork and voice acting gift, I'll return the favour by using mine to make you smile.


So you’re telling me someone faked Cece saying she was r*ped...


No someone made a most likely fake screen shot of a discord conversation of Cece saying she abuses animals and people took it and ran. Its incredibly easy to fake conversations on any chat platform


cece, you are amazing and strong for dealing with constant drama. i hope you know that. it must be very mentally draining to deal with this constant hate and spreading of rumors, and i'm sorry you have to deal with it. you are an extremely caring and wonderful person and you don't deserve any of this drama that has been coming your way. stay strong cece <3 don't let these rumors get to you please. we love you and support you!!


Because people on the internet are allergic to researching anything beyond face value.


im so genuinely sorry this is happening to you. people are real heartless assholes and you're just trying to make content for a community that supports you. you don't deserve any of this and im sorry you have to deal with it. we love u though & we want u to do what's best for you! <3


She didn't say "lol no", she addressed the rumor for our sakes. How would the mods saying anything help? If people believe the "screenshots" then what makes you think they'll believe her own mods?


WHO SAID THIS?? Let me at 'em!! In all seriousness, during this entire pandemic people have nothing but time on their hands. Be strong and Don't let their mean words get to you! You are not alone! You have this entire community to back you up!! We'll never let you fall! ❤️❤️


You are amazing 😭😂 A+ comment


people stay trying to cancel you tf we love you too much to let that happen <333


theres been a mixup yall... that is NOT the type of 🐱 she be murderin 🤭😳


People who are spreading all the false news need to get a life. Stay strong cece. We love you. If you need to take a break go ahead! We'll understand.


❤️❤️is all I’m sending love ya🥰

Lady Sinistra

I will never understand why people feel it necessary to be cruel to you, Cece. You're out there making content to provide a spark of happiness to us all... Please know so many of us love you and know you're a wonderful person. We are forever stanning our Queen 💖💖💖

Kayla Stark

Bro can people actually hop the fuck off of her dick??? Like seriously! Where tf did this bullshit even come from?! Like, if someone doesn't like her content then fine, whatever, they can just leave. But to take the time to spread fall shit and bs rumors is just ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS AND CRUEL!!! Seriously, just stop and please leave her alone


This is so sad! I don’t even know what to believe, you always seem like such a kind person cece. People will literally jump to conclusions w/o thinking for more than 2 seconds


I honestly believe if Cece takes a break, this shit will stop or slow down at least. Like, let her not post for like a month. Yes, the number of views, subs and patrons will drop but so will this shit. People can't keep up drama for too long because they're always looking for the next person to jump on, and if one target goes MIA, they'll move on to other shit. Cece, we beg you, for your sake, take a break


This might help people: If you ever see a screenshot of a discord conversation meant to be "proof" please note whether the user number ID is displayed next to their name. The pfp and display name can be faked, but the user ID number cannot. If there is no user id in the screenshot, the screenshot is likely fake. It is VERY easy to impersonate people like this, and can ruin lives as a result.


The slander she’s getting is ridiculous. I’m choosing to ignore it now cause people have nothing better to do


I'm sending you all the positivity and love I can muster.. and the hugs.. can't forget the hugs! Stay strong and know that we'll always be here to support you❤❤

Angelica Veka

I dont know what to say. People can be so mean these days, but stay strong and know that your true fans love and support you😊♥️♥️♥️




What? People actually accused her of animal abused? Are you fucking joking? The slander on this poor woman is insane an I’m sorry Cece has to deal with all of this.

Tabitha Guss

We’ve got your back, Chief. We can power through this bs with togetherness and our positivity combined to faze through their hate like it is nothing. They can’t harsh on my mellow anymore then the world already has.

Breanna Hollier

Why are people trying "cancel" Cece so bad. There's something new she's always clearing up.


Cece I really hope you're doing okay. It can be incredibly draining to have to deal with everything. 🥺 especially with all this stupid drama? THEY MAKE UP LITERALLY ANYTHING ITS GETTING RIDICULOUS. I wish is wasn't this way :( you're a genuine person and I trust you will all my heart. I don't understand why people can't see that. They're so quick to believe every rumor and it's disgusting. We love you Cece :( if you need a break we will completely understand. So much has been going on and we all want what's best for you. <3


I’m so confused and conflicted like I - 💔😭




Ma’am I’m going to give you a lil kiss on the forehead, I’m sorry about the clown behavior but 😘😘 mwah


I love you and I’m so sorry people are so fucking vile 😞 you have all of our support Cece! ❤️


I know you don’t want to feed into the drama but please post this on tik tok because it’s breaking my heart how many people are spreading lies and it’s making me scared because this is my only safe space and they keep attacking you for no reason at all. I’m not saying you have to make a video but I think it would help the people who don’t have patreon and are confused as to what’s going on... I really hope you take care and don’t let any of this get to you


People are just bored at this point

Lily Flavin

What’s going on? Can some one update me?

Laura Hamm

Did I miss something?


I’m so sorry you keep getting lies told about you and this shit thrown at you. All of us support you and are here for you 💕


I'd say to maybe let her breathe for tonight, she has the internet jumping at her throat again barely a week after the last drama. It's probably heavy on her mental health right now- Definitely should address it maybe tomorrow but for tonight I think she needs a breather QvQ


Can’t believe this is all over some screenshots????cmon people think for yourself for once


Of course it's these little 17 year olds that need to mind their school work and not spreading false rumors on tiktok the two accounts mentioned deleted their videos and one claimed they saw their "proof" cause it's all over twitter so that's all I need to know on that cause twitter loves to create false narratives against people they don't like and sell it as fact so may all karma come back at them


These comments look like a cult


jesus christ, you can’t go one week without something new popping up...i’m so sorry that you have to deal with a bunch of bullshit, cece :(


I’m new here and have always been shy about commenting. But to whoever said this, and people who are just mean to others in general, get help. Seriously. Love you CeCe, you’re doing so amazing!


Girl :( I’m so sorry


It is. Makes me really worried. Reminds me of popular you tubers prior to their fall from grace


What happened again 😭 can people leave you alone 😩


Someone faked a discord screen shot of her saying she likes to abuse animals , she has 2 dogs and I guess the person who faked it thought it’d be a good idea to do that. Clearly as mostly everyone is pointing out the screenshots are fake because they didn’t show their id number. If they did we’d know if it was real or not but like I said it’s not real , they just wanna cancel her and are finding any ways to do so

Vivid Nectarine ♪

what a bunch of master blaster heckin dope abgefuckt shit scheißendrecksmist alter ich werd nicht mehr, people are so full of dirt and shit it blows my mind to next dimension and stays there bc cant handle it. cece, we know tho, we know dat bbe.


I literally had to squint to make sure I was seeing shit right. At this point they are pulling everything out of their ass to try to stir up drama again. Don't listen to them Cece, we know you wouldn't do such a thing. Much love and support to you Cece!!! <3


I'm just so angry and sad this keeps happening. No doubt in my mind that it's all fake for drama because people try to cancel Cece for the dumbest shit every other day. Just know you're greatly needed and appreciated, Cece and we love you deeply


1: It does not seem at all likely that someone with a VERY large social platform, like CeCe has, is going to go on Discord and just casually drop something as heavy and disturbing as animal abuse/torture. That by itself should be a red flag that it's been faked. 2: why are minors even involved in this content?? You literally, legally, should NOT be. That's all I'll say about that. 3: whoever did make those comments is disgusting for implying not only the animal abuse, but also s/a on CeCe herself. That is very damaging and sickening that someone would make light of it by making fake comments under her name.

Deadly bunny

CeCe we love you don't give into the hate and false drama!.


You say with your words what my angry heart is feeling.


Its disgusting how people chhose to make fake comments and twist words around to spread drama its revolting.


Honestly? Probably because she's successful and has become popular and there are ugly people out there who hate to see others succeed.


Everyone in these comments slandering her (yes, you "Kenma" lmao), it takes ONE click to unsub 🤷‍♀️ Quit wasting money on someone you dislike, block her and move on, be healthy to yourself instead of focusing on someone you dislike. Cece, take a breather and address this later, after the last few days you've had you honestly need it. Take care of yourself 💕


If children would stay away from Cece's content, this wouldn't be happening. Love you Cece, keep up the good work 🥰


And now i hate tiktok🔪


Can these people fuckin quit it and give literally everyone a break? There’s more actually important things to be focusing energy on than trying to cancel Cece lmao.


Okay but like the person that started this shit is just some kid on tiktok who just wants attention/views. I look at her other videos on tiktok and literally?? A lot of them are her trying to stir up shit. I'm so tired of cancel culture and all of these people thinking they're doing something so noble by spreading and making up shit. I dont want to fight with anyone. I just find it really shitty how y'all are trying to "cancel" Cece. Even when she has made audios that hurt people, she apologized, deleted the audio, and continues to try and be better. People. Can. Learn. From. Their. Mistakes. Get off this cancelling bullshit.

Trinity Robinson

This is so unfair that she can't do her thing without someone talking non sense. Anyone who doesn't like her or her work really should get a life and leave her alone. I'm tired of hearing or seeing someone messing with her when she loves doing her dream. In the minute I'm about to start a riot because this is ridiculous as hell. I love Yato and I don't care who you are but leave my Queen alone.


Fuck them all. Don't fucking pay attention to them dipshits


They’re just trying to stir up shit and ride off of your success to make them popular. You’re doing amazing Cece, don’t let them get to you, you’re honestly so much better than that. Btw, you’ve really helped me when I needed it, I’ve been through a lot and you’ve given me the comfort and validation I needed when I couldn’t find it anywhere else. Please don’t change Cece, we love you 🤍✨


While these accusations are extremely serious and shouldn't be taken lightly for the people telling her to address it further and provide proof, how? There's no way to prove that it wasn't her in a blurry screenshot from an app that allows anyone to change their name and picture. It is up to the accusers to prove that it was Cece, to provide more than an extremely blurry screenshot with no defining evidence. The most anyone can do right now is stay calm. You honestly never know what anyone is hiding but all you can do is trust that she's a good person and it's just another attempt to discredit someone that others don't like. Stay safe everyone, especially cece. 💜


Oh no... Please take care Cece, take some rest and a break from the internet if you have to! Sending love to you !!


Cece, you could murder someone and I would still have your back! Girl, I would bring a shovel! Idc what craziness you done or haven't done! You are my Queen! No matter what haters say, I'm on your side always. And I know damn well everyone else here is too! Love you Cece! ❤


Why is that almost EVERY FUCKING WEEK CeCe has to come on here and apologize or clear up rumors. Like damn can she get a break, I’m so tired of people throwing lies around trying to make her look bad.......If I had the power to I would make it so she’d never have to go through this shit but until then STAY STRONG CECE, YOU’LL GET THROUGH THIS!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


stay strong ignore them cece your the best 🥺💗

Pretty Setter Simp

I’m happy for you’re successes, but a real part of me wishes you didn’t blow up as much as you did. There are people who clearly want to tear you down, and it hurts you so much in the process.


Oh jeez, don't worry I don't think you'd ever do that. I got your back on this. I wish people weren't trying to cause so much drama. Smh. Dont listen to to the haters, they crazy.

Ashley Nicole

What kinda fuck shit is straight tik tok doing to Cece now??


girly, you are strong, loving, gentle, and kind. i don’t want anyone else telling you otherwise cause baby girl you are worth all of it. you may be hurting rn hun but i love you with all my heart 💓💓💓


I'm so sorry all this is happening to you, we don't believe any of these lies. It truly is unfortunate that some individuals have to act like children and target you maliciously to feel better about themselves. We all love you and you've impacted our lives for the better. You've given us support when many of us felt down. Please also take care of yourself! You deserve the best ❤


What happened??? Where did this rumour even start? It's so random wtf? I love you, Cece! Try not to let these dumb rumours get to you. Getting more known attracts these kind of things but it also attracts fans like us on your patreon who will be there for you as much as you have been there for us, so keep on barreling on as you have been! But nonetheless, the clarification post is appreciated. ♡


Is TikTok not modded at all?! Like I don’t use it (I’d rather die lol) but all this drama I’m hearing is from people posting such obvious lies and I don’t see how that’s not bullying or actual slander. Because all the garbage that comes from there are some SERIOUS accusations and shouldn’t be taken lightly to be spread around like wth?!


bro do people not understand the severity of throwing accusations like these? these is legit some serious shit like wtf is even going on anymore? this is really gettin outta hand and its all goin so damn FAST. i just want it to go back to the way it was before. the toxicity is leaking into here and tho i may not see a lot of it atm, the fact that its still coming here makes me so sad. i used to spend hella time scrolling through the comments laughing my ass off and being grateful that this is such an open and welcoming community. i just want people to leave CeCe tf alone, this shits stupid af


Cece Don’t let the haters get to you ! Okay I appreciate the hard you put in your audios and (honestly at this point straight tiktok should be cancelled imo) plus you’re so creative and wonderful you don’t deserve all this hate okay ! I BELIEVE IN YOU AND SUPPORT YOU 💕💕💕💕💕


i can just imagine her crying right now because of all of this stress... and now im crying 😞


I'm so sorry you have to keep dealing with this stuff, and thank you for settling our minds each time, im sorry some pot stirrers just never let you have a breather 😔 i love you bunches and if you need rest or a break we understand!!


idk who this kenma person is but AYO🔈GET🔈TF🔈 ON🔈. your energy is disgusting and you’re probably one of these childish tik tokers spreading lies in the internet like FIND🔈 A🔈 HOBBY🔈


I don’t want to be “that” person but a part of me REALLY wishes she didn’t blow up the way she did. Ever since she became a “topic/trend” on Tik Tok, all there’s come from that is drama, lies and a WHOLE lot of toxic shit. (there’s been some good too, of course)


cancel culture is such bullshit, it's so toxic and nasty. I try to stay out of it if I can. cece I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I support you 100%. screenshots are so easy to fake esp with all the technology we have at our disposal these days. this is such a fucked up thing to even fake, just because people don't like what you do doesn't mean that they have to intentionally tear you down. I'm so so sorry cece, we all love you so much 💖💖💖


Don't worry hun, your actual fans know that it's all fake crap. People always try to tear others down when they're jealous of that person's success. You're literally the sweetest woman in the world, I wish they'd stop but you know you're successful when you have haters, it's sad though but just know your actual supporters, like myself, will always be here for you 💕💕


To all of you who are asking for proof: Not to be rude, but are you serious right now? You guys will honestly believe anyone tells you on the internet. The fact that you would even consider that Yagami might have done something like that is more than enough to show that you dislike her to some extent. I swear, there are some snakes living amongst us in the Patreon, and I kindly ask you guys to get out because no one here is settling for your bullshit❤️


Cece, PLEASE TAKE A MONTH LONG BREAK. Listen, you need this break, hell we need it too. If my nerves are shot from just reading about this shit when you post it, I can only imagine how it is to have it directed at me. Give me a month, I need to listen to some old audios anyway and catch up, and I won't be able to if you keep posting this bomb ass content like you do. Give us a month and then come back so we're all refreshed, because this is not okay for the mental/emotional of anyone.


I wanna know who ..


i hate twitter, nothing but pure hate. spreading false news. Poor Cece, she takes so much time trying to put warnings, explaining her ASMRS, making it a safe place for all weebs to enjoy their kinks, & all these “woke” kids who haven’t done a lick of research trying to cancel her & other kiddos eating that shit up like it’s a fucking roasted turkey at your parents thanksgiving party. LIKE WHAT


Cece, you don’t have to clear up anything! People just wanna start drama for no reason! We all know someone as lovely as you would NEVER do anything like that! If anyone says that to you, JUST BLOCK THEM! 👏💚


I just hope some of y'all know how easy it is to imposter someone on discord. all you have to do it change your name and pfp and you can pretend to be someone. plus, it's a very blurry screenshot and I know damn well we have better technology to take an HD screenshot. it was probably blurred to hide something, we don't know. all I'm saying is be careful of who you choose to believe. I hope you take time for yourself Cece 💕




girl i am sooo sorry... these people with saviour complexes really think they’re light from deathnote and they want to get rid of you SOO bad. please stay away from tiktok and twitter cause its just fucking gross and awful there. every week its something new and im fucking sick of it oh my god can yall let this poor girl catch a mf break holy shit




Cece it's okay, we love you and believe that you are a good person. It sucks that you've been getting repeated, relentless hate, but we're here to tell you that its okay and we appreciate you and everything you do!! Keep your head up queen! ❤❤❤❤


I literally just woke up.... Why can’t people just leave her alone?! Like seriously this is getting ridiculous. Cece if you need a break please take one. Don’t wear yourself down.


People are just reaching at this point. You give us so much love and happiness into our lives, you really dont deserve this treatment. We will always love and support you Cece 💕


Also, Kenma -- it could just be my old eyes, but I'm pretty damn sure I saw your original username change to your current one, and that other username was very vocal on the last controversy involving Endeavor and Shoto. So you've been here for a bit.


...why would anyone especially with a large following openly admit to animal abuse? they wouldn’t, because it’s fake lol. why are people actually believing this. i’m so sorry cece


The Kenma hoe even admitted they were only here to see "the cult". Cece, pls block them, for we as patrons CAN'T. IM PISSED that patreon won't let you block other patrons or report them properly


At this point I’m ready to dump social media in general, all there is a bunch of toxic ass people ready to tear non-toxic people down. And wtf is up with “cancel culture” that shit needs to stop, all it does is stir up drama and negativity. If y’all really don’t like someone or what they’re doing...STOP PAYING ATTENTION TO THEM...it’s not that hard 🤷🏽‍♀️


People will find ANYTHING to critique or find fault in, even when something’s not even true. Don’t let things get to you, you don’t deserve this.


what the hay? i ain’t never heard nothin bout nobody hurtin no animals round here?? god i feel so sorry for Cece, having shit flung left and right with little rhyme or reason. honestly i feel she should charge more for her patreon stuff if it meant she got less shit from peeps just looking for any lil reason to cancel her. she gives so much for so damn little.


That cult comment really has me thinking tbh. We’re a cult because we don’t immediately buy into screenshots that could be easily doctored? We’re a cult because we’re worried about a content creator we all admire because she has to address false claims and owns up to mistakes she makes while people who don’t actually care about her content work to tear her down?


AYE! YO! KENMA! If you believe the rumors then why are you still here? CLEARLY you must’ve been a part of the “cult” that you so oh-so-nicely called us.....


If raising the price would mean to keep everyone safe specially CeCe then I'm willing to pay that price


Im not sure what happened. But Cece, if you read this just know, you are beloved by me and so many people. You give us a pep in our step when you don't have to and we truly appreciate you. People will try to tear you down and it is going to suck and it going to be hard to block out that hate. But I hope you know that your fans love you and appreciate you and that love hopefully quiets down if not drowns out the hate. With all the loves and hugs!!


I’m so sorry Cece.. 🥺 I wish people weren’t so cruel. There’s always someone who has to try to ruin the reputation of others doing better than themselves. I hope you don’t stress about this to much, and if you need a break to get away from all the drama I’m sure we would happily support you! 💕Your mental health is a top priority! We love you and appreciate everything you do for us!! ❤️


Cece you are a good person and don't deserve this slander, because that's what this is. I hope your doing ok!!


Y'all legit something kinda personal happened and to see this kinda has me paranoid ( I'm so sorry Cece, you deserve the world and it makes me sad I can't give it to you


Wtf is wrong these freaks, they’ll make up anything to start some stupid shit. Do your thing cece, fuck these shit heads


What kind of rumors have been spreading? I don't appreciate those accusations they can be very hurtful!!


Imagine willingly paying money to unlock private content that is being made to please a very specific demographic then act like you’re being forced to see the content. Like some of y’all straight paying 5$+ to leave hate comments and leak paywalled content to support your narrative


I’m so far out of the loop about what’s going on so this being the first thing I see on Patreon has me confused and worried


My thoughts exactly like...you’re THAT dedicated to hating CeCe....you might as well stay and listen to a couple audios while you’re at it


Keep your head up love!!! We’ll be here with you!


Not attack people...hear the other person out, look for evidence, not immediately go to a grown woman’s aid and treat her like a child.


I saw their name change too! This bitch really is just paying to be an asshole to someone else. "Just here to see the cult", like girl bye. Leave please and thank you


at this point u guys r pulling shit out of ur ass :/


i’m so pissed, people will literally do anything to try and cancel someone. i don’t even know how anyone could believe those rumors since you’re literally the kindest person on this earth 💖


We love you, Cece! I don't know what this is about, but you are a lovely person who only gives us love... we all are going to watch after you, never doubt it ❤


I have nooo idea what’s going on, can someone fill me in? ;-;


Hey, you ok? We're here for you!


Blame Tik Tok. This literally keeps happening there.


See thank you for actually speaking to me like a person with feelings, thank you for not attacking me 💖 and I respect you if you continue to support her I just personally don’t but I don’t attack someone if they still do.


We’re here for you Cece 🖤

Xiomara Oregon

Cece at this point don’t even give those dumbass questions the time of day. They are wasting your time, Queen.




We’re here for you cece we love you and we’ll support you always❤️❤️


People accused her of texting about abusing animals. Apparently there were screenshots that had her name and picture. There were several issues with the screenshots. People who believe everything they see on the internet and dislike her were quick to jump to conclusions


Me too. I actually talked to my therapist about all this.


I'm so sorry you keep having to deal with this BS... people are really awful and look for any reason possible to cancel people who get popular

Star Light

I cant believe people are starting petty drama...you dont deserve it queen


I don't really know what is going on, but i hope you are doing ok.. and please watch your mental health with all the things that seem to be going on right know. Pls watch youself and i hope all this nonesens stops soon, bc you seem like a very very nice person. All the best an be strong! <3




Ight so all I got from this was Kenma from haikyuu is hating on our girl. Chile anyways Cece keep doing what ur going girl we're all here supporting you! 💕

Kathryn G

“Kenma” and Mikaya (?) bitching aren’t going to make all 33,000+ fans unsubscribe. Some horrible lies aren’t going to stop me from listening to these audios. These comfort audios are the only things that have helped keep my chronic nightmares away. They’re the only reason I can look my depression and anxiety in the face and say “You don’t fucking own me.” I owe my entire last semester and the completion of my college degree to Cece, because I wouldn’t have had the strength to do it alone. Some sniveling little brat isn’t going to stop me, or any of us from loving Cece. @ me, I fucking dare you.


Where the hell has this come from O_O


Wait how did this become a thing I'm so confused 😂 also can we see pictures of the pups


Tik Tok is modded, but it’s completely broken. They’ll take down videos and users for “violating community guidelines” for absolutely no reason, but keep up teenage boys grabbing their junk for their 12 year old fanbase and pedophiles/groomers.


Girl we love you so much and your so sweet we all know you couldn't hurt a fly we love you and thank you for what you do you help so many including myself you make us feel safe and loved I could never thank you enough


Cece! I'm sorry all this drama is happening. 💕 ily bb and just feel better 💕 were here for you!


We’re with you 100 CeCe!! I feel like lately you can’t catch a break (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Thank you for helping so many of us. We love you


bruh, we just horny weebs, we ain’t hurting no one, why tf are these 13 year old tumblr/tik tokers acting like they know the real world 👁👄👁 as a 22 year old, i’m fed up with this middle school bs, cece don’t deserve this.


We absolutely love you. Your an amazing bean hun. We are here for you!❤


To quote one of my Favorite Movies: You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important.


I have no freaking idea of what is going on here and no idea who started this rumor, but can my dum ass vegan say something. To whoever started this rumor: If you're going to start acussing someone for killing and torturing animals you might want to check yourself first and check where the food that you consume comes from first (assuming this person does consume animal products). There are thousands of animals in factory farms that are being torture, slaughter, raped and being abused on the daily basis and on many other ways just so you can eat their dead bodies to "survive". I'm not saying that CeCe did such atrocity with these living being, but if you're going to talk about animal abuse then you should start by questioning yourself and seeing how you are paying someone else to do the same thing to other living beings that deserve so much better just so you can have "food" on your table and "survive". I'm not judging people for however they decide to eat, but if you're going to start saying things that are not true and start acting all high and mighty then check yourself first and what and where you're values and morales stand. >:(


If cece quits after this i swear. she doesn’t deserve this /: i’m so anxious i hate the drama surrounding her, so ridiculous.


We love you Cece!!! ♥♥♥ an yeah, we don't believe anything they say, they are just idiots

Kathryn G

From what I’ve gathered, someone on discord changed their name and pfp to pretend to be Cece and say horrible things. There was apparently a super blurry screenshot taken of this conversation and posted on TikTok, which has since been deleted. Now users Mikaya (idk if that’s correct and honestly idfc) and “Kenma” are trying to blow it up here in the chat and turn ppl against Cece. If I’ve got any info wrong please correct me below, I got here after the screenshots were deleted. 🤷‍♀️


💢Dammit I tried but I can’t even sleep right now. Seriously this toxic ass energy that keeps finding you is so damn irritating. It’s so unfair that you have to deal with even a breeze of this cancel culture crap thingy. This is all because you are on the rise and thriving from your hard work and sweet heart. Please don’t let this shit ruin your lovely spirit. You are a wonderful person that helps so many people feel loved and feel like they have a voice / place in this world. Myself included. Lady, you’ve made my life brighter and made me hopeful for the future when I was convinced it was going to be a sad, dull and dark place. I appreciate you so much. So many people do, I mean, look how much love there is here! i love this family! Cece, I love you very very much and I really hope that you’re doing alright. Continue to stay strong, and know you ARE strong. You’re beautiful in and out and all around.❤️✨I also just adore all of you sweet peeps, like damn this is a real family right here T___T 🧡✨ 🔥ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ✨


Just got my heart broke cos I just joined discord for the Yagami serotonin and I—


I said the same thing. All she does is slander people. Cosplayers,fanfic writers etc.


people really don't have anything else important in their lives besides trying to ruin someone elses career. disgustingly sad. get a hobby.


I honestly don't know what in the sam hell is going on but these false accusations this woman has been put through is absolute garbage and she literally has no reason to be going through it. There are some sick people in this world I stg. To the people who still got problems but are still patrons? If you don't like it, LEAVE.


We believe you CeCe, i don't know why the hell they're starting this drama or what was their motive at all. But just know that we're all here for you and that we'll fight for you. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! You're loved and cherished. We love you CeCe. I will literally fight anyone who bullies you ❤❤❤


girl where does this shit even come from i. some of yall are way too invested in the personal lives of content creators lol


Don’t feed into that false information CeCe!! They trying so hard to cancel you but it’s not gonna happen!! Not on my watch.. You deserve the best and we love you❤️❤️❤️

Novak Rouge

I can't believe people keep making up stuff to attack you. I'm so sorry you have to constantly deal with so many horrible people coming at you :( I just can't understand how can't they just ignore whatever they don't like and just live their life doing thing and consuming content from creators they DO like? And it's so fucked up cause cece you're such a KIND, LOVING PERSON who cares so deeply about others. It's ridiculous and I'm so sad stuff like this keep happening. I can't imagine how hard it is to deal with everything, so I hope these comments can at least make you feel a bit better. I hope we can give you some reassuring that you are loved, appreciated, cherished and respected. We love you so much and everything you do, and we believe in you. Stay strong and I hope you can focus on the good and the people who do love you, but it's okay if you need a break too! You're human and you're allowed to feel things. Whatever the case, just- hell, thank you for everything, Cece


So if we a cult now then who wants to make a ritual with a kfc bucket summoning our favorite bird man? Because I know I do. But in all seriousness to that kemma person whatever yeah if you are only here to start stuff then ouch that’s sad. Leave


Hey I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I know this is stressful. Please take care of yourself first ok?

Vivid Nectarine ♪

Cult? me? fuckin yeah dammit, I am parts of this cult, so what? some of y’all really shitting bad with my karma man. if u want to grab a bull by it horns don’t get surprised when u get smashed down bc some of y’all pushed this negative shiat way to far. don’t test people who experienced shit in their life and found a cure here. just don’t. this community resembles ceces feelings, the love and support for everyone and anyone, doesn’t matter the gender, sexuality, color or whatsoever and some of y’all really, really pushin this over the fuckin edge. dude, just don’t do dat. in ur own interest.... leave it here. and back the heck off.

Aby Noel



This just makes me sad you don’t deserve this hate 😭


So I’ve just spent the past couple of mins trying to figure out what in the world happened! And I go to find more bullshit of people trying to cancel cece?? HELL NO !! WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST LEAVE HER ALONE MAN!! God!! Cece you probably won’t see this though the big amount of comments there are but know a big amount of us here have your back and we love you and you help a lot of us like destress from a long day or a stressful week with your audios!! I’d suggest taking a breather hon !! Just remember we love you hon!!❤️❤️❤️


Someone in the comments called us a cult and was saying stuff about it but like they could of left and leaved us alone but no


So, petition to fill all comment sections full of serotonin? Cause girl some of the comments I’m seeing are WILD. Hope you’re doing okay Cece, as well as everyone else.


You deserve so much better then this! We love you, don't let those haters get you down!!!!❤❤❤


Exactly! Sad to see people want to tear down cece like omfg


Like damn y'all I thought this was supposed to be a safe space where we could be horny weebs. Now I'm barely touching any electronic cause I'm scared to see all the bull we all facing in this crappy world. Like the song go "lowkey f*ck 2020" Can't even sleep I'm so frustrated about this 😡


What desert said.👆👆 This should be a safe haven, not a place to be name called, kink shamed, or made to feel like shit for being part of a supportive community. And if that's the energy you're bringing, why so surprised when you meet resistance and anger? You brought it to the table first.


This community has become a safe haven for a lot of us who have had shit go wrong in our lives (emotionally & physically) and the fact that so many people are tryna tear it down is disgusting and really fucking annoying. I understand that there are gonna be people who don’t like CeCe or us for supporting her but how hard can it possibly be to “mind your business” if what we do and like bothers you so much, move along....


dms/chat logs don’t show the numbers associated with a discord tag.


Wow this is so sad. People hating need to stop this!!!! I hope youre doing ok. We are on your side. And we support yoy!!!! Dont listen to haters! We love you cece!!!


Man, the shit people come up with to attenpt to bring down and hurt/cancel others is actually ridiculous


bro what? it seems like every week people are coming at CeCe for something. can’t have shit in this house jfc


I knew it people will do anything to cancel someone smh 😾


i love you so much Cece. i’m so sorry you have to go through this bs.


Seems that there will always be people who want to cause drama and ruin things for others for no better reasons than wanting attention or wanting people to be as miserable as they are. All we can do is stop giving them the attention they crave and instead focus on lifting up and protecting each other in the amazing community. Heck, as far as I'm concerned, everyone here is part of an extended found-family.


People don't understand with these or any accusations it's like lighting a tree on fire, the fire spreads and even if it's quickly put out there's still damage and it takes a while for the grass and trees to grow. Please just stop, you're hurting a lot more people than just Cece. We're a family and we don't want hate.. just love.


Ugh I am getting really sick of those people. Cece, I need you to know about how much you do with your work. Ever since I started listening to your work, I have become SO much more confident! I have become SO much happier! Whenever you post, I come running. Please know that we love you so much, and those fucking people trying to cancel you? It's honestly pathetic. They're just trying to seek attention en you don't deserve that. You deserve all the love and support you can get. Please know that.


Cece, I truly hope you are doing okay. The amount of things you have to go through can not be easy and I truly hope you are alright. Thank you for all you do and take a break if you need to.

Sara The Ninja Turtle

Really? People are accusing you of animal abuse now? Are people THAT bored ?

jordan ♡

where tf are these accusations even coming frommm😭😭😭😭


💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Honestly....? I think they’re baiting you because they know you’ll respond ... and you’ve become somewhat famous now (sorry but it’s true)... you’re too accessible for them, so they’ll play with you to get a response. So they can gloat that “Yagami Yato responded to them” .... don’t give them the satisfaction. There’s going to come a time when you’re going to have to ignore any sort of hate based interactions. I work as an influencer, hate is a part of the package... tune em out and thank them for boosting your engagement but give them no time. Focus on you and keep doing your thing. You know it’s not true, so do we.... don’t take the bait. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


People are really this bored huh?


Why can they stop with the bullsh*t, and accusations? Is it that hard to not bother ppl who live their lives how they want.... Why are hooman beans like this? I swear to whatever karmic energy out there to do their thing. U should'nt have to be doing this. Ur an amazing person that's following a dream and doing what u want and love. I send you my best regards and hope this doesn't break down your confidence in what u do, which is amazing and we're grateful for all your works


WHO STARTING DRAMA?!? People are so desperate to try to ruin someone. We are with you cece, please know there’s THOUSANDS of us who support you and love you!!


You don’t deserve the bs you’re putting up with Cece. I hope you’re staying strong and ignoring all of these ridiculous shit, people are just bored and are unfortunately looking for someone to pick on and “”cancel”” since that’s the thing these days 🙄 they have no real reason to come after you, they’re reaching so hard they’re breaking their damn arms. We love and appreciate you and all the hard work you do, I hope you know that from the bottom of my heart ❤️ your true supporters will be here through thick and thin, and I hope you’re taking care of yourself 💕


What I hate more is the lack of culpability for their actions. Because you know they don't have the balls to say this face to face irl.


Someone faked discord chats if what i'm seeing in the comments is right.


I rarely speak my mind on any platform but I felt the need to mention this. The tiktoker who posted the “evidence” mentioned she didn’t even check if it was true or not. It’s concerning that someone with such a large platform would so blindly believe something off the internet from a random individual due to her already disliking YY, not only showing how she was most definitely biased when it came to believing the accusations that are being spread by someone who could be deliberately trying to defame CeCe. I’m not someone who blindly supports individuals so from a logical standpoint I really don’t understand how people could support the tiktoker’s argument when there was no authentic source. It’s really disheartening and I hope everything gets better after all the children move on to whoever they decide they want to “cancel” next.


Cece I’ve supported you for the past 2 years and I believe you would never do anything like that. This is truly so disappointing! You really don’t deserve it. You’re very kind! Like come one you literally create comfort audios to help cope with others trauma🥺 that’s very sweet to me on my part!💗 please don’t let it get to you!

Sen S.

Wowww people are bored bored. They need to get a hobby or something, wtf. Make it make sense 🤬


CeCe I love your audios!!! They helped me get through really tough times!! Keep doing what your doing and ignore the hate, And make sure you take care of yourself and take a break if needed we wouldn’t mind!! ❤️❤️ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


Tik Tokers are going to fuck around an somebody is going to die behind their bullshit. If its not suicide its them hurting themselves or others. Mind you these are the same people who thought dressing up and looking like victims of the Holocaust would be informative instead of picking up a book or flat out doing your research on WWII like any other sane person. These are the idiots who thought faking a siezure would be trendy these are the same people who made fun people who have MR the same people who fake trauma and traumatic events for views. The same people who didnt go nearly as hard when pedophiles were targeting children and teens on that app. Oh wait..THEY still are! The same idiots who stay on a platform that aloud blackface for months an the amount racism on there is disgusting. The list goes on but I think you get the jist of it all. I dare any of you little shits come at me with that bull YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WERE GETTING INTO BEFORE YOU EVEN SUBBED HERE. I said what I said and wont apologize for it. Cece is better then me in more ways than one because I'd go on a personal witch hunt for dat ass. But my temper is horrible hence why I refuse to have a platform. I mean have read this comment 😂😂


Just know your community loves you and trusts you


Cece just know that we love you and I'm so sorry those ppl are trying so hard to make people give u hate even going as far as to making fake screenshots of those things. I hope you're doing well I honestly wish u can take some days off so u could feel better we can even wait on audios 💜💜 I honestly just want you to feel better. whenever I see hateful things that people say about you or to u it just makes my stomach drop and my anxiety kicks in I dont get why they have to give u hate instead of ignoring u. It's like they're obsessed with you. Well anyways I 💜 u cece and I hope u feel better soon xx


Same here my temper would not allow me to put up with the shit CeCe has to, I applaud her for being able to be soooo, I wanna say, calm (since we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes) about everything. I would be taking out my anger on everything and everyone tryna figure out who started the rumors. 🤣

Game Girl Mary

Please don’t listen to all the crap people are saying there just so boring and need a hobby you have 2 beautiful dogs I WANT THEM 😂just keep moving forward and keep going we are right behind you and supporting and cheering you on love you so so so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


all the lil fuckin weirdos paying up to watch this all unfold is mad weird. i swear, the minors and the Straights just gotta butt in where they know they’re unwanted 🥱.


Stay strong, Cece. There is nothing for which you need to explain or apologize. Please do whatever you need to protect and care for yourself, including taking a break or withdrawing from certain platforms. We support you and love you. Always. Meanwhile, I agree with much of what has been said: what is happening is no less than bullying, and as a community, one of the best things we can do is not give the individuals that are causing the trouble the attention they want. From the personal stories that have been posted here, it is evident that we are a community of survivors, resilient, brave and filled with love. These are our superpowers and I am so grateful for everyone is this fabulous community for existing in this world and sharing their stories.


some people shared a screenshot of a conversation with cece on discord were she says that she used to kill animals. it was clearly a fake but people believe everything they see online💀


Lilbvxch, I’m the same way I usually don’t try to get In other peoples business but this situation has gotten me so frustrated. If it was the same TikToker we are talking about she ended up deleting the video and commented on another video she posted saying “ technically she didn’t comment on the situation and simply uploaded the screenshots and how that was the only HARM she did.” I ended up replying to her comment by saying those screenshots were straight up slander since she didn’t have any proof that those screenshots were legit and should have at least tried to message Cece to give her a chance to defend herself or even get a side of the other party’s story. The TikToker even said “ This was a very serious accusation to make” yet still commented on her video with the quote above. She ended up deleting her comment after I replied to her.


WTTFFF Who said that 😤😤imma hunt them down for everything they said and made you sad DONT LISTEN TO THEM.. They know a shit about ever 😤❤️❤️❤️ Keep it up queen we all love you so much and we won't stop fighting for you ❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺


It’s the fact that people are pulling bullshit out of their ass to try and cancel you. I’m sorry queen you do NOT deserve this hate.


Who is the tik toker making videos about our queen? I just wanna..have a chat


i am so sorry that u have to constantly deal with non stop hate recently cece . i really hope you’re not letting it get to u . ik it’s hard . we all love and support you unconditionally and we just hope u r doing ok ❤️


for anyone who is wondering; fake screenshots of a discord chat w someone impersonating cece were posted on tiktok, w the impersonater saying that they (cece) abused animals as a coping mechanism. seeing as these screenshots were of shit quality and they refuse to provide any other evidence, the council has decided to chile anyways and get back to our regularly scheduled program of not giving a flying fuck. cece, we love you and support you, and i'm extremely sorry for all the hate you've been getting simply by doing something that you enjoy and supports your livelihood. if you were to take a break, we all would understand, because dealing with all these bullshit must be extremely taxing and damaging to your mental health. we're here for you, and we love you 💖


It’s all just false drama bebe!! We support you 💖


She has two adorable dogs what are they even talking about, they look fat, healthy and very happy too


Cece, you have my full and undying support forever. Do not let these schmucks get you down. You are a wonderful human being, both inside and out and you don’t deserve any of the treatment you’ve gotten from horrible people, especially bored tik tokers who clearly have nothing better to do with their time. You are thriving, you are living, you bring us so much joy and happiness. If you need ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, the community is here for you. I know this message will get lost in the hundreds of lovely messages people send to you but just know that we LOVE you and we are here for you. Cece forever ! 💖💖💖


I don’t get it. You pay to hate? Wtf so much shit is going on in the world, and you hate on Cece for this? Wtf you don’t hate on pornstars who actually show they body, you don’t hate on strippers for striking for money, but you pay money to hate on a voice actor who not only boost up characters age, but also slap warning signs in the audio. I would like to know the people who are trying to come for our girl. Like she done nothing to you. As you can see she lives her fans dearly and that’s why she makes these audios. Not for her sick pleasure but for our enjoyment. If her making these audios are so fucking bad go to each other voice actor who does this and do the same. Don’t come at her cause she is getting more attention on tik tok then these wanna be dancers!!!!


Christ I didn’t even know what was happening I’m tryna sleep before work for FUCK sake it’s like 3am young people are so insufferable. They’ll get bored eventually. Or hopefully learn that just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it has to consume your life trying to destroy it. So sad. Back to bed I go 😒


Srsly they r trying to pull anything to hurt our queen why t they can’t go cancel themselves and leave her Cece alone


Each day i get more glad that i have never had or been on tik tok, sorry you have to go through this cece, people suck sometimes.


Huh?? Bro where do these people even come up w/ this crap


Sadly there are always trolls on the internet. Dont let them get to u. We all rly appreciate the audios u do. They have been bit of a getaway and nice bit of fantasy in my life. If there is a new audio(s) for they day I listen to them before I go to bed and mess with my phone. They give us something better to think about then the doom and gloom outside right now in the world.


If anyone wanna say anything about Cece it better be positive or else they need to keep. Her. Name. Out. They MOUTH! Bro they are so TIRING. Cece honey I’m so sorry


Wait..why do people think she hurt animals?


People are just fucking bored with there life and wanna put people down who are doing better

Isis Booker

Thanks for explaining... But this just makes me exhausted with the stupid... 😒 So much effort to discredit someone. CeCe much love and support 💞 we are here for you and we aren't going anywhere.


If you see it, please report the comment under harassment and mute or block the person, some of us are doing this behind the scenes to assist in removing this clear defamation that is going on.


are people really this bored trying to start drama,, im sorry you keep having to deal with this bs


We love and trust you Cece, also i havent even heard anything about the drama

Kristina Johnson

I'm so sorry love you have to deal with the drama of incels...i will always support you and back you up! You have saved me and have brought me to new friends that I cherish. Please never give up! We love you!


i have a suggestion maybe removing the 1 tier might help or even the 5 idk. it’s just i feel these little kids are just taking the opportunity out of boredom bc like?? idk it might help. just a suggestion but i feel that would wipe out most


bc im on tik tok and all the people who are talking negatively are literally like 12 and a little older and they obviously can lie and say their 18 to get on here bc we all have done this in the past when we were younger to get accounts on different sites.


I was sooo confused


What the hell is wrong with people? Nothing else to do with their lives? We love you, Cece and we support you! ❤️


I hate that you even have to say this. We love you cece and we support you 💛


To everyone saying theyll support Cece no matter what: Please dont. That puts both an intense amount of pressure on someone, and also gives them the feeling that they can do no wrong. Yeah, you can support her, but dont blindly follow anyone who makes conent you like, or who seems nice. While of course the stupid drama people drag up is either a heavy reach or straight up false, we all still need to hold Cece accountable if something true does pop up. Im terrified that if Cece does end up doing something genuinely wrong and doesnt apologize for it, the majority of her fanbase is just going to enable her instead of making her take responsibility for actions.


In all honestly, the accusations now reach a point where it is ridiculous. Despite the drama, I love your work Cece and I appreachiate you so much. Your audios always sweeten my days! Beloved, sometimes I feel like we don't do enough to return all the good you do for us. Take the time needed, cry if you feel like it, scream your heart out into a pillow to rid the fustations .. when you are ready, we are here. Please make sure to take care of yourself, we love you.


Honestly seeing people go after you is beyond upsetting to me. Your work is the only thing that can help me, as a CSA survivor, feel normal sometimes. I feel bad for the people who don’t get to see you like I do. You don’t deserve all the drama and negativity, when you’re just trying to do what you love and make people happy. You’ve created a truly special space and platform where people like me can feel special and comfortable. The fact that people try to sully and dirty that is so so deeply sad. If someone dosent like what you do, they simply need to move on. And let those of us who have found a place of comfort be.


I feel like at this point as much as we love the BNHA characters we need to move on to a new one, like haikyuu where the character are already canonically 18+.. I feel like as long as the characters are 18+ canonically in bnha, that’s fine and would love to keep hearing from them.. but all of this drama is too much, I don’t want to be that person but I feel like this move would be the best one we could take rn


You’re absolutely right she would get less slander for the characters seeing as the ones from haikyuu are practically adults by the end of the series. But it’s up to her she’s been a strong individual for so long that I don’t think these people faze her.

Nina Tavluev

Who the fuck- jesus christ people are willing to do anything to bring other people down these days huh? Sorry cece that you have to go through this, you don't deserve it❤


Why are people like this, you really do not deserve all this hate and false drama. I'm sorry this keeps happening to you 🥺 We love and support you ♥️


This keeps happening and it just makes me want to fight for her more. I’m not going anywhere.


it’s sad to see people trying to create drama when there isn’t any... I’m sorry cece. Please stay strong!! ❤️


Are you doing ok? Do you need hugs????


We stand with you


Hun, I hope you will be alright, if you needn older sister figure to chat with on discord let me know.


I figured there was something up with it when I only saw one person talking about it, and they kept their evidence too small to be read.


What the hell is this bullshit again? Seriously... Don't change anything, love. We all know here it's bs

Tharja Lavellan

That poor person must be so bored with there sad life that they have nothing else better to do then to attack people for no reason other then out of there Low self esteem . I hope they find a positive hobby soon...😒🙃 hang in there Cece! ❤️


Wait what is all this about


at this point I don't even know what is going on damn what a mess.


I’m really starting to get upset with some of the people here. Cece is always working her hardest but people always have to find a new way to come for her. you don’t enjoy her don’t try and being her down and everyone here, this should be a safe space.


I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this Cece😭😭 The reality is that the bigger your fanbase becomes, the more likely you are to have a few rats that want to try and ruin it. But please don't let such ridiculous accusations get to you; If we all just ignore these haters they will eventually stop. They just want attention and nothing more. They simply want to create drama so they can feel like theyre doing something heroic when they try to call you out for it. People with braincells obviously won't fall for these lies, so as long as we ignore the false accusations, they won't get anywhere. Keep doing what you want to do Cece, the real fans will always be on your side.😚


It was pretty clear some of the screen shots were edited based on length alone and being from a phone. Plus discord is so easy to falsefie screen shots for


People really have nothing to do with their time huh?


people are just bored at this point :/ don’t listen to them cece! you’re a great parent to those doggies 🥺💖 -a


I m really confused . What happened ???


This slander is really terrible.


Some stupid thing with a false dm or something. It’s so dumb.




How do i get into the discord... the link says its expiered 🙁

Dark Huntress

The more people join the more drama it will bring. People do not have anything better to do and I'm 100% sure they are jealous of what Cece is doing but don't have the pride to just stop listening to her and move on. No matter what, her Patreon still going up.


Okay if you like me & out of the loop don’t worry I got you. Since I was like wtf I figured I’d make the sacrifice of snooping on tiktok through the comment section. RIP to my lost brain cells 😪. I could have missed something however there was only so much brain vacancy I was able to withstand. This is what I gathered. Some one posted (I believe it was account: keondra.k 🕵️‍♀️) screen shots of “ Yagami Yato” dming on discord about the involvement of herself with animal abuse. Said screenshots posted by party A were apparently given to them by someone they referred to as “my contact” 👤. Mystery source known as “my contact” said the screen shots they had sent to party A were real. It appears party A has deleted original post that apparently featured the screen shots for reasons I honestly lost interest to even find out. Although it was difficult to be surrounded by such a lack of intelligence I just hope the gathered info can save at least one mind from having to expose themselves to so much idiocy. 😶 So do yourself a favor, pick out an audio & don’t pay no mind to the bullshit. 😎 Things become way less interesting when there is no reaction.


What the hell is going on?


People really do be making up this kinda bullshit?? Cece, don't let this get you down!! And um... will we get to see your fur babies?? 👀❤❤


We know, it only takes somebody with a brain stem to see through a fake screen shot. Please make sure you're taking enough time for yourself, we all know this will pass and the ravenous little goblins will find something else to focus on. My advice to anybody here is to report abuse where you see it and then block. Don't engage with idiots. If you want to show your support for Cece do it on your own page and continue to block the idiots spouting nonsense.


the people on tiktok deleted all videos about it but honestly if ya ask me that deserves an unfollow and a block from me since they cant seem to do research and at least try to find out the truth


I dont even kniw what this is about but im rolling my eyes so hard! What on earth are people driveling on about now? Its just slander at this point!


Girl, if I could send you a hug and a drink of your choice through the internet, I'd pay extra for express.


What the hell is the problem with these people...goddamn. i hope you know how much we love and support you 💗


People are low-key idiots. I'm tired of hearing these dumb and honestly retarded rumors people are spreading. Um HeLlOoOoO Cece is a BEAN. Like- a SmOL BeAN! It's so stupid hearing about stuff like this. She wouldn't hurt a fly! Let alone animals that could ATTACK her. Cece shouldn't have to explain shit. Be the queen you are Cece, rumors are just that, false accusations put on someone when someone else doesn't like the success they see.


where did anyone even get that wild accusation from??? i'm sorry you have to endure this, cece.

Zestubou en Yeosin

Bro wtf is going on?? Where did this shit even come from?


it's on her Instagram post. Check it out! they are so adorable!


What...can people just leave you alone and stop making shit up omg they’re so vile. Don’t pay attention to them they’re just pathetic and want to mass bully someone at this point, they’re clearly obsessed. Don’t give them what they want, ignore all of it. 🖤

Vivid Nectarine ♪

yall, kind reminder and dat this stuff doesn’t get to much to our heads and if yall want to help pls don’t interact with the tweets, vids, posts. the social media algorithm is a huge sucker for interaction like comments, likes, retweets and shares. the more u feed this fucker, the more it thinks ohhhh dat good shit, lets spread around and reach out to other fyps, certain hashtags etc. so it will get more food with likes, shares, retweets, comments etc. so pls don’t feed it, don’t interact, don’t give the algorithm the food its need to spread around. just report.


Literally why would ppl say something like that.....

Fatou Diakite

People wanna see you go down so bad 😶it’s sickening


They're just bitches, Cece. Pay them no mind.


It’s down because so many haters would join and cause shit, they’re working on fixing it


What in the world.... Well I guess at least these haters are being creative with their rumours??? I dont even begin to understand


Who the fuck said you hurt animals? I'll beat their ass right now


Someone posted a tiktok of Cece "admitting to abusing animals" Despite people stating there was never a discord mod with the name shown in the screen shot.


I was following a girl on tik tok and thought she was cool until she posted a video showing the ‘discord’ proof. Firstly, did no type of research. Secondly, those ‘ o: ‘ at the end of every sentence was clearly made by a troll. It is very easy for another to copy a discord name and change their picture. I quickly unfollowed her for actually feeding into that mess.


Honestly who has the TIME to just mess with people???? Why can’t people just GET A LIFE

Alejandra bermejo

We stand by you. Forget those horrible trolls


Jesus, people will say/do anything to hurt you now huh? Why can’t that energy towards someone who deserves it??


Honestly dear no one would blame you if you wanted to take a break from all this, these haters really have nothing better to do with their time


Those that are trying to slander her, where is this hate for writers on ao3? And Wattpad? Do you consume sexual fiction about aged up MHA or other anime characters on other platforms? Because if you do, miss me with that 'lewding minors' shit.


this is ridiculous...people just hate to see your success


I noticed that too. It's pretty obvious from the screenshots that the person was trying and failing to copy CeCe's speaking style. The whole thing rang as disengenous.

Vonnah Cool

We'll stand by your side Cece, we love you so very much! Stay strong, stay hydrated, and make sure you're not overworking yourself. All my love to you ❤


I’ve seen people use the killing small animals rumour against other creators before. Totally unfounded lmao.


Most of these people hating aren't even patrons like baby who asked for your opinion....not us...


We love you Cece, I’m sorry all this shit keeps happening to you. Just know that we’re all here for you💕


The drama was so silly in the first place. Like imagine if someone went on their fave pornstars comment section saying “OMG I can’t believe you made the ‘getting railed by stepbro’ vid! That’s incest omg! You’re just a wholesome cinnamon bun!” Like grow UP lmao.


Cece please take care of yourself first. Your supporters will always be here. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel safe making content. Whether that’s taking a break and riding it out, or raising the prices/changing over to upfront payment, whatever it is, we’ll support you. We want you to feel safe and happy when posting content. The last thing we want is to keep seeing you getting hurt and/or burnt out. You shouldn’t have to feel sad or ashamed every time you want to post something. Seriously, do what you gotta do, and we’ll support you ❤️


I'm so sorry you are going through this, I understand the people who criticize but that was a very poor and malicious attempt at "cancelation", hope you're doing well, please take a break if you need to


We love you Cece!! 💞💞💞💞💞


Please don’t let all of this drama get you down Cece. We all know you are sweet and love your fans with all of your heart. We know that you would never even think of hurting an animal. All of these lies that people are spreading is ridiculous. We know that they are fake. It breaks my heart to see all of the videos and posts that you have to make to defend yourself from these haters. Don’t let the assholes bring you down. I wish there was something more that we could do to help you. I know that words of encouragement only help so much... but we really are here for you. Just remember, your supporters outweigh your haters by a long shot! ❤️


I can’t believe people who don’t even know you keep trying to start drama. You’re amazing amazing person Cece and I will never stop supporting you!!


Don’t stress it boo 😚


Cece, you have had a huge impact on my life and it sucks that people are starting crap to bring you down!!! Don’t let jealous people take away your success. Keep being the best version of yourself and always remember to take care of yourself!!❤️


Cece im so sorry for all the drama, you are a wonderful person! And your work helps me when im down. Your the best don’t let anyone bring ya down queen💖❤️


How horrible that someone would assume or accuse you of such a thing. People are irritating, and immature now more than they used to be. Quite sad really. I hope you are doing well, and are taking care of yourself. Eat , drink and get plenty of rest. Love and hugs !


PFFFFFFFFT- people really going this far 💀 i can’t 🤣 dang and i thought i didn’t have a life people these days really ain’t got not life 💀


it’s seems that people have it after you for no reason, it’s so dumb. please know we’ll always be here to support you! we love you so so much and you being so much comfort to so many. 💜

Tazzy B

just reported a 17 year old on Tiktok spreading this shit..There's still rats in here cuz all in the comments " Well she posted on her Patreon that..." YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM...KEEP YOUR DAMNED MOUTHS SHUT ABOUT WHAT GOES ON IN HERE OR .JUST FUCKIN LEAVE. IM SO OVER THIS


It’s so unfortunate that there are people out there who aim to spread negativity and try to knock you down however they can, it’s really ridiculous. I feel that you are strong and so positive that your influence resonates more strongly to those of us who follow you. I hope you can that you can find comfort and support from that, from the many supporters who send you their own kind words and gratitude, and however else you choose to find it. And that you continue being the amazing person you are. 💖


You don't ever have to explain yourself to anyone Cece. Even if you did those things when you were a child psychologically with everything that happened to you, I can understand. But what matters now is the changes you've made in your life. Please know that majority of us are here to support you. You make a lot of things better for a lot of people. I cant speak for everyone but for me at least I know you help me through a lot of bad days and nights. Please don't stop making content and don't let the haters get to you.


This is some absolute fuckery. We stand with you, Cece. People will do ANYTHING for attention and to spice up their bland lives.


Thank you for saying that. People grow and change and evolve. It's important that those that have dealt with trauma know they are understood and acknowledged for their growth.


Yup. Minors GTFO. 👉👉👉 That would solve about 99% of the problem. Go hyper fixate on something more productive.


It's the "not fully comprehending the consequences of slandering a creator with unsubstantiated and shoddy evidence while also not legally being able to access this content so why are you here anyway" for me. 👍


BRO WHAT THE FUCK accusations like that are not funny! CECE I AM SO SORRY THAT THOSE BITCHES D A R E TO PULL SHIT LIKE THIS. Please know that we are with you, and believe you. 😤😤😤


What happened? I’m so confused..


Wtf is going on? I haven’t heard anything. But that’s messed up cece

Sheridon Gibson

I hope you get past all this just know you are a wonderful queen and a brilliant and kind person cece please don't let this drama get to u


It's ok queen, we get it. Don't let them get to you. I know it's easier said than done, but people who don't understand will stop at nothing to make you feel like you aren't worth it. Don't let that stop you from making your content, from living your life the way you want to live it. Your content makes me feel hopeful, and i haven't felt that way in a long time. So, like you love to say to us through the characters, we want to see you smile with your whole heart (figuratively, not literally, you don't have to face reveal.)


What??? Who said you hurt animals??? Girl, don’t worry about them and what they say. We love you!


im seriously about to cry. cece, you have gotten me through so much. you have comforted me when no one else has. the thought of this happening to you makes me sick. i love you and we as a community will always be here for you.


These people will never be on your level and thats why they keep trying to drag you down to them.. but Cece you are an absolute queen and you keep doing what makes you happy and you keep showing them that they will never be where you are 👏 ❤

Keana .

See this is why we can't have nice things😒😒😒 if my audios get taken away because of trolls imma be h e a t e d


I truly feel that people don't understand the consequences of making false claims like this. they've been so blinded by their self righteous crusade to save fake minors, that they've stopped caring about real life human beings. claims like this could ruin Cece's career as a voice actor and they're so proud of that fact...it makes me sick. Cece please keep your head up queen, we're with you 100%

Adriana G

im so fucking done with all this drama, cece you dont deserve this, you bring us so much comfort and love, we want the same for you but all these kids keep tryin to hurt you, please dont let them!


... wait what happened???

Bakusauce on my tiddies

Yeah I heard about that. This is so ridiculous. Making false allegations like this should be a crime. I am so sorry that these things keep happening. If you need us for anything we have your back Cece okay? We love you and are here to support you through and through!


Alright. What is going on? Did I miss something somewhere? Why are people doing this?


whered this rumor even come from what-


Honey keep you head up and lean on us, we support and adore you for these beautiful gifts you give to us. Not only are the audios AMAZING, but you have a lot of us a community to belong to. We love you 😍


Which is baffling, when a lot of them simp over predatory guys on TikTok. 🤔 Why not start a crusade about the ACTUAL harm done towards minors on that platform? Too hard to get involved in something with legitimate substance, I guess.


It’s the way people are so quick to believe OBVIOUSLY FAKE AND EDITED pictures and when the original poster took the video down and telling people to shut up when they ask for actual proof, for me. I’m sorry you’re being attacked like this just because people don’t like your audios 😔


People attack those they are jealous of. Keep your head high and stop apologizing for stupid people! 👏


This is absolutely ridiculous! Cece, you are so damn wonderful, You don’t deserve any of this hate! Please don’t pay any attention to these stupid rumors, you deserve so much better. You make me and so many others so happy, please don’t ever change who are you. I’ll forever support you, so please keep smiling, love ❤️


it makes me so sad seeing people that keep on trying to take cece away from us. they keep spreading rumors and sending her death threats and it literally hurts me. cece, we love u.


I can’t. I can’t this guy just tried to come for her on tiktok and someone commented that she lewds minors and I responded “not you spreading misinformation” and went on to explain that miss Yato ages up all of her characters and puts them in a proper setting, which isn’t that hard to understand and the creator made a video with my comment and basically said I shouldn’t have kids and I’m a pedophile— and I’m livid? First of all. These characters aren’t real? And he had to nerve to say something along the lines of “well if you saw a 16 year old on the street would you age them up to lewd them?—“ like that doesn’t— someone help me I’m lost.


I truly hope you’re doing well, Cece!!! You don’t deserve this at all. You’re so talented and your work has brought me so much joy and comfort. People are bored and mean spirited and I hope you know you have us to lean on whenever! You’re only human, and I love you.


The same people who are trying to “cancel” CeCe are probably the same people who stan problematic people like Jefferey Star , Shane Dawson, and etc 😗


cece, i genuinely hope that you’re focusing on your own mental health through all this because it would take a toll on ANYONE. please remember that we all love you and that your happiness comes first at the end of the day.


Seriously, if this is considered lewding minors, get off the internet. At the very least, get off TikTok, where there is a constant stream of art and cosplay devoted to sexualizing these same characters. Or is it only okay when they do it, and not when someone literally states they are OF ADULT AGE, in ADULT SITUATIONS, and makes a profit off of their talent? Hypocrites.


It’s crazy how far reach people will go to make false accusations just to pull talented individuals down. Why is it so hard to people to understand if you don’t like to consume certain content, then skip/scroll past. The reason why they could make far reach claims is cause they continue to follow the works of people they don’t like, just to nitpick on what they can. Just leave CeCe alone and be SJW elsewhere, shits wild


I hope you know we love you and care about you a lot 💕


I am so sorry this is happening. We all 100% believe you.


It is a crime, defamation. Cece can actually sue them for making those accusations which are rapidly spreading along with a lot of misinformation


People believe everything that’s put on the internet. Let this girl LIVE HER LIFE, DAMN🙄


Cece we love you and we support you so much 🤍 even when it’s hard we’re here for you


Keep your head up darling. As you grow more well known for your work controversy is bound to follow. People are nosey and always will be. Just do your best to walk away from it with grace. People simply want the attention you have.


I mean not hating on CeCe but it’s still sexualizing minors, definitely when you have to age them up just to lewd them 🙈 like not saying all the hate is justified but they have valid points and even if she’s your fave you have to realize she’s not perfect and she keeps making the same mistakes 🤷‍♀️


I love you Cece PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember all these bad people have nothing better to do, your amazing, talented, kind, if you must take a break from the internet please do! Remember I will ALWAYS be here for you, PLEASE stay strong your amazing, you explained everything you’ve showed your side we don’t need the opinion of others, I’m sorry your going through this and I hope you stay positive and healthy LOTS OF LOVE 💖💖


cece i am so sorry that you are going through this right now. it’s crazy how far some will go to put others down, just know you have so many fans and supporters who love you and appreciate you and the work you do. keep your head up and don’t let the negativity cloud your mind 💕


Some of y'all didn't come from the era of fandom where unnecessary (because *nothing* illegal is being portrayed or done here) censorship was a very real threat to creative content, and it shows.


People will do anything to bring you down. Please remember that we all love and support you for a reason. You are crazy kind and amazingly talented! Don’t forget that no matter what we are here


We will always support you queen!!!😊


Some people will grasp at straws just to try to get at you Cece. All because of what they heard from other people. Keep your head up and stay positive. We have your back! ❤️❤️😊😊


What the hell is happening? Why do people feel the need to bring others down? It's not right man...they need to grow up for real


They are silly hun. I wish there was a way to filter these guys from posting so much unnecessary drama and hate. I hope you are doing alright ❤️


I don’t understand why people keep making up things to attack you :/


AND ANOTHER THING. Why is this shit about fictional people, FUCKING DRAWINGS, being aged up being brought up again? They’re not REAL and anyone with a fucking functional brain that knows the difference between right and wrong, knows it doesn’t translate to real life. BUT NOT MY POINT. Let’s talk about the motherfuckers that AGE REAL LIFE PEOPLE DOWN. Writing fanfics about real life celebrities in fucking high school and having them do lewd and clearly adult things. Where was any of this shit when they were and ARE STILL DOING that shit cause that’s 1000x worse 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

i swear to fuck, let her BREATHE. on god, she’s literally still recovering from the last drama she just had. to everyone literally SLANDERING her and spreading information like this, that is defamation and it’s actually really serious. why are so many minors on this page in the first place? you aren’t even supposed to be here, so leave. you can’t be that bored to the point where you’re literally spreading misinformation about an obviously faked topic. seriously, how many fucking braincells do you have to believe that cece, who just came under fire, would recklessly go on discord and just admit to a crime like animal abuse? use your fucking heads lmao. some of you don’t even believe she did it, but you simply don’t like cece so you’re spreading it around simply to attack her. get a hobby, please. it has to be more fun than attacking a random woman on the internet. you say you hate her but you’re obsessed. you look more like a fan than we do.


Cece don’t listen to them please 🥺💕 we know you will never done such things. Everyone wants to bring you down since you are being successful


I have a yorkie ( silky) named dutchess And a labrador retriever sheltie mix ( he smart as hell and fluffy ) Named frank I love em both with all my heart and they are part of the reasons i dont have depression as bad as it use to be and part of the reason im happy


Seriously? People are making assumptions now? Like what the hell? Do people really need to start rumors about stuff like this. I swear people just find anything to bring people down.

perris (dazai’s cum sock)



i stg its these weird ass people on tiktok.. they all posted the fake screenshot at the same time 😭 its like they’re a fucking cult with the way they act


I honestly have no idea what is going on but from what I have seen so far I am pissed at the fact someone is treating are girl like this they are messing with the wrong one and I do not believe rumors I do not lead them so I am not aware I stay out of drama and I never for once thought of her in a bad way or thought she was an animal abuser or any kind of mean person in any way I hope this is over soon for her she of all people does not deserve this an amazing talented creative beautiful that has amazing talent that damn other people are obviously jealous over because her fan base is freaking amazing it feels like I'm coming home you're my virtual family and CeCe built the house for us to be ourselves and to feel safe for our crazy personalities and I love all of y'all. Yogami your in my ❤ I pray that this is over soon.Please take care of yourself and don't let them get you.There's more here that love you then there ever will be haters 💔❤😍😘 and if there are any haters on her page reading this all I got say is Fμck You😈. You messed with the wrong one her fanbase family will literally fight you if you hurt or upset her.

Kiki kohai

We believe and love you cece 💕


Aww honey bun I’m so sorry that these rumors are getting spread about you! Love you 💕💕


My family runs the local animal shelter in my area and I work as a veterinary tech, so it infuriates me to no end that people would attempt to frame you with a false accusation as serious as this. I’m so sorry that people are going out of their way to try to harm you Miss Cece; we know you’re a gentle person with only the kindest intentions. Always keep in mind that we cherish and support you. <3


Y’all, people come for Cece for every little thing all the freaking time whether it’s audio related or personal life and it’s so annoying. Enjoy the audios, be done. If one’s not for you, move on🙄. These audios are lit, chic, keep up the good work!💜


Cece- hun, dear, gorgeous, sweetheart...you're wonderful in so..S O many ways and absolutely do NOT deserve all this hate and negativity for something you didn't do and I know for a fact that you'd NEVER do. Some people are honestly just terrible and have nothing better to do with their lives so they make others suffer just for the hell of it. But please PLEASE don't let this bring you down. You're a kind and gorgeous soul and is only doing her absolute best for those she loves. You deserve much much more than all this and I'm sure many others feel the same.💓 Sending much love and biiiiiiig bear hugs from one of your very grateful subscribers/patrons💙💕


It does feel like a virtual family! 😭 every time I hear about drama I’m always so glad we’re such a wonderful fans base and that we’re supporting each other and Cece and this comment made me happy so thank you


Cece Honey, im so sorry you have to experience this. I know you would never do such a thing, and I know everybody else does too. So you shouldnt worry, you help a lot of People, and were All grateful for that💕

Arcana (He Him)

Yeah I don't have a problem with legitimate concerns (people getting hurt or having concern about content rather than the rabid hate) and I love that Cece is very much 'I can see it from all the perspectives'. I'm not an unconditional supporter myself but she's done little wrong for me so far.


CECE tbh I think TikTok isn’t the best place and there are a bunch of snowflakes who say THIS IS BAD OMG STOP. I’m sorry

Abbigail Tarantino

Why do people think you hurt animals they have nothing to do with what you do ????