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I can understand both sides to things, but I want to address a few things really quick.

Firstly, please please please everyone, let’s not attack those with an opinion that disagree with our own, I respect all of you very much, and agree with what happened or disagree with it I just wanted to say I love you all, so please don’t get upset at each other.

I totally understand that the distinction comparatively to the other audios I’ve created and I will try and make audios with a far better theme.

The criticism of the audios does indeed make sense, while it’s sexually gratifying it’s likely not a genre that would promote too much happiness and due to it being a pretty extreme thing, I think it’s a concept while it may be fiction, I think I understand full well what caused this uproar, it was the intent within this particular audio.

Unlike most, with the exception of the villain style ones sometimes, things don’t usually get to that dark level of things, I want to say to both sides of the fence, you both are valid imo. I totally support free expression, but I can totally also understand where someone could find the audio triggering or damaging as a subject.

My goal Is to make everyone feel accepted and loved, and I realize while this post may be great for some, it has brought back some pretty dark subjects for others, and in respects to that, I will be generally avoiding the topic in the future.

I don’t think that it will mean much, as I think most of the subject matters and genres will not fall under such a dark themed place.

I think both sides are valid, don’t censor yourself and also don’t make the feeling of the patreon and safe place not safe anymore.

This does not mean I won’t do things like villain auction and things with debauchery and some themes of things like that, but I think I can be uncensored while also avoiding some triggers for those involved. As I want my audios and stories to promote not only a healthy way of expressing one’s sexuality/kinks, but also a warm place where we don’t need to fight and can all feel comfy c:

I love you all very much and I hope this will find you well, and just know I won’t change, I won’t go down a darker path, and I want to largely keep the focus of the audios on positivity and things that bring people up!

Tldr: both sides have validity, I will avoid very select taboo things in the future to keep the feeling that the patreon has always had, so in essence I will try and stay true to my roots and so if you’ve liked the patreon in the past I assure you I’ll try and Improve and lead with love, hella nsfw, and comfort as I always have c:

Edit: the audio has been removed, again, I’m really sorry everyone, please don’t worry, I will learn from this and improve and not make the same mistake twice!! Love you all so much!!

Edit2: don’t worry I will still be ambitious and make stories as much as my brain can come up with it c: I love you all dearly !!

Edit3: to everyone who likes the more debaucherous themes I will be sure to keep making them, I’ll try and figure out a better way to tackle them, love you all !



We literally do not deserve you


Hun we love you 👉👈


We literally do not deserve you


I’m just confused..


love you cece 🥺


you’re a queen, we love u sm🥺💕


Wait what the bulldawg did I miss?


what audio caused an uproar. i’m confused :< can someone fill me in




Thanks for addressing this! We appreciate you♥️


we love u , ur amazing cece (✿◠‿◠)


The goddess has spoken now let’s all get along kids ✨


can someone fill me in


When she’s perfect ❤️


It's okay CeCe! I still support you❤️


We love u so much 😩💞


why do people have to fight over this oh my god can we just get over this and stop stressing cece out


You do so much for us and deserve the world, thank you ♡


You and your work are amazing regardless of what you do. We love you~


😇 no fighting 😇


We love you, Cece. Just keep your chin up, okay? We try to keep a tight-knit family here on Patreon and the other platforms that we have bonded on. We'll still support you all the way, so don't work yourself up too much, okay?


🥺💗💗Waaahh we love you

Leppie the Gremmie

Thank you for all that you do and for having such a huge kind heart Cece


A queen,this is queen shit❤️✨


Cece we love you!

mina's .

wait what is this about?


That’s cool! We still got your back Yato 💕✊🏾


Don’t stress bubba we understand and love you


You’re so precious


We love you so much cece!!💕💕


You are really something, I look forward to your future content and I do hope this all clears out. You are an absolutely wonderful person so please take care and try not to worry so much, eat and drink water, take care of yourself, dear! ✨💕


You're too amazing Cece! Thank you for all of your work.


You’re amazing and you do an amazing job with audios and addressing issues when they rise up. You’re too good for this world


I don’t understand why, like warnings are there for a reason If you don’t like sum don’t click on it easy and simple. This is why we can’t have nice things if y’all are gonna fight with each other


Cece is literally the only Queen I serve at this point in time.


I hope everyone can be peaceful here and enjoy themselves! Not everyone has to agree. And I think you’re doing great work! Your audios are fantastic. And it’s okay if not everyone agrees.


You are amazing... I love you so much and how you care about every single one of us


We love you cece<3


What happened??


cece sweetie i love you omg 💖


Don’t worry baby we love you sm and understand


tiktok is a literal war zone rn 😳 love u doe cece ty for looking out for us


Honestly I don’t see the problem here? Don’t like it? Don’t listen to it simple as that


A queen,this is queen shit ❤️✨


Cece I want to say thank you for just being so caring and humble. That’s what I love about you. Any audio you make tbh I would love cause your just a beautiful gift. We promise to make this community peaceful again for the sake of the fandom and the sake of you my queen👑 💕💕❤️⭐️🥺


To anyone making tiktoks to start drama or tea. Stop. Right now.


We love you!! 💜


Thank you for clearing the air and maybe an option for the future is a poll for a kinky post and see how your audience feels about it like “poly doms vs spicy one on one” or “NTR vs feral”






there was controversy over the shoto and endeavor audio


thank you for handling this like a sensible human! this makes me so happy

mina's .

is this abt the endeavour and shoto audio?


You’re such a cinnamon roll 🥺💕 We love you! And I love everyone that’s also apart of this Patreon! We’re all a family after all 👉👈


we don’t deserve you 🥺❤️


Honestly I don’t see the problem here? Don’t like it? Don’t listen to it simple as that


We love you cece 💕




we love you cece!!


Some people don’t like how the endeavor and shoto audio can close to incest.


im confused too 😔


CeCe you are literally a goddess. I am on both sides of the fence and I have to say you are handling all of this beautifully. We do not deserve you. Kink queen extrordinaire is a hard line to walk and you do it so gracefully.


Also kind of confused. What was being protested and won't be featured anymore?


We love you Cece!!!!!


There’s literally been so much drama in the past couple of hours and it’s so upsetting. I’m sorry you have to go through this, you don’t deserve it. I love you so much and I hope you are doing okay! Continue being authentically you!💖

Bunny Amajiki

Create what you want to create honestly I support you


Get some sleep bby, you work so hard and deserve a break💗


We love you Cece!!! please take care of yourself! you’re amazing !


I so admire the way you address issues within your community with such understanding and kindness. Thank you for putting this out there; hopefully it'll reach the people who need it! ♥️ We love you!


Your always kind to us don’t stress we love you 🥺🥺❤️❤️


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and views but let’s enjoy these audios together and a safe space y’all. Thank you for all you do cece!

Mary Dukes

We love you so much CeCe keep up the excellent work! ❤️❤️❤️


I dont understand why people keep on fighting. Just let yy do her thing or leave there is no need to fight or hate on people.

rain ♡

i wish people wouldn’t fight it’s just sad and frustrating to see people go back and forth but we all love you cece and appreciate what you done for us ❤️


Love you!!!! And I need to say thanks for all the work that you made! 🥺 Really thank you so much! 💕

Natalie Garcia

This is basically don’t yuck on my yum I said what I said why y’all mad bro just log off


constantly sending love cece — you deserve the world 💞

Yaoi aka Kirby

You said Taboo, like the incest aspect, so that also counts out a another future Dabi & Shoto, I just wanna make sure so that I don't ask for that type of audio again later one.


Cece works too hard for us :(


honestly, if they don’t like it just don’t listen ;-; not everything is supposed to be tailored to one specific person/fantasy.......you are doing amazing Cece and we stand with you! 💙


All of the <3s (sorry that this is my first time commenting.) You deserve all of the love 💘 💗 💓


Absolutely adore and love you, Cece 💕 thank you for everything you do!


You are a queen Cece!!! I love you and will keep supporting this Patreon 💖💖💖💖 keep doing you 💕💕


She's literally the sweetest human


not a lot of this was happening before straight tiktok got a hold of your audios but if they want to start something because they don't agree its not right everyone has their opinion just for those who are arguing remember cece doesn't have to do any of this for us as a horn dog weeb and meme mistier i say it is what it is and let it be 😎


We love you so much, when I say we don't deserve the kindness you give, I mean it 🥺 ❤❤


No need to apologise, Cece!! As long as you tag things, you are okay! Do what makes you feel comfortable in your works! ♥️♥️♥️


Cece is such a sweet person hate that people tryna cancel her when all she did was make something for someone who requested it like she was just tryna make that person happy😔 but anyways LOVE YOU SO MUCH CECE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND STAY HEALTHY 🥺❤️👊🏼


Is this about the Dabi audio or are we still talking about the Shoto and Endevor one? Someone fill me in!! I haven’t listened neither of them so I’m kinda lost...

Charli Hands

Thank God I downloaded that. It was so fucking good.


who ever cancels you bby I’ll manifest sangwoo 💓😌✨


we stan a mature queen 🥺


It is your right to explore your work without criticism, but I do appreciate your taking our opinions into consideration.


Gosh you're such a good person 💜 just know you'll always have your true supporters supporting you and your work 😊


cece we love you 🥺 thank you for always being so kind and considerate. i appreciate you and the space you’ve created, this patreon and the discord have become my comfort place and i definitely don’t see that changing!! much love 💕💕💕


We really don’t deserve you cece ❤️❤️❤️❤️


we love you, cece 🥺💖


u r literally the sweetest creator i’ve ever gotten the chance to experience, we love you🤭

Patricia M Daniels

Aye, captain. We like the same shit, so let's all be civil and sin together in harmony


For the people who are confused what this is about, she's referring to the most recent shoto and endeavor x listener audio


Warnings were posted. Nuff said. I'm more disturbed that after commenting on the extreme audio that I wanted a comfort, you posted a freaking comfort audio. Like you scary when you do that lol

Abbey Mac

Different strokes for different folks as always. You put thorough labels on all of your audios so I'm not sure why audios with darker or harsher themes as still listened to by those who have negative feelings towards them. There are plenty of audios I havent listened to for that specific reason but I read the title and description and decide if it is something I can listen to. You are not the one at fault in this situation


You’re doing great Cece, we love you!! I admire your thoughtfulness for your patrons and community. I just hope you create work you’re proud of as well!! 💕


im pissed, people listened to it knowing what they were going into. you do not have to apologize or delete the audio. some people enjoyed it and now they got it taken away. i love you cece and i trust your judgement but you put a trigger warning on it and people still clicked on ut

Ren ✨

Love you 🥺💕 hope you’re not super stressed or anything


literally thinking the same thing she puts hella tags up 😭


We love you cece!! You deserve so much more but I hope our support is enough for now ✨💕


I can't understand people. If you don't want to hear something just don't hit play... Cece, you do an AMAZING work for us, you always hear us and make us happy one way of another. You make male, fem and N/B listener and tag EVERYTHING that can be triggering. What more they want or expect?


You are amazing, and i still think it was ok to have up for people to safely explore kinks, but i understand why other people could be upset. I wish people would stop fighting :( i look forward to all your content ♡♡


if you don’t like it don’t watch it, let us have fun. i love you all


All that fighting and for what? An audio? It sucks to see. It sucks that people can't enjoy what they like. Thanks for being so patient with the internet CeCe!


You have my full support Cece xx you’re doing really well in the midst of all this craziness just make sure you take care of yourself too ❤️❤️


aw man :/ i really liked that audio


i hope it didn’t get removed because people were reporting it :( just because they don’t like it doesn’t mean they have to ruin it for others that do.


I just hope that this fighting doesn’t dim your creative spirit. You are certainly one of the sweetest people I follow and honestly whenever i see you post (even if its not my type of audio) i get a smile on my face because you are doing something that you enjoy. Stay strong sis 😗✌🏼

Katsuki's Firecracker

This shouldn’t be an issue. We’re all adults here, and people know how to be civil. It’s not hard to be a decent person. Whether you like something or not doesn’t matter. 😔 I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this, Cece. Let’s all make this a fun, safe place! ❤️


We as humans need to realize even as taboo as a topic may seem lots of people are into different things that are seen as very very out of box. Yagami tried her best to fulfill everyone’s kinks and desires and puts effort into. It may be triggering but you were fortunate enough to be told and simply don’t listen. There’s a reason why she put it in bold ass words


Tbh it’s simple, don’t like don’t listen. There you go. Fighting solves nothing


If it’s not your cup of tea, move on? It’s not that hard. Cece thank you for always addressing issues that come up regardless of how ridiculous it could be sometimes❤️


Personally I don’t think you should censor yourself because people ignored the warnings, but I respect your decision as you are the creator. I love you bunches CeCe!!! 💕💕💕


We don't deserve you 🥺 Thank you for always doing your best and showering us with love 💖


Need more sub audios on jah


Dang. I’m really sad I couldn’t listen to it. You work too hard for us for drama like this to happen! ALL YOUR WORK IS BEAUTIFUL 💖💕💝


everyone chill and let's vibe y'all 😎✨❤️


People really need to watch what they listen to & read your comments on it.


:( I didn't even get to listen to it..

Kristina Johnson

You're a wonderful individual cece. I am happy you wanted to explore a little, but im also happy you do not pick sides and just want everyone to be happy and safe. I didn't listen to the audio because Endeavor isn't my cup of tea, but im happy you wanted to explore something new. We love you so much cece, continue to grow and improve 🥰🥰🥰


All of us here on patreon support you whole heartedly!! We love everything you do and appreciate you giving us so much content! Your audios help me get through very tough times I experience and I look forward to them every day! Keep doing what you love! We all love and support you and wish for the best! 💕❤️


What’s going on? I’m confused


Dont like dont listen dont pay. That's all it comes down to. Move on with your day and please dont hate on others 💜💜💜

Natalie Garcia

Isn’t this just dont yuck on my yum the trigger warnings are there for a reason kings go off


Everyone has their own opinion. And I love how you are aware of the stuff going on. I have a thought, You can still make "dark" audios, But maybe put that in the title. I know you put it in the description but sadly not a lot of people read descriptions. So people who don't want to listen to that stuff can avoid it, where as people who want to/aren't bothered by it. But I really really love how positive you are. You are too generous for us and please continue all the amazing stuff you do. 💙💜💙


Thing people aren’t getting is that if you don’t like something, just don’t click on it! It’s the same as fanfic, you don’t click on something with tags you don’t like, why would you do that here? Sorry you’re having to put up with this CeCe


I don't understand i don't see fighting at all?🥺


Your amazing. You handle the drama and accusations with so much love! Keep on doing what you doing!


You should not have to apologize, Cece. You put up warnings and that’s all you needed to do. It was sufficiently tagged. If people clicked on it and listened despite knowing what they were getting in to, that’s on them. Not on you. People have their own bodily autonomy and the ability to walk away from something they know will make them uncomfortable. Please don’t feel like you did anything wrong, because you didn’t.


I’m legit sad I didn’t download it.


Seriously Cece, you're a complete sweetheart! And now you just got me hyped about Villain Auction once again. *looks around* Also... am I weird for coming to the opinion that the Audio fit into the Gangster AU? I mean, Dabi did mention that Shoto up and killed Endeavor and took over the city but he wasn't sure why... and the whole "Endeavor steals his beloved" does seem like a good enough reason for the boy to snap...


We love you always <3 I think more than anything, we want you okay. You’re literally the best and none of us deserve you. For that, we are forever grateful.


Cece, you are so kind-hearted and it obviously shows by the numerous post you display to express your concerns for your audience. The disagreements between both sides can be a bit much and I am sorry you felt the need to create such posts. I hope everyone will be kind to one another because I enjoy this group. I enjoy the common interests we have to certain fictional characters and the feelings and emotions we have for them because of your creativity. You have such an amazing talent and I really hope these arguments between sides doesn't discourage you to create more of your amazing art. Thank you, Cece🌹❤


Jeez, people are still bitching about that audio? Like, idk why people can't read disclaimers/tags that are there FOR A REASON. The Dabi one from today was even a better example of you putting out warnings WHILE even saying "Warning". But overall, I do appreciate you seeing BOTH sides of people's views on things & not just one side! Either way, just keep doing you Yagami. I can't wait for more Comfort Aduios, some Villain ones even (I hope we get more Villain Hawks soon because it's been a LONG minute since the last one you did).


Dabi isn't definitely a todoroki and it's different when it is a character's dad I think


The people who are giving u hate should also read the title carefully it obviously says endeavor vs shoto not endeavor x shoto. They're fighting over listener


I really don't see the problem, if they don't like just don't listen. That's all.


My queen you have made me happy in all that you do. Please know I don’t want you to think that I want you to stay the same. Grow and make this amazing. All that I’m asking for is warnings. I don’t want my stupid triggers to stop you or me from enjoying your amazing work. All the kinks have to be exploded and I get it. I just wanted to help you out in your way in making your work always glow in our eyes. I love you so much my queen. I wish the best for you and even more. Thank you for listening to the people that get triggered by the new kinks. It means the world to me that you care for us.


Love you and appreciate your hard work. You gave warnings and some didn't listen but what's done is done, don't let this get you down goddess! You don't deserve this kind of backlash! Love you!💕


i think you should do whatever your heart desires❤️ and i personally thrived off the audio


YOU! Are actually amazing... I love that you can be so accepting and understanding of all opinions. I hate that you get dragged through the mud though 😭 I hope that you always remember how much you mean to people and how much of a positive influence you have on your listeners. Don't forget to take care of yourself!!! ❤❤


So the post was taken down for incest? I still don’t know what NTR is :/


I love you mamas 🥺 do what u must and i love everything that you do regardless


I love u cece💖but people are make such a big deal out of nothing 1 people requested that audio, 2 U PUT A WARNING ON IT and, 3 at the end of the day the characters are FAKE!!!! and people are still trying to talk shit it’s so aggravating I’m sorry to make u upset but this crap needs to stop🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


All that fighting and for what? An audio? It sucks to see. It sucks that people can't enjoy what they like. Thanks for being so patient with the internet CeCe!


To be honest, the only reason why the Todoroki and Endeavor one caused so much controversy is because Endeavor was included. If it was any other character, no one would bat an eye. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I have no idea whats happening


And like any family, we're gonna have our little fights now and then. Doesn't mean we don't still love each other~

Tabitha Guss

I’m just really tired tbh.. I’m gonna avoid the comments on those audios for the rest of forever. Oof. I’m hoping for another cheating audio in the future. :x A pipe dream right now since people seem to want more pegging or more romance. I’m kinda mehh about either, since I kinda want some angst now that I know I can listen to Cheating audios just fine. Either way this whole mess is bleh. *goes back to watching the youtube video I was on*


a shoto vs endeavor audio sparked a lot of debate about whether or not it was incest, and whether an incest kink is okay in general


There is no reason you should be apologizing or even needing to clarify. Ppl act like they aren't grown ass adults and can't choose to not look.


I did but deleted off my phone to make room thinking I could get when I got home 😭


Thank you Cece, its very much appreciated. I had some dark memories stirred just by reading the warnings.


Don’t apologize and do what you want, we’ll still be here. Those who got triggered simply don’t know how to read.


Honestly, I really think this whole thing has been ridiculous. "Don't like, don't read" has been around since fanfiction.net days and earlier, why people feel the need to kinkshame and cause an uproar about an audio that was WELL tagged in the description for people to avoid if they have triggers is ridiculous. Be an adult, don't like don't listen, and get over yourself. There's been plenty of audios that aren't for everyone, I can't figure out why people have zeroed in on this one. Fans and friends, please keep supporting, commenting, liking the content you enjoy seeing; and also please skip any and all audios that offend your sensibilities, whatever those may be. Cece, thank you for your consideration of others feelings and I hope this continues to be a place you feel comfortable challenging yourself and your audience!


Was this about the Todoroki's?


I really wish I would've downloaded it. Is there a way you could make another tier for those that don't mind and want the darker stuff?


good now let's all get back to being the supportive and loving community that we are 😚💕💕💕💕


you dont like it DONT LISTEN


Little confused on the situation.😬 However, if people listen to an audio that upsets them, despite there being warnings, that's on them. And how about we not Kink shame. ❤❤Judgement free zone, just do you boo❤❤


I have to admit I’m disappointed in the members of this community that’s usually very loving and accepting that are “yucking other’s yum”, but at the end of the day, it’s still YOUR patreon and YOUR community so, Cece, do whatever you’re comfortable with and whatever makes you happy and we’ll still love and support you💖💖💖💖


I didnt know you took it down😥


Geez, you're such a freaking caring saint I just realized it's gone which makes me upset cause I enjoyed bullying them both in the same audio but if it made others uncomfy I understand and stuff, but as long as this community stays safe, loving, and peacefully chaotic as it always has been then I'm happy you know


There was an uproar about a recent audio she uploaded involving Endeavor vs. Shoto.

Levi’s Tea Cup (Lexii)

As someone who grew up && was taught to defend themselves && the people they love. You telling me not to argue with others that come for you.. not gonna lie it’s hard 😭😭 It seems as of lately you had to put up with more drama as your platform got bigger over the last couple months. And I absolutely love that more people are seeing your talent cause you deserve but you definitely don’t deserve all this bullshit. But as the saying goes “Mo’ money Mo’ problems” And stuff like this happens when you gain a bigger platform. It just sucks that some of us couldn’t be mature about the situation and just scroll or leave if they didn’t like the content, they had to make a big deal out of it. But moving on, Cece, I know we don’t know each other but I see you as family as well as the rest of this community, and I love you to absolutely death. That being said, I’ll respect your wishes & leave the situation alone. I hope we can all move on from this fiasco & go back to the loving community that we always were💕💕

Kristina Johnson

We love you so much cece. I'm happy you wanted to explore something different and even warned people, but im also happy that you don't take sides and understand the situation and are trying to keep things a safe and happy community with you. I didn't listen because Endeavor isn't my cup of tea personally, but I knew it would be extremely hardcore and some of us are ok with it 😌 thankyou for all your hard work cece, no matter what ill support you and your decisions. Keep improving and staying awesome!

Sieko Valantin

There shouldn't be an argument at all. Read the triggers. Do as you see fit. People have kinks that you won't like. Cucking. Furries. Force. Don't ruin this beautiful thing for everyone else.


I love u cece 🥺 but people shouldn't really be spreading false information about its not okay to be saying stuff that are not true and the people that are talking badly about don't even have ur patreon u even put warning sign yet they decide to ignore and post on tiktok saying u didn't put warning signs or that u just wanted to trigger those people or that u are lewding minors when clearly ur characters are 18+. You didn't do anything wrong cece we pay u to put out any content that u want when ever u want we love everything u do also please take care of yourself cece🥺💓


it pisses me off that cece has had to apologize for doing things so many times recently, its fictional audios about fictional characters. read the titles, the tags, and the trigger warnings. the warnings are there for a reason and if you decided to still listen despite them and get pissy about it, then you're clearly not mature enough for an 18+ patreon. if you don't like it, it's very simple to just NOT listen to it. let other people enjoy what they want


I didn't get to listen to it.....I really wanted to too........


The fact that ppl are being dramatic over an audio about fictional characters is so 💀

Kristina Johnson

Some people were a little upset with an audio she posted despite trigger warnings and everything.


In my personal opinion I think it’s stupid there’s fighting in the first place. You are a content creator who is very generous to your listeners, making content for people that are into darker things shouldn’t be bad, especially if you put warnings on them. If they are triggering you don’t have to click on them. Other people’s pleasure shouldn’t be hindered by other people’s displeasure in an optional audio. But obviously I respect whatever decisions you make on it going forwards as, it is /your/ content. I hope you don’t let this whole ordeal deter you. We love you, thank you for everything you do for us💗


I also noticed on the new Dabi audio she listed the kinks/triggers that were present.


cece, you have done nothing but help people become more comfortable with their sexuality and create a wonderful escape from reality. me and so many others have majorly benefitted from what you do- personally, listening to your audios has helped me feel sexual again after being ab*sed, as well as gain trust in people again with the comfort audios. you had every right to post the audio in question- it was very extreme but many people in here are interested in that stuff, and if someone doesn’t like it or is triggered by it then they can choose not to listen. you explicitly disclosed that the audio was extreme and not to be taken lightly, and anyone who ignored those warnings should not blame you. you’re a wonderful person and have helped soooo many of us here. i thank you for your hard work and am so sorry there has been so much drama lately.


don’t feel like you have to censor yourself because of other people. this is YOUR account and YOUR content. but i’m glad you’re listening to your audience and addressing it 💕 just don’t feel like you have to please EVERYONE :)


I am so sorry for my brothers and sisters in this community who went threw that it breaks my heart that that had to be your realities 😔


Thanks for being so understanding admittedly i got a little upset over people being upset by the audio i personally don't like the netorare subject i decided to listen to it despite warning and just took it normally another impressive work made by cece, i admire what u do and how healthy the community is so the little dispute that's been going on had me very sad i do understand what the people that complained are going at but cece also put a big warning in it so we could decide if we actually wanted to listen ,again i dont wanna start arguments or anything just saying that cece did warn us that it was gonna be pretty hardcore and deferent and in my personal opinion everyone is valid but also we were warned as well .. Anyways thanks cece for everything you do and you efforts in making everyone feel comfortable and secure gotta say this is the first community I've actually felt welcomed and like my voice matters ik everyone had deferent opinions but we are united by how much we care for you and ur work cece so this little dispute will be over soon and we will all be chill again and im looking forward to that , love you cece keep the great work and love everyone on this community as well lets all keep being beauty cool like kiri says 💪✨💜💙


People are so fucking dramatic like take 10 seconds to read the damn warnings instead of getting offended when you didn't wanna take the precautionary measures. Grow the fuck up.

Amethyst Elisaga

We love you and you have our support no matter what 💜 you’re perhaps the only person I’ve come across that makes the choice to lead with love and light and stick to that wholeheartedly. Everything is gonna be okay 💖


Just here to say I love you and the amazing work you put in for us! 🥰🥰🥰

Tabitha Guss

Glad I downloaded it onto my tablet either way.


I think it means never to return use when partners dont live up to their expectations I read it in urban dictionary


Honestly, I'm more upset that it was taken down. I haven't even been able to listen to it and now it seems like I won't ever 🥺


we love you. thank you for everything you do.


Cece, you can venture into what realms you wish. I definitely think us as a following can learn to pick and choose what we wish to gander into. Variety is the spice of life and what’s life if you don’t live a little. I personally didn’t care for the recording but, I listened to support your hard work and liked it regardless. Just because you try something new and some wet blankets don’t understand their choice to listen to it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t venture out into new waters if you want to.


I really don't know why people are even fighting. Read the warnings and if you don't like it, just don't listen to it??


Or just choose to read the descriptions which are VERY VERY obviously put there for a reason


She puts trigger warnings on her audios, especially on that one so I don't see how she can do any different. If you (not you literally) continued to listen/watch something that has trigger warnings on it and get triggered by it anyways you can't get mad at who made it. It sucks to have her stress over this


If people don't think they'll like it, they shouldn't click it. You warn us all in the description and also in the titles. People sometimes seem to just click whatever without reading. Both sides of the fence are understandable and reasonable. I just believe if people don't like what the description says, they shouldn't click it. Like I said in another comment here, You could put "Dark" in the title so people who like/don't mind that stuff can listen while people who don't like it don't press it. But anyway, I hope you all have a lovely day and Cece, we all love you. You are too kind and we don't deserve you. 💙💜💙


Cece I'm so sorry that you felt the need to post something like this :( ppl honestly need to grow up and realize that other ppl have different kinks from themselves. It may seem too raunchy or intense for them, but they need to realize that not every post will be for them. There are so many kinks out there (even worse than smth like degradation or debauchery). I feel like ppl should be educated about what kind of kinks are out there. Maybe linking some websites to definitions of certain kinks in the future? So ppl don't get the wrong idea?


Literally just don't listen to the audio, no one is forcing you to. Some people are into these things jeez...


As she said, let's not fight about it. I don't know about y'all but I gotta head back to night class 🥰




You're the creator do what you see fit. These pricks causing drama have no right to decide your content.


Is this still over the endeavor and shoto audio?? I just don’t understand how. You DID but tw and it’s 10000% not your fault!! People will always complain about things they’re not into and ruin it for the people that do like it. Cece is amazing and deserves all the love 💕 I do hope you continue to try new kinks in your audios! Dark stuff my not be for everyone but it gives the people that do, something they won’t have in real life. Because it’s FANTASY.


As long as you tag triggers accordingly everything should be fine, alot of people did like that audio and I don't think it should have been taken down but that's Cece's judgement. People with these fantasies have a place and people who don't like them should simply click off or not listen. It's one thing if not tagged and another if someone ignores them/refuses to research and just jump to a conclusion. Everyone's different and yes we should be respectful but no one should be shamed for liking or disliking darker stuff in this case. IF YOU ARE NOT INTO IT IGNORE IT. TURN THE NOTICE OFF WHATEVER BUT DONT JUMP DOWN PEOPLES THROATS IF THEY LIKE IT AND IF THEY DISLIKE IT THAT'S FINE DON'T JUMP DOWN THEIR THROATS. All and all be civil and mind your own kinks, just don't shame.


I really loved the audios 🥺🥺 I always get excited when you do hardcore/extreme stuff. It's just fantasy, people need to chill 🙇🏼‍♀️


What audio was it im so confused 🥺I love all your audios and if you simply put a trigger warning ion think it should be a problem


im in favor of just having a huge group hug with cece because i hate that with her stuff blowing up that it's lead to drama like this. keep doing what you're doing hun, it's what makes you happy and there's always gonna be that one guy who finds something to complain about. we love you!


Oh why did paetron remove it?


I don't think she should have had to delete the audio just because some people were upset by it. She put a lot of warnings in the description, it's not her fault if you don't read them.

Jennifer Love

People find healing in different things. Sometimes the shadow self has to go to the dark place, or else it will explode. I know these all find the mark where they are needed.

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

It still makes me angry because people did not respect your tags and half of the people bitching about it didn't even listen to it. Many were jumping to conclusions thinking it was actually father x son. I saw posts on twitter condemning it for that reason. Which couldn't be further from the truth. No one should have the right to dictate an artist's work. I don't care how dark it is. I'm sick of this "I don't like something so you are not allowed to have it either" type of mindset that people have today. Things get taken away every day because of triggered people..manga , music, video games ect... If its properly labeled then these people need to stay away from it and not demand no one have it...I'm repeating myself but it makes me mad. I am not gonna argue with anyone. I am just giving my final opinion on this subject.


Honestly I think this whole thing is over the fact that it had “slight incest” in the description in the first place. Some people might’ve just ignored the warnings yes, but the fact that Cece even made it might’ve triggered some people uk? I haven’t listened to it but from what people tell me it’s honestly just Shoto and Endeavor arguing over the listener I think... So did Cece technically do anything wrong? No in a sense, but I think she should’ve known this wouldn’t slide considering it’s literally and dad and his son. Yes people can just ignore it and wait for another audio but I feel like there should be a line drawn for what is appropriate to make u know? Much love for Cece still!! But I understand why people are upset 🙁


I'm going to frown knowing that the petty listeners who couldn't just move on from FICTIONAL audio got their way and are likely feeling superior right now, but I'm not upset. And ultimately it's your patreon and all I'm here for is to soak up the content. I'll miss extreme corner but this is your decision and I am chill with that. I'm sorry if this has been making you upset recently I hope you feel better soon. And I'm especially sorry your fanbase don't know how to be adults. 😒 Eh. Either way, feel better sweetie. ❤️


tell you what, kinda sad cuz i got like halfway thru the audio last night but i didn’t finish it, and now it’s gone :,(


Im glad I got to download it when I had the chance. I was really hoping for a sequel where everything is resolved cause it was such a good story, but i am ultimately a sucker for happy endings.

Michu X

You handle things really well, i am still fuzzy on the whole drama but its done with now. Your audios be giving me that head space i need to focus at work. I honestly would love to have some more of endeavor in the future. Either way i love what you do and support you 100%. YOU DO YA THANG CECE 💓💓💓💓 LOVE YOU ❤


I really liked that audio, it was creative. I had fun listening to it but I understand where you’re coming from. Keep up the good work and I love you!💗


I didn't even realize this was an issue until now. It definitely wasn't my cup of tea, but I could appreciate it for what it was. Bleh to endeavor, but more power to you if he's your type. Having such a diverse fan base is what makes us all so great and I hate to see any of us unable to get along!


I guess some people don't wan't to read the warnings :(... you do a good job at voice acting!!! love your work don't let anybody put you down!!


I recommend making a different tier for those who like more darker topics. In that way people who don't like it doesn't have to see it, and the ones who do get to. I like seeing you explore more into darker things.


Just a idea! Maybe the higher tiers should get/keep the darker themed audios. I feel that would help filter out more of the people who don't generally float to those type of audios?


I agree one hundred percent. We have trigger warnings for a reason. If people can not read or respect those then that is not the fault of the content creator.


Wait, did it get deleted?? It still appears on your page for me!


Please don’t be worried to try new things or branch out again 🥺🥺 I really enjoyed that audio and I’ll regret not listening again honestly! Anything you do, I’m gonna be supporting 💜

luna s

Cece 😊 thank you for being a sweet angel. 😔🤚 i am just gonna say this to just get it off my chest. You did put up warnings flags for your extreme audios and with detailed explanation on what's on It. If they did not like it. Its all on them. listeners choice to listen to it or not. I😞 sorry had to put down my two cents down. 😌 Anyhow cece run it how you want to, what you feel comfortable with. 😅 honestly i like those types of audios as well as you fluffy sexy ones. But again it's all up to you i will support you all the way😁✌ You are doing great keep up the amazing work you amazing beautiful precious bean 😄❤💚💜💙💛 we all love you. Now we all can move pass this and become one big awesome yagami family again.

Jinx Valentine

I really hate people 😒 it literally had trigger warnings all over the title and discription. If you don't like something or find it triggering, literally just don't listen to it. I have my own personal triggers. And you know what I do? I scroll past them. People need to grow up.


I didn't listen and wasn't going to but the fact that it was taken down is ridiculous. Some folks really out here really do be adults who don't know how to act. Honestly I'm starting to worry about some of these folks Like. It's 18+ content for a reason. If you're this old and can't seperate fiction from reality then you certainly haven't matured enough to be here.


I really love it here but if this becomes a continuous thing of being shamed for enjoying what we enjoy, I'm gonna have to add it to the list and leave. Cece put plenty of warnings and if was something that triggered you, I understand, don't listen to it but don't spoil it for others.


Just wanna say I really appreciate your works and u are amazing❤️


You are amazing, that audio was a masterpiece, I managed to download it, I'll keep it under lock and key. ❤❤❤❤


You're free to remove audios and do what you wanna do. But the fact still remains that I'm clearly late to the party and missed out on listening to this audio! Anyway to actually pay for it? I'm dying to listen to it now! :'D


For all of you, I understand what it's like to scratch a trigger like no other. But any thing can be a trigger, and you may not even expect it to be the one. I hope you all take care of your mental health. Please just don't listen if you understand that this will have consequences for you and take care of yourself. I hope Cece doesn't limit herself too much, because I like all the stories she shows us anyway.


I mean, I downloaded it too... for reasons completely not related to me wanting to do an experiment involving matching the contents to certain AUs.... *shifty eyes*


This is so annoying. CeCe works so hard she makes herself sick and people really start coming for her just because she’s making audios we want?!?! If you read the title and tags you’ll know what it’s about and if it’s not your cup of tea then keep scrolling! (I’m a little salty because I didn’t even get to finish that audio either)


This is so flippin’ ridiculous, I’m sorry. You put up enough warnings and if people went on to listen and whine about being triggered, that’s 100000% on them! and not your fault. I am sorry that it caused fights and made you worry and stress though. ;-; But you’re not their mothers (though you take the role well here ❤️) and you did all you could (and more!) with the warnings. Please create the content you want. No one it’s ever under gunpoint to listen to *everything* here. I LOVE YOU CECE! I LOVE YOU LEVEL HEADED FANS! ❤️


If you can't handle something, don't listen to it. Those of us who enjoy dark themes now won't get them because some of you couldn't read a warning lable. There's some audios you may not like, ignore it and move on. Not everyone is satisfied with vanilla stuff.


There are people actually fighting here? Oh gosh I'm sorry to hear that. I kinda wish people would just take responsibility for their actions instead of bullying people on here. The trigger warnings were there to reinforce that this is supposed to be a safe and enjoyable place that has a little something for everyone. If you can't handle the things listed in the warnings, don't listen to it. Or if you get too curious and end up not liking it (aka me), know that that's your chosing and in no way CeCe's fault. My immediate reaction after that audio was, "welp, not for me I'm going back to Suga," not "I'm gonna cause some drama up in here." 💀


While some may see an issue with it, i really don't. There was a warning for a reason, it explained the seriousness of the audio. The audio was an expression for the people who have darker kinks and it seems that because people here arent as excepting to those kinks rather than just mild kinks and such. If it isn't your cup of tea then why listen to it? So now some people who might have been interested in those types of things cant have that because of peoples ignorance. And while this seems im attacking people it isn't my intention but i simply don't think that it is fair. I personally didn't see an issue with it, mostly because it was fictional. And while the "issue" has been dealt with, i feel like there wouldn't have been an issue if the warning was read. This is simply my opinion and i am not trying to attack anyone just stating my thoughts. Besides that, i really do love your audios Cece and i hope this problem didn't cause you too much stress! Keep doing you💕


Well damnit I never saved the audio :( I guess I can't listen to it anymore. :( Either way! Keep doing you! I personally thought they weren't so bad but I can see where someone may get triggered by them. However I would LOVE the audios because ei personally liked them


I respect the work and audio that you do make, and they are amazing, If I don't like the kink i won't listen to it nor will I hate on those who like that kink. What I think could be improved, imo, is certain sound effects. When I first started to listen to them they were *chef's kiss* but lately they're not as *chef's kiss*.


I'm sorry this has happened. People, please in the future just read the tags and if it's not your cup of tea, keep scrolling. I completely understand if it is a trigger for you, but do not put yourself on that situation where a trigger has been tagged if that is the case. Personally I enjoyed the audio, although not my favourite I did enjoy it more then I expected lol. Thank you for all that you do for us. ❤️


Yeah, lowkey some might feel censored bc of it, myself included. Let's try to get along tho and hope this won't happen again


Yep. It's silly to me since she put a rather large warning and even said it wasn't going to be right for everyone... but it is what it is


Thank you thank you from the bottom of my soul, your work is amazing and you've given me a lot of happiness 😊 I really wish that people would let you express yourself more freely instead of trying to hold you back. I am disappointed I never got to listen to the audio as you've probably put so much hard work into it, like you do with all your content!! I just want you to stay healthy and to feel loved! Im hoping you get to see this post. Love you cece @^@ 💕


Will the endeavor and shoto video be uploaded again? I can’t find it anymore😭


The ones that are shaming others for enjoying these type of audios are the same ones who got mad when straighttok were going after Cece. Like dude, if you didn't like the way the were making you feel for liking something that wasn't to their taste, why are you doing the same? The trigger warnings were there in the description, that's on you for not reading it and listening to it. It was something different and I actually wanted to see/hear where the story was going to go. But to each there own 🤷🏽‍♀️ Cece as always, you handled this with grace and love and we will continue to support!


if you make a separate tier that includes those darker themes, i would 110% pay for it

Feral Idiot

Bro what why are ppl fighting over an audio who cares what others like why does it matter


Yo did someone save the audio i want it😭😂


Well then, I guess we all can kiss goodbye to the possible Hisoka and a Sangwoo audio and any other type of audio that falls into that category. Good work 👏 people >:(. I know she didn't say she wouldn't do certain characters, but seriously if you get all worked up over something that was properly labeled then you wouldn't be able to handle those audios. I'm just saying


18+ for a reason, the ones acting childish clearly didn’t mature. Separate fiction from reality. There’s warnings for a reason, don’t like it, don’t listen to it, Cece works so hard making so many countless audios for our horny asses to enjoy. Go listen to those if these darker ones ain’t your tea.


You're honestly an amazing person! Like i'm really new here but it's kind of impressive to see how quickly you adress things and try your hardest to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible and that's very admirable. You treat everybody on this platform with so much respect and understanding and i really hope everybody else while they're maybe not happy about some audios still treat you with respect bc just in the few days i've been here i can tell what an amazing person you are and i hope that you don't let negativity get to you! ❤️


Everyone on ur Patreon is, assumedly, 18+.. which means they're responsible for curating their online experience. :T and sometimes, that means reading the tags on posts, and not listening if it'll upset them


Okay, people, did it ever occur to you that if you didnt like the audio, there is literally NOTHING forcing you to listen to it? NTR was in the title, so that's a clear warning if you know what that means. If not, google it like I did, DUH. Second, the description of the video contained warnings. There's your second red flag. And then it said "Endeavor vs Shouto". If you're like me, Endeavor himself is a red flag, tbh. I didn't like anything I saw, so I didnt listen to it. You can voice your opinion and say you don't like it, but you cannot shame the people who actually wanted the audio. There's no point in Cece making a separate tier for darker audios when you can simply IGNORE WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE. Just because she made it doesn't mean you have to listen to it. Like, come on, be mature and smart about this. This whole thing was seriously blown out of proportion and I really don't want Cece to feel like she hurt people when all they had to do was keep scrolling.


I'm sorry people are being ridiculous about the whole thing and dragging you down 😫 your audios are amazing and you're so nice to be being as patient and level headed as you are about this! I'm really sad I missed out on the audio but if people are going to ruin everyone's fun about it, wellll 🙄🙄🙄


Your work is amazing and I'm sorry this is happening to you. I started listening to the audio and realized it wasn't really my thing, even when I read the warnings. So i just turned it off and moved on to the next one without a fuss. Because I'm an adult and know when to listen and when to stop when I don't like and not to put myself in a triggering situation. Sorry its hard for people to read/ignore the warnings that were as clear as day in the description. But never apologize for what you do. You're amazing and i love all your audios. This won't stop me from supporting you


While the audio was not my cup of tea I NEVER would have said anything to anyone if they had enjoyed it. Cece does an amazing job of making audios for everyone and I am always astounded by the quality and thought she puts into them. Everyone has preferences but once we start judging people for them is when we can no longer have nice things. Cece does this for us and takes our suggestions to make them something we can enjoy. I love being able to have this and it does make me sad when there is trouble. No matter what my support will always be there 💜


This is said with big sis energy btw! I love this community and want everyone to continue listening and interacting with one another ❤ ♥

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

exactly. if you didn’t vibe with it, all you had to do was not listen to it. why ruin it for the people who DO enjoy darker things like that. it literally isn’t fair that we’ve been bashed for our fetishes when they aren’t hurting anyone. she left so many warnings, and it isn’t her fault if someone decided to listen to it AFTER she stated you shouldn’t listen to it if it could trigger you.


If it is FICTION between consenting ADULTS there should be no "line" other than the one you create for yourself. Is the line for yourself different from someone else's? Yes and that's perfectly fine, don't listen to appropriately tagged audio and move on. What if that's not someone else's line? What if someone else's line is something you enjoy? Should it be then considered wrong? No. We all have different tastes and if you don't like the food, don't eat it that simple but don't go to someone else and spit in theirs.


I love all the audios that you do. I understand that people do not like certain topics, but the warnings were placed. The issue is getting blown more than it should and the fact you are taking it head on as calm and concise as you are makes you one of the best content creators I follow. I hope to see what other kinks you are willing to explore and I am willing to support you. Some are not meant for others, but that's what it is. It's not meant for everyone. As long as warnings are throughly placed, it shouldn't be a problem. Please don't apologize for the voodoo that you do great X3


I'm kind of upset that now a subsection of people that enjoy darker themes won't get audios for them anymore. idk it kinda doesn't feel fair that everyone else can get audios that they enjoy, but they can't just because a few people couldn't be fucked to read trigger warnings and skip over the audio 😕


I won't fight but I do think its hypocritical of people to say that audio crossed the line when they also justify the aging up of characters/lewding of minors because they're just fictional characters...but that audio crossed the line?

Dr. Chibi✨

Hey CeCe, When you make a separate Tier for the Hardcore NSFW....🙋🏽‍♀️ me & my best friend are ready for the goods 😎 Still supporting all the creativity you’re brains got going on. We’re here for the smut.


I like the audio, and managed to download it. 😎 I'm pretty sad that people can actually fight over it like this. 😥 We are all adults here, so it's obvious that we should be really knowing what we like and don't like in area of intimacy. 😒 Someone is into BDSM 🥵 and someone likes it more vanilla ☺️ which is absolutely normal, we are all different.... But this specific audio was well warned, trigger warnings were all over it, so I can't even begin to understand how can someone starts hating... 🤔 Like for real... If you don't like something, don't listen to it 🤷 so what you skip one or two tracks, just because it is uncomfortable for you, that's not the end of the world... 😒 On the end I wanna say, CeCe, you are hella amazing person, I'm so glad I stumbled upon you on YTB, which led me here, I love your work, you're supremely talented 🥰 keep your great work and don't let the haters get to you 😎 Kisses and hugs 😘🤗


What did I miss?...👀


Now that the sensitive vanillas have gotten their way I'm hoping the comments go back to how things have been because I've been getting bummed out and tired and I used to love vibing in the comments but these days it seems like everyones got shit to complain about and it ruins the whole mood. I don't usually join large communities because I dislike immaturity but this place had been such a comfort zone for my horny weeb self. I wanna get back to that. I'd rather not avoid the comment section all together and go back to being lonely and antisocial. 😒


:( now I'm sad that I never saved it :( I was listening to it earlier! Anyway! Keep doing you CeCe! I LOVED that audio and regret not saving it! I personally love darker themes but I can see why it would trigger someone or make them upset. However they did put warnings all over it so.


This is silly I mean no one grabbed their hand and made them listen to it. She gave a clear warning it was dark before you even clicked. Seriously that certain one wasn’t my cup of tea ether for pretty personal reasons but I’m above my demons so I didn’t listen to it. Problem solved. Mercy, there really aren’t any words for this silliness. I support Cece and all her wonderful works even those I don’t listen to. ❤️


Not gonna lie, I’m pretty disappointed you won’t be doing darker themes in the future. Feels like a majority is suffering because a minority couldn’t read warnings.


Yeah, I'm quite upset about that too. I was kinda hoping for more similar audio's coz I did enjoy it as embarrassing it is to admit that. I kinda feel robbed haha


The mha community has such a huge hardon for hating endeavor, that was literally the only reason why it's gotten this bad 😒

andrea aizawa

lucky!! i actually wanted to listen to it and i regret not downloading it 😭


This is so sad to hear! You put proper warnings and if people don’t like what the “theme” is, they simply shouldn’t listen to it!! I really don’t think you had to delete it!and I hope you’ll continue making amazing audios, both “light” and “dark” ❤️❤️


I have to say one thing, i started at vanilla and ive been a sub to her patron since 3k until now, thanks to listening to her audios i actually discover my inner kinks. While some type of kinks i can’t handle i just skip the audio and never kink shame anyone for enjoying it, theres the description in each audios for a reason. It actually surprised me that she deleted the audios because i did not think thing would escalated to this. Im happy that her fanbase is growing bigger, but at the same time i dont.


Im so lost what happened?


im just mad bc before your hype it was always a happy place to be here and i hate how these people on tiktok bring unnecessary negativity to your channel 🥺

Vivid Nectarine ♪

I just can’t believe how fast some peeps are to find stuff so they can bash over like on twitter or at other channels like... dude, do u have no interest for ur RL at all dat u need to come at someone’s business just to lose some unnecessary temper and absorb others peeps energy and good vibes? don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind sucking but I would clock dat biatch to next universes. suck this here babe. like wtf tho. 🤦‍♀️ however, I understand ur point cece and u have my full support. I still think u did nothing wrong and its just so much bullshit dat people just cant or don’t want to read stuff proper so they can hate around.


I don’t feel bad for anyone who was offended when they were given trigger warnings. I just can’t. The ones who enjoyed it has to deal with this cause folks don’t know how to read and keep it moving. But whatever-...


It's funny because I fuck w/ endeavor audios. This one scratched an itch for some reason w/ me (glad i downloaded it) and idk. It pisses me off when ppl call me gross for liking it- bitch I use it to cope w/ my abuse i went thru from my own dad. To isolate and make it harder for ppl to cope with certain kinks is fucked. I can't do shit irl but i have daddy issues gdi i'm sorry I enjoy a fictional audio...


If something just existing in a kink space upsets you to the point of a legitimate trigger. You dont belong in a kink space. You YOU are responsible for your mental wellbeing. Cece did everything on her power to make sure those interacting with it were consenting to its contents. If you cant see a word writte down as a warning without being triggered by it you should A. Not be here. Or more favorably B. Find yourself a YY buddy who isn't triggered by words on a screen and can send you to audios that are SAFE for you. Kink is about being safe sane and consensual. If you are not in a mental space well enough to avoid clicking on something clearly labeled as a potential trigger or if just seeing the word written down is enough to trigger you it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you don't interact with it. Not the content creator's


I would 110% pay for a dark nsfw tier! (Obviously only if you’re comfortable making the audio) You’re incredibly talented and an amazing content creator!


I feel like whenever someone shares the opinion on your stuff everyone gets pissy saying "well don't like it don't listen" however as it's true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. There are other people to listen to for darker themes, as well as fanfiction. CeCe is allowed to do whatever she likes with her content, she's allwoed to explore and if she decides she didn't like how she made us feel about those audios then she's allowed to stop and do something else. We aren't allowed to demand anything from her, it's her work and her decision. people are allowed to express how they feel. Yes CeCe did a wonderful job on tagging everyrhing, but people may just listen to see, maybe they were curious and wanted to give it a try, butbit just made them uncomfortable instead. Please stop pushing blame on each other, we need to learn form this and stop putting agaisnt each other, this isn't want CeCe wants, we have to be understanding. I'm sorry for this long post but everyone here has either been mean or understanding.


as someone who said something about the audio, and i’m not trying to be mean at all i just wanna know, why did you say something about it in the first place? it sounds so mean to say and i’m sorry but i dunno how else to word it. if it was clearly not the type of thing you would wanna listen to why not continue scrolling and find another audio? again, not trying to be mean at all i’m just trying to understand :)


But the thing becomes if it's a different tier do they have to pay more! Because not everyone into those things may not have the money for that even if they want to, then it leaves out alot of people.

Xiomara Oregon

I mean I liked the audio and I’d definitely pay for a darker nsfw tier if that became a thing


I really don’t understand people Srly, as I know WE ARE ALL ADULTS HERE! Why can’t we just act like one, if you see it has a trigger warning or what the description says or even if you went ahead and listen to an audio that wasn’t of your like, why don’t simply exit out the audio and move on LIKE ADULTS DO! We and even tho this is only fiction, I know people (including me) take some audios (comfort,sfw or sleep aid) serious, please don’t comment rude stuff on the audios, Cece works really hard to make the audios to entertain us, and we should thank her to even put her OWN VOICE in danger we all know what happen to bakugo’s Japanese VA, please people act like adult not kids, Cece if you read this, you have all the right to feel sad or hurt and even take down the audios, but please remember that we love you and personality I love every single audio or content you post it help me so much with my depression and anxiety, it gives me so much serotonin 🥰❤️


I agree with a lot of people here, we love you and I will gladly pay for a tier that includes the darker stuff.


Besides the kinks themselves: I'd like to add that while something can be triggering for some people, it can also be a way for others to work through their own trauma and issues. The value of a specific kind of theme cannot be judged solely on those outside it's demographic, and I do hope that you will continue doing darker themes as I personally find them healing. Clear TWs (maybe write it out like that, as in specifically say "trigger warning: theissuehere" would help people who seem to not have caught them by the general description?) really should help people who need to avoid such audios. Sidenote: we all have our issues and can have our own kind of triggers that's outside the "norm". I can't listen to audios that are too cute and loving - that just means I avoid the ones who look like they'll hit that bad spot for me. We all have a responsibility to care for our own health.


Team "I would pay for a darker/taboo tier" ✋


If you know something is a trigger or upsetting to you and you click on it anyways you it's a you problem tho. You're entitled to your opinion of it but making Cece feel bad about content isn't the way to express that discomfort.


Omg yesss. Cece’s audios legit became my therapy. I have so much love for this community and I really want it to remain a positive place 🥺


Soooooooo what if we had like a $15 or $20 tier for the darker nsfw stuff 👀👀🤔

Tazzy B

You know what... I'm not entirely convinced that we're dealing with full on 18+ crowd in here, or at the very least not mentally all there. I think.. You put out a hell of a lot of quality content, you slave for us and then you get bitched at and demands are being made and I believe 5 and 10 dollars a month is too much of a pittance to have to DEAL WITH THAT SHIT. Please.. Restructure your tiers, add some for the ones that may enjoy some darker stuff....make 1 dollar and 5 dollar comfort and no more sammiches. For 5 dollars you get pizza rolls..Sammiches are HARD WORK and if you gotta keep going through the stress and frazzled nerves then I think you deserve more money for it. People are getting spoiled paying less than one Starbucks Venti Frappucino for a whole MONTH'S worth of content..and then act like this? No way.


People are upset about the Endeavor and Shouto audio even though there were warnings all in the description


I am also for darker/taboo nsfw themes as I personally I find those stories intriguing. Simply cause they’re fictional. I’m sad you took the audio down cause I can only imagine the amount of work you put into it, but I’ll respect your decisions no matter what Cece! Also yes pls no fighting guys🥺🖤

Miss Dante

I really wished I could have downloaded it before it was removed 💔 I really love your work CeCe never stop what you are doing

Vivid Nectarine ♪

may I ask to consider cece. some of us really ok with paying to see and hear dark stuff, I def. am, bc to copy or to handle stuff from our past. can we somehow find a solution or a dark tier so we won’t miss ur exploring in this topics if u still want to go dat way and if its ok for u ofc? bc man I love dark shiat. my demons can rest there xD


i know you said you’ll do villain stuff with dark themes but will you still do dark themes with heroes?


I respect whatever decision CeCe makes because she is an awesome person and I love her content. This is not a reflection on her at all. However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed at the idea of there being a stop on darker themed audios in the future. Tags and warnings exist for a reason. Fans of subversive themes deserve to have their content, too.


and it all started with tik tok


Before I go to bed I'll add this, To those who used the excuse that just READING the tags triggered them... Honey, sweet baby, my darling. As you get older you're going to hear and read those big bad words plenty of times. The subject matter being a trigger I DO understand completely and that I want you to be protected from, but just the word? Not the same thing. What are you going to do if you read a news article or a piece of literature for class and a word pops up? You can't let a word effect you that strongly. You need to see it, understand that it will lead to something that you hate and protect yourself from the contents. Tw tags are created for that very reason. If you get triggered by the tag itself you're never going to mature and grow stronger. I'm not calling you weak, I'm trying to explain that using "NO YOURE HORRIBLE, THE TAGS TRIGGERED ME" as an excuse is not how that works. Let's do better.




I would so pay more money for darker themes on the hero and villain sides.


thank you for bringing up the fact that some people use darker themes as away to work through their trauma in a safe environment that they have control over. I feel like that's something that a lot of people forget. we all don't work through our trauma in the exact same way.

Tazzy B

With a legit age check verification like the Discord too.. I don't mind taking a pic of my ID to avoid this nonsense


I agree with Koko and Michaela's comments


I’m willing to pay for a tier dedicated to darker themes with more extreme kinks being explored as well :)

Shinsou’s kitty

You could also do a poll as well for the darker taboo stuff and go by majority rule? Just a suggestion. I personally really liked that audio ☺️ and would like to listen to more if you ever thought about making more. Or like a couple comments above mine suggested a separate tier for those who like the things you already post and the taboo stuff ❤️ I know I’d pay for it


I WAS HONESTLY JUST ABOUT TO COMMENT THIS. I totally understand the discomfort that some in the community feel about this audio in question but from a storytelling perspective, I'd be more than willing to pay extra for darker themes


Darker theme tier gang


You don't have to listen to the audio, the tags were there to warn you. The same problem has happened on Tumblr. The author puts tags as a warning and if you choose to read and click on it, that is on you. I wish it wasn't removed as I hadn't got the chance to listen to it yet


I see alot of people saying they would pay more for a darker tier but please remember that there will probably be people who can't splurge that and be into it.


thanks cece! I understand your point and acknowledge that of the people triggered by the audio as well as those who enjoyed it or simply didn’t mind it. Personally, I feel as though the proper labeling of the audio said enough for every Patreon to responsibly assess if it was something they would be comfortable listening or not; like so, I decided I wouldn’t be into it 1. Because I don’t particularly enjoy endeavor’s character 2. Because the incest between son(offspring) and father(parent in general) isn’t my thing and 3. Because it didn’t spark any interest or trigger a sense of belonging, acceptance, and relief like I normally do feel when it comes to most if not all of the solo dom! audios, along with ofc! your wholesome comfort corners and little storytelling’s! But that’s me, and I understand people may still get curious.. but I just don’t think there was a reason to get you here - apologizing, once again for nothing ?? Because you have all the warnings, labels and reassurance more suitable content was coming our way... so please, people let’s just please stop pushing to constantly get cece in a spot where she questions herself and has to come out and apologize for every little move or thing.. let’s enjoy by being better judges of content and selecting what we know would like and disregarding what we wouldn’t. She really is trying her best to please us all and HERSELF for this is her creative outlet and she SHOULD be enjoying it just as much as we are! we’re rapidly growing too! so it only gets harder to do such thing .. pls take that into consideration ANYWAY. seriously what keeps me going on a daily is your sub listener and comfort content ngl BC I like feeling small and as opposed to my reality not in control of many things also babied and appreciated for ONCE LOL ✊💕 and HEY though I may not like the the dom listener audios and such I simply just don’t listen to them :) or take a stance on them bc I know some may like it and find their own belonging there! So let’s learn to be adults and know when to make these sort of decisions for ourselves. But if you either way felt triggered, it’s ok sometimes it’s out of ones control, I get it! Just try not to always guilt the creator for she is just trying her best to cover everyone’s wishes while not forgetting her own! ✨CECE✨ this is for YOU, it’s ok, thank you for letting us hear your thoughts on this and for coming out and talking about it yourself, but pls don’t feel like it was ‘all your fault’ you’re doing your best, and you can’t predict the emotions or opinions of others! Just do what makes you happy and continue to evolve your content into whatever you want! Or leave it the same if you so please! I am here for the savagery, hardcore dom characters as much as I am here for the comfort and silly, wholesome stories 💕 love you! Pls take care ~


I would pay more money just to listen to your audios yes. Also I hope you won't remove some of the NSFW + 18+ audios from the $1 and $5 tiers as the currency to pay for the higher tiers are quite high if dollars converted to the country i live in. Me and my friends love your audios so much and to be able to listen to it is a huge comfort for us.


Restructured tiers sounds like a great idea. The differences between them right now don't seem all that clear cut. The audios don't seem different in theme at 25 from other tiers but if it was changed to the extreme corner tier I would happily stay on it.


UMM NO😒🥴Ya'll are on some fucking bullshit! This is why the Pateron needs to be 21+ because clearly you supposed "adults" are acting out like children. The concept of being triggered is so romanticized now, you guys think you can just throw the term around because something YOU CHOSE to consume slightly bothered you. If it truly was a trigger, you would've read the fine print of warnings and avoided the whole ordeal. That's how it works; taking yourself out of a harmful situation. Not ruining it for those who may enjoy it


Me:-checks in after a few days of hard work.. the patreon fighting and on fire over...something.- This is fine.-piles the audios and sammiches on a plate to enjoy.-


You tag your darker themed works, like you should do, and it is a fair warning. Like what else do they want, its not like they are the only people paying for CeCe's wonderful content. Everybody doesn't like the same stuff. If I'm going to be 100% honest I can't listen to any of the comfort audios because they will trigger me and I WILL cry (found that out the hard way), but not once did I think they should stop being made. Like I just made the choice not to listen to them. Just like people can make the choice not to listen to the audios with darker themes, its that easy.

Tazzy B

Where there's a will there's a way. She's going through entirely too much stress at this level. And it's too easy for anyone to pay a dollar or two and have access to everything they may not be emotionally able to handle..hence where we are now


😩 I’m just upset I didn’t download it before ppl got it taken down. Dang it. Really hope u make more stuff like this tho 😔 maybe there can be a different section for more triggering content? Idk.


cece i’m sorry for any hurt that you went through because of the backlash. i didn’t listen to the audio for my own reason and i know some did too. i don’t mind darker things, but that one was not my cup of tea. i’m not gonna shame anyone for enjoying that audio, just like how no one should shame me for not liking it. I didn’t really voice my opinion of the audio (i kept it to myself), I did voice my opinion on other things. that was just a request, not a demand at all. if you want to switch it up, maybe have some hardcore/darker themes for people who enjoy it but then have some vanilla or romance like audios for others who enjoy do that. personally for me, i like both bc they’re are some kinks that i like to explore and help me with my trauma. i’m sorry if anyone feels bad for any hate that you got because imo, eveyone has a right to state how they feel. i agree with cece, both sides do have a right to feel what they feel. it’s the unnecessary hate towards cece that i do not agree with. i will always support a safe place and support cece.


For those of you who sent means words over the audio cece probably spent hours recording, please know there’s a lot of things in life and especially online that may disinterest you, and while you’re free to express your opinions, it’s unfair to expect everything to be directly catered to you. Believe it or not, this is one person working very hard to make our tiers worthwhile. To give her incessant whiny backlash over a single audio that rubbed you wrong is selfish and even cruel. With that being said, I do believe Patreon should work on their (shitty) app to get a filtering system so that you don’t have to see tags of posts you don’t like. But for now, since we don’t have that, the best advice I can offer you is to ✨look away✨ thanks for your care for your cece. hope you’ll one day consider a new way to give us the more extreme audios again. from these comments, lots of us really liked them :)


So ummm . With everyone talking about not being able to listen to it and such. Does anyone HAVE the audios? I managed to get the fem version but I would love all 3! Especially the male one!! >.> I have discord lol


Since were on the topic < a tier for darker audios > how about 15-20$ a month? But before you add the tier what about making a poll for the subscribers from tier 25$ up to vote on if they would want these new types of audios? I think the majority here is from 1-10$ because your content is really easy to access with just those amount and i think you’re being very generous to us. Don’t get me wrong its your Patreon Cece and you can do whatever you want, i just want to give out some suggestions in case you want to add more tiers in the future.


CECE PUT A WARNING ON!!! I get that it can be triggering which is understandable but complaining that she should’ve just NOT made it is ridiculous!! You need to read the fine print when it comes to these things


I dont feel my two cents are needed here as most everyone else has already stated things I agree with. But I still wanted to state my opinion. Personally I dont like the comfort audios. I dont like being comforted by someone who doesn't exist. To me it doesn't have the same feeling to it. The comfort audios actually make me feel more upset if I listen to them. But am I going to complain? No. Because other people like those comfort audios and listening to them makes them feel good. So anything labeled comfort I just skip. I also didn't really like the audio in question. Not because of the topic but because I'm not a fan of Endeavor and I read the comments to find he was the.. 'victor'? of the audio. I do like the darker themes and I hope you make more of them. But I understand someone not liking themes of the audios. But just don't listen. The titles and descriptions and even the tags always give a good idea of what the audio will be like. Cece you're doing a great job and in no way am I saying I am against your comfort audios or any of the audios for that matter. So please keep working hard on everything you want to do. Stick strong to yourself and only do audios YOU want to do. Dont try to push yourself to do something you personally don't like or don't want to do. That, in my opinion, is the only reason you should remove or stop doing any of your audios. Take care of yourself and don't let any mean things some people might say get you down.


Cece you are an amazing person wjo has genuinely helped me get though some dark dark times, your work is quality unlike anything else. You put ample warning ⚠️ on it. I'm sure we can all agree that people are lazy and don't take the time to read the warnings. CeCe please don't limit yourself you are a talented story maker and a joy to listen too. Please know that we adore and love you💖💖💖💖


Where was those peoples energy for the shouto and dabi audio bro 💀 when i know more than most of the Fandom thinks they're related. Yall wanted to argue just to argue. It personally wasn't my kinda think so I didn't listen but yall's negativity shouldnt have ruined the space for those who genuinely like or heal from these types of scenarios.


If you go scroll through her audios or move up a tier she does both vanilla and hardcore things. What more do yall expect her to do?


Same like if it could get sent to me I'll make a discord if I have too 😗👉👈


We don't deserve you, Cece. You are so generous and care about all of us and don't say anything bad... That makes my heart hurt a little bc I think that you are hurt or something for what happen ;____; And I repeat, that audio HAD TAGS THAT CLEARLY SAY ALL THE KINKS. You don't do nothing wrong.


Btw I will miss that audio u__u


It’s saddens me to think Cece worked hours of editing, making a story, straining her voice to make 3 audios of us. I pay $25 a month if I could I’d pay more I would because as a artist I understand how much heart and soul you put into a art piece and how scary it can be to display your art. When I noticed she deleted the audios it hurt me so bad. Yet she doesn’t blame anyone her heart is made of literally gold. Cece I’ll pay anything just make another tier. I don’t want you to ever delete your art or second guess yourself ever again.


also can anyone send the audio ? I literally just wanna finish it bc it bothers me I only got like a third of the way through LOL


People hate Endeavor. It's honestly as simple as that, for some. He doesn't hold the same broad appeal that Shoto and Dabi double teaming someone does. I love Fire Daddy, personally. 🤷


Thank you for being so kind qwq I don't like making people upset, I know how hard CeCe works for us and I raallt appricate the softer vidoes. I was mostly only here for the shigiraki ones but CeCe really opened my heart to alot of these characters! I hope we see more when she's ready


So, I'd definitely pay for a darker theme tier. And like, for real some people are acting messy about this. As someone who is triggered by darker themes, I also seek out this sort of content in a safe place as it helps with processing trauma. And it's definitely something people don't understand when it comes to a triggering topics being a kink. It's quite a common occurrence from a psychological standpoint, almost as common as wanting to avoid something entirely. Dealing with darker topics through fiction is very helpful for a lot of people, especially since they can walk away at any time. Stop reading, stop listening, or avoid all together. Either way, Cece, you're handling it better than a lot of people would, myself included [and why I don't ever want to have even a marginal amount of fame.] Keep creating great stuff.


It makes me sad that people caused such a big uproar over the audio that cece had to delete it. :/ I don't understand why this is still a problem. It was addressed and she said sorry and now it should be over. This is supposed to be my safe place and now because of all this fuss over the audio its completely gone and we will probably never get another like it. I literally pay money to be here like everyone else and now you guys are ruining this for me to. Oh and don't think any of this is your fault cece I still love you and support everything you put out❤ i just wish people could have let it go and except her apology and made better sure they dont click on a audio that triggers unwanted feelings, like i do everyday on the internet for myself.


I have all 3 versions saved cause if anyone wants them. I’m have a discord account. (I’m not on the YY one specifically cause i haven’t been able to get the link to work 😭 lol). If anyone wants a copy lemme know. 😁


No matter what you do. You'll always get criticized. Just how the world works and personally. If people wanted a TW warning, it could be done but then again, the whole world isn't always gonna give you a TW. Also, if you don't like the comfort audios, don't listen to them. They're made for people who's only escape in life are her audios. They're fictional character. Without her, we as a fandom wouldn't love them as much as we do now. She brings them to life. So chill and let her do her thing. Let us appreciate the audios and hard work she puts in for us. We already have enough negativity in the world. Yall stay safe.💕


I really understand both sides and why people are upset. In my opinion, I really like dark/taboo themes - It's a guilty pleasure. As long as you tag it well and let people know what's in store, I think that's good enough. I do stories and I try to tag them the best I can, so people know what's in the story - That's really all you can do. I do hope you make much darker themes because I really love them. The Endeavor and Shoto audio was good, I was hoping for a part two, but that's just me ✌💕


Ya know some people wanna be degraded by Endeavor....just sayin...idk what happened but thats just my 2 cents


cece!!!!! this is important!!!!!! along with tags & warnings it would really help a lot if u made a post before releasing the audio as a warning to ppl who may be triggered by any of the “darker themes”!!!!!!! also!!!! there are certain common buzzwords (like the one everyones talking about rn) that seeing can trigger ppl easily, so censoring the word would really help too if u were going to post smth with a touchy subject!!!!! triggers r super complicated & a lot of the time they dont care about making sense or being consistent, but warnings and censors go a long way!!!!!! 💙 u & i hope u dont feel creatively constrained :((




Cece, I really respect your ability to empathise with others and apologise, it’s a huge thing to do. We love you and don’t deserve you 🥺💖 as a victim of incest I obviously didn’t listen to the audio but your ability to self crit shows character and we love u 💖


What's happened now? Why can't people just let you express yourself??? Grrr gets me so angry that people get offended by you showing different kinks, if they are going to trigger you, don't listen! I understand that everyone has different tastes and different experiences but Cece always labels audios extremely clearly so if it could be harmful, dont listen!!! I personally love to see the darker sides of our bois and think there is a great balance as in if thats not ur thing there are plenty of comfort or vanilla audios so everyone can enjoy the content. Don't feel guilty hunni, you have done nothing wrong! Xox


I’d pay for a dark nsfw tier :( I understand everyone have their own opinion but I enjoyed it and enjoyed everything you make


i genuinely feel that if her patreon had not been exposed to tiktok where minors primarily stay (even though it’s expanded her audience and is where i found her) that these audios wouldn’t even be controversies because actual adults understand the difference between reality and fiction, and that coping with trauma by reliving it in a controlled environment can be important to a LOT of people, myself included. i’ve seen way too many minors comment on THAT audio on tiktok, even though it wasn’t even for them to consume in the first place. the whole situation is just distressing all around.


If she made a tier that was specifically like "pay $25 and hear Shoto and Endeavor double team this man/woman/NB and call them a filthy slut for an hour", I'd gladly upgrade. No cap.


Cece you are such a balanced and calm person, it's actually enviable lol You are dealing with the reigns of such a HUGE following so well, I've been on Patreon since around 2k and it has gotten absolutely crazy since! Mostly I love all the discussions and comment threads on your posts with everyone 🥰 What I will say is that TikTok is a make or break kinda deal, I've seen many posts of Patreon's putting their 2 cents about this particular post up on TikTok, some with big followings, and it really doesn't add to the hate/cancel culture that Cece already gets. I didn't get chance to listen to the audio, but from what i hear the story was about cheating on Shoto with Endeavour? But no actual touching of the two related characters. Either way, there are uncomfortable topics within that for some and I can see both points of view in terms of the content itself being triggering but also the flipside that TWs are there to help you make a decision on whether it is to be something you listen to. Let's just try and keep this place a safe and happy place like it is the majority of the time and respect Cece's wishes about not fighting one another 💗


*Rico Nasty's Smack a Bitch plays in the background like boss music in a video game*


Tags are the best way to go. I do not enjoy the more villianous audios, but I know others do which is fine! If someone doesn't read tags, then its their fualt pretty much, as sad as that sounds. Note: For the Dabi audio, I think the tag "slapping" be exchanged for spanking since it was only the butt, which in my opinion is that both are different. I was nervous to listen as I didnt know if it was actual slapes on the face or otherwise, but discord helped me to know what it actually was. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ Love you alls lots and lots!


I feel like it was the incest that made it too dark for a lot of people, and now a bunch of kids on tiktok are saying they'll never support her again. Tbh I'm a bit confused about why it's suddenly too far when there's far worse hentai out there and the audio was properly tagged, but I suppose everyone has different morals regarding their erotic material. Poor CeCe though, it's damaged her reputation quite a bit. Let's hope she can bounce back from this with her ever positive attitude ❤️


Honestly I still fail to see why this audio was somehow more taboo or "dark" than some of the other ones. There have been dozens of other audios that cover sensitive themes and other triggering content, some with even less warnings on them, and you know what happened to those dozens of audios? Nothing. No one demanded they be removed or argued how "appropriate" the content was. Those audios were not forcibly removed either, which is a whole another can of worms that I'm not getting to rn. Its not like dark or taboo subjects have not been explored in some audios, to make the argument that is one is somehow uniquely taboo is strange to me, like arguing which color is better, its subjective. Its not rooted in fact, its rooted in emotion, in how you feel, which there's nothing wrong with that but don't shame others for liking something you don't or demand it needs to be removed because it's somehow worse than previous audios. I listened to the audio with full knowledge of what I was getting into, even though NTR is not for me mixed with the squickness of the incest tag, just so I could see what the fuss was about. To me, as I cannot speak for others experiences or past, was just another kinky CeCe audio that seemed no different than other stuff we've already heard, just with a new tag and warning that some of y'all took way too seriously.


Thinking about how many are probably here rn is highly upsetting, not gonna lie. YOUTHS. 😒


I agree with a lot being said! I’m wondering, for those who want a “dark” tier, is it possible to have tiers be the same price but have different content? That way those who couldn’t afford a higher tier still got to listen to that content? I’m just spit balling here.


while I didn’t listen to it since it wasn’t my cup of tea from the get go and I read the trigger warnings before proceeding like a normal person . I don’t understand why people are attacking cece .yall forget that this is her job that she makes a living off of and spends hours of her day just to please us , she is a human being just like all of us and she should be treated like one . and I get that it’s a strong topic audio but im sure there were people that enjoyed the audio . Just because me and others weren’t jiggy with it doesn’t mean that we should indirectly shame the ones that do like it .


I feel like there’s a new problem every other week. I’m upset at how people are treating Cece and this space is starting to making me anxious more than anything. This always happens when creators get popular. People take advantage of nice people then get surprised when said nice person runs out of steam. :(


i say this from a place of love as a survivor of just about every trauma imaginable: if the simple WORD is that triggering, please please get help and try to expose yourself in a healthy way. stay away from the internet until you can get to the point where u can read it because triggers are so specific and odd that you cannot expect everybody to be responsible for yours. as trauma survivors, we have to take responsibility at some point for the media we consume and for recovering from what happened, and that may just be taking a break from this patreon until your mental health is strong enough that you can handle reading the full word.


This is upsetting, because if you'd even read the title of the audio you'd know what you're in for. No one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to listen to it 👁👁


I got the just of the "issue" from the comments, and the only thing I can say is that I'm DISAPPOINTED that patreon won't let you block people in the comments. I also petition for another tier with the dark, more out there audios for maybe like $2. I really hope you don't feel restricted to just one type of audio, because no matter what, there will always be that one asshole who has to complain about something, even if it's small. They just will, and I hope you won't let it get to you and restrict your creativity. I feel like I don't even wanna go into the comments anymore because a bunch of people who decided to ignore MASSIVE warnings and get extra pissy about it. I really need patreon to add a block user function for the comments to other users. I'm sorry that those who want darker audios won't get them, but I'd love to see any of the people who complained go on GWA or any dark audio subreddit and try doing the same thing there.


I listened to the audio and well.. I really really enjoyed it.. don't shame other people kinks.. and do like the great fish dori said " just keep swimming just keep swimming~" it doesn't have anything to do with you. Cece post everyday and sometimes more then one a day. If you don't like something don't watch it.

Kristen Young

Tbh I love the darker themes that Cece makes. It feels like a bit more spicy. If it's not you're cup of tea don't listen. Cece works really hard at what she does and is doing it fantastically.


to be fair,,,, they are paying money to listen to her content, and the audio took a lot of ppl off guard bc they werent expecting that sort of thing otherwise they probably wouldnt have paid for it


I get that its not everyone's cup of tea but dont let it get you down! You create wonderful art, some people enjoy one thing with others enjoy other things! Not everyone will like everything you post but that doesn't mean much to the people who do/did enjoy it! All in all, keep up the good work and please, please take care of yourself. Infighting can take a toll but everyone here should be mature enough to get past disliking an audio and liking the SO MANY OTHERS that you have given us!


I personally dont have a proplem with the 'darker' themes and honestly enjoy them some of the time but see how some can have issues with such thing . Honestly, I would say maybe tag things that may trigger in a more obvious way for those who can't take the time to read the already there trigger warning, if you want to still post them. I would personally love it but understand if you dont want to tackle that beast just yet.


Why do people find reasons to get offended about everything? Obviously there’s going to be kinks and themes that not everyone likes; it’s a given. Cece clearly states on her audios what the topic, kinks, and trigger warnings are. If it’s not your cup of tea, don’t listen. There are many “taboo” things that some like but others don’t, I just don’t get why some feel the need to attack her, or others when they clearly know what they’ve clicked to listen.


In my personal opinion, while I do still support you Cece, that sort of line shouldnt have been crossed. NTR would have been fine had it been just about any other pairing, but incest is just... too much. It would be best to avoid topics such as that in the future, as well as any other topics that are considered taboo (i.e. cnc, somno, dubious consent, ect.) While some of us may enjoy these concepts (I myself enjoy all three of the ones Ive listed!) they arent really meant for such a large platform and are very niche concepts that have to be held to a high degree of respect and care. It would be best to stick with fluffy romantic stuff for a bit, and research topics for other audios a bit more rather than just jumping into one with such an upsetting subject. You do try your best to create art we can enjoy, and I appreciate it greatly


CeCe please consider adding another tier for these audios. I'm not sure how Patreon works but hopefully theres something that can be done so we can have the unfiltered works of art you make for us! I really enjoyed the audio and I was really looking forward to more of that kind. I respect any decision that you make though. you are my Queen and I'd eat any food you'd give to us 💖


But Endeavor is so.. hot. Okay listen. So many people want an hisoka x listener one.. (cece.. please.. 🥺) you can't just avoid controversial characters. Some people still want it and if cece feel like making it.. then I don't see why not. I don't like deku x listener so I don't watch it. If you don't like Endeavor then dont watch audios with him.


YES! THIS IS WHAT I WANTED TO SEE! im so happy that u took down the audios, and i honestly dont care if i get attacked for saying this, but things like incest should NEVER be kinks. sex crimes in GENERAL should never be kinks. thank u for owning up to what u did and taking down the audios. u have no idea how relieved i am to see this. please feel free to explore more things like NTR, but cece, im begging u, please dont turn sex crimes like rape, incest, and pedophilia into kinks. i know that u dont condone those behaviors and i love u so much for that, but theres a line that should never be crossed and u crossed it this time. i may be in the minority here on patreon, but this made me so happy. thank u again cece.


Okay, one more thing and then I'm going to sleep because everyone has basically said everything else I can think to say: it is not CeCe's job to cater to everyone's comfort level. Yes, these topics are taboo. Yes, I would pay more to hear more. I would pay considerably more to hear a broad swath of subjects covered. Put it under a higher paywall, cover it in trigger warnings, whatever needs to be done -- but this is obviously content that a large majority of us want, and the censorship issue here is... disheartening. Edit: since apparently the person deleted their comments, let me explain: I was called brainless for pointing out that people can enjoy what they want to enjoy when there are TRIGGER WARNINGS and THIS IS BLATANTLY 18+ MATERIAL.


Idk I just have alot of feeling toward this, like some of you went out of your way to get upset by intentionally listening to the audio and then blame CeCe which is like??? What??? Or are personally attacking her by saying your disappointed and other nonsense, like she did something wrong. This is fiction. With fictional characters in a fictional story. That will affect no real person. Fiction does not equate to ones personal morals. Game of Thrones was a series that had TONS of messed up shit in it and no one had that cancelled or removed and it had ACTUAL on screen incest in it, like come on guys. You dont have to like the audio but don't bring personal attacks into the mix or act like CeCe intentionally and maliciously harmed you, she did nothing wrong. You can express your opinion without being a nasty little troll and thats that on that. Whatever you do, I hope you do it cause you want to and cause it makes you happy CeCe, I just hope this whole drama bullshit hasn't been too draining for you, we have much love and respect for you ❤ hope this blows over soon.


No, but thanks for the insult. 👍 There is no sexual contact between the two of them. If the content was something that you didn't want to hear, why go into it? Why not heed the warnings? Why is CeCe not allowed to explore different things?


Honestly I thought it was well done acting. That's what Cece is, a voice actor. There was a MAJOR trigger warning at the beginning and in the description. It literally spelled out what was in the audio. It was a f*cked up plot no doubt, but it was well done still. As someone who writes, not everything is going to please everyone. It's impossible. I'm so glad Cece seems to be taking it rather well. Sucks that her audios were taken down though. She put hard work and so much effort into these and that's what people need to respect. No one said you have to like everything, just respect the hard work that she has put into these.


i’m a survivor of incest and i know you’ve seen the DOZENS of comments of people explaining that audios like these help them through their trauma, but you would rather be insulting instead of understand where an actual survivor—NOT A BUNCH OF LINES—is coming from when they say they enjoyed the audio. okay.


Wow, she asks you guys not to fight and is respectful to both sides, yet a huge portion of you continue to fight in the comments and stir the pot. So mature guys, we love grown ups acting like children.


i understand where some of y’all are coming from however at the end of the day these are fictional characters and no matter how gross you may think some kinks/fantasies are, it’s just fiction. keep scrolling and let people do their thing✨ at the end of the day all of us just wanna smooch fictional characters, let’s not put each other down capiche?


Now this just makes me sad, come on community, why are y'all attacking eachother? And why question an audio with plenty of warning. If it's triggering there are so many other audios to enjoy, you don't need to listen to them all. Cece just wants everyone to feel welcome and enjoy themselves, it's not really fair on those of us who enjoy really dark, gripping themes just because a group of people doesn't like what's said in the title... I'll gladly pay more for a different tier to get the more controversial audios but I understand Cece choosing not to do them anymore and I respect that decision 100%, I'm just really disappointed in the community. Discussing is healthy and needed but you should never attack others just because they don't agree with you or force action. The audios are fiction, they're stories imagined and delivered through a voice. They are not real life and not cannon, please remember that, they're for entertainment purposes. Protect yourself and stick to what makes you comfortable. Don't bully others for different tastes, no matter what side you're on, that is NOT what this community stands for. All in all Cece, thank you for not giving up on us because of a few aggressive people ❤️ I listen to your audios daily, they really brighten up my day and make me feel a load of emotions and I enjoy them all. I hope your spirits haven't been dampened, I think people need to remember that you don't know everyone on an intimate level, it's down to them to avoid what's harmful to them. I enjoyed the audio personally, I'm glad I got a chance to listen to it, but I'll enjoy all the others you put out next, regardless of the story I know I'll love it because you're incredibly talented at conveying ❤️💕💗


Love you Cece 💜 Please keep your chin up and just do your best to take care of yourself.


All this because some people didn't read and comprehend the trigger warnings carefully. Or ignored them and listened to it anyway, knowing it would trigger them (yes, I saw many comments stating as such). Hopefully Cece continues to do more darker themes. I really enjoy them. I listened to the ones she took down and ended up stopping, not because I was being triggered (I thoroughly read the warnings), but because I'm not as much a fan of Endeavour like I thought I was. Cece's patreon really should be 21+ to weed out the minors, who I notice are mainly coming from Tik Tok. Can people please stop uploading her audios there?


Or they should do a quick google search. Be reminded that the people on her Patreon are supposed to be adults who have the full capability of doing things on their own. Cece already puts food on the table, she shouldn’t have to feed us too.


Why do people care so much about fictional character incest its not illegal... like porn hub literally has millions of videos of oh my brother did this!!! my sister did what? Why dont you guys cry and whine about that and it doesnt have warnings??? U literally dont see anything and it had a bunch of warnings I'm so confused please explane more? I'd love to have to pay more just to listen to these taboo ones.


Thank you to all who have ruined the experience for me. I thought people were adults but they're clearly not. I came here to escape, not to be bullied. Here I was, enjoying freely expressing myself, until this shit happened. What happened to common sense? All I'm seeing is people being attacked for liking what they like. It's unfair and frankly you guys are being selfish with all this. Until there's a seperate tier where I can enjoy what I enjoy without being attacked, I'm out. Good luck in the real world where this shit won't fly.


I feel bad for Cece the most tbh. She's a story teller. She tells stories. It's her passion and Not all of them are gonna be happy ending ones. It's her choice imo....if you don't like it...don't listen???


If you made a separate tier/tiers for darker audio I'd be happy to pay.


I'm sorry that this happened, and I, too understand both sides of the issue but like Cece said, though it won't be easy, can we all move past this? There were very clear and obvious warnings for the aforementioned audio, but I guess that fact is being ignored? I'm in no way "taking sides" or anything along that line but- this whole thing was basically one huge clusterfuck.


Thats the cold hard facts. Theres always gonna be some in the purity patrol who will get mad even with proper tags just cause it exists. Its almost like people should like what they like and don't listen to what they don't like. Also on the trigger warning thing, if just looking at the word causes you harm then you genuinely, I mean this non-sarcastically, need to seek therapy because that cannot be good for your mental wellness. Sadly, you cannot expect the whole world to change or tailor around you, its just not realistic in every circumstance. Also it's the internet, its a dumpster fire and people may not think before they write something. Its up to you to protect yourself in most cases.


I feel like that's a measured and thoughtful response that takes all parties into accounts. Thanks Cece.

Tazzy B

And SoundCloud and somebody had a damned Dropbox link on their IG. it's entirely too easy for people to get a hold of the content and it's driving me crazy


You put trigger warnings Cece and a description of what to expect so really, anyone who went in and still got upset knew what they were in for. Just do you hun, honestly....we adore you ❤ 💛 💓 💗 💖


You put more then enough warnings. Anyone who goes past them and listens to the audio that may trigger them is not your fault Cece. They chose to bypass the TW warnings


CeCe you're a wonderful artist and you put a lot of hard work into your audios and you do an amazing job!! Personally, I believe the trigger warnings and everything you put at the audio descriptions and in the tags were more than enough of a warning. I'd even happily pay for a darker audio tier, but please don't let any mean comments or anything like that get you down. You're such an amazing person and a wonderful artist, please don't get discouraged!


I apologize Cece. You’re right. I should’ve stayed out of it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we can agree to disagree. I love you guys and I’m sorry. Please let’s all say our peace and get a long ok.💜💜💜


Thank you for talking about this Cece! You’ve done well to try to warn people but you’re still understanding and I think that’s great in a mature person. And I’m sorry to anyone that felt uncomfortable. For the people that’s still complaining: y’all listen to the Dabi audios right? Majority of the people here LOVE Dabi correct? Dabi is a canonically a murderer, like we’ve seen him kill 6 people with ONE SHOT. Like this scenario has never and will never actually happen anywhere. Dabi is a murderer. So is Hawks. So is Toga. Villain Deku literally talks with glee about him and the listener (WHICH IS YOU) murdering and torturing people together. But y’all eat that up right? You know why? BECAUSE THEY AREN’T REAL. NO ACTUAL CRIME IS BEING COMMITTED. You have shown that you can separate reality and fiction. And murder is specifically illegal everywhere; every platform, universe, genre, etc. AND it’s not even actual i*cest as the people with actual blood relation do not touch in any way, shape or form. You are not going to go to jail for fucking your in-laws, I promise you. So what is stopping you now? Edit: obviously this doesn’t apply to the people with actual trauma and/or avoided the audio.


Agreed. I hate watermelon. I’m not gonna go and eat some watermelon and shit on the farmers who grew it. Like if the audios contain shit people might be offended by, Cece includes a warning beforehand in the description, so people have no excuse of being pissed at her when they are well aware of what they are consuming. However, I do agree with Cece in the sense that everyone has a right to be offended by whatever offends them, but again, don’t consume shit you don’t like


Honestly this whole thing could've been avoided if people read the trigger warnings and acted accordingly. Now there's a rift that I fear can never be bridged. And while I'm all for peace and unity within the community, the people who are still slandering Cece and other members with cruel words need to ✨leave✨ immediately. If I see one more comment about people being in©est/r@pe supporters just because they liked the audios, I'm gonna freakin scream.


Bottom line, CeCe is a badass babe who makes awesome content and wants everybody to be happy. And ideally, that 'everybody' would be an 18+ crowd with the emotional maturity to, at the very least, step away from themes that are not for them, but are clearly enjoyed by others. Yep, there's some taboo stuff out there. That audio was the tip of the iceberg for what else you may find. But it was trigger warned, tagged appropriately, and ultimately that's all a creator can do. Anyone dragging CeCe for making content she wants to make is part of the problem, not the solution.


some of these comments really show that trauma survivors really have no safe place to explore and work through what happened to us in a controlled and comfortable environment, and that people will always speak for us as a whole when it isn’t wanted so we always end up silenced and guilted for having “creepy kinks” that stem from past experiences. let us have a voice, please, and don’t bring us up just because you want to insult people for liking hardcore things.


Because the community stans a killer king. Also, hot take, agree with everything you say.


also not all of us are a hive mind with the same viewpoints on things, so just because someone didn’t like it doesn’t mean all of us hated it.


pretty wild cece made a whole ass post asking us to not fight and people are fighting in the comments of that. friends, you can say your piece about why you liked the audio/think it was okay without sounding like you’re attacking those who didn’t. and likewise to everyone who thought the audio was gross. damn, it’s changed so much here since it blew up. can we all please just respect one another lol.


There wasn't any in*es*. They just had sex with the same woman. It didn't come across incesty to me. To be honest it wasn't even that degrading. And ultimately while I respect her decision, there were trigger warnings. You can avoid content you don't want to see. While one thing you like may be harmful to someone else what they like may be harmful to you. So you have to pick and choose what works for you at the end of the day, otherwise if CeCe wants to cater to everyone in one post it becomes impossible.


In my opinion as a patron I’m happy to see audios exploring ANY theme, kink or taboo topic. Appropriate warnings were used so that the content could be avoided. All of these audios are behind a paywall that legal adults ONLY should be able to access and we are all able to make the decision on the content we choose to consume. If you choose not to listen to one of the audios because of a topic that you don’t like being explored it isn’t your place to censor the content that other consenting adults consume. Thank you for all of your hard work CeCe and I’ll be supporting your audios no matter what you are choosing to explore in a fictional environment ❤️


I Love you no matter what you post Cece! HEART HEART


Again I am throughly upset rn. Not just as a listener and a Patreon supporter, but as a writer. I see how much work Cece puts into these audios and the fact that a lot of these are off script and follow plot points is absolutely amazing. I've written a few scripts now and it is very hard to do this once in awhile, let alone how much/many Cece does. It breaks my heart to see someone's hard work be taken down due to other people's mistakes. And yes it is the fault of others. It was clearly stated in the TITLE AND description that there was a trigger warning. Not to mention the description spelled out what was IN THE AUDIO. The fact that people can pay for a service but not read what their listening to is beyond me. I personally hate Endeavor with a passion, but I still loved the work Cece did. And to those upset and saying horrid things about the audio, STOP KINK SHAMING. This is supposed to be a place for people's to respect eachother, specifically their kinks. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same thing or dislike the same things. That's why Cece has an array of audio for you to listen to. I personally find some as unfavorable to me bc it's not my kink, so I leave the audio. I don't say anything bc I know that other people really enjoy them. That is perfectly fine, cause I go find something else. I'm sorry this is so long but there are so, so many people here paying for her work. They need to understand just because you pay for the service doesn't mean you can dictate what she makes. She reads suggestions all the time, and for the most part she makes them. Everyone please, please, please respect everyone's kinks. And don't try to ruin such a safe place for everyone. Bc for some people this is our only safe place or place we thought we were accepted. Please don't ruin that security for us. ABOVE ALL ESLE, RESPECT CECE AND ALL THE WORK/AUDIOS SHE MAKES.

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

If someone ever tried to dictate my writing and told me I couldn't explore dark themes because it offends them after I had given numerous warnings...anyone who knows me knows that I like to write very dark uncomfortable things. I'll be damned if I'd allow it be censored to please anyone. It is my story.....now apply that to what is happening to Cece or better yet imagine it happening to you. I can guarantee you would be fighting for your rights just as I would be.


I understand the audio is gone now and you did put propper warnings but I was wondering if there is a feature on here that would let us block audios that trigger us in the future because even seeing audios with those descriptions in itself can be triggering to some with past trauma. A filter of sort I haven't really been on here long enough to know so if alredy exist id apprecate help.


Ooh boy this is messy ✨🙃 I'm cool with whatever you post. People need to know how to read


This is fucking stupid. If you guys cant take a second to read the fucking trigger warning on the audios then you know not to listem to the audios. Its not hard at all to skip over audios that you dont like. I skip over the dabi audios all the time with no problem you can do the same with audios that have your triggers. In the audio Enji and Shoto weren't even doing shit to one another. No incest there...cece also wasnt making insect a kink. So if you guys cant be fucking adults then get out of her patreon that is for adults. Point blank.


The audio is literally fiction. This is literally what actors do also irl, example Game Of Thrones literally shows real intense uncomfortable stuff & other movies, but yet it’s not okay for this audio that was literally requested by a fan?? There is thousands of us and we all are into different stuff, some more intense than others and we should be okay with that. Getting mad at cece is unnecessary because she is literally doing her job and doing requests she is getting she’s just trying to make everyone happy. There was a literal warning, yet a lot of you all still went in and attacking her when she warned you if it wasnt your cup of tea. Stop bashing her because it wasn’t her idea in the first place, there’s no need to be so rude to her. She literally so nice and puts so much effort to make everyone happy she doesn’t deserve hate.


You should use soundgasm!

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

Exactly....GoT is such a perfect example which also features in-cest ..... No outrage though. No outrage for Shoto and Dabi either...


Its kinda sad that she removed the video. I looked in the comments and some people really loved. I listened to the warnings that i saw in the comments and description and didn't listen to it. But it makes me sad that stupid people would ignore warnings and still listen if something of a kind of kink might be triggering. Many of us need to re-evaluate our limits and stick to it.


C’mon guys stop fighting. She told us to stop. We get it. Like she said both sides are valid. 💜


i have a genuine fear of being misunderstood so if u saw my previous comment no u didnt❤️ but really, i think the best way to make sure no one is uncomfortable or surprised by a darker audio, a separate tier should be made. that way ppl will get what theyre paying for, & the worry about whether the post has sufficient tws wont be as much of an issue since the ppl on that tier know what theyre getting. overall, tho, i think cece is really just trying her best & she shouldnt be “cancelled” or yelled at for something that a significant portion of her following actually want!!! shes a person too & the fact that shes so concerned & receptive about how her patrons feel about her content just shows how caring she is!!!


Pay attention to trigger warnings o.o I agree with you in terms of paedophillia but some sexual assault victims do develop r*** fantasy kinks as well so idk if it's healthy to police that stuff. Also there was no actual incest in the audio so... Like just avoid fictional stuff that's triggering I feel like it's really not a hard ask. But in fairness since some of the actual words for the warnings are triggering I think it would be helpful to put this in another tier


I don't think this is something that's just going to stop within a day or so, unfortunately. So long as people continue to kink-shame, slander Cece, and be malicious to each other, this is something that will continue and be brought up again the moment someone decides another audio is too intense for them.


This is the “she lewds minors” crap all over again. It is FANFICTION. I’ve read worse! If you don’t like it, scroll on past. This is so frustrating 😖


Just going to pretend this comment section doesn't exist. I'm sad I'm tired. I need repair. New audio, that's where I'm going.


Damn I actually really liked that video but I’m into that sorta thing I’m sad she removed it cause people got offended but everyone is entitled to their opinions but people shouldn’t attack one another this is supposed to be a safe place for all so let’s be nice to one another everyone


the hypocrisy I see towards that kind of topic is literally crazy lol . like if they’re gonna say that keep that same energy with people that write fanfics or artists ,, anything of that sort of nature . Heck even anime studios do it all the time and nobody bats an eyelash .


Idk why but this comment is so patronising to me. Like your opinion is the be all and end all. A lot of trauma survivors use these kinks to recover and process or simply develop them as a byproduct. This is a fictional safe space with trigger warnings. Sadly those with mental health issues (myself included) must avoid them when they're shown up. I just feel like the way you've written this comment has elements of concern trolling? Her content as an artist. I do like the tier idea so that people who are trigger by words don't have to suffer but ultimately if you don't like it you may avoid trigger warnings or you may leave. Someone in the comments made a good comment about the glorification of r*** and in*es* in GoTs. I personally couldn't watch it so I didn't but it was one of the most popular shows in history?


Punching the air rn bc I lowkey liked that audio 😔


I wish i could've heard it


You know this is a shame because I would actually like more darker kinds of content (I really like NTR in particular). The audio in question wasn't my cup of tea, but it also wasn't bad. Now my main concern is while I would very much support the idea of a darker tier being made, I honestly think people would still find a reason to have a problem with it. I feel some people just like to stand in front of bullets, and complain once they've been shot. Some people are just like that and with this big of a platform, it'd do more damage to the reputation than good. Which brings in the issue of censorship and the possible fear of exploring new territories in the audios. No artist enjoys doing the same type of content over and over again. And while there are many different kinks to cover, not everyone likes the same things. So I am very concerned how the peace will be kept in this type of space and hope from the bottom of my soul that this doesn't become such an issue, people constantly complaining and then after awhile Cece just burns out completely and this space is lost. *sigh* this is exhausting, but not surprising.


I just got a new job and didn't even get the chance to listen to it. In my honest opinion, there should be another separate tier for these kind of art. I am more than happy to pay a bit more to listen to these stories.


Oh, i like that idea! Awesome thought, especially for those of us who have those kinks and want darker stuff too.


I really enjoyed someone else’s idea of making more tiers. While there is a variety right now I think it might be a good idea to make each category have two options: the “comfort corner”, where it’s just the fluff and nice things, and the other one can just be “all”, where they get the comfort and the darker themed things.


Whats going on exactly 😅😅 what is this all abt ??

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

lowkey, i don’t even know if i wanna stay a tier. i wanna support yagami, but the community’s gotten so toxic over this past month. i understand some people have gone through trauma and could’ve been possibly triggered by the audios, but that was the entire reason she added so many trigger warnings, to be considerate to YOU. you neglecting them and not reading them isn’t cece’s fault and she shouldn’t be blamed for it when she warned us of what was to come very clearly. you guys were extremely selfish and unfair about this entire situation. so many people were literally kink shaming most of us who enjoyed the audios lmao. i thought we were all adults here, so what’s the problem? it isn’t fair that this suddenly “crosses the line” because it’s taboo when it’s a category most people like. i don’t think yagami is above criticism and i respect everyone’s opinion, but it’s unbelievably unfair to the people who enjoyed the audio and has darker kinks and fetishes that aren’t covered. you guys seem to want yagami to be more flexible, but when she tried to cater to 32,000 people and exposes her flexibility, you get upset with her. this doesn’t really feel like a safe space anymore.


This comment section is heated. I just wanna say I like it here and I hope y’all had/have a good day. It’s Saturday here where I am. Kinda cold out, but it’s also 6am. I also hope CeCe has a good day. It’s hard to cater to 30,000+ people. I can’t imagine. I like my hawks and dabi audios. And the occasional fatgum. I’m a very simple person. Though I didn’t listen to the audio because it’s not my cup of tea. It had warnings. I get both sides. But like normal porn sites have incest everywhere. I’m just saying. Also they’re fictional characters. Like they be drawings with word bubbles my dudes. But at the same time I get people being upset since it’s not my cup of tea. But I mean I read the warnings. Saw it wasn’t something’s I’d like. And I didn’t listen to it. Like with most things I don’t like. I just don’t listen or watch. Idk. Maybe I’m too laid back...maybe I’m too stoned. Idk. I just wanted to say thank you to CeCe got bomb ass content. And I wanted to wish everyone a good day. If you wanna comment below if you wanna be my friend that’d be cool because I have no anime loving friends so like yeah.


Continue creating what you love without feeling you have to cave to others whims because they dislike something. It's hard to please everyone, and not everyone has the same taste. It's also hard to know what exactly will trigger someone about certain things. Don't stress as much and take a deep breath to relax. Your mental health is important too, and I hope that this didn't give you a lot of anxiety over the whole ordeal. Your Fandom loves you and cares for you because not only are we your fans we are also your friends and your family. Take care of yourself and remember we are here for you.


people r triggered bc of that one shoto v endeavor audio eventhough clearly there were multiple trigger warnings and tags on the post

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

and not only that, but people saying she lewds minors are usually the same people that read smut of the same characters yagami voices, so how is it any different?

Ashley Nicole

It’s sad that Cece puts so much work into an audio, just to be pressured to take it down. From one trauma survivor to another, if reading your trigger word is enough to send you spiraling, PLEASE get some mental help, and ASAP. I understand, I get how easy it feels to slip sometimes, but it is unreasonable to expect others to bend over backwards for you. And to be clear: the audio didn’t actually have any incest. It was on the same level as the shouto/dabi audio, and 99% of the fandom thinks of them as siblings (I didn’t even question comparing the two bc of how hard coded the dabi-todoroki theory is lmaooo). While I’m all for locking content behind tiers, please keep us college/broke folks in mind when selecting the tiers...I’ve got a ws job and such, but I can only spend so much monthly 😭😭 (see also; not me almost having a panic attack when I upgraded to the $10 tier just to downgrade ten minutes later bc I ✨wouldn’t be able to afford it long term✨) Also - remember Cece is only one person! She can only put out so many audios in a day, and undoubtedly locking certain things being certain tiers could cause some animosity amongst the lower tiers. Not saying I would, but based on the major overreaction there was to this audio, I wouldn’t put it past the community now.


Two cents of a somewhat adulting chaotic neutral. Let me help you out fam. You are not going to be able to come here & change the minds of your fellow audio indulgers. No matter how hard you please, preach, argue, validate your point, at the end of the day people don’t come here to get their minds woke. They come here to get their minds numb. They come here to LEAVE reality for a short time, leave those bills, leave that chicken you still gotta cook, leave the clothes still in the dryer from last week. BYE! ✌🏼 If someone disagrees with you, WHATEVER the disagreement may be chances are no matter what you say you aren’t going to change their mind. & GUESS WHAT?? ITS OKAY. 🤯 I know crazy right. It’s okay to agree to disagree. Your mind is not the same as anyone else’s in here. You don’t have to like or agree with them. It👏🏼 is 👏🏼 okay 👏🏼 They don’t have to like or agree with what you are saying. It 👏🏼 is👏🏼 okay 👏🏼. - I think we need to be reminded this is a Patreon page for an artist. I get that this has gotten to the point where she has to look at it from a business stand point sometimes. This can lead to tough decisions being made but, at the same time ultimately she has the right to post whatever she wants. - Triggers. In my opinion only 😬. This is similar to fan fiction on wattpad, or whatever other source you use for content along this line. The content & tags are listed, some platforms as a necessity, some as a courtesy, or to make search easier. It might be in a persons best interest to avoid platforms that contain possibilities of triggers. No I am not saying stay off the internet. However I do think when you are visiting a page such as this you should be aware of the POSSIBILITY of a trigger. I’m not hear to debate whether this is okay or not, remember everyone has their own thoughts on that. 😉 I’m just staying in this type of page with known various kinks anything could be a possibility. - There really isn’t a true right or wrong in this situation as everyone will feel differently. With sexuality, religion, politics, morals, & fantasies everyone has their preferences & most feel passionately about there opinions. But please don’t use this platform to try to reform minds that depending on what audio they just finished are most likely not functioning properly anyways. Not tellin you how to feel my dudes just throwing it out there that if you plan to make people HERE on opposite sides feel the same way you do You’re setting yourself up for failure. What’s not a failure is this Hawks audio marathon imma bout to go on. 👅💜


Hi can everyone in the post who is saying “I have been abused and this makes me uncomfortable” you are totally valid but please understand this is PORN I was sexually abused for multiple years by my parent and never got any justice but therapy really helped and now I’m a student who is a part time dominatrix you learn people are into very unusual things very fast but the fact is it’s not real it’s just fantasy cece creates PORN audios they are going to be dirty and taboo it’s what gets people (like me) going if you don’t want to see generally something fairly tame for porn don’t subscribe to some one who once again makes PORN


I’m glad I listened to the audio while I had a chance. THANK YOU CECE FOR CREATING. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


It honestly just pisses me off that there are people still trying to pick a fight. She literally pleaded for everyone to get along and she even apologized for something that isn't her fault! I'm 100% sure that Cece works hard as hell to make these audios and is even considerate enough to put warning tags, she could just not care at all! If people don't like some of the audios they should just ignore it, I myself didn't listen to it because I'm not into Endeavor or NTR, but I didn't make a big ass deal out of it or report the audio. Y'all are just being immature, this is adult content, it touches on things that are considered taboo, but WHO TF CARES!? If it's not for you then don't listen to it, don't be a 🍆 and report it or b*tch about it in the comments, that just ruins it for everybody. Cece I'm sorry you have to put up with this bs and I'm glad you're not letting it stop you from making dark audios, you do what you want honey I'll be here to support you.

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

i was literally sexually abused my entire childhood and i understand that this triggered people, but??? that??? was??? the??? purpose??? of??? the??? trigger??? warnings???


I hate the fact that she felt like she needed to apologize for it


Can't you make a side section or something for those topics where people can avoid it? :/ I would hate to see so many people lose out on those taboo subjects because people don't listen to warnings...


though i do understand how people feel about the audio , yagami clearly stated that a friend wanted her to do it . and her being a sweetheart , she didn’t wanna disappoint them , so she did it . and to the people who keeps bringing up this “minor” shit , please mind the fact there are smuts and pictures of the characters for YEARS . so if you’re so worried about that , please keep that same energy for a REAL child .


While I understand trauma, I'm a guidance counsellor, I also understand healthy expression and curiosity of taboo subjects in a safe environment. Those who wish to explore, without hurting or promoting any use of illicit services, should be allowed to do so. However, in the end its your choice and your art <3 I always say you do you, boo. We will support you no matter what. I just don't want to see you avoid a genre or path simply because you're afraid of people not heeding warnings <3


This whole situation makes me so sad. CeCe put so much effort into those audios in order to make her fans who are into that type of content happy. This sweet woman tries so hard to cater to everyone. The fact that she had to take down audios she worked so hard on for us is heartbreaking. I can only imagine how she feels. Alas, we have no one to blame but ourselves for it—it all boils down to either side believing that their opinion of what is right and what is wrong is correct universally. But, there is no universal right or wrong and everyone’s opinion is valid. What isn’t okay is declaring your personal version of what is right/wrong as final and accusing Yato as well as fans with a differing opinion that they are essentially morally corrupt for exploring darker interests which are different from yours. If you don’t believe the audio should have been created in the first place, I encourage you to firstly check yourself—accept that the audio did not align with your moral compass. To put it bluntly, you as a fellow human being do not have the authority to declare subjects such as incest/NTR/non-con as explicitly wrong. Secondly, respect the fact there are others who have a different opinion than you. The old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t speak at all” is key—realize that there are others who appreciate the type of content that you dislike and move on. Your opinion is not equal to facts, and you have no right to demand to have the audio taken down or to damn Ms. Yato for catering to her fans different desires. In regard to both sides, I know it’s hard to be civil and kind when someone else is being disrespectful and hateful. However, we all need to try our best to treat each other kindly and with integrity. We’re all adults here (at least, should be—I’m talking to you minors who have somehow bypassed the system and gained access to this 18+ only page or even worse, the minors who listen to this content from websites which have illegally uploaded Yagami’s paid Patreon content—but that’s a whole other beast of a topic), and should be able to conduct ourselves in a way that creates a safe environment for everyone. I’m in no way trying to put myself on a high-horse. I’ll admit that I too got heated and replied a bit too harshly to someone’s comment earlier. Honestly, I’m not really sure what I’m trying to accomplish by typing this long ass comment that no one will read, but the entire situation has been bugging me to the point that it has kept me up all night (nearly 6am here, RIP to my sleep schedule).😩 I just needed to say something at the very least.


If it helps, you could always put trigger warnings in each audio description?


I'm so upset I didn't get to listen to it. I was waiting for the weekend to enjoy it since my classes started up again...Sad turn. Things of that nature (idk the exact nature because I couldn't listen) aren't things I would indulge in in real life, but they're a fiction that travels just beyond the norm. Look at the trigger warnings and let others have some fun even if you don't like it...


Bruuuuhhh same. I kinda hope she does a NB or male version but I KNOW that is gonna take a lot of work. Cause even just that preview got me breathless for her amazing VA talent. Hope she doesn't push herself too hard on it, but I'm rooting for our queen.


I'm kindq sad. I genuinely wanted the other side of that story... What made the situation happen, how he would get us back, I listened and was a little stressed out but it was very interesting on top of being crazy and intense. It's not even what I'm into and I was drawn in by the story. I think your work is amazing and you shouldn't have to censor yourself. People have consented that they are adults on here, and frankly if you've ever been to ph and scrolled the main page you'll know this is a popular subject just usually its mother daughter 🙄 I get the other side of this but if people are adults they should just skip what they don't like just like you would anywhere else. You warned everyone so clearly that I questioned if I wanted to listen and went ahead anyway which was my own choice. You shouldn't be disparaged for people making a choice to listen. I'm so happy I found this space but I'm also sad that I'm so late to the game and hope people don't ruin a good thing by reporting everything they don't like, I would hate to lose this space 😔


I didn’t listen to the audio cause I wasn’t into that but the fact the people WHO DID listen to it and completely ignored the trigger warning like ????? What did you expect to get out of the audio, fuck it isn’t even real it’s fiction... Yeah it may have been triggering for some and I’m sorry if it was but you could have just left it alone, you could have found something else to listen too


I'm just worried CeCe is going to end up dropping her patreon and voice acting all together, with everyone acting this way, I'm concerned for her mental health. Due to the Hawks audio, she became really big really fast, and because of that so many new people have joined, myself included. Though that is a great thing, it also brings alot of problems, such as people who like causing trouble are going to pop up. I really like her work and everything she does, but a person can really only take so much. I agree with the new tier system, I think having different types of tiers would work the best, that way us who enjoy the real dark and freaky stuff can have our own space, and the fluff lovers can have theirs, and we don't have to cross paths. There's those who love the dark themes and those who don't and the best course of action would be to separate us like toddlers duking it out on the playground. Lumping us together will only cause problems.. but I'm still worried people are going to join the dark themes tier to only cause problems. I think the really dark stuff should go to higher tiers, and the milder stuff to lower tiers. People who truly love her work and everything she does will obviously pay more than those who are here for a little fun with a new interest. I still can't wait for a new 100 SINS tier to open, I really want a spot ;; Also I still really want a breeding audio, would be very cool


Im furious that our queen has to censor herself to cater yo some people. If you dont like the patreon or her content, feel free to leave.


Your previous comment did come off as kinda "patronizing" though that was probably due to miscommunication. Though this one is much better worded. Though I don't agree with the removal of the audio at all, I agree with the rest of you comment. I just believe in respecting others and respecting everyone's kinks. Sorry you had to go through you fear, I know very well how scary it much be. Hopefully people will understand you more in your future.


But another part of her getting big fast, is that those who are only here to check things out, are going to start dropping off. Im sure we all love the hype she's getting but it's going to drop away soon and that's when we can finally all relax back into this safe space without wild child's coming in and stirring the pot

Ryn L.

It wasn’t my cup of tea, but that’s why I chose not to listen to it. I get both sides. I’m all for most of the stuff you’ve made, in fact, the only stuff I’ve opted out of are the stuff with bloodplay and (what I consider) too much degrading language (for *me* to enjoy). There’s stuff in the most shameful corner of my brain that I find super sexy that a lot of other people probably wouldn’t be into. And that’s okay! To each their own! But my point is, if I’m not interested of comfortable with an audio, then I skip it and wait for the next one. Don’t like the content? Don’t think it’s good for your mental health? Don’t interact! Opt out and move on, because chances are the content following it won’t contain the same themes.


Our queen 👑 I can't stand these ROACHES But for you Cece I'll make an acception.😔


i don’t understand why she’s getting criticism for it, she put a trigger warning in the description and i understand that it isn’t something that everyone likes but SHE is the voice actor, SHE is the creator and she has a variety of different kinks and topics that she makes audios about but when it’s something that you don’t like, you attack her for it? that’s not right. she does this because she enjoys it, why can’t y’all just let her do it, it isn’t compulsory for you to listen to every audio she puts out


i don’t understand how this got so messy literally all that we’re asking for is no more incest. i dont give a shit about endeavor or the degradation or the ntr, i give a shit that it was a father and his son engaged in a sexual act w another person. it doesnt matter if they weren’t touching, they were having sex w the same person and interacting w each other and thats bad enough. im all for “extreme” stuff like degradation, spitting, choking, whips, chains, gunplay, breathplay, etc. we just dont want incest. simple as that. much love.


not to mention the amount of gaslighting in this comment section 😳 im just as much of an adult as the rest of u. i just happen to not fetishize incest.

Kristina Johnson

I agree. :( while I'm happy she doesn't want people to get upset, its not her fault some people are too sensitive or illiterate to read trigger warnings that are in capital letters.... its her patreon, she shouldn't have to apologize and make up for it with the extra work for new audios (even though I did like them both.)


I'm poor af atm. But I'd try to give a little more money for a darker tier....


Im just here for the stories... im here to be entertained.. i get the subject is touchy... but people get toooo sensitive about fictional stuff.


I agree. I don’t think she should take the heat because someone doesn’t like something she chose to make. If there’s a trigger warning, there’s nothing else she was required to do


Oh no did Cece take down the post. Damn. 😭


;_; I like hardcore stuff and I feel like a lot didn't even listen to it because a lot were like making things up that weren't in the audio or like how people were spreading that they do each other as father and son. I get people being uncomfortable but like I liked it (but then again if you know hentai this kinda theme isn't new) I don't know what you plan on doing but don't take away the hardcore stuff too ☠️ I bet it was just the characters go because if it was two others, I bet people would've been like "yess". Anyways, I love you CeCe and please take care of yourself!💞✨


Unfortunately, no filter feature exists like that on Patreon. Maybe these types of audio need to be moved to a separate tier which could help users who don’t want to see it, but enjoy the other audios.


Damn no part 2 😭


I've been here since before this patreon blew up and got really popular. This is my first time ever commenting because I usually keep to myself. Now that there's this many people here, it will be impossible to make everyone happy. It will be impossible for every audio to make everyone happy no matter how hard Cece tries. There's going to be content and fetishes that aren't to everyone's taste. Please try to understand that this should be a safe place for everyone's fetishes

Xiggy J

I know Cece doesn’t want arguing so I won’t reply to anyone’s comment but I do have something to say. I think Cece was overly charitable and over-labeled the post. This by definition legal or otherwise can’t be considered incest. Someone tried to argue that by virtue of being married to Todoroki(a fictional character mind you) that it makes Endeavor your father therefore it can be considered incest. Society doesn’t largely consider in-laws as family in the same way an adopted brother or sister would be. Many people call in-laws their parents, but this wouldn’t be considered incest in the eyes of the law. Shoto and his father never touched once during the audio, only shared the same sexual partner while being both present in the same room. There was no power play involved, other than Endeavor taunting Shoto about him having sex with the listener, Endeavor was even kind enough to share the listener with his son(lol). So there was no touching much less sexual intercourse between father and son and no power dynamics that could be abused between father and son. Everyone in the audio is an adult, because Shoto is aged up, Shoto was even enjoying the interaction to a degree in the audio. I think most upset with the audio itself never listened to it and stopped at the description and decided to go off only based on that.


Cece: don't fight or disrespect the other side The comments: *fighting/disrespecting intensifies*


I am in favor of a dark-themed tier to avoid this🤩 I’d easily pay more money to access these darker audios

Kristina Johnson

Yeah I'm kinda guilty of this rn-- my ratchet ghetto side is like "FIIIIIGHT" lolol I'm definitely gonna regain my senses and stop 😂😂

Saffie !

Thank you.


What is so hard about “don’t like don’t listen”??? We are all supposed to be adults here.


Anyways, thank you Cece. We adore you and we’d hate for you to stop creating content because of things like this! This safe space is sorely needed 💖


i just wanna thank cece for all of her hard work and efforts to make us happy!


Well said. I wish people could just let others like what they like and inverse let others dislike what they dislike. Both sides should be respectful of the other, as someone who listened to it and still wasn't a big fan of the audio I still believe it had a right to exist and understand that not every audio will cater to what I like, sadly some people just can't accept that.


Sorry cece but I really just hate some of these ppl rn like it’s not that hard to scroll pass something you don’t like. And to feel the need to take it away from others who may enjoy it just cuz you don’t approve of those fetishes and kinks is so rude like I’m glad I downloaded it before it got taken down


Apparently there’s a Dabi x Shoto audio that didn’t receive this type of backlash, but ofc not surprised that it didn’t get any hate. Y’all should just say you hate endeavor and go instead of taking away that audio from us 😭


Okay I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little confused as to what is happening???? Cause it seems I have missed something bigggg

Isis Booker

Sorry this happened like this. It wasn't my thing so I didn't listen to it. But it could have been something someone else could have enjoyed. I don't judge them for their fun. It isn't harming anyone to make and listen to audios. You don't like it, Skip it. This is my opinion. So take it or leave it. I must commend you CeCe for how you have tried to deal with the situation in a loving and accepting way. You have one of the most open supportive communities on these platforms. It sucks a few people couldn't scroll past something they knew wasn't for them and kicked up a fuss. It's selfish. But I love you. I love what you do. My support is staying here. Be strong. Rest up. And thank you for the gentle comfort audios. I need those sometimes. Thank you for the kinky Tentacle ones. I need those too. Thank you for Doms. It's the only way I can enjoy my Kink as a sub. Thanks for for the subs they taught me something new about myself. Just THANK YOU 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞




Do you know what the audio was?? I'm so confused, I haven't been on in a bit


Cece's kindness and truly loving heart is so undeserved and it's a shame she even felt the need to apologize when she did her job and gave MULTIPLE warnings. She works so hard to create content for people to enjoy because she wants to do it cause she loves creating stories. And I can never understand why when something or someone gets popular people make it their mission to ruin a good thing. If you can't be a grown, mature ass adult partaking in her pateron content then you need to unsubcribe cause as a grown, mature ass adult you need to be able to filter content for yourself of what you can and can't handle and when you don't like something you keep it pushing by scrolling to something you do like. And if you're pretending to be an adult on her pateron you're account needs to be taken away. Also STOP running to TikTok to blab and make instigating videos about what goes on, I promise you don't need to do that cause that's how drama spreads and grows and that's how most drama starts. Again Fiction IS NOT and will NEVER be Reality and if you can't separate that then this and any other media is not for you


I've been on Twitter under the Yagami Yato tag, and I've got such a headache, how can there be so much negativity in the world.. Stay strong CeCe, it'll blow over


There was a series of videos that featured Endeavor x Shoto x listener, where Endeavor was teaching Shoto how to please in the bedroom (at least thats what I remember from the description and the little bit I listened to). Some people had an issue with this, claiming it was incest. It was tagged that way, but from what I've gathered this was as a precaution, (which Cece is thankfully prone to doing!) but did not actually involve anything between them themselves, just listener. Basically people can't just scroll past things they don't like 🤷‍♀️


someone reported it? that sucks......


Twitter is a cesspool, dumspter fire that has a vast array of problems that need to be addressed before they can judge so please try not to let it get you too bent outta shape

Karley Tufo

I listened to it, it was not my cup of tea but there was no "incest", there were more than enough warnings, in the end its those who just didn't bother reading's fault. The ONLY extra thing is she could of done is at the beginning of the recording to also say the warnings....but in the end she did everything right to warn people. I'm sorry for those who were offended by it, but, in the end, you just didn't need to listen to it, and thats that. Cece makes like MULTIPLE posts a day/week sometimes so you had MORE than enough content to listen too.🤷‍♀️ I'm just more creeped out by the fact that'll minors are able to get to these recordings and listening.


This too will pass, it's impossible to please everyone so don't let this get you down. You're wonderful Cece!


Frrrrr 🙄🙄🙄 there was more incest in that one imo


It’s a little frustrating how badly the audios were taken when the point of the warnings were to deter some people from listening to things THEY would consider triggering. In reality, there was no incest, but some people don’t truly understand the concept, so it was meant to deter anyone who would be uncomfortable with the two being in an audio and instead, it was thrown in her face. I don’t understand the need to disrespect Cece when she does the absolute most to ensure everyone is comfortable but, regardless, we all have to respect her decision. Cece, don’t take it to heart, some people will only see what they want :( but others will wholeheartedly understand and support you because we do see how hard you try. Keep doing what makes you happy and we’ll be here :)

Janelle Blake

Ok, this is ridiculous. Look, personally, I didn’t listen to the audios. Yup, not a single one of the three. Ya wanna know why? Cause I did this magical thing called READING THE TRIGGER WARNINGS! LIKE, WHAT? DID THESE PEOPLE THINK IT WAS THERE FOR DECORATION!? But nooooo people don’t wanna do that. And now the people that listened to it and liked it can’t listen to it, the people that were holding it off can’t listen to it, and it’s because people don’t want to use the skills that their parents and/or teachers taught them. Let’s be real, the only reason people went up in arms isn’t because of the trigger warnings but because Endeavor is in it and, hahaha, hating Endeavor is so popular! Don’t we all love hating Endeavor! (EVEN THOUGH HE WENT THROUGH CHARACTER ARCS, HAS SHOWN MULTIPLE TIMES TO SERIOUSLY REGRET WHAT HE DID, FAMILY MEMBERS ARE SLOWLY STARTING TO FORGIVE HIM, AND IS ACTIVELY WORKING ON BETTERING HIMSELF, IN BOTH THE HERO SENSE AND A FATHER SENSE, BUT THAT’S A STORY FOR ANOTHER DAY MOVING ON!) Oh but we all love Dabi yea!? We love Dabi and Toga and Shigaraki despite them being being LEGIT KILLERS! LIKE, SHIGARAKI ALONE IS WRECKING ALL KINDS OF SHIT RIGHT NOW IN THE MANGA BUT THAT’S STILL DECAY DADDY RIGHT? HAHA, HE SO CUTE WITH HIS NINTENDO SWITCH AND VIDEO GAME REFERENCES! WHAT’S THAT, BLOOD ON HIS HANDS? BUT LOOK HOW WELL HE PLAYS MARIO PARTY! EVEN IN THE CONTEXT OF CECE’S AUDIOS, DABI AND SHOTO ARE BROTHERS BUT THEY TAG TEAMED US AND THAT WAS CLEARLY OK! BUT NOOOO, CAN’T HAVE ENDEAVOR VOLCANO DADDY BAD! Now that’s not to say that Cece is immune to criticism. She definitely is, like any content creator, and she legit asks for it. She legit writes, “Tell me if there’s anything you think I can improve on because I love you guys and I want to make quality audios for you!” But there’s a difference in constructive criticism and being an asshole. This is asshole territory we’re in right now. And you know those bitches over on Twitter are probably eating this up. Like, ugh, it’s just a shitty situation all around and the fact that the only thing I can do to show my support is stay subscribed to her. Like, I want to do more because she’s so sweet and has don’t so much for the community that she created and just staying subscribed to her Patreon and YouTube isn’t enough. I feel like I can do more for her but I just don’t know what.


Damn I actually wanted to listen to that audio again 😔 I personally think it should be reposted as a 25-tier one


It sucks that it was taken down. I actually wanted more of it, maybe even a prequel to how all that mess started. Shoot, I'd commission CeCe for that if no one else wants it.


And I may be broke, but a dark-themed tier is something I could save for, because that audio was ✨wonderful✨. ALSO, there are other websites that allow you to see content based on whether or not you meet criteria, so... if you wanted to keep dark content off Patreon, it would be more work but we would compensate for the extra effort, trust.

Kenji Hurena

Cece is an artist above all other things... and like an artist. She will create things that people love... and things that aren't a specific cup of tea for you. Right now this one person is trying to cater to the likings of over 30,000 people. People who come from all walks of life. Its going to be hard to make every single person happy with every single audio... so leave her alone and love her. Be patient and wait for your cup of tea... thank you 💖 And thank you Cece for brining your talents to a place where anyone can appreciate them 😍🥰 Love you!! And keep doing what makes you happy 💞💜💞


Seeing this makes me sad


Maybe when the discord is up and running Cece can have a taboo channel that posts those in.


i agree. i’ve only been in the community for a few months but it feels like she can’t explore new things without getting backlash anymore


Realizing ppl need visual aids because they can't read warnings makes me sad But on a positive note, my hate for ppl has grown more so thanks. Istg The double todoroki really be favorite audio that i never actually listened to I should dedicate my time to writing fics for that


Y’all hoes need to know it’s not about you all the time. I like drama and angst stories. I love the villain stories they’re EVERYTHING to me. Mommy hasn’t made a angst story in a LONG while. Those who try to cancel cece are the main problem don’t try me or mommy. we all came here to listen to stories. Doesn’t mean you have to like or listen to all of them! There’s others on this platform that wants to hear it just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that she needs to take it down cause you have a problem with it. Yes it can be triggering to others and mommy informed y’all it was going to be triggering so what’s the point in listening to it if you were going to be triggered in the first place and then complain that it triggered you? Either some of y’all want to ruin it for others, thinking that your own opinion is WAY better than others, or y’all can’t read and don’t care


I have an idea. Can we reorganize the tiers? Move all dark themed audios, past AND future, to the $25 tier and up. Make us pay for the content we want to see. If you want the soft stuff, stay in the lower tiers. If you want to see the extreme, hardcore, free expression of kinks, pay for the 25 tier. Those that are dedicated to the craft will pay to get full content. 💅🏾


Bless you for being so wonderful!! I will support you forever 💗💗 You deserve only the best in the world.


Wait, she's still doing it?!


I swear I felt this in my soul. Im mad as FUCK. It's always people that have to ruin a good thing all because they feel they should be able to say ANYTHING or DO anything cause it's THIER opinión. They never realizes it's your that "THEIR OPINION" NOT A FACT. SO SHUT TFU. I'm tired of the drama and negativity on ticktok and social media everywhere. This was my last place to come to enjoy my anime/manga themed hobbies WITHOUT bs and these KIDS who refuse to read are running it


It’s very kind of you, CeCe. Both sides are valid, but it does boil down to consent being given when listening to the audios despite reading the warnings on the audio(s). Which I really find the new warning labeling very helpful! Especially the listing of links involved! Thank you for making them clear and firm. I hope they help others as well. I also hope that you’re doing well in this situation. It is a lot and I hope you’re taking care of yourself and don’t get discouraged. Your well-being comes first. I maybe new, but already can see how above and beyond you work to give new, multiple audios daily. I agree with a few other comments that a darker theme tier at a higher level would help to lock the content. But also respect that you’ll be limiting where to cross the line with some themes. (I honestly hope your friend who requested the audio in question doesn’t feel bad about everything; please give them a pat and thumbs up for everyone). I’m excited to see more story routes (I’m still reeling and relistening to Kirishima to pick up details I missed and theorizing like a mad lady) and even more content from you. The fact Villain Route/Villain Action was mentioned is hyping me up!! Wherever you take the audios and your stories, it’ll be exciting and wonderful! Please stay strong and thank you again for sharing your voice and stories with us all.


I’m kinda upset that the audio had to be removed because it was a work of ART!! Of course no one likes the fact of cheating but also, these are your stories. How do we know what would’ve happened next time? Now we won’t know 😔 I listened to that audio twice and was about to go for round 3 until I saw this. This is so upsetting. Cece is a creator, an artist. Not everything Cece creates will be liked by everyone. I’m not gonna lie. I wasn’t a fan of the Void audio but I didn’t make a big deal about it at alll. I just clicked out of the audio and went back to listening to Ukai. We all have to remember this isn’t about this or the other. It’s about this wonderful person who makes these audios for all of us. Let’s be better ❤️ if you don’t like an audio, please do not listen. Some of us actually might just like it a lot more than others. And can I just say, bravo on that last Dabi audio Cece 😍 that was delicioussssss 👏🏻


I’d join you on that commission! I wanted to know more!


I kind of miss the days when there was only like 6k of us (literally just last year). It was much more peaceful. Now there's controversy every other week. The biggest thing I've read in the comments is not that it triggered anyone, but that the "incest crossed the line". Y'all gotta remember that we ALL pay money to be here. There's 32k of us here now. What's "crossing the line" for you may not be to someone else. Skip the audio and move along. That's it. That's all.


I’d honestly pay more for a tier with the darker content


I'm tired of people talking about these hash tags too! This is freaking patreon! Not a MANGA website thats huge and heavily managed by a large team! Their technical systems are even different! If you want specific kink hashtags take you @$$ to yaoi or mangareader.com! READ the damn warnings, know YOUR triggers and take responsibility for them, that's part of not playing the victim. If i can be an adult about my triggers you can too! Im done.✌🏾


i was looking forward for a part 2 :(


I don't have much to say about this because I'm really new here, but what I can say is that I'll be here for you Queen. I love what your audios have made in my life and if there's something I don't like I just won't listen to it but that's not a reason to be mean to you. I will keep supporting you so PLEASE don't feel down, take care of yourself and know that this is your world and we decided to enter it, every change you make I know will be for the best of yourself and us ❤️ I will go all the way Plus Ultra for you ✨


It's always a sad day when an artist feels the pressure to self-censor.


I hope you're taking care of yourself Cece, especially in times like these. I enjoy your audios and while I'm newer I have been indulging in the ones I like a lot. What upsets me to see is that some folks are just never satisfied and there's always complaints about your art. You should not have to censor yourself or remove anything from YOUR Patreon. If someone doesn't like a piece of work, they don't have to listen. Pure and simple. You put a lot of love and effort into your work and I don't think it's right that you have to take it down due to a minority who might be upset. There is a reason why warnings and tags exist. If they can't handle reading for a few seconds to make sure it's something they'd enjoy then that's their choice. There is SO much content here for everyone to find something and the majority should not have to pay for the angered voices of a few, they're being selfish and downright rude to complain about something they can skip over.


Okay guess this NEEDS to stop. Cece put MULTIPLE trigger warnings on the endeavor vs shoto post. If you didn’t wanna listen to it you didn’t have to. Also whoever is sharing yagami’s Patreon needs to stop as well. Her Patreons need to STAY on Patreon.


im just mad she has to apologize for it. if they didnt read it thats on them, but whatever...


I’m very sorry to hear that you’ve been having to deal with all of this lately. Artists should be allowed to create what makes them happy, and people need to realize that we are not all identical in our interests. I didn’t get a chance to listen to the audio before it was taken down (bummer) but I would have because I read the warnings and still knew it would interest me. It needs to be understood that there are more than enough options for everyone! From the sounds of it, there was nothing wrong with that audio in such a way as it should have come down. I hope you are able to put this from your mind a little going forward. You are a wonderful and talented artist and your audios bring happiness to people in a variety of ways. People just need to learn that it is not your job to censor your art for them. It is up to them to know when something is outside their comfort zone and respectfully decline.


People are such petty asshats. I don't like the volleyball guys so I dont listen to those. Tadaa that easy folks. PS I'm new here but everything you do is bizarrely phenomenal and I am so thankful I went down this rabbit hole (hubs says thnx too btw). Not even sure how, but you've lit a motivational spark in me that has been missing for a while now and I appreciate all your hard work! Keep doing what you want and live your best life. *high five*


Okay so this is the last thing I'm going to say about this topic. (CW: trauma, abusive relationships) 1. Not everyone thinks the "soft" and "intimate" content here isn't harmful. I was in an abusive relationship for years. This person used intimacy as a weapon. I stayed because I had confused an intimate relationship as a healthy relationship. The intimate and "soft" content sometimes makes me uncomfortable. (I literally cannot be cuddled by my current partner at night because I will get so anxious I'll have nightmares and wake up). Just because certain content might be socially accepted by the majority, doesn't mean that's everyone's reality. 2. Asking people who want content that is perceived to be "dark" or taboo to pay more is upsetting. As much as I'd love to support Cece, $25 a month during a pandemic just isn't feasible for myself. 3. I use "dark" topics to work through and take control over my past trauma. It's affirming and empowering for me. Not everyone deals with trauma in this way, but I do. Shaming fetishes can re-trigger shame in victims and/or survivors who find comfort in their fetishes. (And no the audio that was deleted wasn't to my personal taste). 4. Let's be real. It's important to remember that according to societal norms, there's a lot of questionable content on here. This is supposed to be an opportunity for people to explore in a way that's not judgmental. I've seen so many comments on audios saying "wow I never would've thought I'd like this!" or "I've discovered something about myself!" Let's not suddenly say it's "crossing the line" because it's not something you personally like.


We’re all supposed to be adults here, I wish we could be mature enough to stay away from what we don’t like. I’m sorry you’re going through this Cece. Thanks for handling all of this so well. I still remember when there were only 6-7K of us here and things were so calm. We love you Cece.


love your work cece. if people see something that makes them too uncomfortable to be around/to even SEE, yet they choose to stay/listen, it’s they’re own fault. they’re literally CHOOSING and PAYING to be in a space that makes them uncomfortable. don’t like something? don’t interact with it. it’s that simple.


There’s def people on here taking the audios and putting them on streaming sites. It sucks cause then ADULT CONTENT gets into the hands of minors. I haaaate it


It goes without saying, but the folk who had tier access to the post in question and DOWNLOADED IT, CAN Y'ALL PLEASE NOT FUCKING SHARE IT OR POST IT ANYWHERE ELSE!? She's asked folks constantly to NOT SHARE THIS STUFF elsewhere, especially anywhere that minors have easy access to?? This includes you dickheads uploading it to PornHub, I KNOW YOU'RE ON HERE. 🤨 STOP THAT SHIT. OR MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT. BUT STOP. SHARING. THIS STUFF. OUTSIDE OF PATREON. 🤦🏾‍♀️ As for people upset they missed it, please take the loss with some grace and move on or wait for another audio. It's gone for a reason. And if you downloaded it, please, AGAIN. Honor Cece's request: DON'T SHARE IT or ANY OTHER audio on here anywhere beyond Patreon. 🙏🏾 Okay, I'm done. That's my two cents. This old weeb has shit to do today. I love you all. Let's turn this around and get back to enjoying ourselves and protecting and uplifting one another. Okay? Okay. Love y'all. ❤


More respecting one another. Also More hawks. More mirko. More mirko x hawks. Mirko x toga.


I praise you and all your themes. I can’t get enough. You’re my favourite storyteller in any aspect you do you put your style on it and I love it. Take care, cutie xxx


My main concern even from the first time I saw that post was "oh no, I hope people don't see this and start attacking Cece for it" and then of course it started happening. I hope, mentally, that you're doing well and that all this backlash isn't too hard on you. You seem like such a genuinely sweet person and simply disagreeing with the content someone makes doesn't mean you should say bad things about them as a person or the people who like them. I hope everyone is doing okay, but Cece most of all. It must all be very stressful. But I think this apology was very sweet and well worded. 💕


i was thinking and maybe you could clear up audios in the future by saying its consensual non consent? since it is a real kink and stuff but alot of people online dont seem to understand that. i just find it rediculous you get so much hate while everything you do is so beautifull and is actually helping people aswell. you dont deserve to be shamed the way you do.


y’all don’t even know how pissed I am right now. literally read the tags like u read anything else. decide am I comfortable with this? That literally was my favorite audio by far she made, you are not gonna like everything you see, taste or feel. Deal with it.


The sad thing is a lot of the comments that were freaking out made it sound like the people who enjoyed it WOULD participate in these things(incest mainly) irl. It blew my mind and I just questioned how old some of them were, not to invalidate people’s feelings but the majority of people have sexual fantasies that they would never act on and it is normal there is literally books on it. I mean game of thrones was on tv literally tv anyone could watch and I’m over here paying to this blessed goddess to enjoy something and it’s taken down. Makes me sad cause I was gonna listen to it today too.


I recently found you Cece and I adore just about everything you make, in particular Dabi, Hawks, and Todoroki. Shoto is an extreme comfort character of mine and I detest Endeavor for what he’s done in the manga but was willing to give it a go because you’ve honestly made me simp for people I didn’t even know I’d like😅 (looking at you Oikawa). I read the tags and knew what I was getting into but the second Shoto started implying that the listener would be unfaithful to him, my heart ached so much. I couldn’t finish the audio because I was so upset. THAT BEING SAID, I understand that it was very gratifying for some people. Personally it just wasn’t to my taste so I turned it off and went to listen to other Shoto audios. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. You’re a wonderful person and the work you do has seriously impacted both mine and countless others lives! We love you, Queen Cece 💙 keep doing what you’re doing and I hope others will start heeding the tags in the future.


Also STOP, STOP, STOP SHARING AUDIOS! Stop sharing audios so minors DON'T ESPECIALLY and others DON'T get a hold of them. STOP sharing audios on TIKTOK ESPECIALLY, stop sharing them on SoundCloud, Stop sharing them on yiff. party just stop cause it's common sense not to do that


I see both sides and my lasting thought is that I also think some people should realize they aren’t obligated to listen to audios. It cost nothing to read a description, decide if it’s safe enough for you, and then either proceed to listen or ignore it. Not every audio is handcrafted perfect for some of you who are a little too entitled and expect each audio to be up your alley.


I won't lie, I was sad to wake up to that audio deleted, cause it was my cup of tea haha. While I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea, I do appreciate how Cece went about it and warned for any possible triggers, and hope this can just be used as a learning experience and not just be discouraging for more creative/dark themes in the future. Its not possible to please everyone with such a large amount of people of course. while darker and more debauchery themes are my thing I can definitely understand and respect it not being everyone's, same as I do with some of the other audios that aren't for me. on a side note, Thank you Cece for that audio, from anyone who might have just enjoyed it, let them explore somthing new, or helped them in some way! Your doing AMAZING work as always, and doing even better trying to keep the peace. Thank you for everything you do, I very much appreciate this art that you share with us.


Wait what was the audio that was deleted? I didnt even get to listen to it D:


Is this about the endeavor and todoroki vid? Is that what was taken down and if so I’m so super upset now. I hadn’t got the chance to listen to it and I was really looking forward to it. 🥺


it was the Shoto VS Endeavor audio. a lot of people were reporting it to Patreon took it down.

Bakusauce on my tiddies

I am sad that the audio was deleted. But I understand. And for those who share PLEASE DON’T. I’m sick of minors being able to access her Patreon videos on thieving, stealing websites like yiff. Please stop. It’s dishonest and disrespectful. It’s not fair to Yagami who is being robbed of her money and hard work and it’s not fair to those of us who are paying and doing the right thing. I also think Cece should get rid of the share option if possible. Just to make things easier.


I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to listen to it, if you want i could send it to you.


You don’t need to apologize hun! You gave ample warning so its on them for listening. Im kinda sad the audio was deleted. Didn’t even get to finish listening.


I understand why people were upset, the audio was not my cup of tea but there is definitely an audience for it so I understand and respect why you made it. Always remember you do amazing work and help people in so many ways. We love you Cece! 💕


i'd just like to give my 2cents. slight tw. i don't comment much but... i know people will find me disgusting for enjoying such things. i still struggle with shame, i am so ashamed with my kinks but it's something i am working on. i have a lot of problematic kinks. unfortunately it's very hard for me to get aroused unless it's demeaning, dub/noncon due to certain traumas. i've struggled a lot with guilt and the idea of 'you asked for this', so having these kinks allows me an element of control, that is, i feel safe in an imagined setting. i hesitate typing this up even now. i shouldn't have to explain myself, but i'm so tired. i feel like people like me are being pushed out and shamed for it. it's not just this audio, it's this fandom and influx of almost puritanical virtue signallers in fandom. i'm so tired. i know it's silly to be upset over this one audio, and fandom response, but now it's deleted. and slowly the content is disappearing. i can't make my own content either without death threats. i shouldn't have to explain myself. it doesn't feel safe anymore. i'm sorry cece, that you had to deal with the backlash. you work so hard, not just with your content but creating this safe space, but now even this is being threatened. i'll still be here for your sudios though, i will always support this patreon since it's one of the few comforts i have. but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't slightly depressed over this. sorry if this was tmi, but i feel like i just had to express this


This really sucks... like you do you Cece. Its your patreon, but I think its really unfortunate that going forward we cant explore themes such as those. I for one enjoy the exploration of dark sexual themes in fiction BECAUSE it is fiction. Its not something I would condone IRL but i can enjoy it in fiction. And I know that as the consumer of such media if I cant handle it I can hit the off switch at any time. I have listened to many an audio on GWAReddit that I thought I could handle and ended up turning off and switching to a comfort one. Have I been triggered in the past doing that? Yes, but I knew what I was getting into based on the tags so it’s my fault. its never been a big deal. I think dark audios like the Endeavor Vs Shouto one were completely fine because these are fictional characters in a fictional scenario that was tagged properly. Maybe people need a CNC tag along with a reminder that CNC exists and is okay to explore. I don’t think having dark audios here really messes with the positive vibe of the community. But if full positivity is the direction you wanna go toward, I will still support you. I still think its valid to consider still doing dark audios in some shape or form. Maybe consider posting audio links to another site like Soundgasm so that its more than just a post, but also a physical link to another site so people cannot deny they knew what they were getting into.


Same, my main concern is her own well being. I understand she's trying to be selfless and create a safe space for others, but also this is her baby. She should feel free to create content that /SHE/ enjoys and can share with her audience without experiencing crud like that. I just discovered this community of sorts, and I hope she has a great support group in her life.


This bums me out, I liked that audio & now because random people are offended by it- we don’t get to have it. There’s lots of “taboo” porn on the internet, using real people & fictional characters. You know what makes me uncomfortable? Porn like “young, small, teen girl gets railed by mailman” but i don’t make a fuss about it and report it, I just DON’T WATCH IT because it’s not what I’m into. Everyone is such a crybaby. I’m sorry you keep having to deal with ridiculous tiktok outrage over nothing, we love you ):


I totally agree that both sides have their opinions. some people have links that may not be appropriate even with a NsFw warning but theres no judgement and I'm glad that Cece addressed this. I love you so much and keep up the amazing work

Candy Kat

I agree with you. I wasn't my thing but I know and respect the people who are into that audio.


Thank you so much for sharing your kinks and I'm so sorry to hear that you receive backlash for your content - I'm similar in that dub/noncon in fiction is something that actually helps me work through certain traumas. That audio actually helped me so much- in ways I wasn't expecting. It sucks because this blow up adds to the guilty feeling that already is there about survivors enjoying certain themes in fiction. I couldn't figure out why I was so upset until I read your comment- I realized that I actually felt safe for once while exploring that side and it's gone


The fact that half of the people “paying” for yagami’s PATREON came to bitch and moan about a post that was obviously going to trigger some people really upsets me. Now that the “adults” that couldn’t handle a triggering audio and still continuing to listen to it got their way, the people who obviously wanted to keep it don’t get to hear it again. I mean, come on, this is beyond immature. She’s not going to always post comfort audios and vanilla sex for the more fluffy people. This is beyond sad. How hard is it to read a trigger warning and HEED IT AND CONTINUE TO SCROLL? These are the same people that see a toxic waste symbol and still continue to consume it. Unbelievable. Additionally, I do not like her comfort audios but I’m not raising hell because I want her to make nothing but smut audios. A lot of people liked the comfort audios and a lot of people liked the Todoroki vs Endeavor audio. Imagine how much better the comment section under that audio would have looked if these children (yes I’m going to say children because we all know at this point pre-teens have found a way to pay for her Patron) had continued to scroll.


I think I’m more worried about the little kiddies listening to these audios, especially the really kinky hardcore ones.


I know there some people out there hella salty home girl is making a living getting to do something as neat as this. Shit I wish I could too. 😂 Sadly most don't acknowledge the fact it took A LONG time & a lot of hard work & dedication to get here. The hate I feel like is more like a bandwagon, social media can unfortunately easily influence & the best thing to do is just ignore it. End of the day they can hate all they want, I'm still gonna pop those headphones in & grab my glass of wine while I listen to all my fictional obsessions tell me just how fucking fantastic I am. 😏


I was in a situation like this on a writing app. My friend had a book that covered heavy topics and such and included warnings, yet people still read it when it was a triggering subject for them and continued to bitch about it.


Can anybody send me the Endeavorxshoto audio. Honestly Cece deserves so much better and I was so excited by this audio I loved it so much. As somebody who is into darker themes like that it was probably my favorite. Knowing that Cece is getting crap becuase some people can't use common sense and first read the triggers and second assume that an audio with Endeavor and Shoto in it isn't going to be warm and loving is in the wrong here, not her. Having to take down something she worked hard on is ridiculous and honestly I hope you put it back up. You do amazing work and don't deserve to be attacked like this Cece 🥰


anyone under 18 shouldn’t be here ☕️🐸


I just think it’s funny how there’s so many villain audios that literally force themselves on the listener are ignored but when it’s a very complicated and complex hero character like endeavour who does it that’s where people cross the line and ban together to get an audio remove. But when the literal mass murderers do it in the anime oh it’s fine because so and so character is hot.


Thank you for the apology and having accountability for this.


it’s also not fair that people paid for access to content and they didn’t get to listen to content that they *paid for* because of people who didn’t heed the warnings that were put there. explicitly!!! mentioning cheating, incest, and cuckholding! i agree that yato’s content should not be shared elsewhere, BUT i also think it’s upsetting that part of this community took something away from those who would enjoy it. and this is coming from someone who doesn’t enjoy the things in that audio. as this community gets larger, it’s gonna be harder to please everyone with every single audio. and we all need to understand that. every audio can not cater to our own preferences. that’s not how it works. so just skip the things you aren’t into. it isn’t that hard. taboo kinks will always exist. everywhere on the internet. avoid them if you don’t like them


I was gonna listen to that audio later when I was in the headspace for it. I'm absolutely pissed. CeCe deserves better, she did nothing wrong. Read the tags you heathens, they're there for a reason. Absolutely pathetic


Cece literally made an OC whose whole concept is “respect what other people like sexually” and yet, members of this community are doing the exact opposite of that. just because this community is growing DOES NOT MEAN that people should be attacking others for what they like. scroll on. yato has hundreds of audios, both here and on youtube. listen to an old one you haven’t heard before instead of screaming about the new one that doesn’t cater to your sexual interests. we are all *HOPEFULLY* adults here. please act like that and be respectful.


I would agree to that but there is people like me who can’t afford to give up 25 dollars per month. 😔😔


i just think it’s frustrating that people pick and choose what they demonize in terms of fiction and kink content; there wasn’t nearly this level of backlash for the gun and knife play or the noncon of that one shiggy audio, and ppl were easily able to separate fiction from reality with the monster-fucking audios. it’s just hypocritical to me.


Agreed. I find it somewhat offensive to suggest paying more for content that, in one way or another, has always been on this patreon. Not to mention how doing that would essential split the community into the "uwu soft vanilla" group and the "extreme, hardcore" group. I think something like this is unavoidable as her platform and popularity gets bigger, so do the differing tastes and opinions. The general consensus I get is that the audio "crossed a line" somehow, which I disagree, as I listened to the audio. To me, it was just a kinky audio that wasn't for me, people just blew this way outta proportion and for the most inane reason.


Well I understand but the 1 dollar tier doesn’t get that much content (which is fine, I’m ok with the pacing) in the first place and it sucks to see something taken away from it, I mean I didn’t even get to listen, are those people who don’t like certain things gonna have power all the time?? I feel like people are gonna find more problems with stuff now that this happened. Thanks for dealing with it in a mature way.


Wow y’all really something else. I can’t even form an actual option cause it got taken down before I could even get around to listening to it. I’ve been a bit more tired lately and haven’t really caught up to the audios. So now I’m concerned that in the future if something gets blown out of proportion something else can be taken down. It high key feels like y’all bullied a creator into taking down her own content and that doesn’t sit well with me at all.


I'm going to go give my thoughts, may go off the rails a bit, cause that's just how I am, but I'll try not to say anything too offensive mostly because there is no point in it. I am getting real sick of all of the people on this site and on Discord bitching about how Cece doesn't do enough Hardcore porn, or XXX rated kinks, and think that Porn has been her MO and why she got into making ASMRs in the first place. For those of us who have been here for a Long ass time, we remember. I was here back when Cece had 3000 Patreons and the Bulk of her work was exclusive to Youtube. There were no Spicy Sammiches or EXTREMELY NSFW. There was Cece, her stories and the Sammiches were what they were thanks to YT and their censorship. Patreon was a place she rarely used, but would drop us a few sex tidbits from time to time and life was good. And we were fine with that. Jump ahead to (I believe it was around the time the Pandemic started) and YT demonitized Cece so she started opening up her Patreon more, got a little bit more Spicy and her Patreon began exploding. Now people are here demanding more and more and MORE hardcore porn And that has never been what Cece's content was about. It was about the Stories, the romance, the adventures, the bits of drama and angst that got tossed in from time to time. Go to Youtube check out the Bakugo, Shoto and Hawks playlists. Those are some GREAT stories with intricate plot and it may help with the point I am trying to make. Now that is all being lost/discarded/pushed to the backburner(?)....because everyone is demanding their Porn without Plot. I miss the times when Cece did more Polls. Polls on YT, Polls here on the Patreon and it Felt like everyone had a say. Because that is what Cece told us. She makes these audios for us. She makes these audios to tell us stories, to comfort us, make us feel loved and valid and safe. And it does so so much <3 But for the past few months something has been off. And I do not know what it is, or how it happened. But something is different. Something has changed. And the community has changed from a place of positivity to a place where people are getting snippy at each other, calling names, and getting out right mean. This place. The YT. Cece's work. it has never been about the porn. Stop acting like it was. Chill with your Horny on the Main. Appreciate the art of the story. Bask in the love and the comfort. And for godsake, APPRECIATE Cece for what she has always given us.


Honestly if you don't like it then don't listen. IMO there wasn't anything wrong with the audio. I barely got to listen, but it literally says SHOTO VS ENDEAVOR not shoto x endeavor. Yall really need to learn how to read and if you dont like something keep scrolling. We don't wanna hear your stupid opinion when you didnt even read the description which gave many MANY WARNING. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

Bakusauce on my tiddies

Exactly. Their only choosing to be mad because the audio featured Endeavor. And that irritates me beyond belief.


TLDR: I agree that this is a safe space to explore with FICTION and I wish people would live and let live. Also, I tend to ramble so I’m sorry... Let me just state that I have never commented on here before because I never felt the need to. But what you wrote hits so true (to me at least). I am 24 and so fucking single. Single to the point that the idea of dating someone just does not compute. With my anxiety, I am not sure that I’ll ever feel confident or comfortable enough to put myself out there and explore what I’m into. (I had a panic attack when my high school boyfriend kissed me for fucks sake) I use these audios to explore a side of myself that can safely “experience” themes (all ratings, not just dark) without the added pressure from perceived expectations of others or even my own insecurities. If it turns out that I’m not enjoying a scenario, I end it right there. The power for my comfort is in my hands. I’m not 100% certain I could do that with another person. I can see myself as feeling guilty for “not holding up my end of the bargain” or something (that’s a lot baggage to unpack, I know...). So Cece creating these audios with characters that I adore or are familiar with really helps these niche aspects of my life. If anyone made it this far, thanks for reading, I guess? I don’t know... I just wanted to write this out because I don’t think I’ve ever been able to find the right words to describe my feelings towards these audios. Stay safe out there and wear a mask! ✌️❤️


I personally liked the audio and the fact that some people are basically kink shaming is wrong..I was hoping to get a part 2 but it looks like we might not get it 😭


You’re right. I did join when the pandemic started maybe around April or May. But I watched the early stuff on YouTube. I started with Deku but then I started listening to Shoto, Aizawa, Hawks And realized there’s great story and the plots intertwine in other routes and it was GREAT and I’m Invested in everyone especially Hawks bc I love the runaway plot. Then I join patreon and I loved it was spicy because by the time she got hit with the hammer by YouTube the sammich was a bit watered down so the spice was great. Along the way we lost plot and got only smut. Which I do love smut but I love the tender romance and care w/our husbandos the sammich was a treat, a bonus like the cherry on a sundae. I think this change is a huge result of the influx of ppl. Which is sad I want more ppl to enjoy this but not at the cost of such a drastic change and to where she’s getting constant backlash.


Honestly I enjoyed the audio to the point that I’d say it was quite possibly my favorite one yet, so it really sucks that it was removed. Y’all who made a fuss over something just because it’s not your personal kink are wrong for that. Trigger warnings are there for a reason, and if you choose to WILLINGLY IGNORE THEM, that’s entirely on you- so thanks for ruining it for (and simultaneously kink-shaming) the rest of us.✌🏼


I love you, Cece! You’re just such a good hearted person. 💕


People pick and chose what they deem correct or a kink and it’s sad...Some of you are just weirdly selfish like every audio has to be something you like and enjoy, there was nothing wrong with the audio imo. This was only an issue for some because of who one of the character was. There’s plenty of villain audios or regular/hero audios that are intense and that’s never been an issue. Blaming someone or being mad that you didn’t like it or were uncomfortable makes no sense to me, since you’re on a platform where you can be exposed to anything since there’s no filters or tags that you can suppress or mute, so YOU are making that choice by being here. I also saw someone comment about a ‘dark Patreon tier’ so idk if you ( CeCe) is up for that but it’s a pretty good idea. I keep saying this but I’m 100% sure that some lie about their age to get on Patreon no mature adult would react the way some of you did, there’s no way. So I guess the bottom line is, next time you don’t like a particular audio, complain like you did and it’ll be removed, good job.

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

exactly. half of the people i saw complaining were on tik tok and they were all teenagers. like, you guys aren’t even supposed to be here in the first place. and that’s exactly how i feel. there’s tons of stuff cece has created that i just didn’t care for or vibe with but you know what i did? i left it alone and went about my day understanding that some people probably did like it and that’s all that matters. this community has gotten so toxic the further it grows.


no matter what, cece i’ll always support you and we all know you mean no harm :( if they see it on patreon, a place where you literally have to pay to listen to it, they shouldn’t pay for it just to attack you and the listeners/supporters. ❤️

Aranka van der Post

The fact that some people create content about certain themes doesn't mean they condone it. Are you guys saying that Gerard Way condones incest because he let Luther and Allison kiss? (I know they're not blood related but they were raised as siblings) My point is: a creator can use certain themes because they can think they might be interesting for a story. Besides, some people just saw the title and freaked out before even listening to it. It was Endeavor and Shoto fighting over the listener, not doing aNYTHING together. They didn't even fucking touch each other. Neither of them showed any attraction towards the other. If you don't like it, that's fine, but just skip past it and continue with your day, thank you very much


Please stop fighting y'all You're gonna stress CeCe out. Just chill whats done is done


Please don’t listen to people who bring you down. It’s fiction. If something is triggering to someone, they shouldn’t listen to it or take in content depicting those things. Make controversial content, get that bank, be problematic in fiction!


Ill always support you Cece, i feel like you should carry on making whatever content you like because its your patreon and if people dont like it then they can leave


The audio wasn’t even Enjisho, it was pseudo incest which in the (fictional obv.) incest community isn’t even That popular, you’re not creating “child exploitation” material because no kids are being hurt. You can’t go to jail, you can’t be arrested, you’re not committing a crime. Not everyone’s into darker themes but a lot of people are. We like exploring things in fiction because we can’t get others or ourselves hurt that way


I’m so sad that the post is removed :(.... It is my cup of tea and it was really different than your usual posts which are fluffy/normal nsfw and I was surprised to see that you are exploring a more taboo and darker subject in fiction! Honestly there is an audience for every single kink and warnings exist for a reason to see if it is for you or not and you have put up warnings for it! I’m honestly sad that you will probably never delve further into exploring dark themes in fiction...like CNC..(?) I don’t like how people are hating on it and then turn a blind eye to the villain audios which has slight dub con in it and the nomu audio is still up which is basically bestiality lol , It is biased and hypocritical that this audio was reacted to so negatively!! Well what is done is done but if you ever come around to making a darker and problematic theme to the audios, I hope you know there is an audience that will be waiting for it and would love to love them! I don’t think you will ever go back into it but a girl can hope <///////3


I went back and forth on talking about this but (CW: child abuse) I understand some story’s and ideas will make people uncomfortable and I respect that but as some one who grew up going through things no child should it’s deeply hurtful to have people treat exploring an idea in fiction as being the same as the thing people like me have survived. It’s been 20 years and I still can’t sleep some nights, I can’t walk down some streets and something as simple as a seeing the wrong shade of yellow can make me physically sick. These Asmrs even the darker ones have helped me reclaim a lot of what was taken from me. I’m able to explore process and heal thanks to them. I’m even able to be more comfortable in real life relationships. So when some people are going around saying that consenting adults exploring ideas In fiction is the same as the unspeakable things I and many others have been thoughts...well I hope you’ll reconsider your perspective because thought I understand your discomfort it can come across as devaluating. As if my pain is just some story or as if a fictional character is worth more then me.


At the end of the day the characters are fake they ain’t real and people need to stop being so sensitive LOVE U CECE AND HOPEFULLY EVERYONE CAN MOVE PAST THIS💖💖💖💖💖💖


I didn't get to finish the audio :( but seriously reporting it? We all have different kinks and I'm pretty sure no one would have a problem if it was Dabi and Shoto. I love my FlameDaddy and was looking forward to finishing it.

Jessica Mungin

I’m pissed, I really liked that audio


I love your Audios but It's the incestuous Audio that crosses the line, you said yourself that you don't condone it but you made it anyway, I'm talking about the now deleted audio of Family member x family member x listener


I really appreciate all of Cece's work. I got a few minutes in and realized i didn't like it as much as I though. You know what I did. I just stopped listening. I didn't say anything mean, I didn't report it, and I didn't comment anything rude in any way. You wanna know why. Because I am mature enough to realize that there were warnings and that I was listening to it of my own free will. I don't understand why it was so hard for some people to just not listen to it. All of us are paying our own money for these audios. We can decide if we want to listen to them or not. We all clearly wanted to support Cece or else we wouldn't have gotten on to the patreon in the first place. I hope Cece is doing well and knows that no matter what we are here to support her.


What a shame to all the people who were looking forward to listening to the audio or enjoyed it and wanted to listen to it again. With appropriate information, tags, and triggers in the post there’s no reason why any specific character couldn’t participate in any specific kink.

Leah Wilkins

I was really looking forward to finishing the audio. Not only do your audios make me feel cherished and valued, it helps me learn a bit more about myself in ‘that’ realm. I’m sorry that you had to take it down CeCe, but I really do love your work as well as many others I’m sure. Please stay strong girl, keep up your amazing work! 💜🥺


wait hold on i missed the upload what was itttttt,,, omg,, does anyone have the mp3 saved?


From a complete stranger, I’m happy you’re healing ❤️❤️❤️


It probably would've been easy to not address this issue at all and just keep going, as someone who was kind of on the fence at first and ultimately agreed that the way the subject of the audio wasn't handled safely, and as someone who absolutely LOVES everything you've done thus far, it means way more than I know how to express that you put a statement up and have taken accountability for this one. I hate seeing unjustified hate on any creator, and I know you got a lot of it from people who only heard clips of the nsfw audios and whatever rumors or jokes people made out of context. I'm soooooo glad you continued to create even after that (I remember you making a post on here about it, too), I can't even imagine how awful it felt to see all of that. Please keep creating, within your own pace, in whichever way is safe and comfortable for you. You work so hard and put so much time and effort into all of these, going as far as making different versions to be inclusive, please keep taking care of yourself, too. Even as someone who was completely against the audio in question, I didn't go after anyone else who felt different, even if I thought their comment was absolute bs, and I saw (a few) others doing the same, as well as trying to keep the peace, we need to keep that same energy from here on out. If not for the sake of people who do heal and find comfort in cece's work, for cece herself


The hate I'm seeing on tik tok both infuriates me and makes me so sad. You really dont deserve this. This is all fiction. Not all of it is for everyone. There are plenty that aren't my cup of tea but there are so many that are. Warnings exist for a reason and I respect that. I truly love your work and look forward to more


If you don´t like it, don´t listen to it. People have kinks, and adult people can separate fiction from reality. The audio gave out warning, this is a safe space, let people explore their sexuality in peace.


She didn´t have to apologize. If you didn´t like it, then don´t listen to it.


Cece is receiving so much crap and for what? Just STOP SHARING HER AUDIOS. If someone wanna hear em then tell them to fucking sign up to her Patreon. ATLEAST the 1$ tier. Honestly just stop sharing the audios on TIKTOK. That place is filled with people who will hate on anything. People have no common sense. Like if you don’t like it.... then just straight up don’t listen??? Or better yet, who’s about read the damn tags????? I’m pissed. Unnecessary hatred towards her is just making me livid.


Will you be able to post it somewhere else? I hear gumroad can work and allow that kind of audio I think. Lots of people really want to listen to it


I saw the warnings on the audio, I wasn't into it, so I didn't listen to it. I'm mad because other people did not do the same and complained that they didn't like the audio because it was too "dark" EVEN THOUGH THERE WERE OBVIOUS TRIGGER WARNINGS THAT THEY CHOSE TO IGNORE. That's why I'm mad. CECE SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE WHAT SHE WANTS. 😤😤🥺


What the hell happened???


This! I am a mom of 3. I had recently gotten into My Hero Academia and stumbled on to her work on YouTube. Hubby is very greatful and says my sub here is money well spent. It's helped with my self esteem issues a lot. I also want to have sex now so.... It just turns out I need some audio stimulation and not just physical. Lol


people are giving her backlash because of the endeavor and todoroki audio but... she put huge warnings over it so people have absolutely no right to be mad


Oh my God poor cece... I saw the post but never got to listen bcs work and I saw the tags... Like the tags are there for a reason, if you feel like your not gonna enjoy, don't listen. Nobody is forcing people to listen to every audio... And that she even feels the need to apologise.... Not fair man


Not to be gross but couldn't she just make another tier thats exclusively things like that? Not just that theme but other potentially triggering themes? I personally wasn't a fan of the idea, but everyone has their tastes & I figured that might be an o-k middle ground if she wanted. ?


I was actually thinking a similar thing earlier today. If there was a specific tier that was just for extreme things, you'd have to opt-into it and say that you understood that the content was darker themes before you could even access it. Then the people who really enjoy that sort of thing could enjoy it, but if it triggers or upsets other people they don't have to see it.


i don't really have a comment on the matter, just that I enjoyed it and i think it's still really great that you have responded to criticism and made two real cute audios to make up for it. Keep up the good work cece, we all really enjoy what you do and you truly bring a lot of comfort to me when I need it.


You didn't do anything wrong, everything was appropriately tagged. People need to pay more attention to warnings.


The fact that people who have a darker fantasy preference are being made to feel bad about the Endeavor x listener x Shouto audio is the exact thing Cece is trying to avoid. She is covering a wide variety of topics to give everyone a little of what they prefer. Ignoring the blatant warnings that she put on it and then being shocked that you hear that sort of thing happening, is just ridiculously irresponsible on the part of the ones who reported it. Cece didn't do anything wrong, it was just a fantasy, they're all just fantasies that we would never act upon. I would never cheat on my fiance but the taboo of it is still an exciting thought. The adult way to handle it is to move on, since that audio clearly wasn't for you. Not every single thing she puts out is going to be exclusively for you, not everything single thing she puts out is going to make everyone happy. I'm happy that she's covering a wider array of topics to explore. I'm not a fan of piercing type things but her OC is still a fun and safe way for me to explore what I do and don't like about it. Cece providing these audios for us to explore what we do and don't like in a safe environment is the whole reason we're all here...I think a few of you have forgotten that. Be respectful to her and her craft and if something she makes isn't your cup of tea and YOU KNOW that it isn't...don't drink it. If you try and don't like it, that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist...that just means IT'S NOT FOR YOU.


Was it deleted bc it was reported? I dont get it :(


I am so sorry that this is happening, you dont deserve the stress or the hate. Your content is really good and you work so hard every day to give us new audios. You haven't done anything. Once you get big like you have, controversy over stupid things always seems to come your way. Just know that your work is amazing and that you're NOT a bad person in the slightest.


I remember when I first came here there were maybe 800 people? I always wondered what she'd do if she had more creative freedom than what youtube allowed her. I remember being excited with things started taking off and seeing how fast it started growing in the past few months. Then this stuff happens. If you don't read the tags it's your fault. If you read the tags, know it's going to upset you and click it anyway it's your fault. If you can't take responsibilities for your actions you're behaving like a brat. I fail to see how it's her fault you clicked something you knew damn well you wouldn't be able to handle. I'm not really sure what would help in this situation, I don't think a new level or teir or whatever is going to help. Maybe if people stopped being selfish bastards and thinking the world revolves around them, that would help.

Astin Bryson

I’m not very good at long posts or expeessing thoughts online, but I wanna let you know that I’m very sorry that things went south so fast. I personally thought the trigger warnings would be plenty of warning to not watch if you were sensitive to that. Personally, I am not into that kinda stuff so I listened to the warnings and gave it a skip. I also understand why people might be upset by it. The topic itself is kinda uncomfortable for me and many others. I think that this provides some stuff that everyone can learn from. Cece, while she should be allowed to post what she wants, did cross a line with the audio. She has since addressed it and learned. Likewise, we should remember to read the warnings and avoid the ones that aren’t for us instead of just throwing hands. Like I said before, I didn’t like the concept. It makes me uncomfy. BUT, I simply avoided it. *This is simply my opinion based on the info I know.*

Astin Bryson

I completely agree with you. I actually came from TikTok to see how Cece handled it. I think she handled it decently enough but the actual hate I’m seeing kinda makes me sad


The fact that Cece is CONSTANTLY having to apologize for shit that she doesnt need to all because of little immature BRATS cant handle something different is pissing me off unlike no other. Okay, we get it, its not your cup of tea,, SO MOVE ON. There was a SHIT TON of warnings on the post so you would know what it was. It didnt have to become this big of a problem. You (to the people who made a big fucking deal out of it) shouldve been mature about it and moved on. Its not even real characters at that. If you dont like that type shit, leave. Its not that hard. Cece deserves so much more than this. She works so damn hard, and to get this shit? Not to mention the bitches that literally PAID to come here and shit on cece. It physically pains me to see that cece has to go through this. Yagami Yato is like a safespace for me and many others. If you don't enjoy what she does,, L.E.A.V.E. Not to mention the tiktok situation that happened not long ago too. Cece is human too, she has feelings. She enjoys doing this and the fact that she cant do it without you piss babies coming and shitting on her for NO ABSOLUTE REASON, doesnt sit well with me. Grow up. Leave Cece the fuck alone. Im hoping to everything i live for that cece is okay and is not taking this to harshly. People seriously need to get the fuck back in their lane. This is HER patreon so let her post what she fucking wants. If you dont like the certain post,, Swipe. Not that fucking hard if you ask me. For fuck sakes.


Overall for those audios I feel like people should learn to move on if they don’t like it. Like, that’s fine, then it’s just not for you and that’s okay. Don’t hate on someone just because they did something you didn’t like. There were also so many warnings so you it was entirely your fault if you listened and didn’t like what it was about. Personally, for that audio I liked it a lot for its stories. Right after listening to it people kept wondering what would the listener do, would we go with Shoto or Enji? I thought it was nice to see what others thought might happen. I just don’t understand how people can hate on others for creating fictional work about darker themes. I understand if you don’t like it but that doesn’t give you the right to spread hate on a person. My biggest problem with everything going on is that people have been doing what Cece’s been doing for years. But, this has been the only time I’ve seen people hate on a creator like this. Fan fictions and art do what she’s doing and sometimes make it actually bad and disgusting, but when it comes to someone who values and cares about the people who like her content, for some reason people decide to hate on her.


If people are under 18 they shouldn't even be here, I think patreon needs stricter vetting guidelines honestly because it's Shit like minors being here that ruins it for everyone. THIS IS AN ADULT SPACE, IF YOURE NOT AN ADULT YOU SHOULD L E A V E.


I really wish I had gotten to listen to it before it was taken down. At the end of the day it’s fictional. If it’s not your cup of tea move on. Ceecee doesn’t deserve all this backlash that these people have been giving her. I miss the time when I just discovered her and everyone was loving, caring, and supportive. Even if it wasn’t their thing people were respectful about it and moved on.


The warnings were there. The description was there. Hell, even the title gave you the implication. If you don't subscribe to a kink or fantasy, simply scroll past. Just how it makes you uncomfy, it makes other people happy, but NEITHER side is more or less valid than the other in how they feel because everyone is coming from different walks of life. So the best you can do is engage if you like it, and avoid it if you don't. It really didn't have to turn into this big of a deal.


For example, I don't like knife play because it makes me genuinely uncomfortable, but am I out here reporting the villain Deku content? No. I just scroll past.

Zilly Goose

Here's the thing, I didn't like that audio. I saw the warnings, I was curious I still listen to it. I understand why that kind of content can be upsetting towards other people. And even I thought it went too far. But I don't condone anyone who reported the audios, or left hateful comments. I'm all for people leaving constructive criticism on these types of posts especially since I believed in the past you could have done a better job at having specific trigger warnings on audios, something that I'm seeing you do much better on today and I'm so happy.


tiktok is fucking brutal 😐 they spread shit around like wildfire. im so sorry cece. u dont deserve the hate honestly. ilysm

Bronwyn Cuerden

Yeah and I’ve seen people calling her gross because of her audios which just makes me incredibly sad. She’s so amazing and works hard and honestly her audios make me feel loved and I hope no matter the hate she’ll continue to bless us with her amazing talent. 💕

Zilly Goose

I listen to it, and it didn't trigger me but I definitely didn't like it. I do think there's a rational conversation to be had on whether or not the topic of the audio was going too far or making light of a situation that's pretty heavy. But a lot of people I saw we're just kind of being mean and didn't have any valid criticism.


i was gonna recommend you did a private tier for people into some hard and problematic kinks like me but i remembered that there would be people who would kink shame and spread shit around those too . i honestly miss when the fandom was small. you have recognition and you’re making hella bank (which is great, so proud of you) but i feel like you’re apologizing every other week for some dumb shit. i know how stressful it is to have a ton of people shitting on you and stuff so i hope you’re doing well babe. the internet is toxic. dont let that shit get to u. love you lots ~ <3


and another thing that really makes me feel upset is when people kinkshame. i prefer to listen to the very rough and nsfw audios with hard kinks like cnc, degradation, and hitting bc it helps me cope w/ my trauma (abuse, molestation, sexual assult) and to come across others who think that shit is weird and gross .. it just makes me feel like an awful person. dont ever stop making those audios. deadass. you are the only person who makes me feel comfortable with my kinks. this is like a safe place. im being serious 😔.. as a bisexual atheist black girl with a raging sex drive and a homophobic religious family that abuses me and makes me feel like shit i feel like ur the only person i can come to for this LMAOO. thanks for existing. once again i am sorry for the backlash.


YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PERSON 🥺 The maturity and understanding of both opinions while expressing your simple desire to spread positivity and love to those who need it is so amazing. You are such a blessing, Yato! Never stop doing what you love ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Aww ignore all those haters, luv. Your kinks and preferences will never hurt the strangers who judge you. Love yourself and all that makes you who you are❤️❤️


I just came here from tik tok, and I usually never comment on anything but this time I just felt like I needed to say something. Cece, if you can, please take a break from tik tok. The community on tik tok has gotten so out of hand and it’s heartbreaking to see. I guess with the sudden popularity explosion it makes sense, that there are more people that get offended easily or thrive off of “spilling tea” and cancel culture, but I know that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with the backlash of this. Honestly I just hope you’re doing okay and that you know that you have lots of people supporting you

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

me too. i was just on there and it’s literally a shitstorm of misinformation and toxicity. yagami needs to take a break. people are so gross and annoying, I’m tired of this.

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

yeah, no one should be fighting but the situation isn’t done until people stop posting misinformation everywhere about the situation, ‘cause now everyone’s literally bullying yagami.

Sen S.

I'm not really sure how to say what I want to, cause I'm not that great with emotional stuff (Which is part of the reason I'm here). But Cece I hope you know how much we love you. What you do is valid and appreciated, and you're such a beautiful person, inside and out. Please, please take care of yourself. If you need a break, take one. We'll always be here for you, if you need to take a step back and breathe, we'll wait for you. You worry so much about us, but we worry for you too ❤ Whatever you do, you have people that support you

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

cleomi, i genuinely hope you’re going to be okay. please don’t take any of this harshly. TAKE A BREAK, PLEASE. tik tok is absolutely ruthless and a cesspool of misinformation and toxicity. everyone is trying their hardest to cancel you because they see that you’re thriving. people constantly will try to cancel people who have made simple mistakes or done nothing wrong at all and that’s our culture nowadays. you were being respectful to her and apologized here many times. there was no reason she should’ve called you out of your name or disrespected you the way she did. it was gross. everyone is just bored at this point, because the drama should’ve ended the moment you apologized. there was a huge explosion of toxicity and I’m not here for it. you guys are going to be the cause of people leaving the fandom if you continue this behavior of shaming people with different interests and getting upset when the world doesn’t revolve around you.

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

I’ve been redundant but only because people are continuously slandering cece without all the facts. no one put a gun to your head and told you to listen to the audio. assuming everyone here is my age or older, we should have the basic comprehension skills to understand reading. that, and cece did everything in her power to warn everyone of what was to come. how are you guys literally that selfish that one thing you didn’t like had to be addressed this much? people liked it. multiple people did. its completely okay to dislike the audio and not have any of the fetishes the audio catered to, but as an adult you should’ve left the situation alone. why drag it out? because it wasn’t your cup of tea? dude, that’s literally selfish. every audio is not specifically for you so stop acting like it is. and please stop insulting cece. she has apologized many times and dragging it on and spreading it around tik tok is stupid as fuck and unfair. seriously, grow up you guys. you’re acting like you’re middle schoolers.


Get that bread, get that head, THEN LEAVE! (Sorry, I loved that trend) You are speaking the truth!!


CeCe, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for how some people have been acting, you are doing a amazing job and are a amazing person and you make so many people happy just by being yourself, I hope you continue to be happy and if you need to take a brake we all will understand.


I was actually really looking forward to finding out what Shoto would do next since I reckon it would have been wild but yeah, I guess we'll never know now 😅


I deadass think that if Tiktok and Twitter get deleted then the world would be so much happier. I just got off of Tiktok and I have to say it is one of the most fucking toxic places I have been in. Cece just know that we appreciate you so much for the content that you make! People on tiktok are those type of people that are close mind and aren't open to learn different things. Cece please know that we love you and if you to take a mental break, we will support you no matter what. <3


Damn i didn't even get a chance to LISTEN to it :( I hope that maybe you can repost it one day I really wanted to give it a go :/ || EDIT: Idk if you read these but Yagami would you mind dm me or others still interested the ntr audio? I don't doubt some people have already downloaded it while they had the chance but I'd rsther ask you directly! ||

Vianey Valdez

I hate tik tok I hate it so much I hate dam kids to tbh like I get it not all kinks are meant for you but don’t come on here and kink shame when cece goes for a kink that’s not your cup of tea no one told you if you don’t listen to this audio cece will kill you no she put warning on all her NSFW audios for this specific reason because they are not made for everyone everyone is different and if your a little kid who’s only her for the comfort audio or see the hype of cece don’t your a kid your gonna get mad because they are aged up and doing adult things if you can’t handle that this isn’t a place for you don’t hate on her for doing her work and putting out her art for the world to see also I saw a dam comment on tik tok saying she should just send them to specific people who ask for shit like bitch do you not get that many of us ask for the same dam thing why do you think we pay for the Patreon for shits and giggles no we here for all the good content we all come here with different likings and different preferences don’t shame cece or anyone on here for liking something you don’t I get it she wants us to be positive but she’s blaming herself for making something to NSFW and people are deadass saying she’s toxic and her apology was fake like ugh it pisses me off and I feel so bad for cece she deserves none of it and I am sorry for this long ass response I’m just pissed off of everyone being mean towards cece


Wait what happened?? What does ntr mean and where did the two sides come from?? ((I went on vacay with family for a while so I couldn’t really stay updated with anything))


I don’t know too much of what’s happening but cece, please don’t let others get the best of you. I know it’s hard, but just try and remember there are a lot of others who truly understands your work and love both your work and you so much. Those who don’t understand or don’t try to understand are most likely the ones trying to do damage. Listen to the ones who genuinely understand or at least try to understand your work and you


ILYSM just sayin ❤️❤️


I am so sorry cece I love you so much I wish I could do more to help!!! Please please please remember you have so many strong and loving supports that are here for you!!!


Question? Did she take down the audio of shoto and his father??


Ignore I just found the answer. Ugh I had to work ot and couldn’t find time! I’m annoyed


I’m genuinely upset I was really excited for the audio because it’s different and something unusual honestly if people are just here to kink shame and be negative why pay for the audios not only does cece love making audios but we appreciate them as well and the fact that so many people started getting pressed and taking this to tik tok was annoying she had warning and a description of the audio if you can’t read and see that maybe the audio then that’s your fault and if you see the title and still don’t like it maybe this isn’t for you just don’t click and move on 🤨

Kiki kohai

Man, it was a lot but I really liked that audio


It was an audio that had todoroki and endeavor. I can’t find it but I guessing some folks had an issue with it so she took it down. I mean I saw the warning but I’m not surprise ppl ignored it knowing they wasn’t ready for that type of audio


I'm like low key (high key) upset! I didnt get to listen to this audio due to work....like nothing against cece I see why she took it down to make others feel better but we pay for it too and we should be adults and know what to listen to and what not to listen to. You don't like it dont click on it. Why are you running it for other people. I assume I'm not the only one who didn't get a chance to even see let alone listen to the audio and in my opinion its not fair. Also for people to go to tik tok is bs. There's warnings on EVERYTHING WITH DESCRIPTIONS. Omg im just annoyed with people these days....yall are TOO SENSITIVE. I get you want everyone to be happy and feel as a safe space but people need to grow a backbone and just skip over the ones you don't like instead of ruin it for other people and making cece upset for her art.

andrea aizawa

yo i totally agree w you. i didn't get to listen to it either and i actually wanted to. i'm so mad at myself that i didn't save it when i had the chance!! i had a FEELING something was gonna happen to it as soon as i read the description too ugh. and yeah it was HEAVILY tw'd, like c'mon. we're all SUPPOSED to be adults here so people should learn how to act like it. if you see something that makes you uncomfortable just don't. click. on. it. it's SIMPLE. personally, i'm like 10000% a sub, so much so that the audios where the listener is the dom tend to make me feel a little awkward and uncomfy so guess what? i just don't listen to them. it's really not difficult (and there are a lot of those audios, so there's no excuse). or if i do listen to it i acknowledge that "hey i'm choosing to listen to this even though it may not be my cup of tea, it's 100% my choice and no one is to blame but myself if i don't like it." pegging hawks? yeah i listened to it, curiosity got the best of me. did it make me feel uncomfortable? yes. did i make a big deal about it? no. because i chose to listen to it. no one is forcing you to listen to these audios. from these comments a lot of people actually liked that endeavor/shoto audio and i'm sad it got taken away from them. also i just wanted to reiterate what you said, this comment is NOT against cece whatsoever, i support whatever she decides is best for her, i'm just annoyed people turned it into such a big deal that she felt the need to remove it.


I 100% agree with all the salty people who didn't get to listen to the audio. I am also one of them. I really was looking forward to listening to this audio and the fact that i didn't get the chance to LISTEN to the audio because of other people throwing fits and acting like children makes me SO angry. We should all be GRATEFUL that cece creates beautiful content for us. And we should ACCEPT said content REGARDLESS of what it is. The original post had warnings in it. Why did cece have to apologize for something she ALREADY did?? Did it make people uncomfortable? YES but they chose to listen do it despite the warnings. They shouldn't have made a big deal about it. We're all supposed to be adults here. People need to act like it. This is supposed to be a safe space for cece to create and we should be giving it to her so stuff like this doesn't happen. I really hope things like this don't continue because it will ruin it for everyone.


i’m genuinely disgusted by the way this community has acted recently, it is ridiculous that the audios are being shared in tiktok and other platforms, people who don’t pay for this content (or watch it on yt) shouldn’t have a right to alter what cece puts out. much less harass an apology out of her for her own private content. so much of this is on the community for sharing her audios (not just the one in question). speaking of the audio, i understand people’s views on both sides and i’m fine if she never made another video like this one again, but she shouldn’t have had to delete the audio because people didn’t read trigger warnings or felt like kink shaming other viewers. this is meant to be a safe platform for EVERYONE, which means it content is mean for other people as well, not just you. and it’s upsetting to see people who genuinely enjoyed the audio disappointed over no longer have access to it


Not happy with the few students who ruined it for the whole class. I DIDNT GET TO HEAR IT 😩😩😩 love you Cece, I’m sorry that people ignored your trigger warnings. Like always, you’ve handled this with grace and love.


As usual, punks who think they can handle it and/or don't bother to read the warnings ruin it for the actual community.


I don't know if this is allowed or how to even go about it but I saved the audio x female version of it before it was taken down. I would be more than happy to share it with you somehow if you would like! I know it doesn't change the larger issue but I hate that people didn't get to listen to and enjoy it when Cece put so much work into it and so many people are disappointed bc it was gone before they got to listen. If you want to listen and know of any way I could share it with you privately please let me know!


Omg really?! Thank you! This has been bugging me in the back of my mind! I would greatly appreciate it!


Haha of course! I legit have no idea how to do it but if we can figure it out I'll get it to you!


Perfect! I'll figure out how to get that to you sometime today!


Just wish I had gotten to listen to it 🥺 but I understand why you took it down your sanity come first CeCe we all love you and are here for support lean on us whenever ♥️

Chantal Guerrero

Can we make debauchery audios a vice that is expensive? As in, for higher price tiers? More than $20. Because I would pay for my degeneracy. 😊😂


Oh good I found you again! My roommate "forgot" to pay our internet bill so I'm going over to Starbucks later to email you that audio! I'm sorry it's taking me so long!


No worries your doing something nice so there's no rush! Just happy you remember lol. Let me know if you need the email again


Oh yes the email again would be lovely! I wrote it down wrong the first time cuz my dyslexic brain decided that was the time to screw up 🙄


Uhh hello, I know this is hella late but do you still have the audio? I had savedd it to my phone but the app I was using has deleted it. I was hoping you might be able to email it to me?


Unfortunately I haven't received it from Maddie yet. But whenever Maddie does get the chance to send it I dont mine emailing it or if she wants to send it to both of us that's fine too.


Is it too late for me to jump in on that offer as well?


I agree. I’m not personally losing anything by it being deleted, but any single thing she posts could be triggering for someone because triggers can be absolutely anything at any time. She warned people and if they still decide to put themselves in that position it isn’t her responsibility. It should not be a safe place for only a few people, or people with more normal or commonplace interests and kinks.


Never knew there was this shit going down :( why can't people just leave things alone that they don't like


Just in case anyone does have it, I'd also like to jump on this train 😅 ellipsis854@gmail.com

Mistress Murder

If anyone has a copy I'd like to jump on this train. lordexplosionmurder.67@gmail.com