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Trista Dudley

Hate to be that person but I swear I started to hear Patrick from SpongeBob close to the end of the audio when (i assume) Aizawa was gagged. Amazing audio eitherway


That was a goddamn masterpiece


I need an aftercare audio for this one •~• give this mans some good aftercare


Jesus Christ, my volume was turned all the way up and I'm pretty sure I'm dead now ☠️☠️☠️☠️


“It’s too big!!”... ok Mr. Coke Bottle...

Cassandra Trussell

I need more domlistenerxAisawa in my life Anyone got the skills and guts to draw the fingers in his mouth thing I keep seeing in my mind?


Oh my god yes. With how fucked up he sounds? He DESPERATELY needs it. My god. There's overstimulation and then there's whatever the hell WE just did to this poor man's brain. I think the best words would be "scrambled like an egg."


The fact that I had the biggest release ever to this had blown my mind...

Rogah Taylah

I hope that we gave him good aftercare, cause dammmmm he needed it


Finally I found this audio I’ve been looking for it for awhile now


My god, lemme tell you...it was definitely worth to switch tiers for this, because this was...*chef kiss* ✨Satisfaction™️✨. MMPH. Just the slow descent from cockiness to frustration, all the ‘fuck you’s and ‘shut up’s to the first ‘Master’ and ‘Daddy’ and then him literally unable to form words because he’s been fucked silly? I must say, the flavor on this was 💫IMMACULATE💫 and a long damn time coming. I mean I adore the Hawks pig slut audio, I really do, but this just hits D I F F E R E N T. So tasty 😙😏 The last gasping moans are, mmph, everything~ 👌💜✨ That being said, my god, this man is gonna need some hella aftercare after this, cuz he put in some wORK. Yes, I fucked his brains out. And It was a thing of Beauty. Now let 👏 me 👏 PAMPER 👏 him. 😤🖤💖


"Do you really think you have a chance of breaking me?" 10 ish minutes later... "uhhh yea"


OMG when he called me a sadistic bitch...I love this so much!!!