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I love you all so much and hope you have the most wonderful day ever, but as someone with some bad habits, particularly I can be quite harsh and mean to myself when I feel like I let someone down, I want you to know that bad habits can be broken and beaten! Just like self love can happen and happiness! Don't let loss and sadness win! We can make it through together!!

Please, if you don't mind, could you all comment something you love about yourself in the comments? I would love to have you all be able to send something you love about yourself to promote the self love!

For me, I love that I can make something positive of my pain! I really love that aspect of things and its one of the very few things I'm proud of!





Meghan Winkler


tayan kim✨



Ma’am it is 2 am...I’m concerned


Yay! Thank youuu





Vivid Nectarine ♪

dats it, I’m completely healed, this and a coffee, I can die happily 😤 CECE TAKE SOME REST QUEEN 🌿 hope ur ok 🍒

Aranka van der Post

I love that I've overcome the hardest parts of my life and came out stronger!!


my prayers have been answered omg


awww aizawa i missed you


I love how I can be someone's safe blanket 🥺


I hope youre doing well cece❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Cece, you’re too good to us 🥺🥺


I like uh.....my eyes are cool I guess other then that not much qwq


Literally can't think of anything that I love about myself. I tolerate myself but I don't actively... Like it

Craw Daddy




Oddish T

I love my heart. I may have my own issues but I'm always willing to give love to people in need, and I have saved a few lives over the years because of it.


Oooo I struggle a lot with my physical appearance but I really love my widows peak! It's something that always brightens my day




It’s like you read my mind 🥺❤️


Nevermind not sleeping


Ur audios make me so happy it’s unreal 🥺🥺♥️




I love that even when i'm sad, I make efforts to make others happy by making them laugh

Craw Daddy



i love my hair. i love my haircut, the natural shape and color of it, everything about it. it’s so beautiful and i’m grateful to have such pretty hair :3


thank you for your hard work 🥺


I love that my friends can always count on me to be there on time because I'm never late👉👈


I love my determination to rich my goals and that my friends turn to me whenever they need me


CeCe, what I love about myself is the same is what I adore about you. I love my kindness. ❤️


i love that i’m always proud of my friends, im never jealous or hateful or spiteful towards anyone including my friends :)


ummm I've been told I'm a very loving and protective person👉👈so if there's that


Right now, i love that i did the right thing even though a lot of the people around me say i should have just ignored it. Its making me feel bad about myself but i stand by what ive done


I really like my eyes. Sometimes people will be talking to/ looking at me and go silent and the first thing they say is "Your eyes look like the ocean." It makes me feel special


How aggressively unapologetic I am with my aesthetic. I feel like me when I dress right....so everyone else can deal with my minimalist visual kei goth edgelord thing, it makes me happy, and I feel a little stronger.


I love my thicc body


I’ve been going through the mostestest and this made my week 🥺❤️❤️


I love that I keep myself passionate about anime. It keeps me alive :/ Ik it sounds lame but it’s become something for me to love about myself.


It is 4am why are you awake you need some sleep you amazing perfect queen ❤ but I am so ready for this audio TvT I honestly don't have much i love about mysef... i mean if I had to pick something oddly... my hands I like my hands as I do art and love to write by hand

Sarah May

I'm ashamed that I'm struggling when I'm trying to think of something positive for myself but. Ive been told before by my friends that they always feel safe when they wanna come talk to me. I'm happy that I can be there for them :) ❤️


One thing I love about myself is the ability to talk people down from what ever ledge that they are on. Weather that be depression, anxiety, suicide, etc.


i love that i can take most things in stride. it means i can be the stable variable when people around me need it most.

Charli Hands

I've been working hard on dealing with my DID.


I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE But like for real...I really needed this and honestly I cried once you spoke. You really have a way with words. Thank you so much!


I love that I’m finally happy with who I am as a person. It took so long to get where I am today, and of course I’m not at 100%, but I still have such a long way to go and I’m excited to see who I’ll become at the end.


I love my sense of humor even though I battle with annixty and depression I can make someone else happy by making them laugh and feel better


I love that I give acceptance to those around me. I find it easy to strike up a conversation and discover common ground to build relationships.

Lexi L

I love my eyes. The way I trained my eyes to see the good in people, the colour, and the kindness they can show.


I love how creative I can be when it comes to writing or giving ideas to fun projects for people to enjoy.


What I love about myself is my choices I've made long time if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be here today listening to your audios I love that I'm strong and independent and I love my hair 🥺👉👈 and I love you too


I love my freckles and my eyes ☺️


I'm not very good at self-love, eheh... So this is a good reminder, thank you <3 I love my talents, I think. Ummm, physical appearance?? Maybe my tiny ass wrists? That's kind of weird but I rly cant think of anything else (^v^);


I love my desire to surprise the people I care for. Making them smile when they get a doodle or gift they didn’t expect means the world to me. Thank you for everything you do!! 💖💖💖

Shinsou’s kitty

I love the color of my eyes since I have heterochromia iridium (two different colored eyes). One is blue and one is green and I just really like that about myself

❤Sweet as Suga☺️

I love my tattoos and piercings~ I've come to feel more confident and beautiful as I decorate my skin with forever ink and jewels♡


I am clever, I am good at art, and I am v kind to most every. It’s hard to find good things about oneself. You know?? But it felt good to say


this may be weird but i love my hands? theyre very pretty and cute in my opinion and yeah!! my hands are very nice!! my hands are Y/N material


I love how kind and loving I can be even if it bites my ass in the end. Love you CeCe!! ❤️


I love the fact that no matter how much has happened.. I manage to fight to stay going. There is many times I gave up. But I’m glad I’m now able to fight to get back up


I love how resilient I am. That no matter how hard things have become I have always been able to come back from my bad times.


I love that I can make anyone laugh

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

Something I love about myself.... I am a very passionate person. When I decide to do something...I put my whole self into it. I am also very patient.


i am kind and see the positives in everyone


I needed this so bad 😭 very hard to say anything I love about myself to be honest but I guess I love that I never give up on things


eeep i LOOOOOVE AIZAWA. but y’all... him with his hair in a ponytail 😖


I love my bubbly personality Also inviting people in😄


I love my own strength, despite any hardships I've gone through I made it to today and I should give myself credit for that


Thank you so much cece! Please make sure to get some rest!💕 Its honestly a hard question, but I am proud that I have survived this far. Life has been hard, but I'm proud that I decided to stay. You're work has definitely helped as well so thank you so much💕


Hm.. I love that I always try to help and I'm empathic ^^ I'm not good at complimenting myself😅


I love that I can still see a warm, bright light shimmering even through the darkest times..through the darkest tunnels even if the dim rays seem so small.


I struggle with a lot of self hate especially with my appearance so I try to find things I like about me in different ways that's not so much physical if that makes any sense...Like I have the strength to set aside my own wants when one of my friends needs a shoulder to cry on or support with things they're going through themselves.

Cherub Venus



I love my creativity. I really love drawing and over the years I’ve gotten better, now I’m a body artist. Life still kinda sucks but art and anime keep it goin smooth ish


I've been really needing an Aizawa Comfort I've been doing not ok. Thank you cece love you!!💝💓💝💞💘💘💞💝💝💞💝💞💖💗💞💗💞💗💝💞💝💞💖💞


Okay! For me,I love that I'm learning to forgive and understand myself and others who have hurt me. It took me a long time to get here and it was so worth it. You're so sweet 🥺🌸 I love seeing everyone's what they love about themselves ^w^!


I love... uhh. My attention to detail I guess? This is actually a lot harder than I thought. But Cece you are amazing. TwT ♡


I'm quite forgetful but I always remember the important things like family and friends and I'm always there when they need me 🙈 and I kinda like my eyes 👉👈🙈 Thank you for everything you do for us. We love you our queen❤❤❤❤❤

Vivid Nectarine ♪

love about myself?? oh this is hard af... like really hard... I think I’m kinda same... art is my outlet, so to be able to draw something with my fingers, to be able to see and to create art... me really likey dat. even if I struggle, me likey dat I still practicing and dat I never quit, no matter what. yeah, I think this is something dat me really like about me. not really much and nothing special but I’m grateful bc dats more than me could gave imagine to have.


I'm reading all of these comments and they're filling me with so much happiness 💖


I love my eyes! They're a super pretty color! Other than that I'm not really sure haha


I’m crying it’s early in the morning and I get to start my day feeling so loves 🥰 thank you Yagami you are an amazing person !

Cherub Venus

I guess, something that I love about myself is my will to change, and my will to stay positive in such terrible circumstances. I always try to keep a positive and optimistic outlook on things even if the current events are too morbid or negative 🥺💖 im always there to try and make a situation look better than it is


For myself tho what I love about myself is my ability to help people when they feel under the weather. I always am available for them to vent and I love helping people even if we didn't get along for awhile


i love my (inconsistent LOl) determination to continue pursuing art as my career and as my major. i’ve been stuck in a really bad art block for awhile and it’s been affecting my productivity lately, but!! whenever i do manage to draw something, i always cheer myself on and try to tell myself to keep going. :”)


I love my ability and drive to bring a smile to other people's faces, weather it's through my work or my words.

Tabitha Guss

Hm.. what I love about myself? Ah well I love to dance even if I’m not good at it, but that’s helping me gain confidence? Ah... Um though I’m not entirely sure on what I love about myself as I mostly hate myself when my mental state is crap, but lately I’m doing pretty well... ughh.. let’s see.. I guess my big heart? I strive to give people a light in the darkness. Even though I’m a sarcastic little B when I feel like it, but never when I’m putting out positive vibes. :v


for sure, mine would be my eyes. People always seem notice my eyes first because they seem kind. The best compliment I have ever gotten about them was from my dad. He is never the type to compliment. But one day he just smiled at me and told "You have kind eyes, just like your mother. They always seem so full of life and kindness. So keep smiling and make sure to make them smile too". I literally broke down on the spot :">


i guess for me it would be my stubbornness! i knows it’s a weird thing but i feel like it’s what drives me forward when i get told i can’t do something, much less that i shouldn’t :D


hm i love my hands? these hands do many things. like i draw allot i'm actually pretty good at it especially since i've been doing it for 6-7 years, i also play games two of which i'm very good at. i cook and clean everyday with these hands and yet they're still soft and small🤣


Aww Cece!!! Your such a sweet heart!! I love you and how much of a sweet person you can be!! Keep doing what your doing🥰 and I think the only things I love about myself has to be my hair, my Art skills, and my eyebrows. Kinda silly but after high-school I wanted to change something about myself and was debating to shave half of my eyebrows because I do my eyebrows everyday so of course without my mom knowing I shaved my eyebrows!! I honestly thought I was gonna hate them but I honestly fell I love with the way I shaved them!! I love my hair because people think I dyed or get my hair done at salons, when I literally don’t lol I’m full Latina with black wavy hair and proud! And of course my art skills...well I’d be lying if I said I love my art. I feel like I’m a very good artist but still need practice but overall I’m happy with what I can do and I’m very crafty so I can pretty much make some things by hand🥰


I love my ability to stay calm even if I wanna explode with anger, I love my skin colour, I love how I'm slowly yet continuously learning to love myself and every good thing the world has to offer, I love my never-ending curiosity and motivation to learn and know everything even if it gets me in questionable/confusing situations


I love my positivity, in the past it has helped a lot of people around me and some even say its weird how happy/ positive I am constantly; I don't think its weird though, I'm just glad others enjoy my company.


Its kinda hard for me to find what i love abt myself but i do love that i can draw and express my pain, feelings through that and that i have a burning passion for art and i kept it even through very hard times. Thank you for putting out such a positive message and take a look at what we love abt ourselves 🥺💖


I love the way I care so so deeply about people


I love the fact that I’m actually beginning to love myself and realize that I deserve love and that I’ve been way too hard and just very mean to myself for reasons that weren’t my fault and didn’t have control over. I live how my personality is turning out. Thank you Cece for everything you do. Finding you was perfect timing. 💕💕


i love these comfort audios so much 💛 something i love about myself is my ability to make people smile and be comforting to them ^_^


Somethings i love about myself, I’m not ashamed of my interests anymore and i embrace my sexuality more. I love that i don’t give a damn what anyone thinks and how i can easily express myself.


I love that in times of sadness or chaos I’m able to set aside my feelings for a moment and be there for the people around me. I can be strong for them. Thank you for everything you do CeCe ❣️❣️


“I’ll make sure you feel at home even if you’ve never felt at home before.” When I tell you tears just burst out of my eyes uncontrollably. You are amazing Cece we love you so much 💜


I love that I'm always willing to help people or animals even when it's to the point I exhaust myself. If I can make someone happy and can be of assistance to someone in need I feel like I'm actually worth something.


I love that in times of personal darkness, I am able to take an introspective look inside myself and begin the healing process. Its created a habit of mindfulness that I really appreciate :)


love me some papi aizawa . thank you baby <3


Something i love about myself? Uuuhh i guess my craftiness? I’m pretty good at knitting, crocheting and other fiber arts and i‘m pretty good at fixing things


What I love about myself? Physically, it's my hair. I've recently dyed it a dark dark raven's wing blue. It looks black until I'm in the sunlight. I've always been proud of my hair. Doesn't matter if it's short or down to my small of my back (like now). I absolutely love having it pulled and petted so I take the best care of it I can. Mentally, I am proud of the fact that I am a sexual woman, and that's a recent thing honestly. Cece, your audios over the past 4 weeks have done more to help me be body positive than years of therapy. I've always been submissive and into bdsm, but I've always blushed when talking about it. In the past 4 weeks I've become more accepting of who I am, not afraid of asking for what I want. My husband made a point of telling me recently "I'm proud of you. I think the world is finally seeing the true Harmony, not just who you want the world to see" Fuck I'm crying typing this because you and your stories, comfort and nsfw, have helped me with this. My other partners (my Dominants) have made a point to notice this as well. Cece, your comfort audios have become a source of comfort (haha) for my own daughter who has been dealing with mental health issues for 5 years. I am proud of all the good YOU have done. All the love you bring out in people in these harsh times. Thank you. Thank you for being you and for loving as openly as you do.


Thank you for all that you do for us. I love that whenever I get my bouts and face my monsters, I bounce back even stronger than before with more of a sense of knowledge about myself. No matter how intense, I’m able to truly get a look into my deepest parts and begin healing that leaves me with more understanding regarding my emotion state.


Something I love from myself it's my creativity and skills as a makeup artist 😊 and also my eyes! I think I have pretty cute eyes ❤️


what i love about myself?? that i make sure to be there for others so no one ever feels as alone as i’ve felt. i see that as a positive thing bc if i’m able to help someone from feeling as low as i do then i’ve done something useful with my existence.


Something I love about myself - I'd say my stubbornness, for years I was told it was a bad thing but it's helped me get through a lot of hard times over the past 2 years and keeps me going when I want to throw in the towel. Physically I'd say my legs, they're the one part of my body I don't have an issue with. Great audio as always :)


❤️❤️❤️ i love you Cece

Craw Daddy

I’m still not at a point in my life where I can readily say I love anything about myself. But I can say without hesitation that I love this community, love the people I’ve met thanks to Cece. The happiness I’ve gotten from joining the discord, Patreon, Youtube. All of it. I love y’all so so so much. 💖


i love my ability to help my friends and understand others,i love my eyes and some my personality, the real one not the one my mind try make me believe i have


I cried so hard because it made me think of everything going on in my life and to hear someone say they will stay just oh my god 😭 this was something I needed to hear and I can stand up today and be someone for those around me...thank you Cece I love my smile because it brings happiness to those who care for me


I love that I'm a chameleon. I don't know many people who can adapt like I do. We love you, CeCe. Keep up the good work - you make a lot of people feel better about life.


I'm very proud of my intelligence, but it's also something I can be really insecure about. So if someone calls me dumb or I can't get something to work the way I want, I can get really frustrated. Other then that I pride myself in my creativity, my ability to excel in a variety of things and my persistance.


I love that I’m someone my friends and talk to if they ever need anything it makes me happy to be able to help them


Never had the ability to love myself... But i can say that im ok with some aspects of myself. Some... But yeah.... Im ok with some things. And Aizawa giving comfort does wonders for my mental state.. Soo a big Thankyou and Love ya💜💜🌺💜💜


I love that even though things are hard and I have little control over the dark thoughts that run around my mind I refuse to stop and find any little reason to keep going. It took a very long time to get to this point and I'm proud of myself.


I love that I’m really adaptable to situations and things which is why I can take up hobbies seemingly effortlessly. Hey Cece promise you’ll be okay? Okay.


Something I love about myself - is my kind heart. I worry about others and care for them. It's my strength and weakness


I love my sense of humor! It can’t translate well through text, but I’m always making my friends laugh. Physically, I also love the shape of my face. I used to beat myself down about my appearance, but I think my face is my favorite part of me, which may sound weird. Got that strong jawline. 😎 And while I haven’t gotten too far with my goals yet, I’ve been trying to love myself enough to trust in what I want to do instead of letting imposter syndrome get me down. Gotta follow what my heart says!!


i’m reading through these comments and crying because like i’m so incredibly happy everyone has something they love about themselves but also upset that i genuinely cannot find one thing i love about myself. i’ve gone through a lot in my life and i’ve always viewed myself negatively. i’ve always tried to love myself in little bits at a time but it’s always been hard for me. i’ve always been more of a spread the positivity than keep it for myself kind of person. but this audio really made me feel something and i’ll return to it one day and comment something when i learn to start loving myself. thank you miss cece for creating this safe space and i hope you are staying happy and healthy ♥️


I don't really have much to love about myself because I'm basically broken but I'm learning to do better with some help but if I could choose one thing to love about myself is I guess the copious amounts of love I'm willing to give others who I feel deserve it way more than I do


I love my hands! I always take good care of them (and my nails) so theyre really soft 💛 and my friends love to hold them so thats a plus :)


You seem like the type of person who would have great taste in music, someone who I could sit for hours with listening to you rant on and on about your favorite artist and songs and could never get bored because you are so passionate about the topic that its comforting to just listen to you talk. But, you would get insecure that you were talking too much and stop to make sure I'm not bored, I would tell you to keep talking and you do with the brightest smile on your face. Of course I have never met you or even seen your face but I get that vibe from your comment.


I'm stronger than I ever thought possible. .. I have made it through all my worst days. I have traumas, mental health problems, & my body hates me, but I'm still here. Trying to keep positive & be productive. I'm trying to love myself & find something to make of my life. But I'm still here & trying. I am discovering myself, even at 30 I'm still trying to figure it out. And physically I love my eyes, & my lips, like I said in trying to love everything else. But I don't hate myself all the time anymore. And I would like to say thank you for everything you do because your work really helps me, in so many ways. Thank you.

Jailline Ceja

Ah man, well i dont like much about myself but i love how i give people the benefit of the doubt and second chances. Sure most of the time i end up hurt or disappointed but im happy knowing i tried (?) Everyone deserves a 2nd chance


I love how patience I can be with anything, except for food 😁

Kristen Fahselt

I didn't know how much i needed this... Im probably gonna spend a lot of time on comfort audios now. Something i love about myself... This really shouldnt be so hard. :/ I guess I love that i can always admit when I need help - and im good at taking that first step towards getting back to OK. Whether its calling my therapist or asking for an afternoon away from my kids to re-center. Im proud of myself for getting to the point that im not ashamed to admit when Im NOT okay - and that theres nothing wrong with getting help, rather then resorting to self harm.


I love my eyes because even if they look sad and all puffed up because of crying I still find them very pretty! Although my eye sight is quite bad I still enjoy looking around in nature💛💛

Kristina Johnson

I...I'm not 100% sure what I like about myself because there's still stuff I don't like...but...I guess it would be my laugh that I like...my friends and family say they love it and it makes them happy to hear it (plus it's slightly "evil" which they find funny and love it even more) but...I guess I also like how...how I'm more comfortable with showing my emotions...i...I never really liked showing my emotions before because they were literally black outs that almost made me kill my siblings because of how bakugo angry I use to get...but...I've over come that...so...-sniffs- Thankyou so much CeCe...its been so rough for me lately and I've been feeling like a real fuck up...without you...I dont think I would be alive. You're really helping me love myself a little more each day. You're a god sent...thankyou...so...so much.


i love that i am able to learn from my mistakes! it means i don't make the same mistakes often and it means going forward im going to continue to make less! i have the ability to improve from the negative experiences i have!


waahh.. i really needed this today :(( thank you so much. i really like how i tend to be very stubborn and determined! physically, i really like my lips and my legs :) you're an angel


I like my hands, when i was younger they were the only things i liked on my body and i still like them a lot but i've started to like other parts of myself and my characteristics thanks to Cece💜


I love that I'm willing to examine my own biases and see if I'm jumping to an unwarranted and undeserved conclusion, and that I can see others' perspectives without sacrificing my own boundaries and becoming unsafe.


I love that I've been building up my broken down confidence. I'm still not fully confident in myself, but I'm working hard to get there!

Kristina Johnson

Same here. He helps me cry it out and makes me let got of all the bullshit I hold on to...just with that voice. He makes it easier to sleep.


I need Kirishima ;; but I love u so much


I love that even though I’ve been through the wringer, seen more grief and sadness than I ever want to see again, I still strive to be a hand in the darkness for those around me who think there’s no ray of light for them to help find their way home. I never let anyone around me feel alone, that there’s always /someone/ who’s looking out for them and loves them. So even though I see the rain clouds, I try my best to help others see the sun on their darkest days.


Omg thank you so much cece its 1am and I really needed this🥺💗

Meli VonCherry

...I don't have money right now but I enjoy to give gifts to people, right now the only thing I can give are crafts or pastries, but I love the feeling of making someone happy and feel special, even if it is not a particular occasion ... It feels good... I really hope you are right Aizawa


I think I love.... the way my heart cares for people!


I am gonna make it my goal to like every single comment here I swear to it-


I sat here for a good while wondering what I loved about myself and I hate that. Because I am Blinded by the things that I do that most people find amazing for me like how I draw, play an instrument, work hard, and I am willing to give up anything to make someone else happy. I personally think that I am bad at the things that I do and I get those moments where I feel like I should just stop because I’m terrible but then I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love that I try to push through that feeling and try to get better even sometimes I don’t think that way I truly do love that you know :)


you deserve all the love in this world. no matter how much you think you don’t. you are loved!


I love my ability to care for other people and to show them kindness, even in the toughest of situations.


you are able to make art and bring ur imaginations to real life! ur great! ur special!


I'm learning to love my body. Even thought I'm skinny, I want to better my body because I feel good having muscles and with the covid I didn't go to the gym and I'm almost at the beginning point 😢 But I still have confidence in myself!!🥰🥰


I love my curly hair, when I was younger I used to hate it so much I would straighten it every day, but now I've come to love it! Thank you so much for this.❤️❤️


I love my ability to listen to people and understand where they are coming from and to show them kindness even if I'm not in a good place myself


I had to calm down from crying before I wrote this, but one thing I love about myself would have to be the fact that I can still find joy in the goofiest things even when I'm not feeling all that hot or in pretty bad headspace

Verruckt Walkure

The one thing I think I love the most about myself is I know when things are over or need to stop and I speak up about it even if I'm scared. Case in point I recently broke up with my boyfriend of seven months. The longest relationship I've been in so far. There was no passion and he never wanted to do anything and thought I'd be ok with it but I wasn't. And I think he knew but kept holding on. The second I asked if we could just be friends, he got his stuff and left the next day. We just moved in together too so now it's up to me to take care of everything on my own. I'm not worried bc I make enough to sustain myself. I'm upset he lied about it being ok if we split and we both still pay rent and stuff but ended up fucking off. Your audios help a great deal with what's been going on in my life currently. I've not felt this much warmth and joy from anything in a while because I suffered from severe depression last year. The mirio audios help the most unsurprisingly lmao. I was listening way before the breakup and your content made me realize what I know I want and deserve from someone if they want to be with me. And I never got that from my ex. Just empty words. I honestly needed this audio this morning. Woke up with a headache and just really sad. Hearing aizawa's comforting words made me feel better. Thank you CeCe. You do so much to make us all feel loved, appreciated and safe. You're a good soul and I only wish you nothing but happiness and good things to come your way.🖤


I’m so ready to be Tendō’s lil monster when is there gonna be a Tendō audio..? 🥺


I love that I am someone my friends come to with their problems, and private parts of themselves that they're exploring or coming to terms with. I love that they feel safe enough with me to tell me these things knowing I won't judge them or tell others. I love my homies and I love that they love me too, even when I don't feel like I deserve it ❤️


I love that I have a big heart and I am kind enough to share love (in many forms) with others. I was raised to believe that kindness was weakness but deep down I knew that wasn't true. Whether hated or bullied, I have a moral to always be kind to others. 💙😊 I have met so many nice people here and its all due to Cece.


Something I love about myself is my compassion. I care so much about so many things and people. Sometimes it can even overwhelm me but I’ve learned it’s not a bad thing to be emotional when you care strongly.


I can say that, from what I've seen on your comments on audios and community posts, that you're able to have a laugh and joke about but also be serious when the time calls for it, and that's something many people cant do. I think that's something you should be proud of! Obviously this isnt gonna magically make you love every aspect about yourself but I'd like to think that me, a complete stranger through a screen, telling you something nice I've observed from what I've seen can at least make you happy a little bit :)


I love this audio so much. It made me feel better about myself. And what I love about myself? I think it's the empathy. And eyes.


I love that I learned to be happy even through the pain and that I make the most out of every day and every experience, I live my life to the fullest even if sometimes my past tears me down. I teach myself to love and that I deserve love. Every single one of you deserves love, and if you can't give it to yourself just yet I am giving you some of mine. Love you all ❤️


I love my smile. Its a little crooked but in a good way 💗


I love my ability to read people. Lots of people, myself included, try to wear a mask or show our true selves only at our best. I try see through other people’s walls they’ve built and let them know they’re not alone and that it always gets better or that I’ll be there to just listen if they want to talk about it 😊


Also.. I know you're working hard, Cece and you need to take breaks and take yourself on the first place, but maybe you could do Dabi Comfort Corner next time? I'd really appreciate it and I think not only me 😊


Did anybody else hear like yelling in the background or am I crazy???


I love that there is something in me that attracts loving, caring, wonderful people to my life. And just great things for that matter, like your content, CeCe! Now I wanna talk with you for second. Yes, you, Miss CeCe. I too am someone who will bear the world on my shoulders for the sake of the people I love, even if I have to suffer alone in the process. I know my kind when I see them. So I know how bad people like me need to be poured into after pouring so much of themselves out for others. I hope you BELIEVE, not just know, for yourself everything that was said in this audio. In every comforting moment you’ve created for us, but especially this one. Because it’s one thing to know something is true, but another to BELIEVE it is. I could hear something different in this one. Your conviction. How your words flowed. The pain in your voice, how it wavered. But you remained strong, you finished beautifully as always. But knowing a bit of what’s been going on, I know you could use some comfort right now. I just want you to know I SEE you, we SEE you, and we are so grateful for you, your existence, you passion and drive to make our worlds a bit brighter, even in the midst of your own darkness. And if you EVER need a break, to step away, we understand. Please don’t wear yourself down for our sake, we just want you to feel as special and loved as you make us feel. At the end of the day, we will be ok too. As long as your doing this out of love, you’ll never let us down. Thank you ❤️


agh jeez. Well, I don’t know if this counts but I love it that I can make people laugh. Like that wheezing Stahpp I cant breathe “ type of laugh. One night, I was about 14, I heard my mom crying in her room. I went in and laid down next to her and came up with a stupid story about a dung beetle and an ant..I’ll spare you the rest of it haha..but she ended up laughing so hard she even forgot why she was sad in the first place. I’m no pep talker, but corny jokes and silly stories, well uhm that’s what I’ve got to give ahaha~ Wait, that doesn’t mean I think I’m funny okay, I’ve just been told I have good ¿delivery? if that makes any sense! 😅😖


Lol yea i thought they were kids


I’m going through a pretty bad depressive drop right now and it’s hard to try and find things I love but I can say what I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that there are people like CeCe who genuinely use what they can and have to make someone’s day brighter. I’m thankful for the few friends I finally have after many years of not having any; them caring about me enough to not leave me during my selectively mute times. I’m thankful for the community trying to uplift each other and be there for one another. I’m thankful for these audios which have helped give me some comfort and love in a time where I have very little. I guess if I had to pick something I love about myself? People have always told me I give really good hugs and that I’m funny and a good listener. So I guess I love the things about myself that bring a smile onto others faces and make their days brighter💛


After being completely broken, I’m gathering all my strength to heal myself and I want to say that I love how I always have hope for something better even in the worst. Thank you so much for all the love you give to us, you’re the most beautiful soul I’ve ever seen in my life, thank you ! ♥️🌸


I love that I'm not ashamed of the things I like even when people call me stupid or childish.


I love my ability to listen to other people, and my will to help them


I relapsed into SH again today idk why I did it but some of the lines in the audio just made me bawl my eyes out and just wonder why my life lines tingle near a knife when my legs bear the scars. Lines like “don’t do something you can’t take back” just hit hard. I love my blue eyes, I got them from my dad who sometimes sings “you are my sunshine” and “I’ll love you forever” to me when he hugs me. I still feel like cutting and part of my brain doesn’t care about the damage it does but, today at least, this audio helped a lot <3 thank you Cece


I love how unconditionally accepting I am of everyone which is mainly due to how I was raised. I never actively discriminate or condemn someone based on their faith or otherwise and if I do, I will always ask for someone to correct me and I’m very open to criticism regarding being accepting and respectful of others at all times


Jeez got sentimental and opened up about stuff I probably shouldn’t have sorry


aizawa whispering safe comfy words to me is so sweet, soft, cute, loving and warm i love it so much


I have trichotillomania, it's a disorder on the ocd spectrum. I have urges to pull my hair out so I have a lot of bald spots and short hair patches. This really hurts my self esteem because I really love my hair, but I can't resist the urge to pull. Something I really love about myself is that I am really caring and understanding of others. I'm so self conscious and have the worst habit of tearing myself down at every insecurity, but when it comes to other people, I cant stand to hear them talk down on themselves. I hope one day I can see myself being worth the world because that's how I see others. I love that I can find the best in a person and want to find the best in me. This made sense in my head. But if anybody read my comment this far, I love you. You are worth more than you think.


I guess I like that I can come out of my low moments pretty efficiently and pick myself up again, even momentarily?


"Hey there Kitty Cat" hi daddy 😁😁 *starts talking about school and im not a failure* 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Im really ugly crying at 3am. Thank you


I love that even if I find it difficult to love myself. The most easiest thing in the world is loving others which can bring happiness at times


I needed this before work.. Its been so crazy since covid hit. This really made my day ❤


I love my ability to express myself through my art. May sound a little lame I know but it's really big for me. Over the past few years I've been slowly trying to recover from some bad issues. Ones that caused me to express myself in bad ways on myself. I always wanted to show to everyone else that I was just happy and nothing else. I'd bottle up all my negative emotions untill I just had to find a way to let them out without others knowing. Sadly it created some really bad habits and even though I broke them a few years ago sometimes I still think of starting them again. I realized one day while drawing a vent piece in a stressful class that I could channel all my negative emotions and put them into art without having to hurt others or myself. So now whenever I struggle with thing I draw them out. It's helped a lot. I still have a long way to go but I'm slowly getting there. I also wanted to say thank you for these comfort audios. There are times where I can't draw or express myself in a good way. Mostly at work. But these audios give me something to listen, focus on, and calm down to. It makes me slow down, calm down, and even cry a little if needed. Thank you so much! I hope you're staying healthy and resting.


I love how far I've come with being open about my feelings with people. I've always kept things close to the chest but I've been trying to get help and reach out to those I can.


I don't like how long it took to think if something. It's harder since I'm trying not to feel shitty and guilty about skipping out on work again. Been trying to focus on my mental health even though family likes to make me feel guilty for calling in so often. But yeah, good things. Still not confident on it. But I guess I love my enthusiasm for storytelling? Comes to mind since I'm DMing a d&d game later today and I've been spending a lot of time setting up for this session, practicing the accents I'll be using, writing possible scenarios and I even spent way too long making a whole ass menu for a restaurant one character is planning on going to. Shits embarrassing and I don't even know if my friends will enjoy it as much as I do, but I still get a kick out of it.


How I’ve finally learned to leave the negativity around me and improve as a person...I found out comfort characters through your audios even through the NSFW ones...because in the end they do it because they love you and cherish each moment they have to be together.. thank you, you’ve made me happy in times where I felt irritated or depressed. If I ever met you in person CC, please know I’ll be crying and hugging you. You’ve helped me through a long battle of depression. You’ve saved me.


I love the impressions i seem to leave on people! Ive been told by a few people that I have a beautiful aura 😊 and thats its not the same without my positive energy when im not around


i love that i’m pretty creative and can make cute makeup, hair, nails, clothes and other stuff by myself🥰 and also i love YOU sm, Cece💔😭


I love that I found the confidence to move past my nervousness to help give people serotonin


i uhhhh love my eyes i suppose 😪😪


I didn't get to listen to the audio before I wrote this but I absolutely love this audio 💖


I love that I could share my joy people around me. I just loved to help provided I can control. When I'm at work, there some areas I could help customers, there's nothing much I can do if things beyond my control. Your audios help me to think that it's okay If you can't help them, You tried you're best. That makes inspire to do what I can do.


I love my terrible dad jokes and pick up lines I tell my friends to see them smile


i love that i think before i do. i try to think of each and every outcome before just doing something irrational


Maybe it’s silly but, I love how I’m able to throw myself into something I love and forget about the outside world for a moment, be it a show, a game, or even an audio like this! I get so enamored with these things that make me so unbelievably happy that I manage to forget about how sad I am, even if it’s only for a little bit.


I didn’t know how much I needed this Every morning my mom find the way to tell me that I don’t do anything good, and I somedays I feel like I’m in a box and the box is getting smaller and smaller to the point that is really hard to breathe...


bruh i needed this so much. i also have a bad habit of getting down on myself especially about my looks which i’m sure everyone does. but i always either feel like i don’t look good or feel guilty for feeling like i look good. so this audio was just what i needed i loved it so much. but also i love my ability to love others. even though i struggle with self love being able to give love and comfort to others always makes me so happy.


I love that I've been able to accept myself over the years. It's hard being judged just for still watching cartoons/anime, and playing video games as a adult. I always felt like I had to "grow up" fast but now I know I should do what makes me happy! :D


i love that i am proud to be a black woman and i love my features!!


I love my sense of humor, seeing/hearing my friends laugh and smile is something I'm very proud of.


I love how far I’ve made it without giving up, even though I’m having a difficult time at the moment I know I’m strong to overcome it and keep on going. Thank you for this Cece, I really appreciate all your hard work and dedication to make everyone happy💖🥺


I love my devotion to my friends, I'm very loyal to the people I love♡


I thought long and hard about what I love about myself. Because growing up I’ve been surrounded by sadness and negative people. Even if I was loved by my family and close friends, I always felt as if I never really loved myself. And I really never loved myself because I always loved everyone else first. It took a lot out of my mental health over the years. And in high school during my first two years I would see people who were prettier and more attractive than me. Because of this I felt as if I wasn’t pretty enough to catch anyones eye or even befriend anyone. I also never felt like I was enough to be in a relationship, because people always looked for the more attractive and more outgoing ones. It took me two different relationships to realize that I was enough. My first boyfriend made me feel as if I was on cloud nine because he would always compliment me. But it didn’t last long before we hit a bump in our relationship, he left me for someone who was more attractive. I was sad because I thought someone actually loved me for once, but it turns out I was nothing but a fling. My second boyfriend helped me through my mental state of not being enough. When we broke up it was because we both fell out of love with one another, we both agreed to be friends. I still talk to him, I even help he and his now girlfriend get together. And even though he is in a relationship with another girl, not a day goes by that he and his gf remind me that I am enough. Enough for someone to love and enough to love myself, because I don’t care what people think of me now and I don’t care if they don’t like or love me either. All that matters is that I love myself and I keep loving myself until I find my place in life to where I can flourish and spread my love to other.


I love my current relationship with my body. I was very chubby as a child developed depression because of the constant shame and judgement from others who felt they had authority over how my body looked. Even after I lost a lot weight, I was very nit-picky about certain places, especially my tummy and stretch marks. I hated wearing anything that showed them. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I realized how disconnected I felt from my body. I was seeing my body as some separate entity from myself—constantly judging and insulting it as if “it” wasn’t actually me. Since then I’ve slowly changed how perceive myself. I feel so much cuter and pretty. It helps that I have people in my life that agree (and therapy. Can’t forget therapy), but I myself actually think I’m in my ideal body! Stretch marks, chubbiness, and all! It’s kinda...(what’s “geez (o_o)” as a word) that the thought of me not feeling crippling self-hatred makes me feel giddy inside, but it does. No shame in that.

Nessa Rurina

I love that I try my best everyday that I will never give up on my goals though there is always draw backs. I'm happy I never let that get me down and that I still try to reach my goals no matter what.


I love that I can stay gentle in the face of a cruel world and I love that I can find simple joy in the small thing around me, like sweet strawberries and butterflies outside your window.


I love that I'm kind, independent and don't give up! But even though these strengths can be my downfall I love that I can see growth in myself I'm getting stronger and better at setting boundaries. Thank you for this moment of mindfulness Cece. 💗


I love how I can make people laugh, I like when my positivity can rub off on people and can give them a giggle along the way. I love how far I’ve come too, in the relationship I have with myself even if there is still a lot still to work on. Little progress is always progress, a relapse is part of recovery and everyone makes mistakes <3


I love that I'm gentle and kind. I'm not perfect but I'm working to feel better everyday. Thank you so much for this moment Cece, he's my ultimate comfort character and I needed this 🌸

Arwen Shepard

I love that I am confident enough to do what’s best for myself, and that I encourage those close to me to do the same.


I love that even when someone's harsh I see through the hate and love myself for who I am, even when I'm down I try my hardest to cheer myself up, and I'm glad I have a community like this where I know I belong, I love you Cece and thank you for everything you do ❤️


Its something I'm still working on, but right now I can confidently say I love my body! Chubby-ness, scars, and all


I love that I'm someone that people can rely on. I'm super friendly to talk to and I'm an open book. I've helped so many people mentally, physically, financially, academically, you friggin name it. I'm just like Mirio and Deku in some ways. I just wanna see the people around me happy and succeed in their life 💙


I think I don't have anything to love about myself but this adio helped a little bit thanks yagami for everything 💖


I love that I can connect with people so easily. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. Building a foundation of a relationship for me is so special. Something else that I've learned to love about myself lately is who I am physically. Everyone has their insecurities and I'm learning everyday that it's what makes me who I am so I should spend less time criticizing and more time embracing.


The one thing I love is that I’m independent and I don’t let the fact of not being in the relationship bring me down. My first bf cheated on me and I felt so low about myself like no one will ever love me. When my second one came in, I thought thinks would change but sadly I was wrong. At first I felt bad cause everyone around me had a partner expect me. I thought I was disgusting for a while until I realize that I’m more happier being by myself and now I blossom into the person I am today. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 💖To anyone that is not in a relationship and feels alone, sad, worrying about themselves being good enough, etc. I just want to let you know that it’s ok and that you are worth it you beautiful person. Society puts this pressure on us that “ we need to be in a relationship because its requirement in life” when in reality it’s not and that’s ok. You go out there and let the world know who you are that you all are beautiful/handsome, generous, confident, brave, and wonderful person who is just trying to live life everyday!!✨✨ 💖💖I Love You Guys✨💖💖💖


I love that I'm finally becoming more comfortable in my own skin. After nearly half my life hating everything about myself. ✌🏻


I love that I’m finally learning to love again after so long of being isolated because of my past- I love my stupid little nose and bumps on my skin- This audio made me feel so— worthy again and I love that about this Thank you Cece


I lost my god father last night to the pandemic, these comforts have been so helpful in the darkest parts of my mind. My god father always told me I have the best laugh and to always keep laughing at the little things, so that’s what I will try to keep doing


I love that I'm starting to face the trauma that's resurfacing, and even though it has been difficult I am actively trying and that's the main thing! Also, I love that I'm starting to try things that I usually would never have the bravery to do, and despite the lukewarm reception of certain key people, I'm glad that I'm pushing through. I'm learning to be radically self-accepting of my appearance, learning to care less about people's opinions of me, and learning to be more honest about my interests. Thank you Cece, for everything that you do and for providing comfort to so many people! I'm so glad that I'm a part of a loving and accepting community, and I'm forever grateful for the good that you do. May your life be filled with love and life!

Dinosaur Nightlight

I love that I’m learning to love myself for how I look and the progress I’ve made. I may not be where I’d ideally want to be but the journey has made me so much happier. I’m going to keep moving forward and helping other people when they’re feeling down so that we can all be lifted up! :D


One thing I love about myself is how much I care about those around me. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve when it comes to others close to me, and there is very little I wouldn't do to make sure the people I am around feel loved and cared for. I also love how much easier it is becoming to turn that same care and attention to myself and my own needs now, compared to years ago.


I love that I’m still here. And although I went through a ton of hardships. And my depression and anxiety has manifested itself in several awful habits like literally tearing my skin apart from nervous scratching or being reckless with decisions, I know that I’ll find my light out of the tunnel and find my happiness. Find what I’ve been meant to do that will fulfill me and transform my current monogamous life filled with working, sleep and tired eyes that are just going through the motions to a brighter future where for once instead of arguing or hearing people constantly telling me what I need to do, I’ll hear “I love you’s or I’m happy you’re here.” Things that I feel like I haven’t heard from a real person for a long time. But one day: i know I’ll find the place where I was meant to be and I ain’t feel so unheard and alone anymore. Thank you Cece, this really lifted my tired and defeated drive back home. Where I’m gonna go seclude myself and relish all the audios.


I love that I am abitious and try to achieve the goals I set for myself. Even if that is a curse in disguise sometimes, because I can be very harsh on myself if I don't achieve it, I still work hard and try to achieve it as best as I can. Even if I am unmotivated. I also love that I am a very open person. I would never judge someone without getting to know them. I hope I can find more aspects I love about myself in the future.


The last few minutes of this audio hit me HARD! I didn't think I would start crying the way I did! Cece, thank you. The thing I love about myself is that, even after everything I've gone through, I can still laugh, and make jokes, and give love. I did not grow up in an affectionate household as a kid and for that I'm extremely touch starved, but because of that I make sure that my younger siblings never have to experience the want of having a family member show them love and affection. I'm happy to know that when they have any kind of problems they want to vent about or even if they just need a hug, they come to me knowing that I will shower them with love and affection. I'm waiting for the day I finally meet someone who can show me the love and care I give to others. So I'll keep waiting and have hope that it'll happen to me too.


i love that my humor not only entertains me (and keeps me sane sometimes) but it also brings a smile to my friends faces. i love that my silly comments or skits make the people i love and respect so much laugh even on bad days. i need to work on self love and acceptance but one thing i’m sure of, and where i can start my journey, is my humor and ability to send a group of people to their knees with laughter, even if it is at a physical expense doing something silly. i know you said this was a self love session but i also know sometimes you need to hear good things from someone else. i really love your talent and passion. i don’t just mean your vocal talent i mean your creativity in creating these audios and world we love to listen to so much. your passion brings a smile to my face because you genuinely want to make amazing content that you and us both cherish. i know sometimes you dunk on yourself about not uploading ‘enough’ but anything and everything you post is enough and will always be enough YOU are enough cece and i hope you always know that💕


Well i woke up to listen to this. And then cried myself back to sleep


I have an inferiority complex so when I get insulted or I cut myself ( I’m 5 months clean😁). My excuse for taking it and doing what I did is because I feel like I deserve and sometimes I catch myself but it’s pretty rare 😅

Gou M

I love that I can give people new experiences.


More Bakugo plz🥺!


I love that my happiness is infectious to people. I only realized that was the case a couple weeks ago when a person actually told me I made her day and she wished more people were like me. As much as I don’t know about some things about myself 😅 I do wish my happiness could be everyone’s


So I’ve been a listener for a while, and of every moment of comfort through any of your audios this one...this one hit my heart the hardest. It literally felt like a hug and snuggles and cozy, comfort perfection. Thank you. I mean this, and I know with the amount of comments your probably won’t see this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. While my family was supportive, they never really showed love or comfort and needing comfort was looked at more like a weakness. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized how much I needed that. That the missing piece in my puzzle of life was someone who wasn’t afraid to hold me and tell me it would be ok. Everyone deserves that. You are an amazing human being for giving this gift to everyone. The thing I love most about myself is despite everything I have been through, and boy have I been through some real shit, I don’t let it define me. I don’t let it bring me down. I refuse to allow someone else’s action dictate how my life and my love is lived and experienced. I learn from it and grow from it, but I never let it hurt longer then it needs to. I never let it fester or destroy me. If I was as magical as you and able to give everyone a gift, it would be that. The ability to move on in life no matter what happens. The ability to feel happy even in the worst of times. The ability to see the light. Thank you Cece for being that light for people. Thank you for bringing happiness into this chaotic word. Thank you for being the amazing, talented and beautiful person you are. Thank you for everything you have shared and given us. Thank you for everything.


For once i'm feeling wet in the eyes then in the pants


The notification for this hit me in the gut -- someone I love very dearly, who's no longer here, used to call me Kitty and his birthday is coming up soon and this kinda... idk, I don't wanna say it felt like a sign, but it was a nice reminder. Thanks, Cece.


Waking up to this after feeling depressed for a while makes me feel happy because i have someone to tell me everything will be ok thank you

Tempting Scarlet

I love my voice. It makes people smile when I sing and because of you I am starting my own youtube channel for asmr audios. I'm also starting to learn to love my curves. You are amazing and your audios help me get through tough days. I use to cut but I havent done that in a couple years but I do hit my legs instead. I havent done that in about a month though so I think I'm improving.


I love that even when i feel like shit i can still make bitchin pastries

Christina Gibson

I love that I am a loyal, honest friend.


I love my creativity, I can usually solve a problem or find the right words to something.


Same. It's like Dammit, what is it about Aizawa that turns me into a sobbing mess?


I love that I'm able to make people laugh and smile


I love that I have a very high level of self-worth and thus no longer find comfort in being sad.


I love that I can write content that makes people feel something. Usually happy but sometimes other more serious things. But i can create that. And i love that. ♡ thank you.


*snorts* Dont know why, but your comment made me chuckle


I love how passionate I am about things. Some people find it annoying when it’s things they don’t care about but I like how enthusiastic i can become for something rather quickly. It allows me to experience joy with new things instead of growing complacent with the same thing over and over. I also I have mixed feelings my nature, I am incapable of hurting someone else. That makes me a bit of a people pleaser to a toxic level but also I cannot stand to see someone else hurt or sad and would never be able to hurt someone’s feelings


I love my understanding of my own limits. When faced with a difficult task, I know how to pace myself in order to get it done.


I love that i am always up for an adventure with my friends, they could be like "hey lets get some groceries" and i'd be like "HECK YEAH LETS DO IT" and it always ends up being a good time :)


I love that I’m a good listener and can make my friends feel a little lighter and farther away from their own demons.

gaby brown

I guess I love that I constantly want to give love! Whenever I get money for doing my chores, I mostly always donate the money to good causes. I'm also always there (or there most of the time) when they need comfort. I constantly want to give my friends the attention they need when they're feeling down! They don't even have to be my friend sometimes, I'll help anyone!


I love that I try to see the positive in everything. It helps me not feel sad or bad about the unnecessary and I feel like I get the most out of every experience. I also like how I try to look at logic most times. And I mean that when it comes to the bad, I don't willing succumb to the hurt but I try to look at what i can do in that moment, or what I shouldn't do. It took a while, but I managed to reach that.




I love how no matter how dark things get, I somehow always end up seeing the light 😌 I must have a hidden positivity quirk or something lol


I love my creativity, i tend to be a fast learner when it comes to things that are out of my comfort zone, and i like being there for my friends when they need someone to listen to them and sometimes give advise to certain issues they might be having.

Goblin Queenie

I love that I feel things intensely and am learning to let out those emotions safely because it’s proof that I haven’t let myself bottle up emotions constantly, that I still let myself be vulnerable enough to feel new things and feel alive and won’t let myself be afraid forever. I also am learning to love my smile, because it doesn’t matter what the skin around it looks like or if it’s too fat or too blemished, it’s my smile and I shouldn’t dislike something that is a sign of my happiness.


I guess I love my ability to make jokes that help lighten both mine and the people around me day. I tend to hide alot and when it's getting really tough I often find myself coming up with jokes about literally anything I see 😊 but most of all I'm just glad it can bring. A smile to my friends cuz that makes it better


I never really thought about it, I guess I love that I can make people smile when they need to


i love that i don’t care about what other people say about me!! i’ve been judged my all life for being “different” and that would hurt me and it eventually led to s*lf h*rm, but now i can proudly say i couldn’t care less about what they think or say about me!! i’ll just do me, i won’t change for anyone!!

Victoria W

I really love my eyes, I know it's a physical feature, but it's my favorite thing about myself


I love that other feel safe around me, too really relax and feel comfortable even for a short time. I love that I can make people smile and that a hug is enough to help peoples moods. I also love that I'm still working on writing despite thinking I'm not great at it, because I really love it and want to keep going.

Victoria W

I really needed this one, thank you


I love that I can always make people laugh, even when things are tough.


I love that what I do for a living is helping other people’s businesses grow ❤️


This is a little bit besides the point but I used to be depressed and had serious self-image issues. It took me a while but I’m happy where I am rn and am confident but I wish I had found out about your work sooner. I’m glad that you keep posting things like this. because I know how impactful words like these mean... even if its from a fictional character. I just wish I had found out about you sooner. Your work has truly helped a lot of your fans and it will continue to in the future. Thank you for all the love, care, and effort you put into your videos. We love you 😭❤️


I like my hair, i get so many compliments about it


i love that i’m independent as i couldnt always rely on my family when i was growing up. even though it was tough at first i wouldn’t have it any other way now


I love my heart. I love that I am a person who can be there for all my friends and they know that.


Jeez, for all the time I’ve actually followed Cece I’ve never listened to a comfort audio and I don’t know why now. This makes me feel so happy and safe. I have a bad habit of punishing myself when I feel like I’ve failed at something and this makes me feel a lot better.


I had to think about this for a moment. For someone who struggles with body image, there are a few things I do love about myself. I love my eyes, especially my eye color. I love my lips. I love the dip of my waist and where it curves into my hips. I'm learning to love my small height and being a little more curvy with it. I'm honestly starting to really love the body I'm in after 20 years of struggling with it.


I love that I worry about people that have harmed themselves, even if I don't know them... I'm always wanting to lend a hand to help someone who needs it. I never hurt someone mentally or physically.. I love that I care for everyone around me.. Sometimes even more then myself


*me just needing a little sweet Aizawa while ignoring the loss of a slow burn romance of six years and trying to pretend it just didn't happen* Aizawa: loss~ Me and my heart: aha I'm in danger 🙃 (But on a serious note, I needed someone who I idolize and deep emotionally simp for to tell me these things after feeling like a total lump for a month and I DO deserve happiness. My favorite thing about me is how much I can love a person, how much I love the way I look when I'm happy in photos now and how comfortable I'm starting to feel in my own skin. I've never had that before.)


I love that eventhough I have been burned a lot by people, I still want to help or find time for them. I haven't lost my kindness or positive outlook, maybe it's stubbornness but I work really hard to not let my negative experiences define me or taint how I see others.


Ahhhhh blessed with so many audios this morning!!! I love that even tho I was bullied for liking anime growing up I can still find some community thru it today and I can still draw fanart and love my hobby.


Aizawa comfort is best comfort. He makes me feel so safe. The thing that I love most right now is also the thing that is hurting me, in a way. I am a survivor, somehow, no matter what, I persevere. Whatever the situation, I figure it out and make it through. Been through a lot of terrible situations and made it out stronger. It is the trait my siblings admire in me most. But, I survived something recently that fucked me up and I just cannot push through to the other side.


I love my eyes! I feel like they are very expressive and can communicate the feelings that my mouth can’t. We love you Cece!


I love my imagination and my creativity! Being able to write all my emotions and turn them into stories and poems is something im proud that i can do!

Oblivion-Zeze Leaves

I love! Cece would you consider doing one with Shindo? Nsfw or sfw? I know he has a lot of potential 👀


😭❤❤❤ this was so lovely and needed. I will be listening to this forever.


“You have the heart of a fearsome, beautiful, creature” I LOVE that ☺️ one of the things I love the most about myself/am proud of is my resiliency and ability to push through hard circumstances. Even with “bad habits” etc... I haven’t given up yet✌️


Something I love about myself is that I still get up and try. Even when things are overwhelming. Maybe I'm a masochist or just stupidly optimistic.


Why did I listen to this at work? I am tearing up so bad at my desk. This hit me really hard. Thank you Cece! Didn't know I needed this. I love that I can make my friends smile give advice when they need it.


i love how selfless i am and how i’m always ready and willing to help everyone right away. though it leads into not spending so much time on myself :c

Hallymally Bubu

I love about myself that i can draw. Im talented in that aspect

Thayron Sim

Thank you so much for this Queen! This is much needed by me. I love how my mind likes to create worlds, filled with quirky characters and interesting lore. Now if only I had the confidence to put it to paper


I ish back for round two because reassurance is something I realize I need sometimes. ❤️


You are such an amazingly sweet and talented person!! I love that I always keep trying to learn and grow even after failure. That I havent given up on the excitement of learning new things. That I look at learning like an adventure.


I know you said to list one thing, but as a plus size woman, I more often than not struggle with love and acceptance of my physical appearance, so I’m gonna lost two things to acknowledge that there is something physical about myself that I love, too: 1) I love the big size of my thighs and legs, I think they’re cute 🥰 and 2) I love that I’m a dependable and supportive person, especially for my friends- they know they can come to me for support in anything, any time, day or night, and I will be there for them.


This made me cry, but I love that I always see the good in others no matter what :)


What I love about me is that I’ve never let people bring me down about being a bigger gal, I love being a lil thick 😅❤️

Traveller Tori

I love how no matter how bad of a time or a situation is for myself or others I look at the better side of things and try to work things out for me or them to make things even a little more bearable :)


I love how I can make new friends and the wide variety interests I have

Amethyst Elisaga

I love how I am able to come across people like you who are incredibly talented and make people happy with that talent 💜

Saffie !

I love that even though i can let my dark thoughts get the best of me from time to time, i keep doing my best to grow as a person. To be someone i can be proud of.


I love how despite what I've been through these past few months, I'm still here. Also, it's been a while since I've actually felt safe and loved. Thank you, Cece.


I love that I make people smile on bad days, I love the creativity I possess and sharing it with others.


Aizawa made me cry so much and I love him, I love him so much 😭 what I love about myself is that I am still here. Through all the trauma I've had to endure throughout my life, as much as I've wanted to give in and die sometimes because I didn't want to deal with the pain anymore, I am still here. And sure, things still suck sometimes, my emotions can sure as hell bring me down, but the best thing about me being able to finally love myself in the way that I deserve is coming to know that I deserve to be here. I deserve to take up as much space on this earth and enjoy myself while doing it. I love that I can finally love myself through the pain and suffering, through the ups and downs, and I won't let anyone take that away from me.


I love that when someone is upset, they always come to me to help cheer them up or keep them company if they want to be upset


I love that my I’ve started to pursue what I really want in life and that I support my friends endlessly through all their endeavors.


I love that I am empathic and that people are relaxed around me enough to be themselves. It makes me more confident to be myself more!

darian parr

I love my creativity

Sierra Moon

i cried off my $45 foundation and my eye shadow, it hit me hard that my grandmother is gone, i lost her last month she was my best friend. i tend to beat myself up and tear myself down because of my self confidence is so low . im here to make people smile through the pain even though im in pain myself. i love showing people the talent i have in cross stitching and making people laugh. it felt like he was holding me


*Ugly cries during audio* 😭🤧😔 with my mom close to passing and Aizawa being my favorite...I definitely needed this..thank you Yagami


I love how quickly I can make people open up cause I love to create a safe place for them. ✨


I love that when I'm around people can trust to vent to me and they know that I'll listen because I want to be there for them. Thank you yagami, you really have helped me out without even knowing it❤❤


I love my ability to create art and music that I like 💛


i love that i’m a determined and reliable person that people can always lean on and know that i will be there and get things done right


i love my individualality. my refusal to go against what i value just to fit in.


I love my art and I love it when I make people smile. <3


I love my ability to make people laugh even when they’re sad 😊


I love that I’ve been brave enough to stand up for what’s right and protect those who need it the most and those who are close to me.


I love my singing...I don’t do much of it rn but I love how you can portray so much emotion in music ♥️


I love how people feel safe to laugh with me. They love my humor, and they love my support as well as my patience and understanding. I may be flaky but I drop whatever I can at a moment's notice to help a friend and I'll do it while trying to make them smile the whole time. Thank you for this audio. It's very rare that I get to verbalize the things I love about myself and as hard as it may be sometimes, we are all beautiful and we all deserve to love ourselves. You've reminded so many people of that and I wish you the world CeCe for everything you've done for us


I love that despite society consistently telling me throughout my life that my size wasn’t beautiful or attractive I wore what I wanted, I did what I wanted, and although I was not always confident I have come a long way and grown into who I am today and I love it

Courtney Johnson

I love that I'm able to be a good listener when people just need to vent


I love that I can draw/paint and that my friends can rely on me <3


I love how i could make my friends and cousins smile and laugh and feel safe around me, i do often give the sense of that motherly type to them. But sometimes it's hard for me to love myself even if i try, the things i went through in life. It's hard for me to accept myself, but i do try my hardest to seek comfort from someone, i do try my best to talk it out so i wouldn't go down that dark alley way. And i have to thank you for this audio, it really made me feel loved and safe, i teared up almost immediately. Thank you Queen 💖💖


I lost my mom to cancer two years ago. If you ever need to talk to someone you can message me. I'm here for you. ❤


I love that I can be creative. It makes me really happy when I can create something beautiful with my own two hands :) Sometimes these things make other people smile, and that just makes me even happier!


I love that I am so confident with my identity as a person. High school me was a shell compared to who I've become. Thanks to support and love from my friends, they have showed me they love me for me. I have learned to not give a shit about what people think about and do what makes me happy. I am very proud of how far I've gotten!


even though i’ve reached a point of confidence within myself i love things like this bc its a nice reminder. i adore shota so thank you for this 🥺😭


I love that I let myself be more than a positive person. I get irritated, sad, angry, and those emotions arent bad to express. It's how you express them. And now I'm comfortable expressing all of me. With less fear of being accepted and loved.


This one really had me thinking.. Nothing immediately came to mind.. But I think I figured it out. I love that I am still allowing myself/able to grow as a person in every aspect of my life. In work, in my relationship, in my friendships, and in my self love.


I love that even when I’m at my lowest I try to help others thru what they are going thru.


I love my dimples 😌

✧ cry ✧

I had such a shit morning and I really really needed this ;-; I am my biggest critic and feel like I will never be good enough. This made me feel warm inside and happy.

Hallymally Bubu

How about a comfort for someone whos parents just broke up? Or lije went throigh a divorce?


This audio really made me sob 😭🥺💖 Cece, you really are a beautifully radiant person. Oh, and I guess I should say something I love about myself. I love how I’m able to help other people open up and let go of built up pain/stress and make their day a bit better, even just a little bit. Wether it be the comfort they needed or just a smile to keep them going, it makes my day better knowing I can brighten someone else’s day.


I’m not one to comment because my anxiety typically gets the best of me, but I’ve been struggling with depression and self-loathing a lot lately and this came today when I’m at one of my lowest. I needed this today thank you 🙂


This could not have come at a better time 💕


I think I’m good at being kind to others, and staying strong with people need me


Oh how I needed this one today 😭 I try to bring kindness and love to everyone, no matter who they are or what they’re going through.


I love that my rambunctious personality can make my close friends laugh and smile:)


I love that I can admit when I’m wrong. I am always willing to learn and improve, and a key part of that is recognizing my own mistakes and weaknesses and then growing from them!


I love that I’m a fluffy person in general and my irl nickname from everyone is teddy bear ☺️


I love that I am not afraid to show my true feelings, I would feel like a liar if I ever hid how I really felt from people. Also you are amazing and I love all the comfort audios!


I had to think about this for a bit, but I like that I have the vibe and energy that makes people comfortable. A lot of my friends confide in me and trust me with a lot of heavy shit that they tell me they often haven’t told people before or they haven’t told someone so quick in a friendship compared to me.


I love that I'm so driven that I've already worked my dream jobs just at 27. Im proud that I've cut out toxic people and that I've reached out for help when I really need it.


I love that I’m a person people can come to when they need comfort or need help with their problems. And I also love the fact that I’m not afraid to express my emotions and how I’m feeling at any given time. Much love to you Cece🥰


i love that i can assert myself when needed and can always be a person to look for when in need of advise


I love my hair. Even though it can be a bit of a pain to tame, it's what makes me stand out in a crowd. Its undeniably me.😁


I love the fact that I look like my mother. Shes gone now but when I look in the mirror it's almost like shes still here


I... I love that despite my trauma and everything people I've loved and helped have done to me to hurt me... I still find myself not losing my kind heart. I still have it in me to be kind and smile. Even if it's a small smile.


i love my independence! i make can myself happy and am perfectly fine taking time for myself. 🥺❤️


I love that even though Ive had trauma I’m able to genuinely smile and enjoy my friends and family


I love that I’m starting to have a positive mindset in life. For the first time ever I can look at things differently, in a brighter light. I never thought I would be able to but I love myself for the hard work I’ve put in to work past the trauma and look forward instead of back.


I love that no matter what happens, I don't give up and that past experiences (even some bad ones) have helped me grow so much as a person! AND.. thank you sm for this, it absolutely made my day🥺


I often get upset with myself because I feel like I lack motivation to do hardly anything- But when I do think about the things I don’t like, I also think about people who rely on me. It’s one thing I love about myself, the fact that my friends, and even sometimes strangers feel comfortable enough to come to me for support and comfort. I love being able to be there for others, even if I’m not sure what to say, sometimes just being willing to listen does enough for others. I love that I don’t mind listening.


As crappy as it sounds, I love that I went through a rougher childhood with the family because I’m stronger and more independent for it and it helped shape me today


I love my ability to hype my friends up and boost them up and be there for them. My love language really helps with that and helps with and I wouldn’t change it any day.


I love that despite all the bullshit I've been through, I never gave up and I'm still working towards a better and happier future for myself.


At this point in my life, I think the thing I love the most about myself is my independence and resiliency. With all the hard stuff I'm going through currently and the hard times I've had before, it's what I know I can depend on to get me through it all. Thank you so much, Cece, for providing such incredible content. 💕


i love my growth within the past three years. i’ve learned my self worth and im excited to say i’m with someone who makes me genuinely happy.


Cece!!! Thank you for these comfort audios ❤️ You do such an amazing job with everything you do and all of the heart you put into everything that you do. These Aizawa comforts hit hard 😭


I love that even when I think the world is crashing down around me, I still manage to get up the next morning. Your audios have given me something else to look forward to and they're a great incentive to get working, and a great help when I'm feeling down. The "My Precious Sunshine" audio talked me out of a really dark place, and it was the first audio of yours I had ever listened to. Its why I decided to be a patron! I hope you know what a good community you've got and how much we really appreciate you. I hope you're well and that we both continue to do our best!


The thing I love most about my looks is probably my eyes. Easiest way to describe them is blue with a tad of green laced in. Personality wise, I really don't like much about myself, but I guess I'd choose my loyalty?


I love that I'm finally learning to be comfortable in my body 😊 it's taken years and a lot of help from my current partners, but I'm getting there


I honestly love how defiant I am towards my negative/intrusive thoughts. They come up and I just go: ‘Nah you’re just that mean gremlin again. I’m good with who i am’


This audio was definitely made with a purpose. I NEEDED this audio today more that anything(deaths in family). Dealing with loss and failures are so hard. I definitely cried today listening to this. Soul soothing. I LOVE that even though it may take me awhile to get back up when I am down, I am finally at at a level that I am strong enough to pull myself back up! I refuse to stay down forever now. Thank you CeCe


I don’t really love anything about me, but this is such a sweet thing!! You’re amazing, Cece! I also love this audio so much 💕


Not gonna lie, it took me a while to think of something, but I love how easygoing I am. There are times that I think I’m too accommodating or that I’m this way because of my fear of conflict, but I genuinely love how I’m able to not take things too seriously. I’ve accepted that it’s one of my good qualities :)


Just for you Ms Yato: I’ve grown to love my hair over time. It wasn’t easy since no one taught me to how to take care of my curls, but now that I’ve learned, I really love them. Thank you for sharing your talent with us and spreading positivity and self love through this ❤️


i love ... my smile and my get along attitude :,)


I love the way my eyes look in the sunlight. They look like nature. Like moss and sand, or like the mossy ground of a pool. They remind me of the earth, and like I said, like nature. And I really love nature. It’s really pretty and fascinating


I love my freckles and love how my hair has a natural blond patch at the back of my head. I laugh every so often when my hair is just in full afro mood instead of curls and I just see a light colored dot.

Feral Idiot

I love my sense of humor


I love how I have a good sense of how to comfort those I care about, usually always knowing what to say to everyone who needs me to be strong for them. :))


I love that I’m the person that others feel comfortable with going to when they have problems. It’s a good feeling knowing that people feel safe around me. Thank you so much for what you do💖


Queen❤️if it’s possible to make requests, are you thinking about doing one where hawks is apologizing after a huge fight & just being super sweet. Thanks for making these I’m literally so obsessed with them


I love my eyes because they are hazel eyes I think they are pretty


I love how strong my imagination is and how passionate I am when it comes to the things I love (btw I almost started crying listening to this!! I love my sleepy husband and I’ve missed him so much!! Thank you so much Cece!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)


I didn't realize that I needed this. I'm so deep in the automatic i didn't notice this. Thank you so much for the sweet and comforting words, they warm up my heart. Really, thank you ❤️ And something I like about my self, I really love the colors of my eyes, and for me this is something to celebrate, I used to hate them, and now they're one of my favorite things about me ❤️✨


I love my sense of humor and that I’m able to not take everything in life so seriously. It’s something I use to get through every day because as someone with depression, it gets extremely difficult to see the positives in anything so I kinda facilitate that by using humor and learning to laugh at myself to at least ease a bit of the sadness. Unfortunately, I end up memeing my emotions to the point of barely knowing how to express them anymore lmao but you win some you lose some 🤷🏾‍♀️


Things I love about myself, is the ability to work on myself to get better in life. The ability to reach out for help and go to therapy and willing to try to solve my inner problems in order to be a better person.


These comfort audios never fail to bring me strength and an honest smile. I thank you for that! Hmmm, I'm beggining to accept my inumerous flaws as my own, but my self critic nature is something hard to overcome. However, if I can point something I like about myself I think it's my empathy towards others and perhaps my perseverance. I am where I am by my own merit and not because of those who did not believe in me.


I have done it and it was so worth it to see everyones stories


I was literally just in a horrible mood and this post brought me happiness once again thank you Cece 😊 One thing i like about myself is i’m very caring. Anyone I care about i’ll cherish them forever and will always find a way to uplift them and make sure they feel good about themselves.


Ngl I cried listening to this at work. I have always been super hard on myself given what has happened in my life. But I always try to find the little things to pull me out of the hole I tend to dig when I start being hard on myself. Some of the things I like to think about include; my random bits of information I know, my creative nature when it comes to my cosplay, my love of music, and sometimes I like my face. But that doesn't happen often. But one day at a time.


Wow I’ve had a horrible week and I’m about to start sobbing


man i cried

Key-Azia Deveaux

I love how I have a beauty mark in my lip, it’s my best quality and other things but I treasure it more out of the other things!


I like how empathetic I am. I’m observant of people’s emotions and I love when I’m able to make those in need feel safe, loved, and supported. I may not be able to say the right words sometimes, but my love language involves giving, so whether it be giving a cookie, a hug or a compliment, anything I can use to make others feel better, that alone makes me feel good knowing that I’ve made somebody’s day better, ease those bad thoughts. Sometimes I feel useless. Sometimes reassurance or actions aren’t enough to forget about the reality they face. I wish I was able to fix it somehow, take the pain away, but I can’t. I have to sit and watch them crumble once again. It’s painful. But I try my best to pick up those pieces and build them back up to the great person they were. I’m not in this life to make others feel like shit. I’m here to help others, it’s not my duty but it’s how my heart works and I’m fine with it. So Cece, you’re not alone. You got thousands of people who will be there to catch you when you fall, cushion it at least. We support every decision you make, if you decide to take some time off go for it. Like you always tell us, if you give and give and give, what’s left for yourself? We love you so so much. You deserve the best. 💛🌼🤍


This was so lovely to hear after a particularly bad day. Its genuinely tough to think of what i like about myself but i guess I love that I can smile even at the worst times?


It’s been a hard week, didn’t realize how much I needed this.


You are such a beautiful person. You truly are. I love that I can help others by offering a shoulder and a friend, even if they never talk to me again it makes me happy to know that they can be a bit happier.


My determination :) there has been many a day where the only thing that was keeping me going was the will power to see it though.


I wish I had these audios when I was going through university. It means so much to hear someone say it's okay to fail, especially when school punishes you for failing. I'm still working on self love, so thank you for helping me and others get there. I thought long and hard on this but if I had to say, it'd be that I'm a good listener? I could listen to someone ramble on for hours and I'm usually the type to just let other people speak before myself /o\. anyways we love you sm cece 💕


I like my ability to strongly care for others, even if I don’t know them. I’ve always seen my empathy as a weakness, but during these crazy times I’ve been practicing as seeing it as my superpower.

Christine Carter

I like what I have been able to achieve on my own. I am able to live very independently but sometimes I wish I had someone to lean on like Shouta here *sigh Thank you for this one. I absolutely needed it this week.


I didn't think I'd burst into tears but I did... The end really got to me. It was so quiet and soft and gentle and oof....


I like how emotionally strong I am so I can help people with their problems and be a pillar for them. Also I’m the ox of my family so I like being strong in a more physical sense and having people ask me to crack their backs , pick up stuff, or carry them places lolol.


The end, where Aizawa turned so soft and quiet and comforting, almost put me to sleep. I wish there were sleep aid audios in the same vain of that, just being reassured and comforted..I'm so sleepy now, heh.


I really did feel comforted by this audio, especially since it’s Aizawa 🥰😸 Really makes me grateful that I stumbled upon Yato san’s amazing work, especially during these hard times


Not even 30 seconds in and I'm already crying


Can she read minds? I was just wishing for some more cuddly Aizawa stuff last night!


i love that i could make my mom smile by being myself 💕 she’s my world.


The one thing I love about myself is that I give myself the power to cut toxic people out of my life so I can try to be as happy as possible


I love that I have allowed myself to not let other people take control of me for their own benefit 😁❤️

Ashby Alfaro

I love that I allowed my creativity to flow and not care about other peoples opinions matter 🖌👻🧟‍♀️❤❤❤


My heart feels full and I feel warm... thank you!


I love how I can let a lot of stuff wash off of my back like a bird with water on its wing. Of course, I have to stew in it for a minute or two but once I’m finished dissecting it and over analyze it, I toss it away and move on to the next❤️✨


I love that I am understanding of most people’s hearts and that I’m such a quick learner with crafting. I love that I’m raising 2 wonderful kids who love me and to have an amazing spouse to help me through the rough stuff


I love my creativity


Ah I really needed this ❤️❤️

Amy Rose

Maybe this isn’t exactly what he meant but I like my butt... like seriously I like to think I have a nice one


if u catch me crying over this no u don’t 🤑

Ashley Nicole

Lately, I’ve been feeling hella self confident (which is not normal for me????) and I 100% believe it’s because of listening to these audios ^^ so thank you Cece!!

Ashley Nicole

And to complete the assignment...I love how sympathetic I am with others and how I’m a good listener. Also my dimples lol ✨


So like you know that moment when your little and you trip and fall down and you're fine until someone asks ”are you okay?” and you just start sobbing. Yeah, that's what this audio was like. 😭


Something I love about myself? My love of books, I guess?


I love my wild imagination. Even though I’m an adult, people still say I have the heart of a child and I things that can be a good thing sometimes:)


Oh I needed this so much, thank you! After the first few words I burst into tears thank you really needed a cry


I love my laugh, when I get to hear it. Aizawa is a HUGE comfort character for me. So here I am at 25, crying and holding tight to a pillow as I listen to him tell me everything I could ever need to hear. You are amazing Cece, thank you for this and all the work you’re doing 🧡


The comfort corners are too precious for this world


if it’s not too much to ask for but can you make some more nightmare comfort audios?


Something I love about myself is my hair and eyes. I used to hate my hair because I was the only one I knew with red hair and I got made fun of for it A LOT. But since growing up and finding happiness in myself, I’ve grown to love my hair and use it to my advantage as an artist at creator that hasn’t had to dye their hair red for anything. It makes me stand out and I love it


listen me: #PEGDABI 👁️👄👁️


I needed this after my relapse...


basically the only thing i love bout myself are my eys


What i love about myself is that i do my best to notice and remember the likes and the unique reactions of someone


I love personality.


i love my ability to make other people laugh, being a jokester and mood fixer is my best quality 🖤


i was driving home from work listening to this and i just started crying. i realized this is the most encouragement and love i’ve ever had... and what i love about myself..i love that i always go out of my way to help my patients at work. i love that i’m always willing to help even if it’s in the smallest way.


I really needed this today 💔 And something i love about myself... i love that i always get back up, even on my worst days. I can look back to my last bout of poor mental health, and remind myself i made it through it.

Madeline Milliken

God I love these audios. I can’t even describe it.


C-could you please consider doing a tsukishima audio from haikyuu!!👉👈🥺

Dessi Bear ❤️

The thing I love about myself most are my eyes and lips 🌞


I love that my scars remind me not only of the many forms of pain, but serve also as the story of my recovery and my journey so far.


I love my smile and how giving I am to others.

Vonnah Cool

I always say that my eyes aren't that beautiful to my fiance, but I honestly love my eyes so so much. I love looking into them haha, they're just brown eyes with nothing extra in them but they're really pretty and they're the first thing I look at when I feel beautiful. I think im just acting really shy to my mans haha 😁 thank you for giving me this opportunity to love myself a little bit

Vonnah Cool

Also I've never wanted a head pat so so bad in my life until Aizawa mentioned it


I love that I can stay calm in a stressful situation and that I am a pretty positive person. Also I love my freckles


I love that I am strong enough to overcome my feelings of depression and self doubt as well as having the bravery to leave an abusive relationship


The one thing that i love about myself..i guess is that i was able to leave my very toxic ex. We were together for 6 years, we started dating when i was 14 and i really thought i loved him but the longer we were together, i was starting to not love myself and a lot of it came from his manipulation that made me feel like i was weak, dumb, and sometimes unwanted... And the short times that he was nice he really thought that that was enough to prove that he wasnt abusive...i broke up with him in November of last year and sadly I've been very lonely since ive pushed everyone away for him, ive created this demonic bully in my head that always puts me down, and this inability to start a conversation to people since i feel like, who the hell would care anyways?.. Im so glad i found you, cece. Youve really helped me through this time with your amazing voice and ways to heal people. I really do love you from the bottom of my heart 💕


I love my ability to smile, even if I'm trying not to, I really cannot help it😊😊


I love when I smile :) but that’s only when I listen to your vids and am in a good mood :> 💗💗

Sun Rai

I love that I have the ability to make other people feel comforted and loved. I realize that it stems from me not feeling loved by others in my past, so I try my best to make others feel heard and valid.

Syber 🐍

I love my artistic ability — I think, without it, I would struggle to express myself and share how I’m feeling. Sometimes, when I’m upset, I draw a picture for my boyfriend to show how I’m feeling... emotions are easier in art than they are in words!


i have my huge board exams in just a matter of days and my stress levels have been off the charts so this really hit the spot ❤ thank you sm cece


also to join the chain, i love that my heart is so big and i care so much for others. i know how important it is to have someone to fall back on, so to provide my loved ones with that support means so much to me.




I love that I go out of my way to help those in need. Honestly, I really needed this. Thank you.


Also, I never knew I needed Aizawa nearly in tears like that. But oh my precious heart. I needed this so badly.


I love that I can see that even after all of the pain and trauma I go through, I will for sure look back on it and see how much I've grown as a person.

Alice Kerssens

I had a really rough day today at work, and everything this audio said was what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for this 💕 I love that I’ve grown as a person over the last few years, and I’ve been able to develop a way to deal with my anxiety that would make teenage me very proud


I love that even though when I have the shittiest day at work, I still smile and be able to make other people's day a good one. Making others smile, helps me feel like I did something good for them, which made me happy too.


This is two times now Aizawa has made me cry...


I love that I broke the habit of blaming myself for my mental illness and broke the habit of apologizing to others for it. It’s not something I can ever get rid of but I made it manageable.


I love that I can make myself laugh. People maybe don’t always get my jokes or why I’m smiling about a dumb meme I thought of, but I like my sense of humor, and I think that’s important since it’s in *my* head and I’m the one who has to live with my dumb jokes


I’ve been trying to think of something I love about myself for the past 20 minutes. And man am I struggling.


I love that I can make my sisters laugh and amuse myself. I love that I have the strength to push through my mental illnesses. I really needed this audio. Much love Cece 🖤


I feel like the only thing about myself that I actually truly love is my ability to befriend nearly anyone. I have only a few exceptions, and I have a very good/accurate judgement of character.


I love the way my smile radiates like a sun, and my eyes shine with curiosity. The curves of my body, its unique


I love the color of my eyes. I love that my friends are willing to put up with my shenanigans. <3


I love your comfort audios! Is there any chance maybe doing one for disabled listeners? Totally don’t have to, but I struggle with a lung disability, and I’m pretty down and self conscious about it, and I thought if there are other listeners with other disabilities, that a comfort audio for disabled listeners could be good. Thank you for everything you do!


Today has been a really bad day, but as soon as I saw this I knew I needed to listen to this, and hopefully fall asleep to this. Thank you for creating these.


This hits different after a hard week 🥺


I remember I was in a group thingy and somebody asked what was something we disliked about ourselves and we all had so many things to say but when the person asked us what was one thing we liked about ourselves we all stayed quiet. I never thought there was something to like about me and I still don’t


If there’s one thing I love about myself is that I’m very open minded and accepting of others people ideas, likes, dislikes, and lots more. If any one here needs someone to just hear them out I am here. Don’t be afraid to message me!😊


I love you and everything you do us as a community✨💖 Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Something I love about myself is my smile and hugs 💗 Many other people tell me that I have a nice smile and bubbly personality. And my hugs are just so warm and loving, somethings it feels like a superpower to make others happy :3

Kitty Kat

This made me cry! I love this character and that you do these! It is the best! It was like getting a hug!


Thank you so much! Aizawa is my main source of comfort and I feel so happy. Something I love about myself...my loyalty, I guess?


I love my eyes out of everything


I love your work, you're audios always brighten my day. Something abut myself i love would probably be my ability to cheer up my friends.


lol brb gonna go SOB <33333

Candy Kat

This makes my heart feel for nice. It's an added bonus when you have the nickname Kitty and Kat 😏 Thats one of the reasons I love about this Aizawa 😍 💜


One thing I love about myself is that I can make others happy easily:) I can cheer them up and make them smile. I love that :)


Something I love about myself is even when I'm down and depressed, and someone else is down, I'll push my emotions aside and try my hardest to make them feel better and to feel happy.

Miss Rose

Haven't really been 100% lately and your audios help so much thank you sm for being here it really warms my heart <3 nd smth i love about myself is my lips and eyes, okey gn i love you ❤


I love these Audios. It's a nice escape from reality for me, but it's also a reminder that I don't think I'll ever find someone who cares this much about me. 🥺😭


I fell asleep to this one omg, I love this 🥺🥺🥰🥰🥺🥺


Honestly the only thing I do love is my ability to do art that I’m happy with

Rainfire 333

Physical trait about myself I love is my eyes. Non physical trait is that my friends know they can fell comfortable coming to me with anything.




Made it 3mins in and broke down


I have a couple things I love about myself : my (chubby) cheeks, my thighs, my HAIR, my morals, it’s a lot :>


I love my hair and my eyes. I finally see the nose I was bullied for when I was younger as beautiful. And I like how efficient I am as a worker and a student ❤️

Hannah Lee

I would say my eyes. I know its like a classic to say but tbh there the most prettiest after crying.. how the pain contrast the beauty

Hannah Lee

Also someone with bpd.. im constantly hating on myself and worrying that I'm never gonna make it. I honestly bawled my eyes out and I cried even more when I realized he wasn't real...


I love my soft tummy! Im laying in bed anxious af and listening to this at 1am. Thank you so much for these soft comfort audios ♡


i’ve been in a really bad place with me depression and anxiety this past week but something that makes me proud of who i am? sharing my experience with younger ones and saying it’s okay to feel these things. a lot of people do. lets talk about it. because i didn’t have that growing up. so yeah😅


I love my freckles. But I hate being in my skin. My freckles make me feel unique 🥺


This hit my heart in so many ways. I was at work and had to take a moment because I broke down.. Thank you this was much needed.


I didn’t originally listen to the audio because I was busy. And I just listened to it and absolutely broke down. I told my coworker about how much I hate myself and she made me a list of reasons she thinks I’m amazing. And I just can’t stop crying. My self esteem has been my biggest issue for my entire life and I always avoid it with my therapist. But I think I’m gonna bring it up during my next session. Thank you Cece I really needed this. 💕

Arcana (He Him)

I like my hair and my eyes. I like that I care for people. During this audio I took my time to feel, let out all the hurt, despair and just realise that it's not wrong to not be okay sometimes.


Some words of inspiration ✨😌


I love that I’m comfortable in my own skin :)❤️


I love my freckles and my drive to be strong! You’ve got this and you are going to do great things!


I needed this 😭


i love that i am extremely passionate about the things i love. my family, my friends, my hobbies. i also like my thighs and my makeup skills☺️


I love how supportive I am


this...........this honestly healed my heart in a way that I didn’t know was possible.


I love my nails. I didn't know how much I needed this 😥❤


i. cried. This one is just different, it really helped me today. Thank you so much for this❤️


I cried, but I needed this, thank you. The thing I like, my sense of humor and the way I can be there for the people I love.


I love my eyes and eyelashes.. they're just pretty :3


I love my artistic sense. I love playing music with my three instruments, drawing, writing my fanfictions, and baking. They just let me get lost mentally and let loose. This video is something that let me loosen up. Like my body just stayed still while listening to words I needed to hear from somebody. Thank you for this one 💛🖤💛


Thank you always for these thoughtful words. I never know how much I need to hear them until we get in to it.


For me, I love my patience in everyday situations. Having it isn’t always what I want, but it keeps me from destroying some of the things most precious to me


I just keep coming back to this when I'm sad


this came at the perfect time. thank you for doing this for us! 💛


i think the thing i love the most about myself is my soul. it’s comprised of all my feelings, hopes, past experiences (good and def the bad) and even if it is a bit bruised at the moment, i know that the reason we are here is to heal ourselves and help others do the same


If he was only real🥺


This is beautiful. So sweet and just ugh...I love it...but man I can’t wait for eraser daddy to blow my back out in a new audio ☠️


I love that I love dad jokes. They are great and hilarious.


What I love about myself is the ability to remain resilient. I’ve been through so much in life and I’ve survived all of it. I’m strong! Thank you for making these 💙💙


I love that despite all the pain I've gone through, and all the hurt people have caused me, I still love so thoroughly and honestly. I never give up and I still have love in my heart.


I like the colour of my eyes, it seems to be one of the only things I appreciate about my body


I really needed this one today, thank you


I love how much I love animals, I love that I can care so deeply about something

Alex Himura

Aizawia literally is the best... please marry me aizawia

Meli VonCherry

I love this audio, and Shinsou audio too ;n;) thank you! I don't know how many times I have listened now


One thing i love about myself is that i really try my best to help and be there for others, more than i’m there for myself.


I really needed this. 🥺 Thank you


I love my creativity, my too huge heart, and my resilience

Animeniacs !

I love that I help people (though it may be a bit too much)

Cinna Bun

I love how dedicated i can be to someone or something and how deep i love 🥰


I love how I’m able to comfort people with my hugs and my *mom vibe*. Knowing that people are being comforted and know that they are supported is really nice

Lady Kiyah ?

Why can’t I have a guy like this irl? These do bring me so much comfort.


I love that I’m able to truly be myself & live life the way that makes me happy, regardless of the obstacles that come from it.




I love how I grew to love myself over the past years. Thank you for being here for us, Yagami.


The reason I surround myself with Hufflepuff things is because all those traits are the things that I like about myself. Kind, hard working, loyal, fair. Traits that a lot of people might think are not impressive or useful when compared to being brave or smart, but are actually some of the most beautiful things about the world and valuable to humanity.


I love that I have never lost sight of the things that I love, my singing, my writing, my photography, if I didn't have those things I don't think I'd be here today. These audios help me so much, it seemed silly to me when I first discovered these kinds of audios but now I don't even care anymore, these are words I long to hear but no one has ever said them to me, and I love that I'm starting to accept myself more, and these audios are helping me do that ❤ Also, to everyone here who needs to hear it: you are loved, you are appreciated, and you are worthy and don't you ever give up on the things you love, EVER. You can do anything. Luv U ❤


I listen to this everynight. I weep, and i feel better. This. Right here. Is the comfort i seek🥰🥰🥰😣


i have never cried so much during an audio...but by the end I felt safe and comforted. thank you (as for something I love about myself...I love my leadership abilities)


I like that I can smile and make others smile even if I am going through a lot


This made me feel so much better after such a bad day


Thank you so much for putting this out in the world. I really needed to hear this and get it out of my mind. I did cry but I needed it. As for what I love about myself, I don’t like most of myself but I do like how small my nose is. It’s the one thing I don’t hate.


I’m crying. This really is what I needed to hear 😭


just listened to this, and i felt the safest i’ve felt in a long time. thank you, cece, for helping me feel safe and regain trust in the world. as for something i love about myself... i’m bad at picking those things out, but i love my ability to make the people around me feel included and valid. people always tell me i know exactly what to say, which makes me so proud because i’m studying to be a therapist.


I dont know why but every time i hear the phrase "just relax" I cant help but feel an ache in my heart... It makes me feel so comforted and I cant not cry... Thank you, looks like i really needed to hear this <3


I'm a survivor. I'm still me despite being sent to conversion therapy.


Thank you Cece. I know that in the end these characters are fictional however the words they(you) say in these audios will stick by me more than anything else I've had anyone tell me. I feel so comforted and loved and like I have regained some strength and that ill make it through. I haven't felt this in a while and I just really wanted to say thank you. Im still nee to the Fandom so idk how you particularly feel about these audios but im so grateful that you make them and that you out so much effort and care into them. It means a lot to us.


I like how I always try to make others happy even when I'm not. And thank you! This helps me a lot today!


I like that I haven’t given up on myself - I am capable.


I'm really sobbing. Thank you.. I cant Express how much this means to me. I know I dont have it as bad as others do, but I dont hear half of what these comfort corners have often. And to hear them right now when I'm not really feeling the best with myself and my choices is a blessing. Again I need to thank you for making them, because they really make me feel like its gonna be okay. As for what I like... I think I'd say my eyes becuase they are a pretty blue grey color. Sorry this is so long. Update: listened to this before I went to sleep and that wat wlthe most peaceful, restful sleep I have have in a long long time. Thank you Cece for making these audios. I cant express my gratitude enough.


i never realized how badly i needed something like this. it made me cry, and i needed this comfort. thank you so much cece...

Little Miss

Goodness I did not expect to cry so much 🥺 These comfort audios are so amazing, it makes me feel so fuzzy inside 💕 As for something I love about myself, I love my ability to adapt to change


Thank you so much. I was having a anxiety attack and my bad habits were showing up and this help me to calm down a little bit ❤❤❤


something about aizawa whispers puts me RIGHT to sleep lol <3


Just listened to this while having a meltdown in the shower and it really helped me. Thank you, CeCe ♥️


I have been listening to this one on repeat for the past 6 hours. It really comforts you. No matter how many times you listen to it. It may be a fictional character but the voice isn’t. Thank you Cece. ❤️


I just wanna say that these comfort corners get me through the day with a smile on my face. I could be having a really horrible day but listening to these make me feel so much better. Thank you for this ❤️


I just really love the way I act when I get really happy or excited about something. My eyes will go wide and I'll start jumping around. I smile like I'm 5 again.


I love the way I try to help others, drop what I’m doing if I can. I do it because there was a time that I needed help, but I felt as if I had no one... I ended up attempting suicide because of it. I don’t want to see people feel helpless like how I felt.


I love the way that I can still love everyone so deeply even after all the pain I have been through. My heart has taken a beating but it always gets back up and embraces both myself and others with so much love ot brings tears of joy to my eyes.


Thank you for this Cece. Really, these words make me feel so much better💜


I listened to this while getting ready for work in the morning. When he said look in the mirror and say something good about yourself, it hit hard in a good way. Thank you, Cece. ❤

Logan LaBeaux

I love this so much, especially from Aizawa. I need this so much! I love hearing it! My friend got me on here to your Patreon recently and I love it! More Aizawa please. I love how everytime I have fallen down, no matter how hard I have always bounced back and never got bitter, I have always had hope in a better tomorrow.


I have never really love much about myself. Especially my looks. But I guess... I like that im always wanting to help my friends and family smile even if im not smiling on the inside. I want others around me to be as happy as they can. So ill keep making others smile to brighten their day.


Thank you 💕 these help me so much with panic attacks and hey man you can’t have intrusive thoughts when Aizawa’s there 🥰




I like that I'm trans. It allows me to learn and be open minded to everyone. I use to hate myself for it and sometimes i still do. On the bright side i get to be part of an amazing community and learn so much...sorry if that doesn't make sense hope you're all having a good day.(- w -;)


I like that I can be a very good listener and can put a smile on people's faces

amethyst lonsdale

Whatever caused you to relapse, I want you to know; you are stronger than this. You are stronger than your pains. Why else are you here? Because you’re a survivor and I love that about you. You’re a survivor and you deserve to hear/read this: You’re a beautiful human being and deserve to be happy. I love you for who you are and you better know it friend


I'm crying.. Thank you so much


I ~NEEDED~ this, SO MUCH today. Thank you, so much.


I...Am so proud of myself for having made it this far. I am still here.


Me: *an unsuspecting individual who suffers from abandonment issues and loneliness* Aizawa: "I will NEVER abandon you." Me: ;-; ..okay... I dont ever think I've said "I love you" in the mirror. Its honestly hard to love myself as a whole, but one thing I can confidently say that I love about myself is that I try to stay positive and be a beacon of happiness for others, even when I can't find one or be one for myself.


just wanted to pop on this audio and say that you've really helped me in university this semester! aizawa is really a really big comfort character of mine and all your comfort audios always make me feel better when I'm doing homework, studying, or working on a project. i usually also like to put on some rain in the background. the sleeping audios also are a favorite of mine. hope you're doing well <3




Honestly, I’m glad that I found this at this moment... I needed this kind of audio... Something comforting... I’ve been considering so many things (dw suicide is luckily not one of them). I needed this. Thank you Yagami~


I've always loved being a shorty 5ft 3, probably why I always loved tall men, the desire to be cocooned within their arms.


Can we talk about the one meow in the background?

Marceline may

I love that I can sing and that's all I need to to to make someone smile or pull them out of their anxiety or depression


Much needed. Thank you 💜💜💜💜