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To each and every one of you who struggles with depression or scars left behind after abuse or terrible things, please never feel like you're suffering is too little or too much to share, I want to be there for you as someone still in recovery cause this is as much as comfort for all of you as it is me trying to face my own demons, because I know how difficult it is, digging up feelings you don't know how to face, as a trauma holder who has dealt with some of the most horrible things of humanity, I want you to be able to find your tears, and then after you express it, the path to your true smile from the bottom of your heart, trust me, I've got a long way to go too, we can challenge it together and work a bit every day to accept ourselves!!



Bruh I really needed this thank you so much ily ❤️


you’re the best 🥺❤️❤️


I'm so thankful for this, queen. I hope you the best ❤


🥺👉👈 god I needed this so much




Thank u


Omggg ❤️


oh god i already know i’m gunna cry lmao


early.. & i needed this.❤️


❤ thank you so much for this!


Yo, I’m already crying from how thoughtful this is


Cece you're a literal angel ❤️❤️❤️

Corgi Corgi



thank u ❤️


shitim gonna cry already and im only 20 seconds in im




thank you cece, i really, really needed this..💕

Mary Dukes

You are a ray of sunshine in this dark world~ 💕🌸🌸


I guess I don’t need a therapist any more 🥰💕


I love that you do these for all different types of comfort. Not many creators are brave enough to tackle dark subjects but you provide people who have been through extremely difficult times some much needed audio hugs and a safe space. Sending you all the love in the world for what you do xo 💗💗💗


Only a few seconds in and I'm already sobbing 🥺


youre great. just recently i have been going through bad stuff because of my traumas again and i couldnt be happier to see that you took your time to make an audio like this.. i love you sm


*Sobs aggressively* thank youuuu I needed this


I’m going to love this so much


Thank you this is really helping me get through things for now


Sometimes I feel like we don't (or at least I don't) deserve such a wonderful person.. Your words mean a lot, CeCe and I can't thank you enough..❤️


I won't lie. I'm in hospital rn. So. I'm here because I can't recover. Thank you. So much.


Thank you so much for this.


Thank you dearly for this

Vi A.Crux

My wholesome queen, thank you so much




I was having a rough night with unwanted memories. Thank you for offering a comfort and support I struggled to ask for

Aby Noel

We’re here for each other I love you Cece 💜❤️❤️


*Adding this to my post therapy comfort list* thank you, you do so much for us and we really appreciate it!


CeCe, you truly are an Angel and i’m so grateful for you, I really can’t thank you enough for what you do. I really really needed this ❤️❤️


Dear cece, I want to say you remind me of my moms bestfirend, my mom is not the affection type at all more like the opposite, and when we were over she just kept yelling at me and calling me ungrateful, when she walked away her bad came up to me and asked if I was okay and it made me cry and I said yes but she knew I wasn't and she just hugged me and it felt so nice. I don't see her anymore, and you helping and comforting us really helps. You treat us so kind and thank you for that ❤️


I always listen to your audios when I have my bad days of remembering my past. I have a lot of issues with self worth and you always cheer me up.


Oh this gave me a rollercoaster of emotions. I didnt need to cry at 6 AM. But still, thank you. it means alot to me to hear this ❤❤


I honestly feel so safe 🥺 thank you so much!❤❤ You're literally the best omg 😭💞


To all you guys in the comments who are going through something, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR DOING GREAT! Even if you feel like your not doing great that’s ok too because things will get better 🥺💖


You are tge best tysm🥺💖💖💖💖


From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You've got no idea how much this means to me. ❤️


I'm officially in belief of you being a Goddess. I had a night terror (waking up screaming, not knowing if I'm actually awake or not, cold sweat and crying) for the first time since my abuser became a free man again. To make it worse, my doctor stopped my antidepressants-did not inform me or ween me off them-just yesterday...just...Thank you. I needed this really bad...thank you.


❤️ ❤️ Thank you ❤️ ❤️ I want to give you a long hug


I can’t say I know what any of you are going through if you’ve experienced what this audio helps you with but my heart goes out to you 💜


Thank you so much for this, it hit really close to home. I'm so lucky to have people around me who helped me escape when I really needed it. So just hearing this brought me so much happiness. ❤


I dont know who hurt you, but I want to tell you that you still rock this world. Screw whoever hurt you, you dont deserve it. Please, seek help if you need. Its okay. Theres no shame in needing professional help. You will be okay. And you can work through it. You will be okay.


Oh no oh no oh no IM NOT READY


Words can never describe how much I wanna give you a hug


I'm sobbing I've been ræped when I was a child multiple times and once I got older I've started self harming cause I wanted to get his feeling off me wanted to keep my mind of the pain ive felt I've tried killing mylsef many times and every time I felt like it was my fault for what happened to me I was so weak to know I had to be monitored while I slept cause I get night terrors of my trauma and j wake up sobbing screaming in pain feeling like it's happening again and monitored everyday making sure I don't cut my wrist or harm myself in anyway and anxiety just made it worst and bullying I've felt useless and so broken feeling like I'm nothing but a pain in the ass and I deserves the pain i gotten I felt sick so sick and so nasty and dirty... It been 12 years ago when I was taken from my innocent And to be honest cece youre the best person I've ever known you generally care about us and not abt fame and money like other content creators thank you so much and I'm glad I found out abt you🍒 my toad tofu says thank you too🍓💖💖


Thank you so much for this x I needed this so much x I'm so glad to support someone as amazing as you x

Mama Cookie

You are a wonderful human, and I understand you Cece. I understand you so much baby, remember this please baby. No matter what life throws at you the fact that you are still breathing proves the one who hurt you that you are stronger then you were back then. And that you are still going to get better even when things are dark you will be okay. I promise baby I promise you so that it will get better. You are not your abuse, you are not your trauma you are a wonderful ducking human being and you will make mistakes and but you will learn from your past mistakes and they will make you stronger and a better person. I promise you that you are valid and that I understand you and I feel you on a level and that you will become stronger and that you are a survivor and that you will become a beautiful woman and that none of it is your fault. You’re beautiful and talented and wanted and loved on this fucking earth. You’re a beautiful person who’s makes us smile. So please smile and know that we love you and that you are a wonderful person that you will become beautiful.


Thank you so much


I wish I could reach through this phone and hug you...thank you for everything Cece 💞 and YAY HEADPATS >w< 💞


Oh no...it's hitting very hard close to home right now... i cried during all this, i've been severly abuse all my life and i needed that really bad actually, you will be okay queen, we are all here for you, we love you, so SO very much your work give life to people you're an angel on earth really i'm sure you saved some peoples me included. Don't work to hard and take care of yourself love you deserve it !. WE LOVE YOU QUEEN QAQ 💞💟💓💕💖


Thank you so much for this Cece. I absolutely needed this.


Thank you ❤


I don’t even have any words... I just want a hug... I really needed this and I felt so numb because it just... hurt so much thinking about it. But thank you so much for this Cece. I wish I could help you just as much as you help me.


Im just listening to this watching the sun come up, actually feeling hopeful for once. Thank you for that. Thank you for reaching out, it means the world Cece. Sometimes it's really tough to compartmentalize emotions that come out of nowhere. Sudden overwhelming feelings of sadness or anger that rear their head without warning, even after having processed certain events and circumstances they can continue to have power over you and control enough of your life that it can be extremely hopeless. It helps, when a friend does so much as ask if you're okay, let alone addressing the looming spectre. Thanks for being that friend at 6:00am, when sleep didn't find some of us, when some bad feeling may have greeted us with the sun. Thanks for being a kind voice in the fog. Seriously, thanks Cece.


Thank you so much. I definitely needed this after yesterday. 💖


First off I just wanna say thank you I really needed this. And I hope you are taking care of yourself too cece ❤️


I suffer from heavy depression and hated myself for what I looked like. Throughout my schooling years, I've been bullied because of my appearance. I have always kept things to myself and never told anyone. I've always told them that "I'm okay" and "Nothing is wrong". But at the end of the day, its just me... Crying into my pillow. I barely had any friends growing up as well. Growing older, my depression had gotten worse. Where my depression had almost lead me to committing. I thought getting rid of myself would get rid of my problems but doing so, it would have created more problems. It took me a moment to realise what was actually going on and left my house to my friends next door. I found help that I needed to keep me going. These past few months, I started to love myself, for who I am and what I like look like. So I promise you Cece, I'll never give up like I did then and keep on going. Thank you 💕


Thank you so much Cece, I really needed this today. Thank you for reaching out, and even for being as strong as you are, even if sometimes you think you aren’t. I most definitely cried while listening to this, but that’s okay, I needed to let it out. All of that really hit home.


This hit too hard to home... But I'm thankful for this one cece.💜


I love you for doing this. Depression is a very very common mental health issue this day. I suffer it every single day. This made me feel so much better. I am definitely saving this one. Seriously, thank you Cece. I just started following you recently. I feel bad for not following you sooner than now. I am so happy you do this for us and those who are suffering every day with mental illnesses. Your voice is getting me through a rough time right now. My fiance has been stuck on deployment since January. Supposed to be home in May. They keep extending him. He probably wont be home til September or Oct. It has been depressing and your voice is getting me through this. Thank you, again. This audio is being saved to my phone. 🥰❤❤💖💖💖

Evie Vaughan

When i was little (12 years old), my father was very abusive..he drank a lot and hurt me, my baby brother and my mom, hell, sometimes it even got the point of us calling the cops. When I turned 14, he started to touch me in places I don't like, but...I was too scared to tell anyone because I was scared they would call me a lier...when I went to school one day, I had a bruise on my right wrist where he graped me too hard, my bullies saw it and made fun of me... They called me weak, useless, ugly, and a slut, I'm a pushover and can't say no to people because I'm scared of them being mad, so I just stood there and cried.... I never told my mother, she has so depressed, I remember hearing her cry at night. I felt that she had enough stress on her plant....


We love you so much Cece, thank you for this audio ♥️🙏🏼


You are just our lovely Angel Cece.. Thank you so much for everything ❤️💕💞

Miss Rose

Thank you so much i really needed to hear this, you are such an amazing and extraordinary person and i know we can get through this together, thank you so much for being here i love you :) 💖💝💓❤😭


I suffered from severe emotional and sometimes physical trauma ever since my grandfather died so many years and I still suffer to this day. Before listening to this, I was self-deprecating myself and calling myself the worse things in the book. But after listening to this, I realized that I shouldn't keep everything that is bad and harmful inside and that I need to let it out. You've helped me come to that realization and for that, I am eternally grateful for everything that you do. I may be crying while typing this, but I really am grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Cece and I hope that we can work through this together 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


"You have the right to say no" Waterworks 🤧🤪 But honestly, I keep forgetting that no is an option


this hit home


Im rly sorry for what you went through, you didnt deserved to be hurt this way. And it pains me so much that such a winderful person had to go through this much. But im happy youre getting better and youre still here and im happy ive found you! I wish you to recover from all these left scars and heal yourself. Thank you for speaking up abt such a heavy topic and bringing comfort for those who couldnt get it anywhere else bc im one those ppl. And thank you for saying that what we feel is valid and real. Bc for many years and honestly i still think im just overreacting or it should not affect me this much, even though it does. TW: a bit of tmi I wasnt the typical victim everyone seems to care abt, i dont fit the mold bc i was rped by a girl whos also a few years younger than me at that and she was the person i loved the most. So i always thought "well i wasnt penetrated by a man so it doesnt count its not that bad right?" But this made me unable to let ppl touch me and sleep with me in one bed bc i would get into panic. Im sorry if i overshare and i honestly think it useless to talk abt it bc it never goes away. But thank you Cece your words made me reconsider that and i want to get better. 💖 Im rly thankful for what you do for us, you make many ppl happy please know that. So for that please take care of yourself we want you to be happy too. 💕

Andrea Blanco

oh I know imma cry to this...


Thank you. Thank you for the words no one told me when they learned the mirror was broken or why the image of myself was shattered. Validating the emotions that rage beneath the placid surface. The apologies that still pour out even after I placed each piece back into place in an attempt to make the mirror whole again. The practiced smiles and laughter to make it all seem okay. The walls that keep everyone out of arms reach and the thorns that keep others from trying to get to close. Let's continue this journey, one step at a time, after all, healing these wounds takes time and support. I'm far too aware that this is a hard journey to face alone. Thank you, Cece, truly. 🖤An over abundance of love🖤


thank you so much for this. i needed this so much. a couple of days ago my abuser tried contacting me again and all my terrible memories just came back at once. thank you for everything you do cece. your audios have helped me so much these couple of days, especially this one. im sending you all my love 💓 thank you for making me feel less alone


Sexual abuse is valid no matter the gender of your abuser ;-; please don’t feel that your feelings and wish to get bette are not valid or real. You’re lovely and don’t forget it!!

Meli VonCherry



Thank you.... Just thank you for this...


Thank you so much, I’ve been struggling. I relapsed a few weeks ago, the first thing I did to calm me down was listen to you. I love you so much and I am so grateful to you for all of the wonderful content. Together!!!


Thank you, Cece 💙


This..😭 I have many self inflicted scars that I try to cover..depression is a scary, scary thing that I also suffer from along with anxiety. Everyday it’s a constant struggle..but this just..this just helped clear my mind from all the bad, negative thoughts. Thank you. Seriously. Thank you..❤️


Thank you, thank you so much for everything you do for us and other followers of yours 💙


🥺💕 I just wanna hug you! Thank you so much this gave me so much courage 💕💕


cece, sweetheart, thank you. you have no idea how much i needed this rn. i have a lot of debilitating psychological problems that stem from underlying trauma and i’ve just started to get to a point where i’m beginning to really work through the trauma itself and it’s the hardest but best thing i’ve ever done. the timing of this post couldn’t have been better for me personally. anyways... WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH SWEET BABY ANGEL GODDESS. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. YOU INSPIRE ALL OF US TO KEEP GOING, SO KEEP FIGHTING YOUR FIGHT. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO AND NEVER STOP BEING YOUR PRECIOUS SELF!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️ WE 💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 LOVE 🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚 YOU 💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗 ❤️🧡💛💚💙


I love you so much 💕💕


Thank you so much we love you 🥺💖💖


I love you cece you are a wonderful person who is talented and beautiful. I am so happy that you are in my life. Thank you for everytime Cece


i’m sorry i didn’t explain myself or anything it’s too difficult to talk about and it would definitely trigger people but i really do mean it :( when i say debilitating i’m talking personality disorder severe. the past 2 years of my life have been in & out of treatment. so idk i’m sorry i can’t say anything further for the trauma standpoint or if it sounds like i’m being dramatic without explaining it but rly rly this means so much to me.


cece thank you so much for this 💕 i always appreciate you being so open with all of us, we love you very much. you’re a strong person for fighting through your struggles instead of giving up. going through all of that can be difficult, but i’m proud of you and many others who have gone through abuse and rose up stronger ❤️ even though I was someone who was emotionally abused by my own mother and is mostly the reason for my insecurities i have today, it’s not the same as sexual abuse. this comfort, among others, audio will help many others! i want to hug you and many others in the comment who went through so much. you guys are valid and i love you all very much !! 💕💕💕


I suffer a lot of things especially with clinical depression and sometimes those memories come back to my head and remind me on what my godmothers husband did to me when I was 8 years old, so many scares that was left by him and the proper authorities had called me a liar.. and when they did call me a liar I lost every little hope I had and hated everything I was, I can never stop hating myself up until this moment..it’s so damn hard not to end myself especially sense my godmother is my moms sister.. I’m trying to fight with the voices in my head.. I’ll try to remember your words before I think of self harming again..


I’ve suffered with verbal and physical abuse I thank you for this we love you and i thank u so much this really made me feel better thank u thank u thank u


I can't stress enough how thankful I am that I have found you and your audios, I have to say that to an extent they're changing my life for the better. Tw: trigger warning sensitive topic: I went through lots of trauma in my earlier years, so much so that by the age of 15 I was meeting a therapist because I was pushed around by life (abuse and sexual assault) so much to the point of wanting to no longer exist. I hated myself, my body, and every aspect of myself to the point that my only way to cope was to stop myself from eating and thus I ended up developing an eating disorder. Which not only broke me down physically( I was eventually hospitalized due to the damage of not eating) , but also mentally because from then on my self confidence was crushed. However despite all my lows, I now seek to better myself rather than let myself fall. I may still hold trauma, but that itself is something I can work on and live with because I will not allow myself to cripple under the weight of problems that started as a result of someone else. I wish I could say I am completely healed, however, I've reached a point in my current life that Is very much making me relive past traumas and emotions. I bottle things in and I am trying to learn how to validate myself and my feelings despite the voice inside telling me that I'm completely worthless and stupid. I have to say, to anyone that is reading this, you are strong beyond belief and I think we are all worthy of fighting on because it's our duty to show those that doubt us that we can do it. We are beautiful and amazing people that deserve to continue on because we have faced hell personally in our own ways, and if that didn't stop us then nothing will. Miss Cece, I appreciate your amazing work so much and I'm proud to support you here on this platform as well as on many others. You are such a strong and wonderful human being that is doing so much good, even if the good deeds are done on the other side of the screen. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we genuinely love and support you just as much as you do us, and I hope that at the end of the day you are healing and thriving just as we are. Please don't be afraid to post more audios such as these because when I feel down, I feel comforted by your kind words and would love to hear how you are doing. I hope that everything is okay and that from here on out, you experience nothing but success. Thank you❤️❤️❤️


My scars aren't visible... and holding onto a dark secret... my mom has always verbally abused me... about my weight mostly... she never helped me to feel better... she always broke me down... made jokes about my weight... she would never make me feel like im special or beautiful... my weight makes me ugly... makes me feel unwanted... like its a major turn off... i wasn't blessed to be skinny like my mom... 😔


I was honestly scared to play this one (I wasn't sure if I was ready for the tears and emotions that would flood me) but I played it anyway and I was not ready. Cece you're the best ever, I've never been so happy to find someone like you to listen to. And though I'm being forced to cancel my membership to you on here by the end of the month I will forever support you some way... I love you so much and all the people I've met through mutual likes too


Cece you may not read this, but I want to say thank you. I never realized I needed this until I started sobbing on my pillow. You are extremely brave for sharing with us your story. I'll never forget the time when I told my sister about the abuse her fiancé did to me as a child and she didn't care. Merely looked at me and shrugged. It felt like my whole world crumbled. When I brought it up to my parents they told me to shut up and never bring it up. Even though I told myself I'm fine and I've moved on, I truly haven't. Thank you again so much Cece. You are an amazing and brave person ❤.


I was moved to tears after not feeling anything for so many years this is making me cry. I always blamed myself for being groomed when I was younger and having being a sexual assault victim and this just really made me feel like I am not the reason why. Thank you


Everyone in this comment section cece included gets a hug and/or their favorite food. I love you all. I'm not only here because I needed to hear this but because I want to spread comfort and love to those who need it most.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


Everyone here is brave, wonderful, and I am so very happy that you are still here in this world. Please, just please stay. As hard as life is sometimes, or even if it feels that way all the time, don’t let the negativity and evil win. Whether if it was someone else who hurt you or if you are your own worst enemy. I’ve had those thoughts before. That everyone would be better off without me around. That I have little or no impact in the lives of the people around me. But when it comes down to it, I am one of those people who is absolutely terrified of death. I have panic attacks about it, it’s so stupid. After years and years of tormenting myself with that stupid idea that ending my life would be the answer, that not feeling anything is better, I finally spoke up about it, and when I did..I was showered with love and positivity just like this. I understand that it’s hard to trust just anyone but honestly when a person expresses a kind of love that shows they are willing to fight for you just please believe it. This audio, and these comments are a perfect example of someone who genuinely cares about you. Sorry for rambling, I just feel very strong about this. I just have this urge to protect people I care about. I care about you. Even if I don’t know you personally. Almost dying (or I could have been severely injured) from a car crash and also watching someone die from one of the worst types of cancer in this world made me have a new look on life. I see now that it’s just too fucking short as it is. So please cherish this life you have, and please don’t hold anything in. Talk about it, express yourself, whether if it’s to someone near you or through here! YOU deserve to feel happy and to live your life your way without anyone defining who you are. Please do not let anyone or anything make you feel like you are better off not existing. You deserve all of the love and all of the happiness that this life can offer. I believe in you, you will find it, just be patient please. I myself am trying to find it as well, even if it’s only for a little bit and then it goes away, that’s okay, it’s really out there. Let’s just find it together.


I recently got out of an abusive situation. I was being abused mentally and emotionally as well as manipulated into thinking everything was my fault And I couldn’t even leave my room cause I was so depressed, these were people I trusted and thought were my friends... My scars are not physical but mental and I feel them on almost a daily basis. But I was able to get out and breath again, I was lucky to escape them and I no longer have anything to do with them. We all have our scars, but we can overcome them and help each other.


Thank you for everything you do, Cece! You have made me so happy with every update and audio! If you ever need to talk or vent or just chit chat, please know that we’re here for you and you can reach out to us whenever you want or need! Sending you all of my love and support! 💖


Please don’t worry about the membership ;-; I just appreciate you in the first place, and you can always message me on discord if you ever want to keep contact! Much love!!

Destiny Lee

I was really nervous to click this because it’s a huge sensitive topic , I can’t even talk to my fiancé still about that dark past . I just thought burying it away like it never happened was the right thing but thanks to your audio it made me realize how much I still bothers me til this day and moved me to tears but for good reasons. I never thought I needed to hear those words so much. Thank you for all you do Cece ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I was psychically and emotionally abused by a female "friend" of mine so much so that I am now afraid of irl intimacy and had a pretty major shut down for 4 years where I didn't care about anything else besides anime/video games


I really needed this thank you cece 🥺❤️ I’m not very good at talking about it so I just want to say thank you


You are definitely doing your part to help heal a part of the world Queen.


i rlly rlly needed this as a extra boost, Thursday i will find out what and when my therapy will hold and when it starts....i am nervous as hell not gonna lie, and this certainly helps a lot


cece i had a mental breakdown yesterday due to flashbacks of my sexual assault, seeing and listen to this reminded me that my assault is not what makes me so thank you so much for doing what u do and we love and appreciate u.


CeCe you might not see this but I just want you to know how much your audios have helped me. I left an abusive relationship last year and felt so damaged and broken. I haven’t been with anyone since then but in the past month that I joined your patreon, the audios haves honestly helped with the healing process and overcoming the trauma I faced. I no longer feel ashamed to be myself, I have a “sex life” again, I’m not traumatized by the thought of it anymore. It sounds silly and a little tmi but since the audios, it’s no longer painful for me. You have truly been a godsend and I think you’ve helped more people than you know. Please take care of yourself and take breaks when you need to. I think I speak for all of us when I say we understand and want you to not overwork yourself. We love you. 💜


Thank you so much Cece, from the bottom of my heart 💜💜💜


Never stop being amazing and wonderful cece 💚💚


Hearing this at a really bad time for me. Thanks for your hard work, you're amazing. We love you.


These audios means so much, Ive been having bad thoughts recently so thank you so much for this and the other comfort audios 💜 they’re helping a lot


Thank you.


Thank you cece 💕


Thank you so very much I really needed this you are so amazing

Andrea Blanco

I’ve been through a lot of trauma and abuse in my childhood I’m really grateful u mad this cece u never disappoint anyone with these comfort audios


Thank you


My dad is verbally abusive... everytime I think it's my fault that he is so angry.. that he is screaming in my face even though I don't do anything. He doesn't beat me or anything but he saying thinks to me and that feels like punches in my face. We had a good relationship when I was younger I played soccer with him but now I can't even say one word and he is getting angry at me. He even gets angry when I start crying when he is screaming at me. I don't want to live like this anymore... I have summer break now and I can't enjoy it bc I'm so anxious that I'll do something wrong so he will be mad at me again😭😭 I don't know what to do anymore To hear thinks like: "I'm proud of you" or "you deserve the world " is really strange to me but it feels good :) Thank you for that💕 I hope you have someone who makes you feel better too!

gaby brown

I really needed this. Not that anyone cares, but when I was three, my grandmother took me to see a random guy she met. (I lived in Alabama btw- this is importantl He claimed that he was 'rich" and had a 'mansion'. She believed him and left my grandfather. We met him and he luckily didn't do anything to hurt us.. but he could've. Buut.. after a few months of living with him in Colorado, he started to smoke around me - along with his family who lived with him. (We lived in a small trailer.) He would come home drunk and start small arguments with my grandmother. She would cover my ears so I wouldn't hear the cuss words he was yelling at her. She eventually tried to yell back but that didnt go too well. When I turned four, he would give me signs that he might've wanted to touch me. He would playfully squish my thigh (I was a chubby kid haha). And since I was so young, I actually believed he was my father. I thought that man was my dad. ...Luckily after two years, my grandfather came to pick me up and took me back to Alabama. ...I miss my grandmother.. I miss her so much. ...Uhm, anyway, thank you Cece. Your audios help me so much... thank you. ❤


You're such an amazing person. I can't stop crying, hearing someone tell me that its not my fault is something I've never really got to experience. I suffer from PTSD due to past abuse, and the fact that you made this is so touching to me. We love you Cece, I love you.


This audio.. these comments.. They’ve really made me feel so much better about everything that’s happened in the last two years. I left a horribly abusive man almost two years ago.. I haven’t been with anyone since, I haven’t even wanted to talk to anyone or even try to put myself out there. I’m still so fuckin scared.. For a while I thought I was broken, both mentally and sexually.. that I’d never enjoy anything again and that my body was basically just disconnected from me.. Then I found your audios and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, you’ve helped me so so much.. finding myself again. Remembering what I like and what I want.. so thank you💞 it warms my heart to know there’s others feeling the same way. I love you all, you are so strong, you’re still here, and I know you can do this! It’s a long hard road but we are not broken. We are not victims. We are SURVIVORS💜💜💜💜


I appreciate this one but I don’t know if I can bring myself to listen to it 💔 but thank you Cece


Ahh, I’ve had to pause so many times. I’m so sorry about the things you’ve had to go through Cece, we love you❤️😔 This one seems to hit home for a lot of people, thank you for doing this. It’s just, too close. I’ll have to listen in spurts.

Kristy Alligood

I feel the same way for everyone in this safety bubble you have provided us and I thank you so much😊.I grew up in a toxic home I got bullied in school until I quit my 1st attempt of suicide was 11 I survived then at the age of 12 my 3 y.o little sister that was taken away from us by foster care died by drowning.which made my mom go crazy and she committed suicide I then became a self harmer I have my battle scars but I did stop doing that I am in counseling for alot of mental health issues.I have none I can consider my friend and within the 5 years that I lost my dad to cancer has really intensified my emotions i lost myself I feel i forgot what joy and true happiness is.I am 35 and for the first time in my life I feel I found a place where there are truly nice people that i can be myself and they actually don't make fun of my weirdness But also will cry with you or try to make you laugh.Im so greatful for Yagami Yato and all of her followers I truly love y'all so much and I am not the one that just goes around saying I love you to anybody.So just know I am here im shy but if ANYONE needs a friend to talk to but they think there alone think again PLEASE your not alone.You can message me and I will listen to you or try to help you or if i can give you some advice I will.😍😘


After my ex had manipulated me out of a toxic household, things like this helps a lot. Recovery has been a very rough journey…a crippling addiction, trauma from my life at home, and the physical and sexual abuse left me feeling like the smallest person in the world. I know ive come a long way, and ive learned to trust someone again. I will tell you that it sucks and that youre going to wish it never happened, but baby you are so strong!


You are a blessing I swear 🥺


This audio hit so hard.. and what’s more is to see that like me there are so many more that relate or have the need for this audio. I have so much respect for you being able to talk about this and even more support and help others. Cece thank you for helping us.. I hope you know that you can count on us to send you cheerful notes whenever you need it 💕we love you


All I can say is thank you


I was raised in an incredibly abusive household. I was starved, locked out of the house in 100 degree heat without food or water as left to figure it out for myself, and sexually abused to name a few of the things. I was beaten and forced into anaphylaxis as a form of punishment which made me believe that I was doing something wrong; that if I was a good kid, none of this would have happened to me. I was told that we had DID on Wednesday and I’ve been struggling with excepting it. It hurts to listen to those voices and see them as broken fragments of what happened to a child and the guilt that comes with knowing that, when I tried to kill myself, the pleading and begging was other people begging for their right to survive that I was trying to strip from them. It’s hard to move on, it’s hard to forgive myself, it’s hard to forgive the abusers. The guilt and shame that comes with, not only what happened to that little kid, but the way that is broke me, that it broke us. Im a stronger person than I would have been without the trauma, but doesn’t make it any easier to accept.


I really needed this today. Thank you for using your platform to help others ❤️❤️☁️


😭😭thank you so much for this ❤️❤️




Thank you, I really needed this. And you are wonderful


I’m not really sure that i can tell that my past is quite suitable for this audio. My dad is chronic alcoholic and me and my mom had to live with him until the age of 17. Mom was working all the time and i just was sitting in my room and shaking from anxiety (he had epileptic seizures because of alcohol, he could just fall to the floor, bring his “friends” who were drunk too, he didn’t let us home when we came back “too late”, stole our money and constantly insulting me and shouted at me). Now i’m 20 and living in other city but i’m still struggling. I guess my mind just blocked all these feelings and memories and i have apathy and anxiety all these three years, i’m barely able to feel anything or cry. But i wanted to say that i’m so thankful to you, Cece, i’m not sure i can express it fully. Your audios are one of not many things that make me feel way better, feel loved and belonged. I’m so sorry that you had to go through so much and i’m so happy that you found in yourself strength to still be here and to try to help others. You’re so amazing and beautiful and i want you to be happy so much. Thank you for giving me feeling that i’m not alone, i love you so much🥺💓💔


This took me way longer than I'd like to admit to finish..Cece you are truly a beautiful soul thank you so much for all you do!


my heart hurts that you’re crying for me thank you cece you are really something else

Vivid Nectarine ♪

Pardon my english, its not my 1st language. I'm at work and when I read the caption I really struggled if I should listening to this bc I know Yato doesnt hide things and she says what have to been said. I felt the tears and emotions stuckin in my throat when I heard ur voice shakin and in combo with ur words, I'm literally tryin to hold on to my mask bc if I dont I would literally crash and let everything out. Yato, I can't promise u dat. I can keep trying, to keep going, but I cant give u a promise when I know I cant hold it. Sure, I can just say "yeah, I promise" but this would not be respectful to ur audio here bc u talkin about stuff dat are honest, real, and painful and I just dont want to lie to u. Most of the time I'm okay with the stuff dat happend and I learned to handle it in a healthy and balanced way but sometimes,... its like bc of all this happenings there is a big fat hole in urself and doesnt matter what u do, u cant fill this hole bc it became a fuckin black hole dat sucks everything in and whatever u do, it consumes u from the insides. When I was younger, I tried to fight it very bad, but I realized its just better to vibe with it and to kinda make friends with ur demons than to fight against them. I can and will fight with u yato, would love to btw, I can stand by your side whenever and whereever u need me/us, but I just cant give u this promise bc I know my demons and my scars very well and I know where they came from. But I also know what kind of strength I have inside bc doesnt matter how much I got punched, hit, hurt, kicked, I kinda got up. Damaged, but I got up. No clue if u will ever read this, but having someone I can turn my eyes to, like ur universe here, its easier to not give up and keep the focus. Its easier bc I feel welcomed. And somehow appreciated, even if u dont know me in person or general. Sometimes I wonder what is left from me bc there is so much gone. More than I could imagine, I think. But as long someone can relate on me, still thinks I'm ok and not a monster, trust me and wants to be with me, I'm okay with dat and I'm more than grateful bc sometimes its more I could have imagine to have one day. There is this wonderful word KINTSUGI, is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique. Here is also a vid where this guy explains in such a wonderful way, dat everything dat we have been threw and broken, it can be filled with gold, kinda a transformation to something better and more beautiful then u were before. Pls watch/listen, its really beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG2MUeVixao Even with scars and broken parts, we are perfect the way we are. Thanku once again Cece for this audio with ur own voice and ur reflections. I bet it wasnt easy for u to talk about this but I'm very grateful u did. P.s: Queen, I'm still willing to give u my scarred soul, so take it xD And also, dont forget to rest pls.


This is so amazing cece you’re such a beautiful human and you’re work is fucking amazing. Thank you thank you thank you ♥️♥️♥️


thank you so much for all you do


Both trauma and abuse have been my enemies even to this day I’m trying to hang in there but this audio really released all the tears I’ve been holding in thank you Cece🥺❤️


I still get night terrors and nightmares from my trauma and this made me cry so much how this hit home. I still blame myself and think there is something I could’ve done to stop what happened or changed how the outcome would’ve been.. it hurts


I still have trauma from sexual abuse, and I had cancer in the past and still suffer from trauma and scars left behind. I’m completely healthy , but I don’t have confidence to show off any skin cause people still point them out. I started school when I was bald so I had a lot of people bully me in the past. I keep telling my mom I want to get help but she thinks it’s a waste of money and I can just “forget about my depression.” It’s hard sometimes ya know? But I’m glad I have you to make me feel better!! Your comfort corners are always so nice to listen to when I’m upset and someone that understands. It makes me so so happy that your here to comfort us whenever we need it🥰 thank you Cece you’re the best ☺️


I have a lot of childhood trauma witch actually made develop with DID this audio made me feel so much better, thank you Cece, sending my love 🥰🥰


i’ve been sober from self harming for 5 months and hearing you say that you are proud that i’m still here makes me really happy thank you cece

Anime cat14

I’ve never forgotten his face. I’ve never forgotten how I felt. For the last 4 years I’ve constantly told myself just to deal with it and I’ve told myself shit happens. I’ve told myself it’s was your fault anyway so you have to deal with the consequences. Damaged goods, gross, and broken. I’ve seen my self as these for the last 4 years. Cece, thank you. It’ll be a tough job, but thank you for at telling me what I need to hear. I know I’m not much to you, but thank you.


When I was 15, I was forced to do things by a guy I met online, and he made believe that what we were doing was okay. And then at that same year, a few months after, I let another guy (met him online as well) manipulate me into trusting him and he tried to do that exact same thing with me like that other bastard. But what’s worse....he was 7 years older than me, and I was just 16. Why the hell was I stupid enough to be in a toxic relationship with him? I even told him everything about what the first guy did to me and I thought he understood me. I feel so disgusted in myself for trusting a stranger like him and starting a “relationship”, which was not normal at all. I don’t know what I was thinking that we could be good together despite the age difference, but now I realize it was never normal. I’ve done so many stupid things in my life...but this one will forever be the one mistake that will haunt me forever. I was so obsessed with trying to find someone that had the same interests as me and seeing all my friends get boyfriends/girlfriends, I got jealous that I couldn’t find no one who’d like me, which is why I was always online talking to strangers I didn’t know, hopefully to make a connection with one of them and find someone my age. My mom was a least supportive into helping me, but she sometimes did say things like it was my fault and I was smart enough to know what was going on. However she did the best she could to help me, with her support and from my friends, I was able to bring back some of the old good parts of me, like drawing all the time. I never told this to anyone, not even to my close friends. I was afraid I was going to be labeled a slut, whore, and because I was underaged when it happened to me, they were going to take me and younger brother away from my parents. When I did tell it to a few friends, some of them stopped talking to me. But I had a few that were there for me and supported me. But it was enough for me, because they were the only real and trusted people I’ve met in my life. I wanted to share this for so long but I was told to not say anything and move on from it. I should’ve gotten help soon after it happened, because now I’m living in hell with the constant reminder that it was my fault and I should’ve known better. Cece, thank you so much for making this audio, I don’t know how you can be brave enough to tell your problems and struggles with everyone, something I couldn’t do. But it’s amazing to see many others to tell their stories after hearing yours. You are a wonderful human being and we love you very much, thank you for existing.💜💕💕

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

Now imma cry cause I really needed this my family situation is trash my father is extremely abusive causing my and my siblings to be emotionally unavailable my father says he’s done nothing wrong and it caused me to attempt suicide five times in the last seven years my mom is trying to get us away but Colorado favors the father so we’re trapped with him and he withholds food from me and my siblings so I gotta step in to make ends meet for all of us we’re use to eating once a day and only eating toast while he buys all the food for himself and neglects us our spirits are low but we have one more shot all I’ll make sure my siblings make it out




Hey, everyone in the comments! There's a lot of people venting down here, and I know this really doesn't mean much from a rando on the internet, but thank you for being here. I'm proud and love all of you, and pray for you guys. No matter what happens, life gets better. You probably don't believe me, I know because I've been there. At a point where I believed nothing would get better, and I'm in a better place now. But this isn't about me. I'm so proud of you for making it this far. If there's anything, absolutely ANYTHING I can do to help any of you guys to feel better, please message me. I will try my best to be here for anybody. Because for me, it's easier for me to vent to people I don't know, and I hope I can be helpful to someone out here

None of your Business

this audio came out at the right time for me: when i was little my mom abandoned me and no one told me why. i was seven. because my family never told me anything, i blamed myself and developed depression and anxiety, even as a small child. i thought that i was the reason she left me, that i wasn’t good enough, and that if i wasn’t even good enough for my own mother that i wasn’t good enough for anyone. i started to bury my emotions because “big girls don’t cry” and “i was overreacting” which made me isolate myself and fake the way i felt. i thought that if people never knew how i truly felt, they wouldn’t see that i was broken and then they wouldn’t leave too. after six years of hurting in silence, i finally broke. at 13 i tired to kill myself for the first time, though to this day my family still doesn’t know. a few months later my mother came home and even though by this point i had been told the real reasoning as to why she left (my mother is an addict who, after being clean for four years, relapsed when i was three), the mindset that it was all my fault and that she was going to leave me again was already burned into my brain. the worst part is that when she finally come home it was as if nothing had ever happened. after six years of being gone OF HER OWN VOLITION and a whole lot of trauma for me, i still never got an apology. it’s been years since she came home and she still hasn’t said she’s sorry for what she did. but back to what makes this audio a saving grace right now: a month ago, and literally A DAY after i found cece’s channel, it came out that my mother had relapsed yet again and had been using for months. my family told me that the only rule they set for her was “no drugs or you have to leave” which meant she had to go. again. i have never been this depressed and mainly because, even though i know it’s not my fault, i feel responsible. she always told me that i was her reason for getting and staying clean, so her relapse has made me think that clearly i’m not good enough. i wasn’t a good enough reason for her to stay clean, i wasn’t a good enough daughter for her, i had done something wrong and now she has to leave me again even after she promised me she wasn’t going anywhere. her relapse also triggered a number of horrible memories that i would’ve preferred to never have to 1) re-live again (i relapsed in my own way) and 2) think about ever again (namely abuse). this channel has been my escape for the last month and a half and has never failed to make my days better, even in a time that’s rather turbulent for me and my family. i start my day with these audios because i’ve come to find that they are the only things that get me out of bed. i’ve found that a lot of the things said in even the regular audios hit rather close to home, this audio struck me so much harder. so cece, if you see this, thank you so so much for being my safe haven and source of joy and comfort when i needed it most. you truly are a goddess ❤️.


I’m going to say it in Spanish just because it is my native language and it’s easier to me... este audio me llego al corazón... no solo por que yo también soy sobreviviente de un sexual assault, sino que también viví con los abusos de mi propia madre, físicos y mentales, toda mi vida creí que era mi culpa que debía avergonzarme de quien era y que no valía la pena como persona, años después cuando entre a la universidad incluyeron a una psicóloga que me hizo entender que estaba equivocada, que yo no tuve ninguna culpa de nada, que era valiosa y amada por mis amigos y mi papá, aprendí que ya fue suficiente del abuso de mi madre y que debía sacarla de mi vida. Lo hice, me enfrente a mi madre y deje de hablarle y mi vida ha cambiado por completo, tengo amistades que me aman como soy y mi papá y yo hablamos todos los días, estoy aprendiendo a amar y tratando mis problemas de ansiedad. Gracias por el audio ❤️


You are truly a beautiful person, cece. I haven’t listened to it yet bc I have to be in front of people, but you are so brave and beautiful to make an audio like this. Thank you. I know you’ve touched so many lives, mine included. So thank you for changing my life for the better and being so genuine and kind. I will comment again after I listen


I’ve been using my friends account to listen to Yagami and she has made me really happy with her voices and her voice all together. A few years ago, I’d say maybe three I was manipulated into sending images to a guy online that I had met. He told me that’s what couples do and that it was okay, I then found out it was wrong a few months later and confronted him but he black mailed me and sent everything I did to a friend of mine who thankfully didn’t share them with anyone. Another time in the same year, I went to spend the night at my cousins house after my brothers birthday and my cousin had friend over. We had fun and watched movies and all that but one morning when I was half asleep I felt someone trying to touch my lower parts and thankfully my cousin walked in and the friend pulled his hand out, I told my dad about it and the guy denied he did anything then a year later he’s at a vacation bible school that I was attending cause I was with the youth and we had to have fun with the kids and he sits beside me and tries to hold me and touch me. I pushed him away and try to move away from him but he then texts me and says we should date, he’s older than me like I was 14 he was 18, I snapped at him and then he tells me my friend killed herself which thankfully he didn’t and I ran to the church bathroom and just cried my eyes out cause he hurt me and try to steal something that was apart of my body away from me. I regret everything I did and I regret not saying no because I was so scared that they would hurt me, these are just two examples of what happened. There’s so much more and it hurts me to know that I didn’t stop or say no because I was so scared of getting hurt or killed and all that. I don’t want gentle anymore, I’m tired of gentle. I don’t wanna be touched or used again. It makes me happy to know that there’s other people like me who are hurting like me, we can all support each other and we can grow strong together because we need it, we need true genuine love around us all.

Yaoi aka Kirby

To everyone that shared their stories, thank you. I mean it thank you. That you have the confidence to share, that you found the words. I truly wish the best from the bottom of my heart that all of you are well and ok and I wish you the world and loads of success.


this... this is the audio I needed most... I just got out of a toxic, abusive relationship... i’m struggling with ptsd it’s caused me and most days i’m struggling to convince myself to stay alive because everyday my brain says “hey now is a good time to give you flashbacks of things that happened in your relationship as well as other trauma from your past...” these audios have been a breath of fresh air for me. an escape. the comfort audios especially have helped me walk away from doing things I would either later regret or never come back from, worst case scenario.. cece... thanking you for being so strong. for being such a blessing. thank you for giving us all an escape from what’s going on in our lives. we all love you and are so grateful for you 💕


To all of you who are sharing your stories, thank you. I believe it takes so much courage to even say these let alone post about them. Personally I have not had nearly as tough a time with life as so many of you have, but the impact your stories have on me is huge, and I have to thank you for it. I thank you because it educates me on how other people deal with things, and gives me hope that I can help someone in the best way possible in the future. And even if you haven’t shared your story today or even at all, that’s okay too. Everyone goes at their own pace to deal with things in whichever way they choose. I honestly hope that you all will continue to grow and heal from all that is hurting you, and that you will regain your smile soon. One last thing, I truly believe in this quote and I’d like to share it incase you haven’t heard it before: “Time heals all wounds” please just hang in there, I promise there is at least one person who cares about you. Whether they be in your future, past, or your present, they still count. Heck you may not even know them! But they’re still there. I hope that this message has helped at least one person see things differently, I would say that it means nothing coming from someone on the internet, but I don’t think that’s true. Because if I didn’t believe in everything I said, what would be the point of me writing all of this? I wish everyone the best and encourage you all to have faith in yourselves for the right reasons.❤️


My father abused me physically until I was 12, and still continues to mentally and verbally abuse me with toxic emotions of his about living his “new life”. Still making me feel like I was his old life that he never cared about. To make it more shittier, my cousin raped me at 17 but was molesting me for years before that... and my mom makes me feel like I’m not good enough as a human being...mentally she pushes me all the time to do better and to get a higher education and trust me I love her so much for doing that I really do, and not to mention how she’s given me so much more after my father was abusing all of us for years but after I decided to quit college not long ago for a breather and to just work..she made sure that I knew that I will never get anywhere in my life if I’m not going to school or working...So I got a job as soon as possible and I was giving her rent money and stuff she asked me for cause why wouldn’t I? But she is just stressing me out so much that I wanted to lose weight not long ago but I had to starve myself for a week because if I wanted to be skinny, I needed to do some fasting but I ended up fainting at work and going to the hospital; causing more and more problems for my mom... I am drowning and I have been feeling like giving up for so long. Nobody has told me “you’re doing great, it’s ok to take a break if you need to, it’s ok to cry, I know it must be stressful”...nobody, not even my own best friends have taken notice on my mental or physical health and my mom continues to proceed this as me being weak and not having more independence, and just goofing off.... She has even threatened to throw me back at my dads because I haven’t moved out yet. I’m 19 and turning 20 in September and yet a lot of my friends families let them take their time on moving out. But oohhh noo not my mom, she is literally pushing me to my breaking point and I can’t breathe or move...I’m stuck. Mentally stuck and I know this probably seems like I’m just over reacting but I’m not. My hair was falling out and I thought it was leukaemia or something because some of my family members have died from cancer. (It wasn’t, thank you creator) But my anxiety is getting worse and worse by the day that I had to go back into counselling... I have been wanting to give up on this life so much lately...but this audio random pops up in my mail and it has been the only thing that is “allowing” me to cry and feel my emotions, the only thing that I have been listening to all morning Yagami Yato, Cece, you have been my most precious treasure that lets me escape for just an hour or more and these little audios of you just ranting or inspiring people is what gives me the courage to continue living this life again. Giving it one more chance. I know this probably doesn’t mean much since I’m a random but you still give me a reason to look forward to tomorrow and I thank you for letting me escape into your world through all these amazing audios. Even the spicy ones O///O


It breaks my heart to see so many broken souls. 💔


thank you so much for sharing your story. you're very brave. hang in there :)


I dont normally comment. I get really anxious about it but I wanted you to know I am so appreciative of this and everything you do. I've been emotionally and mentally abused for most of my life, to the point where I felt expresing emotions made me weak or ugly. My parents always acted as if I was nothing if I wasn't the perfect child. I had relationships where my partners would abuse aspects of me to get what they want. I felt like everyone around thought of me as an object rather than a human being. I never had someone who was just there, and who just cared for me or told me that I mattered and that what I felt was valid. I am so grateful to have found you and your content. It has saved me when I've been in the midst of anxiety and self loathing. I have no words to describe how much this content means to me. You are such a warm person, thank you so much for giving me a safe space to deal with my emotions and trauma. You are an incredible human being, thank you for everything you do ❤


this is so sweet... thank you so much for posting this 💕


i cried so much at this thank you


I love you so much Cece thank you for this and just being you. You GET EXTRA HEAD PATS TOO


thank you.


Cece I wish we lived near each other because I just want to hug you. You are an angel and your heart is beyond pure and loving. If you are ever passing through NC please know there is someone here that will help you with anything you need. I may not have known you for very long but your audios have always given me hope that good people are still out there in the world. You are beautiful and know that no matter what happens you have someone here in little old Fayetteville NC who loves and supports you. 🥰


I really needed this the most especially being stuck in a household like mine. Thank you so much. This means everything


Thank you so much for this ❤️


Thank you for this Cece 💕 And to all who are sharing their stories, please know that you are so brave, you are worth so much, and you are loved. ❤


you are such a wonderful human. thank you so much for this <3


in my junior year of high school, I was attacked by a boy in my class, he attempted to drag me into the woods, luckily nothing more happened then being shoved around. still have nightmares about that and I used to think if hadn’t stopped to answer his question or if I hadn’t been wearing shorts that day, maybe he wouldn’t have come after me. After that, I blamed myself, cried a lot, and was just numb. Luckily I had my family on my side, I know a lot of people can’t say that and I’m blessed as hell to have my mom and my grandparents. Almost ten years later I’ve finally let go of the hate i had in my heart for this boy, I didn’t do it for him; I did it for myself. He still lives in my town, am I scared I might see him? Of course I am but I know I have people who will protect me. It was so hard to let go but I realized I wasn’t happy and one of reasons is because I still had hate in my heart, I didn’t need that in my life when I have so much going for me. Everyone who has commented their story is so strong and my heart goes out to every single one of you. Cece, I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did. Thank you for everything you do for us and I’m so grateful to be apart of the beautiful community❤️

Elizabeth Davis

I am not comfortable sharing exactly what I’ve been through in any details but I’ve always thought it was too little to be traumatized about. I always play it down in my head and then I realize if I said it out loud any normal decent person would be like “um..”. I have to learn to care about myself as much as I try to care about others because I’d never tell someone else their experiences weren’t “bad” enough. I love these comfort corners so much and I hope you keep doing them. Thank you for caring about us so much, you treat us like we’re actually friends and as someone who genuinely doesn’t have any, that feels so good. I always smile when I see you posted something, no matter what it is. You make my late nights after work better. I’ve been through a toxic relationship and I’ve been wrongly thrown in foster care and had things happen there and I’ve had things that happened with men that ended up in me just, not doing good ? around men alone anymore. I generally don’t trust anyone anyways but it’s intense with men. My dad died when I was 5 and before my mom got with who she is with now, she dated a lot of bad men so that didn’t help either. And I struggle with mental illness, it runs in my family but I was adopted at birth so while my mother is an amazing woman, she doesn’t experience or fully understand most of what I go through in that regard. And this doesn’t have to do with any abuse but I’ve actually been having a hard time lately. My job has been really really effecting my anxiety and overall mental health. And your voice, whether it’s you, Cece, or one of the boys or occasional girlies, has remained one of the only constant, reliable things in my life that I can come to to forget the stress. Thank you so much, always 💖


Question, just saw a tiktok saying you might go to jail bc straight tiktok found your audios, true or not true (either way be saaafffee)


some people are saying that cece is going to go to jail for “leawding minors” IS THIS TRUE they’re saying that since “straight” til tok found her that they have been reporting it but literally not even kidding yagami yato is the only thing keeping me happy and alive 😃 i would love it if someone could tell me what’s going on


My dad used to really beat me pretty bad and messed me up all kinds of ways emotionally. But for y’all I want to say it does get better. It took me over a decade, but someday you’ll wake up and not feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest and you can breathe. It does get better 💖💖💖


For lewding fictional characters? There’s no case lmao no court system would take it seriously, she’s fine


Don’t believe everything you see on the internet


thank you so much for doing this 🥺💗 i love you sm and i hope everything is okay


awh bbg, im so sorry that you too have gone through this kind of shit, you don't deserve it. and i will continue to support you emotionally and obviously continue being a patron to your work. your content makes me happy, and I'm glad that you have created this for the bnha/haikyuu/etc.. community.


CeCe 😭😭😭 all i wanna do is hug you so tightly !!! You’re the most beautiful soul 🥺🥺🥺 whoever hurt you deserves hell !!!! Thank you for giving so much of yourself !!! I love you 💖💖💖


I love really love Cece, she is so amazing and so wholesome. I’ve just some of the stuff on tiktok talking about how she can get in trouble. Why and how?


So I’ve not really told anyone this but when I was 14 I had my first proper bf. We weren’t together that long but he used to sexual abuse me even when I said no. I was young and naive and thought ‘well we ARE bf/gf so I guess we should be doing this stuff’ or ‘I guess this is just what you do in relationships’ but no. Now I’m 25 and I know no one should ever hold you down and do certain things to you when you’re crying and saying no. I still live in the same house and the room it used to happen in haunts me and I feel robbed of a proper happy ‘first time’. I just want everyone to know that if you feel like somethings wrong or that someone’s making you do something, please please tell someone and get the hell out of there as fast as your legs will take you.


I heard rumors that you were going to jail?!? i’m not sure if they’re true or not but please stay positive I love you


Can I just say you were not the stupid one. You were manipulated. Please don’t beat yourself up about it when the fault lies with a grown ass man manipulating a (then) child. Please never blame yourself 💖

Anura ☆

Its a rumor for a reason. Cece and her discord admins have addressed the situation and they're doing what they can.


Thank you so much for this.. it’s honestly so sad but so surprising how many of us have faced trauma and abuse. For me it was childhood sexual abuse at the hands of a family member.. we all have our own stories and our own scars, so thank you so much for doing this.


Thank you. This takes strength in the different, real kind of way. We support you, and don't give up on any front. <3


My mom was an addict. She was abusive, and brought strange men to our “place” (which was a tent or corner) to trade me for goods. My little sibling was kidnapped, and gone for four years. Sometimes I think I have the worst luck in the world. I’ve suffered hunger, homelessness, abuse, and can feel emotionally dumb to the point where nothing feels real anymore. Like life is just one giant shit show you need to suffer through because it’s “what your supposed to do.” Reading through these comments though... my heart hurts for everyone. Thanks Cece for providing a platform like this. You make this world a lot less shitty


This was so comforting but it reminded me of how much hatred and anger I used to have for myself i mean I still do at times but its gotten alot better I just had to cuddle up to my husband and have him hold me as I cried listening to these comforting words i dont normally like to think about my childhood because of all the trauma and abuse that happened but this really made me think back to all of the mental, verbal, and sexual abuse and it makes me realize I was a child and that none of that was my fault thank you for making such wonderful audios I cant wait for more comfy corners i love them

Jay Lei

Cece I hope you are okay :(


I’m a sexual assault and abuse survivor. I’ll keep it short for my own mental health - I was assaulted by someone 5 days a week, 2 times a day, for 2 and a half years. She threatened the lives of herself, me, and my family, if I didn’t let her do as she pleased with me. That was when I was 13-15 years old. After the assaults stopped, she started stalking me and harassing my family. When I was 14, in the midst of the assaults, I met a guy and started dating him. He was extremely mentally and verbally abusive to me. Made fun of my weight (plus size), mocked my interests, and constantly put me down. He broke up with me after three years together bc he had a crush on our best friend. At 19 years old, I suffer from PTSD, depression, and severe anxiety with PTSD related panic attacks and flashbacks. I’ve had to rebuild myself from the ground up after being torn down constantly by my ex. I’m absolutely terrified I will run into either of them again, but especially her. She never stopped harassing my family, the last time she harassed my grandmother in the mall. She may even still be doing it as recent as a week and a half ago - but we don’t have proper evidence it was her. Sometimes it’s so hard living normally day to day, some days I can’t even function properly. I have flashbacks so intense that I can still feel everything. It’s so hard, but I will not let it get the best of me - and don’t you either! Cece - your audios are so calming and have really helped me heal. I listen to your comfort audios on repeat some days. Thank you for all the encouragement, and creating a space for people to share their stories. If you read my story, thank you. Sharing my story helps me process, and in turn, heal. If anyone is suffering through abuse, please find a way to get help. YOU are so worth it, and you are so loved.


fuck i was doing alright and was keeping it together and just enjoying the validation and comfort but something about being told to let it go made whatever was keeping me together snap. it's been seven years and i still beat myself up over it. i still blame myself, because after all, i put myself in that situation. but im so tired of holding this weight, this weight of someone else who gets to sleep at night without caring about how badly they damaged me. thank you for giving me a space to let my walls down and just.... let go. i've been letting go slowly but surely over the years and i hope i'll get there someday. but this really helps. we love you cece. you do so much for us and we couldn't be more thankful. you're such a beautiful person inside and out, a real angel on earth. thank you for being you, for being your kind, wonderful, loving self. i feel blessed to have run into you in this lifetime. i imagine my life would be a lot more boring without your audios in it.


i hope you learn to heal and overcome your struggles too ❤ i look forward to healing alongside you

Natasha Patterson

I want to give you a big warm Fatgum sized hug!❤️


The fact that people feel comfortable enough to share their trauma with this community, says so much as a whole 💖 I love this community so much I stg


Cece, this means so much me! I was recently diagnosed with PTSD from sexual assault and BPD (which can heavily correlated with child abuse), and this is exactly what I needed. So many people love you, Cece, and you’ve helped up all in one way or another! Don’t ever apologize for needing extra time on audios, because your health and well-being is always first priority. Recovery is so, so messy, whether it’s trauma or addiction or mental illness, but to anyone dealing with those fights, please know you are not defined by your struggles. You’re all complex, wonderful folks deserving of love 💕


Thank you for this, too many of us needed it but I'm glad with this we don't feel so alone


ummm guys. So idk if yall know about the whole straight tiktok finding Cece but idk like don’t share her audios for clout or post. She works her ass off for us and a lot of us can attest that her audios get us through the day. Pls be mindful of how you’re using her audios if you’re sharing and like report ppl who are using her for clout. Pls take care of Cece too she takes care of us.


I was mentally and emotionally abused and used by multiple people. I knew I would cry listening to this and the struggle with ptsd and the memories ruining my mood and taking my time it’s immense even now. It still feels like it happened yesterday but I have to remind myself they can’t hurt me anymore. I feel like I was next to you crying with you listening to this- thank you. Genuinely thank you. I love you too Cece. You truly are an amazing soul.


CeCe you have no idea how much this means to me to hear these words of comfort and support. My most trusted friends sometimes manage to comfort me in my moments of weakness, but because of quarantine I'm stuck in my house with my family. And well, they're not the comforting type, so these moments of mine have been harder than ever. So thank you. Thank you so so much for your words of encouragement and love. I'm sure there are others who have gone through worse things than I have, but we all have a story to tell. A story in which has broken us beyond what we believe to be repairable. But it is. We just have to keep our heads high, no mater how hard it is, and to tell ourselves, as well as others, that we are beautiful. We are worth it. We are amazing. We are loved. We. Are. Loved. And our stories aren't over. They've only just begun.


I cannot express how grateful I am for this audio. These were words I’ve always longed to hear but have never been told, so thank you so, so, so much. I was sexually assaulted and abused by a family member when I was a child, and my family dealt with it more as something to hide than deal with. I still suffer from ptsd and severe social anxiety, and I struggle with trusting people. I’ve always felt so broken and that everything, including my family’s reactions were my fault. I really needed this. Thank you so much, you are so amazing Cece, and we all love you too 💕


Growing up in a very toxic household and being told it was normal b/c of my heritage really made me think my toxic relationships were also normal, but I, luckily, made a great friend who helped me leave those people and get better. Listening to this audio made me realize that (TW) it's been one year from my attempt and hospitalization and that I made it to another birthday. I came here for the sexy stuff (lol), but honestly these comfort audios are the best things b/c sometimes I don't want to open up and my depression hits hard. These types of audios help me when I don't even know I need it. I'm so good as suppressing myself that I can't tell I'm in need of comfort. Cece, thank you for the love, head pats, and hugs. You, as well as everyone here, deserve the world and more. Please take care of yourselves, drink water. Re-hydrate after that cry session, my loves.


as someone whos been sexually assaulted, this makes me feel calm. thank you so much cece. thank you for the love that i dont get from anyone else. my depression is bad and so is my anxiety, and this makes me feel so loved. thank you for all of this comfort and love.


I know I'm super super late for this audio...but I can't describe how much this helped, even in the smallest ways....I had a really really bad episode after my own mother cussed me out...the constant fear of having to hide and bottle up my emotions because if I turn to her she'll put me back in a psych ward again....it can be over anything, if I say something she doesn't like, I'm the problem....I know the whole routine she does, then she plays the guilt game "This must mean I'm a bad mother! What did I do to raise you this way?!"....I had to work up the courage to hotline myself because she cared more about her job than her own daughter.....family? What's that?....it's been 20 years and I've never seen tide or tail of them...even when I hotlined myself, not a single call, not a single visit.....Not even any of my so called "friends" talk to me anymore....I disguise my pain at work through puns and jokes, but on the inside I know my life isn't worth much...I've submitted myself and I know my worth, I've told myself I accept my death because life would be better without me....people wouldn't have to worry about me, they wouldn't have to yell at me for my medical debt, no more feeling like a waste of human breath.....but to hear someone actually say they want to fight by my side....to hear someone actually tell me I'm not a failure....to not have to fear the hatred and regret, all the guilt that pounds in my chest so hard I can barely breathe...my throat hurts from screaming into a pillow and thankfully my nails didn't scratch too deep......it's been 20 long years of abuse...to be completely honest I haven't eaten in almost a week because I was yelled at for being too fat and finishing off the last ice cream cone....I have therapy again on Monday, but things are hard and I'm worried, I apologize too much and let people walk all over me....I completely blank and black out when confronted and the only time I'm social is behind a keyboard or at work where I talk like a preprogrammed computer over and over.....I can't even really remember the last time I was hugged....held in someone's arms, shushed and told things are going to get better.....even now, it's hard to type through my tears....but just to close my eyes....the cute little head pats in the end, hearing someone say it's ok to cry.....I've conditioned myself....but if anyone even sees this I'm trying....it's been hard, but I woke up this morning....that alone......is more than enough.....I'm so so so sorry for ranting again....I tend to vent through text a lot because I'm not really allowed to speak without someone getting mad....if I speak my mind anyhow....but if you do read this, I just genuinely want to say thank you....I love you too Cece, we all genuinely do ❤

Victoria Oh

You are really amazing. Thank you so much for what you do. Idek why but your audios—all of them, not just the comfort corners but especially those of course—help me chill out and stay centered so much. Thank you so much for creating!!

Charli Hands

I want to hug you so fucking badly




I hope you're doing okay, darling. We love you.




This really helped me since recently I've been dunked by my group of friends cuz I was used to vent about my parents to them, my parents aren't the best and used to beat me a lot when i wasa kid cuz of school,, and all my friends thought it was that I was looking for attention, and it sucks cuz I known one of dam for 17 years god damn it, I still thinks it's my fault but I'm trying my best to recover


I wanna thank you for this audio... i wanna thank you for so much you've done. You're an amazing person. Always remember you're beautiful, loved, and strong. Thank you 💙


You are amazing and you are so loved!!!! I needed to hear this and i want to thank you for being you and for giving love to everyone! You are beautiful!!!!




This means the world to me. After years of hiding my pain from my friends and family from the back lashes and night terrors from my abuse and other things, I hated myself. When I was in middle school and parts of highschool I was manipulated by my aunt who caused my mother and I to get kicked out of our apartment. Then later on I was mentally and emotionally abused by my ex. He later assulted me on Christmas. It took me years to finally find self worth, I can no longer be sexually active with someone without getting to really know them. Hearing you stuggled the same and reminding me that it's ok to cry, it really means more than you know. Thank you, thank you so much for everything you do.


Thank you so much I don’t know what else to say but you have helped me so much. An I love and appreciate all you do


Thank you so much for everything you do, for all the energy you put into all these audios--in character and out--everytime you post, you bring a smile to my face. You make me fall for characters I was never really interested in... and not *just* because of the NSFW bits, but because you make them feel real. Thank you so much, for everything Cece! *sends all the hugs ever*


I want to be myself, and everytime I do my mom Whipped me until my arms were black and blue, I love being in the LGBTQ community, and my mom hates it and me, She tells me that I'm a failure, and wishes I would be like my siblings, and compares me to them,when I am not them, That the end of the day I cried myself to bed,and I wanted to kill myself , but I was thinking about my aunt, (who died at the age of 16 caued she had a illness) I loved her so much, and i loved her more than I loved myself, She said, She wanted me to grow and go to places,she couldn't go ,Until I found Cece ,she gave me confidence, I'm still sad ,but listening to Cece Audios ,make me feel normal,like a person


Thank you for being such a kind soul :) don’t forget to rest!


I want to crawl through the screen and give you the biggest hug. You deserve everything beautiful there is. I love you, i love you, i love you. I also needed this, my little brother has anger issues so he takes it out on me. I have scares from him, and from myself because of him. Ive attempted but didnt, the reason why i wanted to was because he told me the world was better off without me.


Wow I'm A little shaky after this


thank you this made me feel like there are who people actually understand these feelings of mine ☺️


Wow i needed this so much. I've been having a really rough work week. And lately dealing with past sexual abuse and with my Mom disowning me has been draining me. I


Can you please do a comfort audio for Kuroo, can it please be fore suicide too. That would help me soo much.. if not that’s totally fine keep up the great work






Hi Cece, I hope you're doing okay! I just want to say thank you for everything you do. I'm sorry Straight tik tok is trying to cancel you/send you to jail even though you're not really doing anything wrong. We all have your back with everything! Please try to ignore the people trying to do that, we're all grateful with everything you do. ❤❤❤❤ we love you


you are such angel💖💘 thsnk you


We love and appreciate you so much. Whatever you need to do we'll support you no matter what. Hope you're doing alright , and thank you for these comfort audios ;^; they heal places in my heart I thought I'd locked away forever 💛


Yo cece do u need a hug 😭 like I genuinely need a real hug after this


YAGAMI I LOVE YOU and i hate that straight tik tok found you because we all love you so much and you honestly deserve the world because i cry when i’m listening to you comfort audios and i just abajajahhehehd love you so much shsjjejsjsjejehajajaj


Gimmie hug. RIGHT NOW 😭❤️


This really helped me and I honestly am crying I was sexually abused at the age of 5 and my abuser didn’t stop til I was pregnant and when I look at my child it’s just had and I can’t it’s so hard I don’t know how to feel he’s an innocent child and it makes me feel so many emotions but I try but sometimes I can’t and I have to apologize all the time because I feel like it’s all my fault everything and honestly I don’t know how to let it go ....


My abuser would hit me, scream at me, he made feel like I had no choice but to live his dreams. My own father threated to kill me so many times, my failed attempts lead me to believe I would never be anything but his pawn. I feel so broken like I don’t deserve to be alive, like he was right, I see him owning his own business and other people adoring him and seeing him as a hero in some light. But when I see him I see the man who beat the hell out of my mother as I watched my mother lose her mental state to the abuse to the point she abused me and my older siblings as well, I honestly think yagami saved me because I feel so loved

Jailline Ceja

Cece i love you, thank you for everything you do....i cant put into words how much i appreciate you. Thank you, stay healthy and safe


Can we give a round of applause for Cece. She doesn’t have to do what she does. For anyone who has been hurt before in anyway, it’s easy to want to give up. It’s understandable to be at your wits end and give up. But instead she has an amazing heart filled and strengthened with love, hope and empathy. I personally reached a new low of sadness due to sudden realizations in my life and the first thing that went through my head after berating myself was “comfort corner”. I really thought I was going to completely slip back into depression, not knowing if I’ll come out of it tomorrow or next month or next year. But I listened because I thought “what else did I have to lose”. This audio literally strengthened my heart and soul to keep fighting for myself and the ones I hold dear to me presently and the ones I’ll hold close to my heart in the future. Sorry this is so long. Finally I want to express how much I love everyone in this community. And of course I love you Cece!! I feel loved and seen. You are quite literally changing lives 🥰🥰🥰 keep going with that beautiful smile we all know you have!


Our hearts go out to you man, this sounds really hard to go through, holy shit. Just remember that you are *not* to blame!❤️


as someone who has suffered from abuse for several years of my life, I am so thankful for this audio of yours, and every single comfort audio you have done. Every single time I listen to them, my smile instantly returns and I feel like the most important person on earth, something that I rarely feel in life. Thank you so much cece, for everything you do, for being such an amazing person and for spoiling us so much although we sometimes don't deserve it. Man I wish I could just meet you and give you the biggest hug I could ever give to someone. I love you so so much Cece and I wish you well and wish you all the love and happiness in the world. Thank you so much Cece. ❤️


we love you cece 🖤


To all the people who has suffered and are still suffering in the hands of an abuser, don't give up. Trust me I have been there. It hurts a lot and it sucks. But do not and never ever give up. Happiness and freedom from abuse is a long, frustrating and painful road to take. But trust me, one day you will get there and when you get there, the wait was worth it. Remember that you matter in this world and that some people out here are here for you to help you, to lend you a hand and to assist you. So don't and never be scared to ask for help or to talk with people online. You are amazing, beautiful, wholesome... Always remember that. So remember, do not give up, love yourself and it will get better. ❤️


I have never spoken to a soul about what i went through. I've always felt so utterly alone when thinking about my experience but this audio made me feel so warm. thank you. from the bottom of my heart cece i truly appreciate everything you do 💗


Wow I didn‘t realize how much I suppressed everything until I listened to this and immediately started crying... I really needed that thank you so much for this!!!


If I ever meet you cece. Please. Expect the BIGGEST most LOVING hug on this planet! ❤️

Chantal Guerrero

I am so terribly desensitized to my own trauma at this point...and I realized I need to get some type of professional therapy. Because I'm still holding it in and it will not come out. Tha k you for this. As a new member, I didn't expect to be greeted by this. It truly humbled me...


We love you! Know you have an army behind you baby doll you’ve changed so many lives including mine. I understand being a victim of sexual abuse because I’m one. I honestly never thought I could feel anything again until I started listening to your audios. I feel safe when I listen to them..

Plush Toy

What is it about you that makes me feel so heard? In every audio you do, everything, I feel so seen and heard even though I don’t even know you. Thank you Cece.


Thank you so much... I don’t nothing more to say just thank you


This one really hit different, damn...

Suniki Kim Lin

Thank you so much. This really means a lot to me and really made my day. I'd been having some bad flashbacks recently and this really helped calm my mind down. I can't express how grateful I am for this...let's get better together! :)


Can I hug you? We can cry In each other’s arms 😞


Thank you so much for this💖

✨Honey N✨

I’m crying😭😭 bro thank you. Can you do one about coping with saying goodbye? Like to the things you love that left you or to things you loved but had to leave ?


I went through multiple years of abuse. and i am starting to get better. the man who beat me down and yelled at me and built me up just to tear me DOWN.. if finally in jail.. i am in therapy and i always thought that i was broken.. or damaged goods.. i haven't been about to keep a relationship for more than a month and it hurts.. because i feel just like him.... i am cracked but im alive.. and i've gone through some shit but im still here! and this made me realize that im alive.. that im here.. THANK YOU!!!


I’m saving this for my PTSD nightmares...


Thank you ♡♡


I didn’t want to listen to it bc I knew I was gonna cry... 😔 but Thankyou 🖤✨


idk where else to write this pero...i really really need a mystic messenger one..like specifically Saeran, seven, and jumin. like I NEED IT


I never suffered from physical abuse but I was neglected as a kid from my mom and she acts like it never happened. It always made me feel as if I was the reason I was being neglected. she was always drunk and passed out on the couch. I never had someone to say goodbye to in the morning omw to school and no one to say hello to when I get home. I never had proper lunches or dinners and don't even ask about breakfast. I would always stay up in my room and I would be scared to cross the hall to go to the bathroom bevquse then I would see her passed out. Then I would get yelled at for always being in my room. I thought I was why this was happening. Now I know the truth but at times I still feel that way... as if i deserved it.


This video really made me feel heard


as someone who went through something similar to cece, just know that you’re never alone. you aren’t the one to blame, whatever happened is not your fault. i promise. i know how hard it can be, and i’m so sorry you had to experience what you did. you didn’t deserve it, no one does. please stay strong, i have faith in you💖 sending love and positivity your way🥺💖


Damn queen ty🥺


thank you Cece for making me feel loved and accepted


I feel like I need more help after I though the title said let's cut together I just needed to reread it


I think what makes it hard for me to move past the trauma is the fact that I’ll never get the closure I need. That the people that hurt me don’t acknowledge what they did (and still continue to do) to me. They twist my words around, they role me up and confuse me to the point they have me believing that I was at fault and I DESERVED what happened to me. I use to rage against the world, hell I probably could’ve gave Bakugou a run for his money with my temper. But now? I’m just so tired, it’s too draining to hold onto the pain and anger. I just wanna move on with my life but they won’t let me go. They sabotage me every time I try to leave. And this whole coronavirus/quarantine thing isn’t helping the situation...


Being in an abusive home this... this means a lot. We seriously dont deserve you Cece. ;-;


Didn't listen until now because I wasn't quite ready...Cece I want to say thank you. I was physically, mentally, emotionally abused, raped and kept trapped in the house in my first relationship. I'm still processing and healing 6 years later but its hard. There are many times when I wonder why I'm still here. But I will say that your audios including this one have helped me in so many ways I can't begin to explain. I know that my love language is words of affirmation and I am in tears every comfort audio. I am so glad you are in my life cece, even if its through the computer screen. Thank you so much.


Cece I promise. It took me a few days to get out of my abyss of darkness but just know this message made me feel like you did see my messages. Your words were literally the only thing that I held onto while drowning in the tar of my self-loathing and depression. This page is the only place where I do feel safe. Thank you for holding me accountable for loving myself.. I cant promise you that I could be nice to myself... Its a hard to love your or accept your self when you have been told your whole life that you are too fat and bullshit. You are seriously my Maka to my Crona (that exactly what I am going through and you are helping me stand up).


Thank you for this Cece ❤ I'm starting to write down my struggles in story and poem form. I'm hoping to publish them one day. You're so inspiring to me. Thank you for helping me embrace my scars. I've been clean for years now(s*lf h**m wise) and I still feel the pain I felt. I was so close to relapsing last year after I experienced my first tangle with a**ult. I'm glad I didnt, I'm glad I'm stronger. I love you all, I hope you all find you'll inner peace one day, same for myself too.


you put my experience with trauma in WORDS


I’ve struggled with my trauma for awhile, mainly if I’m even allowed to call it “abuse” and “trauma” because (by societal standards) it’s not considered abuse, but rather “discipline”. (Even though it’s statistically proven to behave just like “societal standard” abuse...and I have the physical and mental scars to prove it 🚶🏽‍♀️) My parents, while well meaning, were my abusers. (Although, my grandma and aunt were complacent in it at times.) They’re both toxic in their own ways but they were both physically aggressive. My mom was more mentally/emotionally abusive, but she still put hands on me and my siblings. I’m in a much better headspace than I used to be, what with the therapy, reliable friends, and medication, but I still struggle with it as I’m not closed off from my parents. The fact that I now have a little sister, whom I was sworn to protect and already feel like I failed AT protecting, makes it even MORE difficult. I contemplate cutting myself off from them more and more with each passing day. It doesn’t help that I’m so unmotivated that I tend to not be taken seriously, because if you’re not showing typical loud and blatant behavior then you’re obviously exaggerating 🙄 it obviously doesn’t affect you as much 🙄 I have so much pent up resentment and sorrow towards them but I can’t do much about it, or at least what I REALLY want to do, and it makes me feel so helpless. I know it’s irrational but I can’t help but feel that way... but listening to stuff like this makes me feel validated in a way. Even if I’ve never been sexually assaulted, this still manages to resonate with me 💗 Even if my parents never acknowledge the damage they inflicted on me, no matter how hard I try to bring it up to them, at least there’s people in the world that will help with my internal struggle lmao


To anyone listening to this, I'm so sorry. I know it hurts, I've been there and i didn't think I'd make it this far but here i am. You can do this. I'm so proud of everyone here, I'm so proud of you so dont go just yet


Thank you cece, I cant say Much else.. I'd rather not talk about my trauma but thank you. Thank you so much


Thank you, Cece❤️ for everything. I don't feel so alone now after listening to this. And I hope you know, that you're never alone, too ❤️


thank you for sharing this cece. this audio helped me more than i can even express. I hope you know too that you’re not alone 💗


If i could i would come over to ur home and give u a big hug You should be able to share ur feelings with anyone and im so proud of ur strength I went threw sexul abuse and close to rape at a young age and its sad i had to go threw it at a young age So im going to stand by you forever and if u need to take breaks go take em i wont blame u for needing stuff I regret the scars i have on me by my assaulters and myself and i wish they would fade If you ever need to vent u can to us if you think no one else will listen bc i know i will and everyone here We all love u for not just ur talents but for who you are and ur beautiful voice and personality ❤🙂 so wear that smile like i do knowing you survived and knowing u inspired people to stand up and face their problems You dont let ur problems get the better of u bc you are strong You are Amazing You are Everything you need to be and more bc you are truly wonderful person You deserve all the head pats in the world bc you are amazing to

Jennifer Love

I love you too, soul friend. 😔💜


I really needed to hear this today... thank you so much for everything you do. You’re truly a gem


13 years... I waited 13 years for these words, and now I can't just stop crying. It felt so personal, I wish I could give you the world, honestly. Thank you, Cece. Thank you ❤️


This feels weird to say to a stranger but you have really helped me thank you


Um this is the first audio of yours that I have listened to and I just want to say thank you. Thank you so much I didn't realize how much I needed this. :) Stay strong survivors!


We dont deserve you Queen Yagami


I'm not even 2 minutes in, and I'm already weeping.


(TW!!!) Cece thank you so so much. I found this at exact right time. My sexual assaulter is in one of my school classes. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he did to me, and how I wouldn’t survive this year. But this audio is so so important to me. Everytime I think he still has power over me, I listen to this audio. And I’m okay again. Thank you so so so much Cece. This is so so important to me.


came to this audio immediately after therapy, since this recent session was digging deeper into when i was groomed as a kid. it helps get the tears out, and while the problem isnt fixed 100%, its comforting to listen to this. thank you


To a person who suffer from religious trauma and gaslighting I love this


Thank you

Gypsy Dollipop

I have absolutely no words, I can't stop crying and I this touches me so much I don't even know what to say but thank you


Thank you for this healthy release. It's been rough for me and others during this trying time. If this gets buried with the other comments, I hope the others that you do see share my sentiment.

SuperWhoLockian 2882

You know I really wish I could listen to this, nothing's broken with the app it's just me, this is the only comfort audio I can't listen to because it gets too real, it's nothing to you cece you're amazing and I'm happy you were able to make this as yourself it's just I have my own issues and they come out so fast because you're realer than the characters, listening to this audio means listening to my problems for real and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that but thank you. One day I'll be able to and I'll try to find my comment and see how I've moved on. And I'll be more at peace than ever. Thanks for being amazing and I hope I can come back sooner than I think.


this saved my life. thank you. just. thank you.


Ya know tonight was rough. I had told my closest friends about some bad experiences that happened almost 20 years ago...all because my mom started victim blaming me, and I was falling for it. I ended up balling my eyes out with them in my closet. This was the first time I ever even got close to admitting to everything that happened to me. It was so long ago. And I spent so much time and effort blocking it all out. But I still remember so much...so I really needed this tonight. Thank you Yagami. So much for reminding me I’m not alone in this world.


Christmas content I need you please.


My ex boyfriend emotionally, mentally and physically abused me. Although he didn’t realize what he was doing and took accountability for his actions, apologized and tried to change his ways through therapy it still hurts so much. I’m still struggling with the depression and anxiety from what I went through and it can’t shake this feeling that I’ll never be the same again. Thankfully I have therapy and an amazing support system with very loving and understanding friends and family. So there is hope.


I dont know if I can say it here but I really have to get it out of myself... !!TW!! This world is f*cked up. As a victim of that disgusting act I can say that the world itself is disgusting. This happend when... I was 10. And it keeps happening, to children who are even more younger. Thats awful. I didnt know whats happening. I wasnt on anything, it was in f*cking school. By the boy who was only 4 years older than me. Why arent we changing? Why are we still getting worse and worse? We didnt do ANYTHING. Why us? Why me? I cant even imagine me having real sex with boy. I still find disgusting even kissing a guy even if so many years passed. I still have panic attacks about it. And I know that even if someone found out, it would be too late to report it. I dont even have anyone to talk to cuz always I am the one who comforts everyone and cheers everybody up so they dont do anything to themselves. And I love doing it, but sometimes its too much for me to carry on everybody's and my own problems at the same time. Ive hated myself so much, I tried to end my life so many times that I cant count all of them. It still feels like my life is a big mistake but its gladly, slowly getting better. Sorry, I just dont have anyone to talk to and just had to let it all out. Also sorry for any mistakes but its really late in the night and Im crying, sorry again. Take care y'all!



Kathrine Black

Thank you. This made me feel less alone in my experience of verbal and emotional abuse gaslighting form my sister. It also made me feel less alone in my journey of healing from it. Thank you.

Kel Bell

Thank you SO much for this Cece. I know I'm late to the game on this but it doesn't matter. I NEEDED this....so much. I'm so tired of the abuse and gaslighting my parents do to me.


I always come back to this. It means so much that you made an audio like this...I don't know how to begin to thank you for the comfort you've given me in times where I couldn't reach out to anyone....I appreciate you so much Cece


I am in a very dark place tonight and I was scrolling through the posts just looking for something and I found this. Thank you CeCe I needed to hear this even though it was so hard for you. So hard to hear someone else struggle. It's so hard. This year this life just everything is just so hard anymore.


As a survivor of childhood SA, this really resonated with me. It changed me to my core, and I often forget that I’m not alone. It’s not something I can talk about with family because…reasons. Currently my abuser is in the hospital. It’s very serious, and the family is worried. I just don’t know how to feel, or respond. Normally they’re out of site, out of mind, but now it’s the hot topic. I never wish anyone ill, so I’ll just continue to focus on my own mental health. Thank you for this comfort audio. I’m new here, so I’m catching up. Your comfort audios are amazing, and this one hit home 💜