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Hello! I wanted to ask when you wanted to do the calls/call, I will say that due to recent things y’all can choose if you want a group call or individual c: as well as when I’ll try and work out the time. Love ya lots and never be afraid to tell me what’s best for you!

(The call will be somewhere between 30mins to an hour or so c:)



I just don't want to overwhelm you. I know you've been busy >-< im good with whenever, honestly


I am up for a group call. It sounds like fun and good way to make friends. But take your time whenever you are ready. But I don’t want to choose for everyone, it’s all up to you!!


:3 that's fine! Did you all have discord? Or some other preferred method?


We can totes do so whenevs! I'll try my best to make it happen!


I believe in you!! Take your time!! Take care of yourself first.


I also have discord, if we want to coordinate a group call that could be really fun

