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Did you all like the most recent posts? I tried a different method and want to make sure it's good enough quality. If it is. I think i can post quite more often c: as it takes quite a lot less time to record! If not it's ok. I won't keep it and will go back to traditional style!



I like it a lot! 👍


Heck yah. Everything you do is good and the quality has only been getting better! ❤️❤️


I like them!!


Its nice


I’ll be honest, I can’t tell what you did different! It sound great!


It’s great


I love the latest content you’ve posted. I think that you’re doing a wonderful job with having a variety of content! 💗


Honestly Yato, if it helps you and makes it easier for you then keep at it! I like it a bunch, Keep up the great work! 💜


Yeah, it sounds awesome like always ^-^

Roxy Fox

I really love this Cici! 😍 I'm so happy it's shinso ummm very much needed >~<

Dana Fear

I'm certain we can all agree that we appreciate all the content you are kind enough to give us and that if the way you do things now makes it easier on you even remotely than you should keep doing whatever is easier. We love your content but also care about your health.


I like both, maybe do the quicker way for most vids and do it traditionally for special videos :) i love all of your work!


Honestly I appreciate every single thing you put out! I think you should do what’s best for you


Honestly I think your work is awesome the way it is! Your videos make me feel like I’m traveling to this secret world and I love that! I really just love it! and I love you too! ☺️☺️


Loving it!!


Yes just yes keep doing what makes you happy! We will support you all the way.


I am gonna be honest, I LOVE THEM, you are working hard and your videos are AWESOME.


i’ve been loving the new content you’ve been posting and if it’s easier for you, what a bonus :D i’d be happy with whatever you put out as long as it works for you 💘


A little muffled a bit of interference a lot of strange cut outs and drops throughout. Not bad, just sounds more muffled


I think it's good!


there were a few cut outs in the female audio, but otherwise I’ll always love whatever content you make. 🥺 please do whatever is best for you we love it regardless 🖤💜


Awesome as usual luv! Thank you!!!


The cut outs of words are really jaring. Sometimes it seems like just a straight editing error but others are like you tried to have a character cut off another but there's this strange moment of silence. It also makes it so we have to guess what the end of the sentence would be. I still love your work and thank you for all the hard work you put in. I just thought this might help. 💙🎃


The female version had some awkward cuts, I’m guessing you’re doing one version and editing/inputting accordingly for the next gender? The audio itself was great; just be mindful of the blips. :)


AH NO T^T I goofed I'll see if I can fix it o: there was a crash and I think it cut out some things.


I'm all for saving time but I enjoyed how the positions/scenarios were more detailed and differed between genders. Also yes the words cutting up and fragmented sentences took me off guard and often confused me a little. Still I adore all your work and hope you're gonna have a great holiday! ❤


I love everything you post! Do whatever is easier for you! The only thing I would request is that you do different characters too! But I still love all your stuff! ❤❤


I listened to both male and female (you know, for science ;)) and I can say that the audio sounds great, the cuts were the same in both but it seems like this is the first time using the new format... once you get the hang of it, I don't think you'll have any issues. Didn't sound muffled or any different than usual. You're doing a great job! Keep it up!!!


I like both Male and female. You are doing an amazing job


The audio itself is AMAZING. I feel like listening to a fanfic and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just the cuts and bugs often catch me off guard. Overall, your audios are very creative and I love them


I don’t personally listen to male!listener ones and I feel bad to say that it was kinda easy to tell the latest f!listener one was cut up to make it for both since I’m sure it saves you time and everything. :( You’re really amazing and talented and I can’t imagine trying to make incredible content constantly - I’m honestly grateful for anything lol

jordan ♡

First of all I just wanted to say- every single one of your posts both on youtube and patreon has so much effort and it really captures the characters that are in the titles! About your method- I can't say I know how easy or difficult it is to edit audios, especially when you're working with different gendered lines. It seems a lot easier to cut out the certain female and male lines to save some time, but it wasn't as smooth as previous audios in the past. It will take some trial and error and I know you're doing your best to improve, and all of us appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Seeing you use different methods and asking for feedback really shows you care! I hope this helps a little bit, I love you lots xoxo ~

Ahmand Allen

I want to be honest...I only like the x female version .cuz I'm a female..and that's what I like . I don't like when you generalize..I like when it is x female..if you do x male that's fine!! But I want to know it's a x female..I would apologize if it sounds bad..but no cuz I'm a women and I want videos where it is identified as a women, or man.. I still support you..but you asked.


After listening to both i can say that I prefer the way things were previously recorded. The gaps and jumps in the audio broke the immersion for me. The quality you’ve been able to provide thus far as been amazing and i would much rather wait for an audio of high quality than to get two audios of slightly less quality. Appreciate all that you do and looking forward to hearing more from you.


The shorter form videos are nice! And if they let you post more often then go for it! I think it’ll give you a lot of wiggle room to try new things. :)


I loved the content but I liked the other format a little more. The immersion was a bit better.

Roxy Fox

I thought that was my phone Being cruel to me I didn't realize it was the audio!


I personally like shorter (i.e. 30 minutes or under) audios since I find myself losing focus or skipping ahead if the videos are longer. I think they are just as immersive, and it creates less work on your end. For the recent Patreon audios, I think the content of the audios is fantastic as always, but I do agree with what most people have said about the abrupt jumps and cuts. Other than that, everything is great. You seriously spoil us rotten so most of my feedback just me nitpicking 😂


I think that while the content is always awesome, sometimes the editing can be quite abrupt. The music can sometimes be a little too loud in some vids but story lines are always amazing. A side note on the YT vids tho, sometimes it's not clear about what's happening, a little more description about the action would help make it more immersive. Hope this helps and doesn't seem bratty as I LOVE all your content xox


The sudden cut off of words, skips, and gaps brought me out of the immersion of the scene and scenario. Also I feel you sometimes get a bit repetitive with some actions and words. Other than that I was very pleased. ♥


Please do post more often! It’s also nice that you are asking for feedback too. For my opinion, I feel your patreon can be more active? Not as active as your daily post on youtube because that would be taxing on you.But please don’t push yourself, you don’t have to really...don’t burden yourself with more than you can handle Ultimately, I hope you enjoy the work you are doing and please stay healthy! In other words, I really enjoy listening to your different voices and I really get happy when I get a notification of a new post on youtube and patreon <3 love you ☺️💕

Ciara Cross

I always love any content you’re putting up & all the hard work that you’re doing for them! I listened to both Shinso’s audios, For those; there were little blips here & there. Sometimes the sound got muffled too. I’m guessing that’s one of the pros/cons in recording when audio glitches out sometimes. Maybe it takes a few practice for this new method you're trying? I do prefer how the previous audios were made as it gives more of a better experience being immersed in your audios but the latest posts of Shinso weren’t so bad either. They're more like quick one-shots which is fun! So whichever is more convenient for you is good enough for me. :) You are doing amazing so keep up the good work Yato! Hope this feedback helps. Sending you lots of love. 🌟 ✨💖💯

Leah m

I’m 100% here for the naughty stuff so that’s all I can comment on. I think you have to get back into it again because it had gone so soft on YouTube. If you focus the NSFW here like you said I’m sure in no time we’ll have naughty cat and night class levels of perfection soon enough! The big thing in the last one was the cuts, other than that I mostly loved it. Your Shinsou is just unfff


Yes👆 I agree with being a little more descriptive. Obviously on yt you have to be a little more careful and tame about the characters describing what they're doing, but transitions can seriously do wonders. it can be something simple that indicates whether the characters are standing/sitting, if the character is in front of/behind the listener, where the character's hands or lips are, what clothing they're wearing (or removing) etc. It's nothing huge, but it can seriously make a huge difference and really enhance the listener's experience that much more.


I’m here for all the uncensored raw content you’ve been putting out lately, ngl the stuff we can’t get on YouTube if you know what I’m saying! 😭 but the method of chopped up audio here and there has thrown me off a couple of times now. Either way your work is always! appreciated 🌸


Very nicely put. I couldn't have said it any better myself, dear. ❤


I LIKE THE NEW WAY MUCH MORE! But the choppiness of the audio is a little confusing and throws off the mood sometimes <4

Jamee Moore

Quick question that's kind of off topic. Does anyone know how to find their patreon ID? I need mine for something important, but I don't know the website well.


I just realized that you have a patreon and I subscribed immediately. OMG, why didn't I find it earlier. This is amazing, you're giving my life a whole new reason ❤️ may all gods bless you with eternal happiness, health and fortune. Thank you for making my heart squeal in joy ♥️♥️♥️

Sun Strife

Maybe you could alternate through both methods? I still like the NSFW to be kind of longer like your past ones but they dont have to be like an hour long maybe around 30 to 40 min or something

Sun Strife

Oh please continue the auction one!!!! And do more of Hawke!!!!


More hawks! And kiri!!


I honestly prefer the traditional method but whatever is best for you


Do you think you could post the Bakugo comfort for panic attacks here on Patreon? I listen to it everyday and it helps me so much! Also please take care of yourself!!


No matter what method you use its all amazing with breathtaking quality. I cant wait to see what you have in store for Tomura in the future :)


do nsfw present mic

GentleFlutters ASMR

I would love more subby audios from you!!!! As a more dominant gal I like when cute boys squirm! >:33(love wrecking 'em!) otherwise everything is great!


I’d love to see another male x (insert someone) asmr it really helps me go through my female to male phase <3


Kylo Ren ASMR would be suuuuuuper hot


I really do like your content on YouTube And here but this latest audio was not to my usual liking. The inconsistency in the flow made it not so immersive and like... sexy lmao. I appreciate that you have to do what saves you time but I might not be a subscriber if it is going to be a new thing. I’ve read the comments though and others seem to enjoy it. You seem to be stressed out over this but reading from the comments I’d say you’re fine, and you obviously put in a lot of time in your work. And while you may have already done this it might be wise to check out your audience and Patreon demographic to see if putting in this effort with the male audios is really worth the time invested. Either way you rock!


Hawks pls


i like ur content but i'd like to see characters from other fandoms, and i'd like hawks lol


I really love your content

Sun Strife

Your recent posts have been great, especially with all the Jealous series, you should do a jealous one with Hawks!!!!

Sun Strife

Might I also suggest that as much as I love how fast the content is coming out, I wanna say that the sexy spicy is beginning to lack. I still love it regardless!! But maybe do what you have done in the past with the spicy parts of videos where they had a little more roleplaying during sexy time!! Both on pateron and youtube. But its only a suggestion, still love you!!


I like the squishy sound effects that you've added! Got me blushing like mad, I would like to say that your work has always been incredible. I would like to say though that the sexy parts have seemed to dialed back a bit. I've noticed less moaning and I cant tell when our boys have *ahem*...arrived, if you know what I mean. I guess it just messes with the immersion for me but I still really enjoy what you make. TLDR; please bring back the climax sounds, keep the squishy sound effects and traditional yato audio is my vote. ❤❤❤


Yagami, please do a M4M Mirio, Kiri, & Denki. Not a foursome...although...each guy deserves his own.


I would love to see a nsfw Mirio x listener here. My boy doesn’t get enough love. ;-;


Love the recent posts and styles! My only hope is that you continue to do more Caspin <3 I was so involved with his story. But the recent styles and lengths are honestly.. Pretty perfect! So long as it doesn't strain you and you're happy with how it comes out <3




I love the recent posts! And the story you’ve started with Aizawa. So HOT! You’re doing great hun!! ❤️❤️❤️