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I love you all lots and I just want you all to be happy so I'll do anything I can to fulfill that.



We love you! You’re the best. Don’t overwork yourself 💕


the sweetest lady ❤️


You cutie boot! You have been bringing us a lot lately! It's pretty exciting.


Oh honey, you’re doing your best, anyone that doesn’t understand that is heartless. You’re a human being, not a robot.

Patricia M Daniels

Bby, take your time. You're very worth it!


You're the best, senpai!


You are so sweet I am actually going to cry. Like actual tears. We all get overwhelmed sometimes you go gake care of yourself and the pups ma'am. 💕😤


You’re doing your best and your best is freaking fantastic. Please don’t overstress (:


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 🥺😭❤️ You’re doing beyond an amazing job and I personally feel I don’t deserve all the pure love I feel from you! But please always take care of yourself first and know we’ll always be here for you!! ❤️❤️❤️


You're such a sweetheart. Just make sure you're keeping a good balance and taking care of yourself! ❤️


Okay I hope this isn't overstepping boundaries but I really wanna give you a hug. And honestly, it's okay to sometimes take a step back. It's easy to get overwhelmed but stressing over things will only make matters worse if you're not careful. You've got a wonderfully supportive community here that's got your back, so no need to stress 💖 We all love you too!


Awww love you too, you're so cute, it's really nice to see someone who really cares about their followers, I'm proud to be one of your Patreons ^^


You’re doing amazing sweetie. I would rather see you take a break and come back exciting to create content than for you to overwhelm yourself and not enjoy what you’re doing.




I dont know why but i just started crying while listening this. I just realized again how sweet human being you are. ❤️ Just take everything easy and take your time^^ We are here because we want to be. Love ya from Finland 😊❤️


You are the absolute cutest. My heart can’t take it! Don’t stress yourself too much sweetie! We know you do your best and, as excited I and I’m sure everyone else is, we can wait. Don’t overwork yourself. Take some time to treat yourself. Play some games, spend time with friends, family and the cute doggos. We’ll always be here waiting patiently. 😘❤️


You have no need to apologise! You’ve given more than we’ve asked!!!! You. Are. Awesome.


We love you so much! 💚 Please continue being your amazing self ok? Take your time and make sure you rest! You and your pups health are super important!


I love you cece, you warm my heart and make me feel like the most beautiful person ever. You are a pure and wonderful human and I truly love you to bits, you’re doing an incredible job because you make me smile everyday!

Siren Voyce

I'm so in support of joining that person in wanting to give you a hug. You poor, sweet little bean! It's important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. You do fantastic work. I rave about your art all the time to my friends! My heart actually ached for you; you sounded so stressed. Rest up, walk the pups, and take a chill week, honey! Your forever faithful patreon, Lauren o/

Tsuki Shojo

I hope you realize how sweet and generous you are to us. I'll kinda repeat what a lot of us already said, but it is important that you take care of you, you are a hard worker but we can wait if it means you can rest and have fun with your family and friend. Thanks a lot for everything you give us, I'm so glad to be a part a your community and I'll make sure to stick around as long as possible to support you. <3


Cece👏Hunny👏Sweatheart👏 You're doing an amazing job. (smh im tearing up rn) You're one of the most talented voice actors I've ever heard and thats one of the main reasons I decided to become a Patron. I know how time consuming it is to put out content as a creator, I can only imagine how heavy the pressure is on you to provide consistent content along with your personal life especially when you know a lot of people are expecting the best from you. I can only speak for myself but ive enjoyed watching you and your channel grow. You inspire me to grow as an artist myself just by being online asking for and responding to feedback, still desiring to improve despite accomplishing so much already. One final thing, ive been online lately and ive seen something in your audios that alot of content creators have been lacking lately, love. Never stop loving what youre capable of, yourself, and your originality. Its extension of yourself, I love that, and your fans love you!


Honestly i think your doing great :D Dont stress out...if you need to slow down for a bit, i know i would understand and so would a lot of others. Your such a great person and honestly i am happy to have the honor of supporting you in your dreams. I treat you like i treat the few friends i have, ill support you as long as you arnt hurting yourself and im loyal to the end :D please take it easy, and make sure you enjoying what you do just as well as you take care of us fans :3 -MaddieTheHatter


Omg you're an absolute sweetheart 💕💕 you're only human, you gotta take care of you first, anyone who doesn't get that is irrelevant. We appriciate you for making content at a pace that works best for you! You're absolutely wonderful your audios are sosososo awesome, if I could go to a higher tier I absolutely would because you're amazing!! Take care of yourself first and worry about us later. You're seriously AHMAZINGGGGG 💕💕💕 but don't work yourself so hard!! You're doing amazing and you're awesome and great and lovely and omg I wish I could give you more.


Cece, you are such a sweetheart, I love you! You're so wonderful, and kind. It's very appreciated that you care so much. Please, please take care of yourself!


You're absolutely wonderful! Take a breath take time for yourself. You're awesome, absolutely love you and you're a wonderful person!


This post made me start crying. I don't have much money at all but I wish I could afford a higher tier, you're so important to me and thousands of other people. I wish i could write out my feelings, you don't realise how much you've helped me when not even my last two therapists could. I've been getting so worried about you that my husband said he'd give me the money for the higher tier just so i can chat and ask if you're ok. I talk about how amazing and talented you are to my friends and my husband so often, because I'm also a people-pleaser and prone to burn out and you're doing SO MUCH for everyone. I thought you'd slow down eventually but you're making more faster? Please, PLEASE take a break for as long as you need, we'll all still be here if you want to come back and still support you if you don't. You're so kind and generous i can't express with words very well, just know that you're loved very very much and we care more about you than the speed of content. ❤️❤️❤️ Love from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

master ZQ

AHHHHH!!! Cece!!! you absolute sweet heart sweeter than sugar sweeter than a sugar cookie itself listen you are love by all by the thousands by the millions by the trillions We all love you including myself you're an absolute adorable doll every day that you work your hardest you make yourself achieving achievement we work hard everyday in our lives to produce something so awesome I would love by all guess what we love you for who you are that's what makes you special and that's what makes you you that's what I have to tell you I love you and that you're amazingly Beauty cool you're an absolute Queen who runs the world!!!!! You blessed us how beautiful you are cuz you are a beautiful woman cheers to you love 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😁😁😁😁 Also I cannot forget don't forget to take care of yourself always always always always put yourself first I wish I could give you a big Zoe bear hug right now those are the best lol


I'm so excited and proud to see how much you've grown and it can be overwhelming with how quickly, but the best thing is surround yourself with loved ones and support both online and IRL. This is a lot to handle on your own and you're doing the best you can. I support you because I was impressed with your youtube work and couldn't wait to see where you'd go. Amazing work. Patreon is like an extra dollop of icing on this delicious VA cake. You're working so hard to give us amazing work and then you just want to give us more? Thank you for everything, your dedication and your concern and care for us.


My heart melted and a few tears were on my cheek listening to this. You put so much care into your fans. You have so much talent and it shows! Cece, thank you so much for everything❤️. You make so many people happy including myself! I love this community so much and I haven’t been here for long! Everyone is supportive of each other. Please do take care of yourself though!!! Slow down if you need to! You should always come first. You are doing an outstanding job with everything. You are so down to earth and humble. I am not leaving, you have my loyalty and my time with so many others. I just wanna hug you❤️. Again thank you so much, and love you!!!!!


you have such a pure, kind heart ❤ I seriously admire how committed you are to your fanbase. it's just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's so incredible to see such dedication towards your craft and your followers, and I really hope you take the time to see truly how much we all adore you. Please don't ever feel like you're not enough, because you seriously spoil us rotten. I really hope that when you have a rough day, you remember how much we all love and care about you. Please keep being you, which is amazing, brilliant, and kind-hearted.


Hun your doing fine, I appreciate everything you do. I always get so happy when I see anything you put up. I've been going through a rough time lately with my family and work. Every video you do helps me get through some of my worst days. I'm so happy and grateful I found your channel. What I'm trying to say is thank you so much.


Your voice is so adorable I can’t take it!!!!


We love you too! Please work at the pace that best fits your needs.


We love you too. Don't work yourself too hard. Just know that we will always support you!! Every time I see a notification of yours, you make my day. I can be in a terrible mood but once I see Yagami Yato I start squealing like a little girl!! I hope you're as happy as you make us feel!! I couldn't be happier with content because the sheer talent is astronomical, amazing, show stopping and there's nobody like it!! You are one in a million and I'm so glad I found you!! P.s. Stay Beauty Cool!!!


You’re doing great sweetie take a break and take care of yourself❤️


We love you and you are amazing. Dont let yourself get overwhelmed by us. You do so much for us. You bring such joy and happiness into my life. Please don't worry so much. You are worth it. You are important to us.


You are doing amazing and we all love you here. No would get mad from you getting overwhelmed it's something that happens to everyone. And if you ever need to talk I am here. That's why you should make taking care of yourself no. 1 top priority. ♥️


I teared up by the end. You are perfect. Literally so perfect, and it’s like you don’t even know it. You don’t know how much of an impact you’ve had and how much you’ve made people feel better, sexually or romantically or self-esteem wise, all through your voice. How powerful your voice is still gets me, and I felt like I could hear tears in this. You reignite my faith in humanity. You are breathtaking. Amazing. Don’t ever feel like you’re imperfect. You’re human, and you are perfect. And anyone who can’t wait longer for a request or asks for a refund is insane. You deserve the money for all the work you do. You are deserving of it. That’s something my therapist had to pound into my head and I’m going to pound it into yours. You deserve the world.


Your doing absolutely great hun please take care of yourself though! Your health is important ❤️ remember that


Balancing real life and the creation of online content is exceptionally difficult; I’m sure everyone can agree on that. It is so wonderful to hear a personal message from you, and it shows just how much adoration you have for your supporters. Just remember that no one is perfect, not you, not me, not anyone in the whole world! Our imperfections are what make us human, so never let the fear of imperfection keep you from moving forward. You’re way too gifted and dedicated to let it hold you back! Your effort is always made evident in every post you make, and none of us would be here if we didn’t believe in you and your abilities. ♥ I also wanted to say that it is very thoughtful of you to encourage us to DM you at any time. It means a lot that you have broken down the barrier between creator and supporter, and that you make it so easy for us to reach out to you. That being said, please remember that you can reach out to all of us too! We are all here because of you, and because we have confidence in your incredible talent! So you just take care of yourself and keep on keepin’ on, sweetheart; and remember that we all adore you! ♥


The thing is that we know it's hard. That's why we WANT to support you. Because we feel a lot of love towards you as well :)


I wanna be here for you and your content through it all, thank you for all the sacrifices, time and efforts you put into the content you give to us, take your time with it all! We’ll always look forward to it and love it just as much ❤️



Ciara Cross

Awww Cece, We love you too. You have no idea how much you have lifted and brought a smile on my face and for many others as well. ❤️ Your hard work is very much appreciated and everyone here is supporting you all the way! Totally understand how things can be overwhelming so take care of yourself when you need to alright? Steady steady & take your time. We’re all here for you too, sending our loves & UwU’s right back at you. Bless your soul. You got this Queen! ( ´ω` )۶ ✨💖💯


I'm not the best with words but I'd like to say that you're really awesome!! Please take care of yourself first though. We're here to support you- I'm happy to support you, even if it's not much. You give us so much already. You're really talented and creative- your stories are super gripping and interesting. You've brought me to tears in some and made me laugh in others. Your audios have really helped me get through some tough times as well, and helped to prevent me from doing something stupid or rash when I'm upset. I haven't really spoken to you directly because I'm quite shy but I'm glad you're encouraging us to. Thank you for everything you do for us ❤️❤️


I’d prefer if you just made sure to take care of yourself so you don’t experience too much stress or burnout. It would be incredibly sad if you started feeling burnt out on the things you enjoy, I personally can say I’ve experienced that and it sucks. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself !


This is so heartfelt ;_; but I hate to hear you sound upset 🥺 please take your time with everything you have going on !! We're all here to support you no matter what !


We love and support you, Cece! ♥️ Please take care of yourself and don’t feel rushed to release content. I’m glad I stumbled on your YouTube channel. Your stories have inspired me to create more ideas for my writings and your ASMRs relax and make me happy. I should also be saying thank you! ☺️


Don’t sound so sad! We love all you’re videos! You're my favorite person who does an amazing job putting out content you don’t need to feel over whelmed with making videos! We love you!

Sydney Shinmon

Sweetheart please please please take some time for yourself. You do so much for us and we are so thankful for all that you’re doing. Get some rest, make sure you eat, spend time with the puppies hon don’t worry about us we’ll be fine sweetie.


Take all the time you need, honey!!!! Please. Take care of yourself. We love you, so much! We support you because we love you and want to help! Don't overwhelm yourself and don't overwork yourself. You're doing so amazing as it is. You started out doing a lot, and we all know how much it can take a toll. Biggest love in the whole wide world! I'll be sending all my adoration and support.


Take care of yourself first lovely!! We just appreciate what you've done already for us- thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Take your time. We love you your a great artist who makes loads of people happy 😍. It wouldn't matter if you posted once a week or every other week. Your posts are wonderful and i would happily wait for whenever you post. So take care of yourself dont stress or over work yourself


I can't speak on behalf of commissioners but I honestly don't think you realise just how much you give. Every penny you get you bloody deserve so stop selling yourself short. Yes it's fine that it's not about the money for you but girl you gotta make a living and with the amount of talent you have it's worth paying for. Not to mention the fact that your YouTube vids are free!!! Take your time, manage your life and your puppos because as much as we love the audios we love you, the person behind them more ❤


Hearing your voice sounding so sad it made me cry... I really appreciate your honest thoughts and i hope you take care of yourself! Please don’t overwork and be so stressed. I look forward to your post on youtube and on patreon! Rest well 💕


Even if the money doesn't matter, I really want to show my appreciation. My father kicked me out and I lost a lot of the people I care about. Your vids (the free ones in YouTube) helped so much! I don't feel quite alone. And they give me a much needed distraction at times. Even if you never posted here again, I would want to chip in some how. You deserve it. Maybe money can't buy happiness....although having been impoverished I have some thoughts on that statement. But you do. Your craft actually brings a little happiness when things are hard and I just want to give up. So if you need time or even want time, that's legit and I think most of us will still be here. Don't sound sad. You give us a lot and we're very spoiled by it. You're honestly one of the best creators out here. And we want you to be happy too. So play with the pups, take a break, you deserve it. And just like any artist, we're happy to pay you fir your awesome craft. Thank you so much for all you do!




You're wonderful and we love you <3


You’re incredible. I discovered you on YouTube a couple months ago and now I can hardly live without your wonderful posts! You take all the time you need and everything you post is worth it! The best things take time and your voice acting is incredible! I love the BNHA stories and the romance I live for! You do you and rest if you need it. You’ve got all my love and support! ❤️


You do such amazing work, I honestly don't know how you do it all. I'm absolutely swept away by your bnha stories and they have definitely been a much needed support these last couple of months. Your dedication, passion and not to mention creativity is obvious in every single audio you release. Thank you for everything that do.

Iveliss Pagan

Take care of yourself first honey ❤️ you come first!


You deserve all the praise. Such dedication and hard work in each and every video you make ... is absolutely inspiring :D You are the first person I subscribed to patreon and I will continue to support you for as long as you can because you deserve it! Continue to be the wonderful person who has shown us behind so much talent and take care!


Cece, I love you and your content. I don’t care how often you upload or not. Please take care 😭

Leah m

Imagine being Yagami’s partner. You would have the best role play sessions. Holy shit


I have a question, how do I not fall in love with you? You're so adorable♡♡


Cece, I’m really glad you posted your feelings. You’re doing a wonderful job. I’m more worried about your mental and emotional health. Please take care of yourself too! You matter very much.


You’re doing amazing, please take your time, we would rather you make quality content that you enjoy making rather than you overworking yourself. We are very thankful for everything and want the best for you, Cece! <3

Gummie Jo

you are the best bean. you put out a bonkers amount of amazing content, and you are worth every penny.


you sweet gorgeous cutie patootie ❤️ set yourself clear goals hun and even re-establish/change patron tier rewards in ways that you can achieve without feeling crummy about yourself and without putting yourself in a hole that simply leaves you feeling overwhelmed. we all love ya to bits and just want to support you in this magnificent journey... so please be kind to you ❤️


Your amazing :3. Your audios are amazing, unique, and comforting. Please take your time, I enjoy all ur audios and the work you put into them.


Being overwhelmed usually comes with ugly stresses and worries. Please take care of yourself first. Im sure most if not all of your patreon supporters are here to do just that- support! Theres no harsh demands for content anywhere that I can see, but what I do see around here is a lot of worry for your welbeing and praise for what you are already able to post no matter which media platform you use. (Insta pups posts are so dang cute!) Youre doing amazing Cleomi and we love that you worry so much about us! Just do you boo boo, the honest supporters are behind you all the way!


http://chng.it/kYXvSMdCbr TAKE A BREAK BB 💓💓💓💓💓💓

Haru M. Cheshire Cat

Cece! Hhh my heart! You're the bean that deserves all the love and, speaking for everyone so far, we GREATLY appreciate all that you do. If you need breaks in between, that's alright. It's one thing to push yourself to do the best, but it's another different scenario if it does more harm than good. You know what I mean? I can relate, too. Being overwhlemed and stressed out is a recipe for disaster. I know you want everyone to be happy, but I'm positive that we want you happy as well. Okay? ♡ * Sorry if I come off as lecturing. I truly want you to take care of yourself as well. :3


Oh my goodness! You are the absolute sweetest human ever and I just want to hug you until all these feelings go away! I could never be disappointed in you, you work so hard for us and I thank you for everything that you do honey bun! 💕


You are such a cutie yagami ❤ I'm so happy I signed to your patreon.

Amanda Jay

I know this is an old post and you'll never see it BUT I just had to post something. I recently became a patron and am diving into your archive and OH. MY. GAWD. You're the cutest little bean that ever beaned!!!!!!! I've been listening to a lot of your Aizawa content and never would've guessed that your real voice is so cute😍😍😍😍😍😍 Like I can't even express how adorable you seem and it breaks my heart that you felt so stressed and undeserving of everything you've earned through your obvious talent and hard work. You put out so much content and the fact that you make male and female versions FOR EACH ONE is incredible. Between this platform and YouTube you're freaking prolific. Don't doubt your talent, dedication or the mutual love of every single one of your subscribers. Thank you for all that you do♥️


Yagami you're such a sweet, kind, cinnamon roll of a person 😭💖 I love you so much. You're amazing!!


How did I miss this when I first signed up?? You're so CUTE I can't deal with this 😭😭😭


Im in love with yagamis voices but THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE... MADE MY HEART SKIP BEATS!!!


Is this her real voice?!?!? cause its so fucking adorable!!!!! a real life amajiki!



Elwen Telrunya

Your regular voice is so soothing ☺😊


So whens the cece x listener coming out 👀 (all jokes... Unless)

Kristen Fahselt

I know its old... but if you read over these old posts just know that sweetheart - you try so hard, and we love you. and you gotta take care of yourself <3 none of us wanna see you run yourself into the ground. deep breath if you ever start to feel like this again, cuz Cece, we would gladly wait for you if you ever needed some time. You already do so so much for all of us. Don't be afraid to do something just for you every now and then.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

bbe, first of all. I hope its gettin better to balance everything out, like youtube, RL and patreon. funny bc u mentioned dont be a stranger. bc how to manage to respond to all, right? especially when u hit such a big number on almost all social media apps. so its completely fine if u can't keep up cece. I feel u here. It was overwhelming with tiktok and insta bc messages and requests are incoming like torpedos so to keep up is hard especially when its just one person who manages dat. so u dont disappoint anyone. I may have joined few weeks ago, but u deliver in a heckin row so its completely fine how u doin dat and what u post. second, the money. dont worry about it tho. actually I would love to jump to the highest tear, but its sold out atm. the job I have rn was a gift from heaven, not only bc of the position, but also bc of the money bc I tried to get a job for a very, very long time so to buy me stuff dat is just for me and I dont have to think about the bills and the next months is so dam cool. *grin* u know, girls/woman buy stuff like makeup and other things, well I buy myself a place in ur house, so its completely fine. still dunno what kind of stuff will be going by the end of the year bc covid is changing a lot of workin situations in my country, but I will take good care of dat or mesage u like u offered. even if u dont read it or cant bc of the AMOUNT of messages u get, so no worries. I'm grateful dat me has found a place here. third. bbe, u doin a good job. u really do. I somehow can imagine what u going threw, not only bc of the amount of everything, but also the negative stuff dats been throwin in ur house without asking. and u do ur best bbe, never doubt dat. and I think I somehow made a mistake at the beginning. I found old track emails dat me kinda already joined ur patreon before and unpledged again I absolutely have no clue why, I really tried to reflect here but still can't remember so I'm sorry for the inconviniences dat me was so jumpy. dont even know why I'm mention this but just so u know xD

Vivid Nectarine ♪

And we get enough. MORE THAN ENOUGH and this could never ever be paid with money what u give me/us. U maybe dont know what this means to hear and experience words and imaginations dat are so accurate and so authentic. Ngl, it was not easy in the beginning with all the sentences and words bc after some audios, I was completely a mess. but dat was ok bc I needed to reflect certain things and to feel them again bc I thought I will never hear the stuff dat I actually wanted to hear all my life. dunno if u read my messages and stuff, but yeah, it was kinda hard and I somehow have the feeling u can recall dat. And last, I may or may not maybe offended u with one of my recent artworks I did when u hit 30k. This was one of the reflections of one of ma fella artists. I tried to figure out how to reach to u bc I just dont know how to apologize proper. As I said its completely fine if u dont see the messages, dms, etc. but maybe a wonder will happen and u see this words and my apology. Actually I'm pretty proud of dat artwork bc it was my very first time drawing something dat comes straight from my soul and mind and to describe how grateful I am for the words and sentences u share with us. But still, I'm sorry if it was maybe to much or to intense. It was never my intention to hurt u. gosh, I adore ur own voice so much xD If I ever have the possibility to jump to ur 100 tier and get the chance for a call, def. requesting just ur own voice. if dat is ok with u ofc. I dont want to be pushy or to make u uncomfortable. dats all bbe, stay safe and I really hope ur doing better and dat ur voice is recovering. ☘️


not me crushing over a voice 😳🥺💖


I'm not crying! TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!! TAKE CARE OF YOU TOO!

