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I am very sorry if I hurt anyone because of that, I will be more careful in the future. I think I just was so excited to get it done that I goofed! I love you all lots and I hope that you can forgive my mistake ;;



You did fine. If people didn't like it then they shouldn't listen to it. You are perfect in every single way! Never doubt that!


It's okay, things happen sometimes and we can forget! We appreciate your consideration and effort. ❤


Honey don’t beat yourself up. You got really creative and I for one LOVED it! I think it’s just a matter of putting up proper tags just to avoid any confusion in the future. But yeah, not gonna lie, I had an amazing time 🥰


It was okay! Dont worry !! If you enjoyed it too then it was worth it 🖤 thank you for your hard work 👌❤️


What happened?

Patricia M Daniels

I personally enjoyed it. It was kinda amusing to me.


i’m sure you didn’t mean it in this way but because there weren’t any explicit indications of how much degradation/humiliation there was i got really triggered by it, which is why she’s talking about having warnings. i can handle it if i’m aware beforehand and can make the executive decision for if it will make me upset or not but when there isn’t much to go by and i want to listen/support them, stuff like that ends up happening. anyways i said i thought the actual concept was really good and well done it just would have benefitted from being a bit more clear in the contents for the sake of someone like myself who uses todoroki as a comfort character and would prefer to not be humiliated by them without much warning. hopefully you get that lol. have a nice day


I liked the last post! Why are people getting their jock-straps in a twist over it! If they don’t like, then don’t listen! I love all your work, especially your Shinsou, Denki and Amajiki audios! Don’t let these negative nellies get you down!


I can see where people are coming from with the tags, but you have to admit it does sort of hint at a darker premise with a NSFW devil version of a character in the title. Anyway, It should be fine with those specific tags to avoid any potential confusion in future either way. Please don't get yourself down and thank you for your hard work!👌


I don't think people are complaining about the content itself, more that they didn't get a warning about the content, and so didn't know that it was something they'd rather avoid before going ahead and listening to it. I don't think they want Yato to stop making these things, just to warn about the content better.


If NSFW isn’t warning enough idk what is lol


Thank you for being conscientious!


Don't worry about it. It was obvious what kind of audio it was going to be, like other people here said. Some people just like to complain and make people feel sorry for them. Don't beat yourself up over it


Guys, Yato is making an effort to make her followers feel comfortable. No one was "complaining". People asked for warnings nicely, and she is trying to apologize for an honest and simple mistake. No one is upset with her. I personally love NSFW content but degradation in weird for me. Having a warning that that kind of content might be there is helpful. We love you Yagami, thank you for always doing you best considering people's triggers. ❤❤❤


Thank you for apologizing! Although I wasn’t in the party of those offended, it’s kind that you take your listeners into account in such a mature fashion. Keep up the wonderful work ☺️💐


bby there wasn’t anything wrong with the content you posted. 💞💞 i’ll still support you. you were just playing a rule


These things happen! You handled it :)


It's all good 👍👍


Take your time! No need to rush Yato-san! <3


W. You’re probably right


Don't worry, she didn't get hoards of complaints about it. It was me telling her that she didn't realize how far she went and that it needed more warnings. I'm someone who advocates for the wellbeing of those who are more sensitive to certain content/be made severely uncomfortable by it. Even if the content may be only slightly intense to some, it could be a tidal wave to others and that needs to be taken into account. Everyone has their own emotions and pasts that make them who they are and no one needs to justify why something may trigger them (I know this isn't an issue here but I want you all to know it ^^) Some may think a title gives it away but not everyone has the same thought process/interpretation of it. Yato is someone who cares for every single one of her supporters and is dedicated to do all she can to make everyone feel comforted and happy. It's not bad to make an apology; she cares and wants you to know it. She wishes she would have done it before but she's not beating herself up over it; we're all human and I'm pretty sure everyone knows she would NEVER put out content with any remote intent on making others upset/uncomfortable.


We love you, sweetie 💜💜💜💜🥺


I'm one of your older geek fans and love how talented you and other voice actors are. Doing material for all kinds of audiences, even kinky ones like me 😅🤣Thanks for all your hard word and make that money girl!! Loving some of my favorite characters even more now 🤣❤

