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So I just wanted to give a bit of an update, I originally meant to post a bunch on here tonight but a friend of mine went through a tough time so I made the comfort audio, I was thinking of putting it on here, but I feel like some nsfw stuff may be in order as the last few weren't really that much. So I will be doing as much as I possibly can on here, no post to yt tomorrow so I will spend the time I would normally there on here to make sure I get as much done as I can. I really wanna push my limits and give you all some truly epic audios!

Love you all and thank you so much for the support!! You all mean so much to me and I hope to make lots of lovely audios!



best wishes to you and your friend 💕


Love you Yato! Can’t wait to listen to the new stuff 💖💖




Praying for your friend! Also, we get you wanna give us quality content but DON’T PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD!!! Take care of yourself first!


You are the best just remember that. And I hope your friend feels better babes ❤️


Aw hope you and your friend are doing well! You’re truly an amazing person and I adore the heck right out of ya!!! Thank you for all your hard work, it’s VERY much appreciated!!! 😘❤️


Just take care of yourself and your friend, that is what is important ❤️


Love you lots yato, thank you for doing so much for us 💘💘 I wish the best for your friend, and I hope you’re taking care of yourself too!


I hope your friend is okay! Please take your time and take care of yourself too, okay?


No worries! You're so caring and we all are patient enough because we Love you and appreciate you and your work 🌼


Hope you and your friend are doing well!! Don't push yourself, we can wait!!


We love and appreciate you! I hope your friend feels better, make sure you take care of yourself too!


Honey! You do what you can when you can. Your audios on YouTube lately have been ON POINTE!!! We love and appreciate what you do but don’t burn yourself out. Real life comes first!! Also I have a funny story to share! I was on a plane two days ago to a bachelorette party to Miami and the plane started going into some HARD turbulence. Initially I got scared but I thought “You know what? If I’m gonna die I’m gonna feel GOOD.” So I put on Stowaway Hearts, went straight to the sammich part, and enjoyed the ride while the plane was SHAKING! So again you are doing wonderful wonderful work and we appreciate you so much!

Mikki H.

So appreciative of all the amazing work you give us! Please comfort your friend and also take your time we love an update but you are more important! We'll be here so please take care.🤗


you doll you


I bet your friend will really appreciate the comfort audio! It was really pleasant to see that and vampire Tamaki show up today and yesterday! You really spoil us you know!


You're awesome but don't push yourself. If you need to take time off then do so. Well will still be here when you return!


It's alright! Please make sure to take care of yourself!


Remember to rest dear! I hope your friend is feeling better <3


I hope you're friend has a turn around, it sucks when the world seems hell bent on tearing you down so I hope your audio helped them!


The comfort audio was utterly fantastic and I'm sure your friend appreciated it. I hope they're feeling better soon and in all honesty we're happy with whatever you offer. Everything you do is golden! Much love to your buddy! ❤❤

Ciara Cross

Really appreciate everything you've done Yato. 💖 Sending all my love for you & your buddy! You two take care. Steady steady alright. ❤️❤️❤️


I appreciate you greatly Yato <3 You are the first person I've ever gotten into patreon for and I adore you so much! Please take care of yourself! We all know here you take care of us very well. We love you and thank you again for your content. They've been helping me out a lot lately. I enjoy listening to your comfort audios on lonely nights and some times when I drink too much. Again I am glad I discovered your content they are the absolute best! <3

