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This month has been a trying one from a health standpoint and from a technical one as well. I had a bunch of my projects corrupted that were nearly ready to post and will be dedicating myself to make them much better than they were in their first iteration! Love y'all lots and thank you so much for all your love and support! I will try and make the next few days be ripe with content!





your health always comes first! make sure to take care of yourself 💗


It’s alright no worries take care of yourself ☺️☺️


We love you jelly bean


Take care of yourself! We’ll be patient!


Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself! We can wait until your better 😘


Rest easy and take care of yourself! Your health is far more important! ❤❤❤


Lots of love and support from the big nerdy house of ladies ❤


I'm sorry that happened, I know you probably worked really hard on them :( take care of yourself, we love you!


Take as much time as you need. We can wait and take care of yourself.


When it rains it pours! I hope you feel better. We all love you!

Dana Fear

Good luck Yagami


Please get better♡


Take care of yourself! We will wait for you! <3


Of course, your health is way more important, i hope you get well soon


Oh hon your health comes first obviously! Your Stowaways one was magical take all the time you need!!!

Ciara Cross

Please please take your time! Rest well. We'll always be here supporting you. 💖 :)


You need to take your time, Yato-Kun. Rest and take time to take care of yourself.

Olivia S

Take as much time as you need because your health comes first before anything else!! I'll be here waiting for your return! Get well soon okay?😊


Your health comes first, always Yagami. I hope you can recover and take however long you need to be at your best to give us the very best you always manage to, but don’t feel pressure to do it until you do. Thank You for your constant work and efforts, 💜 maybe.. once you feel ready and well enough to come back! You would be down to maybe consider a DomDabi x Listener masterpiece 👀 cause.. 💜 oml


Yato your health comes before everything. We, your loyal and unwavering fan base, will still be here if you need to take some time off. I literally adore you so much and wouldn’t dream of leaving.You work so hard for us, rest easy💕💕💕💕


Your health comes first!


Get well soon!! Please put yourself first, and thank you so much for always giving us nothing but your best!!


Oh no it must be disheartening for the works to get corrupted, i know how frustrating it is to have your files corrupted/unsaved/lost ;-; Still i'm impressed with your motivation to re-record, you're amazing yato! Its great to always strive to do better despite all the setbacks, thank you for working so hard! Take all the time you need to recover and we'll wait for you! Please take care of yourself 😤💗 Love you ☺️💕💕💕


Corrupt files are a pain >_< I can imagine how frustrating that must have been. Im sure you can inprove them ten fold in the next iterations. Good luck Yato!


Oh no!! Please stay healthy Yato!! I admire your superhuman dedication and enjoy the products of it, but -- please take care of yourself first Yato!!


just a suggestion but - could we perhaps have a villain shinsou x fem listener NSFW file on here 🥺 the one you uploaded on YouTube was so good please! I can’t help but want more of it!


Oh no! Feel better hon! We tell you to sleep and rest for a reason! Still all the hugs and hot tea and take your time. Sometimes creativity needs a rest too! We love you and appreciate all you do!

