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Here is some comfort for those bad dream nights! Hope you all have a great day and soon shall be the next patreon post too!



I don't really have sleeping nightmares, but this helps with anxiety daydreams.


Midoriya, hun, I'm more likely to hurt myself than the nightmare if I try to punch it, but your support helps more than you know.

Jinha Lee

It's a little embarrassing to say, but I listen to this almost every single night. I suffer from.. Really bad sleeping issues, and usually the only way to knock me back out is medication- But for some reason, some how.. This lulls me back to sleep in an instant, it's been so helpful to me because my sleeping habits affect my work and relationships with people and honestly I'm so glad that this is here, I open this up on my phone every night in case I have a incident so when I do wake up, I can just hit play and calm myself down. Thanks Yami!


more deku pls! i miss him 🤍


Comfort Character💚 in so many ways!

Jazmine Gee

It’s been a while since I’ve had a nightmare, but as soon as I woke up I remembered this audio was here and it helped ❤️

Creed Djael

I couldn't go to sleep until after I listened to the fat gum sleep audio and then I had s nightmare about spiders. After that, I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't go back to sleep because every time I closed my eyes, they'd run closer to me. Not even halfway through this, I was sleeping peacefully again. So thank you so SO much and I'll be sure to come back to this over and over again. 💖


It's 5am I just woke up from bad dream looked for this exact time of audio. I'm alone and crying and I need this




Thank you sm, this helped a lot