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WARNING: Super cute and shy kirishima themes, lots of wholesome and a whole lot of virgin themes as well as first date/highschool crushes (now pro heroes) mutual feelings and genuinely a great first date but gone a bit faster than normal :3



Questionable Decisions

No there’s something about soft firsts that just makes me FOLD 😭


i'm glaring in my room to stop blushing


Kirishima, honey, you are killing me with your cuteness! Who gave you the right to be so gosh darn ADORABLE!!! >////> 💓💓💖💕🥰🥰 I dunno how I can go from listening to domming the heck out of someone with a smirk on my face... to blushing at a crush confession and a first kiss o////o I'm so immersed 💖💖💖💖 Uuuuugh the sweetness, the breathiness, the desperately trying to hold back but loosing ourselves in the moment, asking us to finish in such the cutest way >////< Goodness me this is incredible!


I have been comming back to this audio for days... so precious 🤗


I really do love how simple and normal the love confession is, feels realistic, I'd be stuttering up a storm too if I had confessed and the 'so does that make us a thing now?', the sudden nervousness talking to someone you've know for years but now see in a different light and the social awkwardness, I really enjoy those aspects of this audio and Kiri is perfect for this vibe ✨️💖💖💖


Kirishima is my favorite!!! 😍 this is sooo cute!