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  • March Rewards

The March rewards will feature Page 1-9 of "Kuromaru Ep. 07" and "Kuromaru x Delga NSFW Animation."

  • Continuous subsciption and June's Lucky Draw

The suspension in April will not affect the continous subscription for Lucky Draw. If you have subscribed from January to June, you will still be eligible to participate.

  • You will also receive a compensation if you're an annual subscription member

To the annual subscription members, I deeply apologize for the loss caused by the suspension. Based on your subscription amount in April, you will receive an additional lottery ticket for the next three draws (June 2024, December 2024, June 2025) to increase your chances of winning!

Warning: Patrons who subscribe annually after the the publication of this post won't be eligible for the compensation.

Grammar revise by Andy Peng

- 3月獎勵

3月獎勵是 「Kuromaru Ep 07 (1~9頁)」跟「Kuromaru x Delga NSFW動畫」

- 連續訂閱與6月抽獎

4月的暫停收費不會影響連續訂閱的抽獎, 如果你從1月~6月間的5個月都有訂閱,一樣能夠參加抽獎。

- 訂閱年費會員的補貼

訂閱年費的會員,因暫停收費造成你們部分的損失,我很抱歉。 依據您4月的訂閱錢額,在接下來的3次(6月、12月、2025年6月)的抽獎活動中, 將有額外的一票抽獎劵,提高您的中獎率。

