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In the sun-kissed landscapes of California, 21-year-old Faith leads a life that defies convention. While her peers revel in the freedoms of youth, Faith has chosen a path less traveled—a path of submission and devotion.

Living in a cozy apartment with two close friends, Faith's days are a delicate balance of friendship and duty. But behind closed doors, she surrenders herself completely to her Master, a figure of authority and guidance who has taken her under his wing.

Under her Master's tutelage, Faith is immersed in a world of discipline and obedience, her every action dictated by his will. From the intricacies of protocol to the nuances of service, she devotes herself wholeheartedly to her training, eager to please and eager to learn.

Though her submissive lifestyle may raise eyebrows among those who do not understand, Faith finds solace and fulfillment in her role. To her, submission is not a weakness, but a source of strength—a means of unlocking the depths of her desires and surrendering to the ecstasy of surrender.

As she embarks on her year-long journey of training, Faith's dedication knows no bounds. With the support of her friends and the guidance of her Master, she embraces each challenge with an open heart and a willing spirit, eager to grow and evolve on her path to self-discovery.

And though her journey may be fraught with challenges and obstacles, Faith faces each trial with "Grace" and determination, secure in the knowledge that she is fulfilling her destiny as a submissive and embracing the true essence of who she is meant to be.




She’s beautiful 😍

Michael Wolf

Ok, the other girls have some competition now. The only other thing that I can say is, I gotta have Faith. I can't wait to see what else Faith has for us in the future. You definitely have a talent.