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Widowmaker, known as Amélie Lacroix before her transformation, was the perfect assassin: cold, calculating, and ruthless. Her life was a series of missions, each one more dangerous than the last, and she relished in the precision and control she maintained over every shot, every kill. But in the quiet moments between missions, when she found herself alone on a rooftop, the solitude weighed heavily on her.

Today was one of those rare days where she had no immediate assignment, no pressing targets to eliminate. The city below buzzed with life, the midday sun casting sharp shadows across the concrete landscape. Widowmaker perched on the edge of a tall building, her sniper rifle by her side, and the warmth of the sun contrasting with the cool breeze that brushed against her skin. She had completed her mission flawlessly, as always, and now she had the entire day to herself.

Dressed in her signature skin-tight, purple bodysuit, she felt the usual tension in her muscles start to ease. The suit clung to her every curve, designed for both function and allure, enhancing her lethal grace. She stretched out, her lithe body moving with feline precision, and allowed herself to relax for a moment. The world seemed so far away up here, and for a while, she could forget about her purpose and the constant demand for perfection.

Widowmaker leaned back, her eyes closed, and let the sounds of the city wash over her. The distant hum of traffic, the occasional siren, the murmur of people below—these were the symphony of her solitude. She ran her gloved hands over her arms and shoulders, feeling the smooth, cold material of her suit. The touch was a reminder of her humanity, of the woman she once was, buried deep beneath layers of conditioning and manipulation.

The midday sun was warm, but Widowmaker felt a different kind of heat building inside her. It was a rare feeling, one she seldom allowed herself to acknowledge. The thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of a mission accomplished, often left her with an undercurrent of restless energy. Today, she decided to indulge in it.

She let her hands wander, the gloves making every touch more intense, more deliberate. She traced the contours of her body, starting with her neck and moving down to her chest, where the fabric of her suit hugged her tightly. Her breath hitched slightly as she pressed harder, the sensation amplified by the solitude and the thrill of being on the edge, both literally and figuratively.

Her fingers moved lower, gliding over her abdomen and hips, the suit's material adding a tantalizing friction to her touch. Widowmaker's mind drifted to memories of passion and intimacy, long buried but never forgotten. The contrast between her cold, calculating exterior and the heat building inside her was intoxicating. She let out a soft sigh, her breath visible in the cool air.

She shifted slightly, leaning back further against the rooftop's edge, her legs dangling over the side. The danger of the position added to the thrill, making every touch more electrifying. Widowmaker's hands roamed freely now, exploring her thighs and the sensitive skin just above the edge of her boots. The cool breeze against her exposed skin sent shivers down her spine, mixing with the warmth spreading through her body.

Widowmaker's eyes remained closed as she lost herself in the moment. Her movements became more deliberate, each touch sending waves of pleasure through her. The isolation, the height, the warm sun—all combined to create a heady mix of sensations that left her breathless. She felt powerful, in control, yet completely vulnerable at the same time.

As the day progressed, the city below continued its never-ending dance of light and sound. Widowmaker's breathing slowed, her body humming with satisfaction. She allowed herself a rare, contented smile, feeling a sense of peace she hadn't known in a long time. The rooftop had become her sanctuary, a place where she could be herself, away from the demands and expectations of her deadly existence.

Eventually, she opened her eyes and looked out over the city. The world seemed different now, more distant yet somehow more beautiful. She knew this moment of solitude and self-indulgence would be fleeting, but it was enough to carry her through the darkness. Widowmaker stood up, her movements fluid and graceful, and gathered her rifle. The day was far from over, and there were still missions to complete, targets to eliminate.

But for now, she had this memory, this moment of intimacy with herself, to hold onto. It was a reminder that even in the cold, ruthless world she inhabited, there was still a spark of warmth, a hint of the woman she once was. And as she disappeared into the shadows, Widowmaker felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



Michael Wolf

I've fallen for Widowmaker. There is just something about her, This is a set that I will revisit often.


Your stuff is amazing, nothing less! Would you ever be able to do widowmaker x tracer 😶