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(Commission by Christopher Robert)

In a galaxy far, far away, there existed a world where the Force was not just a mystical energy, but a power that permeated every aspect of life. On this distant planet, Elsa was born into a royal family with a lineage stretching back millennia, her connection to the Force running deeper than she could ever imagine.

From a young age, Elsa displayed an extraordinary affinity for manipulating the Force, particularly the elements of ice and frost. But her powers were as beautiful as they were dangerous, and her family feared the consequences of her unbridled abilities. Under the guise of protecting her, they urged Elsa to conceal her gifts, to suppress the very essence of who she was.

As Elsa grew older, the weight of her secret became unbearable, the longing to embrace her true self consuming her every thought. It was during this time of turmoil that whispers of a dark presence reached her ears, promises of freedom and power beyond imagination luring her into the shadows.

Drawn to the allure of the dark side, Elsa delved deeper into forbidden knowledge, seeking to master her powers without restraint. With each step she took down this treacherous path, her connection to the light side of the Force grew weaker, replaced by a hunger for dominion and control.

Under the tutelage of a mysterious Sith Lord, Elsa learned to unleash the full extent of her abilities, bending the very fabric of reality to her will. No longer bound by the shackles of fear and doubt, she embraced her newfound strength with a ferocity that sent tremors through the galaxy.

But as Elsa's power grew, so too did the darkness that consumed her soul. Gone was the innocence of her youth, replaced by a cold and calculating resolve to conquer all who dared oppose her. With each passing day, she drifted further from the light, her heart frozen by the icy grip of the dark side.

Yet, amidst the chaos and destruction she wrought, a glimmer of hope remained. Deep within the recesses of her being, a flicker of the light side still burned, a reminder of the person she once was. And though Elsa's descent into darkness seemed inevitable, there lingered the possibility of redemption, a chance to break free from the chains that bound her and embrace the light once more.



Michael Wolf

This set is F'N hott!!!! Not sure if it was Elsa, or the the sexy Sith theme. Crap, I think it was both. Great job, thanks for doing this for all of us.


Had to redo the set like 5 times because I kept getting her hotter. Then I realized I didn't even get a butt Pic in there. Guess it's hard looking evil with your butt out