November 2023 Blender Animation Files (Patreon)
2023-11-29 16:20:07
Here are two Blender scenes in this month November 2023!
High Priestess - Resurrerection (short loop animation)
Primrose - Gravure Collection (4 static pin-up poses)
Both scenes are now rendered in Cycles so it takes longer compared to Eevee, one render as 2560x1440 res take about 1 minutes with 128 samples 🙄
Also a helpful guide on how to make seamless particle loops
Install this addon first to use some of ARP rig functions
(if you already have Auto Rig Pro installed then just ignore this!)
Recommended Add-on:
Optional Add-ons:
- Auto-rig Pro
- Bone Dynamic Pro (Hair/Breasts/Butts physics)
- Simplicage (super easy to use, and is a good combo with Bone Dynamic Pro)
- Spring Bones (A free alternative for Bone Dynamic Pro)
- Camera Shakify (Free add-on for camera shake)
- Alt Tab Ocean & Water (Free add-on for quick water surface)