Blender Animation File - MHXX Summer Doggy (Patreon)
2023-06-30 16:41:57
Here is the download links for June 2023 Blender animation scene, Mysterious Heroine XX Summer Doggy!
In the folder you can find another simplified Blender file with a quick guide pictures on how to setup Bone Dynamic for the thrusting motion for both characters. (And the previous Queen Marika animation of this June 😋)
This is still quite complex so make sure to examine all the constraint and cloth/collision setting on these objects and proxy meshes, that will give you better undestanding of this "motion engine"🤗
Install this addon first to use some of ARP rig functions
(if you already have Auto Rig Pro installed then just ignore this!)
Recommended Add-on:
Optional Add-ons:
- Auto-rig Pro
- Bone Dynamic Pro (Hair/Breasts/Butts physics)
- Simplicage (super easy to use, and is a good combo with Bone Dynamic Pro)
- Spring Bones (A free alternative for Bone Dynamic Pro)
- Camera Shakify (Free add-on for camera shake)