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Here is the pre-release Blender rig of Spartan Hoplite, and this include his weapon set: shield/spear/kopis shortsword :D

Also I added another "No scars" texture set for his body/face. You can find that folder in Assets/Textures.

Download Link:
Google Drive

You can save these download links and download again after the full release. I will keep updating on it!

I already exported some FBX files that can be used to import into Unity and Unreal. If you have AutoRig Pro plugin you can use it's built in export function.

Before full release I'm going to make some color variation for his armor and set up UE4/UE5 project while doing some cool poses for preview renders 😋

If you run into any problems when using this rig please let me know!




He's awesome and so are you. ; D


He's awesome and so are you.😃