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What would Muko's magic be anyway?

Karl Joseph Eichholtz

If Roora wants to be an Earthbender, she should have a threesome with two badgermoles, one female, one male. Muko might be granted superspeed like Quicksilver.


I like that Fenny has a mischievous side, tricking Muko into praying to a refrigerator. I also like that she shows exasperation to Muko's character flaws like impatience or lack of intelligence. While Fenny is shown to be a nice girl, as shown by giving Muko information despite Muko barging into the shower rooms, it shows that spending too much time with someone makes them familiar enough to be able to think bad of them while still being friends, such as being able to prank them or calling them idiots. The idea of Fenny using ice magic is a good one.


Personally I like the idea that despite Muko's flaws and her bad rep she earned in Botan Fennie still has warmed up to her in a freidnly way. From this I can tell that It's possible she likes to take advantage of Mukos dimwittedness and admoration for her abilites as a combatagal. Maybe there's another reason why Fennie warmed up to Muko? Or prehaps she just tollerates her?