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Granny being the good granny that she is :) <3
I remember a friend of mine during elementary school always trying to stay at school for as long as possible, I really liked her so I would try to stay with her in the library and we would read together, that's actually how I even started reading Manga and Comics since they had some of them in the library as well :'D I got immediately obsessed with them haha



Jayne Lindgren

Lil' Blaze is soooo cute! <3 I so relate to her love of literature, and the discovery of all the worlds it can bring you to. I was a huge bookworm when I was younger (I don't read books these days, mostly because I prefer to play games or read comics), and it really expanded my mind in a way that nothing else did.


Right? So adorable D: Same here! I definitely read way more books when I was younger, now I mainly read comics and like so casually play games from time to time :'D I'm still super grateful that I had the chance to grow up with books :)