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Truly love the last panel ngl



Jayne Lindgren

Ooooh, interesting. Emelia seems a bit awkward/shy when she's speaking, so I'm guessing performing without words is her way of getting around that. I can see how that might be off-putting to more traditional acting groups, so it makes sense that she's had trouble getting a role. But now we've got a Stern, but Genius Director Lady who's good at finding talent, so hopefully she'll get her chance to shine here. I'm curious if all three of them are going to get in. We've been focusing on Emelia here, but obviously we've got our other lead plus rival... I can't remember if the opportunity was only for one person, or if they might all get a chance for this.


Yeah, communicating through words isn't her strong point at all, poor Emelia :'D And to answer your question (because I feel like everyone thinks that this is an audition for a specific role) it's and audition to get into an agency, so they can get pretty much anyone that they like and see potential in :) Agencies area fundamental to even get into most auditions for roles in the first place but I'll explain it later in the story <.<