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I meant to draw her a while ago, and then she came second in the poll for this month, so while I didn't draw her as a maid, you get to enjoy some Yotsuyu art anyway! 

Also, let this be a reminder to all of you who are also artists, that it's okay to work on a piece until you are happy. I redrew her face roughly 5 times, and when I thought I was done, I saved it and the next day I re-opened it to re-work some things about the lighting. It's more important to be thorough and happy, rather than just call it quits.

Though it IS important to sometimes just take a step back and let a piece rest a bit, like a good steak (I think, is that what you do with steak? I don't eat steak hahahahah)

NSFW variant will go live alongside this one! 
