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Hey everyone,

as some of you might have already heard it seems that Gumroad will ban all NSFW content effective immediately. 

There is no clear info on what content will be affected, how they will handle your libraries of content you bought in the past, or really anything. This was shadowdropped on the community, and no official info is being released.

Due to that fact we're currently waiting through the weekend to see if my content is gonna be deleted or not, and if yes, we will send out the catch-up rewards in a different way this month, so please be patient with us on that front.

Also, if you're looking to buy and/or download any content from Gumroad, I suggest you don't wait, as there is no telling when the ban will come into effect! 

Rest assured, we're exploring other options to make sure to host the content otherwise.



Hearsay from a few posted conversations on Twitter with supposed Gumroad CS is that they won't strip existing purchases, just stop new ones. But its probably best to back it up anyways, even that could change


Yeah, as long as there is no official confirmation about anything, I'll just assume that people are gonna lose access to content, just to be careful!