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Finally. FINALLY!! This chapter's done.

Again, I'm so sorry for the wait everyone. RL's been driving me nuts lately and I've had roadblock after roadblock keeping me away from working on this as much as I normally would.

I ran through so many iterations and versions of how this fight could go. One version had Riser make a black hole while another had Issei more or less pull an imitation Kurosaki Ichigo bankai and appear everywhere at once, but in the end those were over technical paths for the fight that made things more drawn out and complicated than they needed to be.

Not that I don't take enough liberties as it is to be honest, but still.

I still have the betaing process and the omakes to make on this thing, but I really do hope that the wait was worth it for everyone that likes this story. Thanks for being patient with me.

Oh, and on a side note, ff.net is on the fritz again and not sending out notification emails on updated chapters. And reviews I think. Just giving everyone a head's up.



You know, I do enjoy your OC's quite a bit. I sort of can't help but wonder what would happen if Shirou was to grow up under their influence. Well I guess among the family probably Scab or Waltz might be the best fit for him. But I can't help but imagine it be Crypt for the lolz who is there first before the others eventually come in. Even funnier if Crypt is deemed Shirou's "imaginary" friend who no one believes is real despite Shirou various attempts to prove it so or claims (till he eventually gives up) or when Crypt finally reveals himself.


Truely, I can't in good conscience make the Oogakari main characters in a Nasuverse fic without breaking literally half the established universal rules there and rendering it into a borderline Carnival Phantasm world. It would be too much, even for me.

George Kapoyanis

I have to say, this chapter was amazing, so good that after I reread it again on Fanfiction.net, I had to subscribe to you on patreon. Brilliant. God I really can't wait for the next chapter, even though I know it will be a while because of FFD. Rias' and her peerage's reaction is going to be golden. Also while Riser got what he deserved, I hope that Ravel gets the chance to make amends next chapter, as I probably think that she would have helped Issei if it wasn't for Riser interfering. Though maybe that will be revealed when Issei interrogates Riser next chapter. This i probably due to my personal bias of having Ravel as best girl outside of Rias in Issei's harem in regular DxD, but god when Issei gets better and starts to aim for a harem again, I hope she will be a part of it!