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And here we are. Finally the engagement party. This chapter is a bit bigger than I intended, and I am rushing this out because I'm about to go on a flight for vacation in a few hours, but I think I did a decent job all things considered. I had to rewrite a few bits of it and still intend to work on it some more before the final release, but, well I've always ended for what happens at the end to happen in one way or another. 

It's a cliffhanger, of course, but I think it will underscore just a tad bit more of just how... off, Issei is now.

All because of a single word.

Anyways, I'm off to destroy myself in three different theme parks back to back in Florida. If I don't make it, assume I went out as I lived, vastly overestimating myself doing something stupid.



I suppose it would be in poor taste to tell Issei he needs a Snickers.


It really feels like the entire series thus far has been a half-decade long, luxurious buildup for that single line. Been waiting 4 years for him to say that word. I cannot wait to read what happens next.