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Hey guys and gals,

Finally this chapter's done. It took way longer than it should have, especially since it's more of a transferring chapter between major arcs and shouldn't have been that difficult to establish, but a mix between writer's block, mapping out the next few parts of FFD, and deciding to start a new part of my engineering career at the company I work for really mixed me up this past month. I'm still a bit punch drunk from everything that's going on tbh. But the madness stops for no one! Even when I curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep at night begging for it all to stop! And so I managed to get this blasted chapter done!

That said, I haven't put as much effort into making this as clean as I usually do, so it might be sloppier than normal. Sorry for that.

ANYWAYS, I'm moving back to Take Two Round Two now. It's been almost a year since I've gotten on that beast and I want to get things moving there. Thanks again to everyone that have been patient with me regarding it.

That's it for now. Please enjoy.



Personally I'd rather have another chapter of FFD again than TTRT, mostly because it's already near the end of the year and rather have FFD chapter for Christmas. As for Fou, funny thought occurs to me of Fou becoming fond of Shirou due to his cooking and Shirou basically pampering and taking care of him without knowing he is Primate Murder before truth gets revealed and hits him like a sack of bricks. I wonder if Fou would feel nostalgic seeing Arturia again? Also terrible amusing thought if Shirou's innate appeal (a.k.a. Eroge Protagonist charisma) bites him in the ass and inadvertently ends up seducing Altrouge much to his inner horror. As Yandere Altrouge seeking to make him boytoy and newest bodyguard is the LAST thing he needs in his life. Though joking aside, I'm still hoping Shirou romances Saber considering their fated bond with each other. I'm a sucker for that pairing :)


hey, noticed an error that you didn't catch before posting the chapter for real. When Luvia is talking to her sister, Marjerette asks about the Einzbern castle as a potential place to stay, however you instead typed it as the Edelfelt castle.