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Since several have asked for background info on the expanded Oogakari universe and how Presence works at times, I've started to make snippets on some of the fundamentals. Nothing too over the top or long, but it should give some insight as to how things function whenever Presence is used by some of the characters I write.

Doesn't hurt that I add a little bit of my humor and logit to it to keep things interesting. Let me know what you think. 



It's fascinating that how you show and explain the fundamental of presence and his combinaison with energy and other conceptual manipulation . If Naruto is strong with will and power alongside having huge potential for spatial manipulation . Does that mean with Power and will , he could amplify passively once he fully mastered Presence and reach an impressive level of chakra his lifespan and his regeneration abilities . I mean in canon series , he was always despicted as someone having a strong life-force (like a sun ) and dynamic energy and someone physically stronger but in your series , he is despicted as a cunning trickster switching between titan and assassin ,between physical might and strong power to speed and tricks . I see him like that . Someone that have so many skills in the battlefield that it will confound the enemies trying to found a potential weakness . And then how it would look like if Naruto managed to combine time and space with jutsu . How does it look like raw time manipulation and how look like the refined time/space and timeandspace jutsu ?


If your going to continue this could we also get some basics on the Multiverse and traveling it. A lot is implied but having some extra on it could add a lot to the story for me. For example it's said there are schools for it. Maybe a bit on those payment for them traveler culture and such.