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Hey guys. Here's the next chapter of GAIWP, and arguably the spiciest chapter I've ever written, though that's not saying much considering what's out there. I know more people want FFD right now, but I had to get this one off of my chest just because of what people have been saying about it lately. You guys can probably guess what scene I'm talking about when you read it. I wasn't exactly subtle when making it, and that was kinda the point. Regardless, I got it out of my system, and I can get back to FFD again, so yay. This piece is off to the Beta's now. Keep tuned for more updates.



Hmmmm.... The story is progressing really well, the dialogues are well-crafted, and we've got more information on what happened to Issei's gang during Order 66. Plus, lots of comedy is great as well. But there seems to be something missing from this chapter. I can't tell what it is but I do know that it's disrupting the consistency of GAIWP. After rereading the chapter, I think that the section where Issei is fighting Kiba needs to be looked at again. Everything else is great, though. Remember to take care of yourself and be safe.


That kinda was the point with the kiba fight. Jasmine's and Vali's disinterest in how it was going more or less underscored just how important, or unimportant, the entire spar was to everyone, save maybe Kiba. I admit, I probably could add a little more to it in the final release to make it slightly more fleshed out, but the overall feeling of "a pointless one sided fight happening in the background" was what I was aiming for.