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Today I wrote tests. Lots of tests. Browse here, click this, click that, seed this data then make sure it shows up here, so on.

I often hear a lot of people don't want to write tests, which is fine. Depending on the scope of the product or thing you're making it makes sense to sometimes just ignore them. 

But when you have a codebase with a lot of features testing can be really, really helpful. So I make sure to write them. I can be certain when I finish these tests that things are working as designed. Then, when something unexpected happens, I can confidently say "wtf are you talking about?" Without tests, the certainty of "wtf are you talking about" is not there at all. The WTF could be anything, after all. With tests: I can be sure it's not the thing I tested which is a good starting point.

So, yeah! Happy Easter if you're into that sorta thing.


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