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It's Alive!

Earlier this week I was able to get my new GPU (by buying an entirely new computer and taking out the GPU) - however, I can say I am really happy that nothing else was broken and that I am back up and running.

I hunted far and wide for a GPU that would not cost an arm and a leg, but I was not able to find one at all. EVGA was not going to repair my current one since they stopped doing repairs and I couldn't find a GPU repair service near me. Plus, I only had so much sanity left. That's the real big issue here: searching for a GPU is stressful! I'm not going to shit on people selling a GPU they managed to get for a little extra, but people hording 20 - 30 and selling it on ebay means their immediate cash on hand  \ credit line disqualify them from my outlook that maybe their situation is bad and they really need the cash. Maybe one day CA will pass a price gouging law that stops this kind of shit from happening for non-collector items. 

I ended up paying way outside my budget when money is already tight, so lets hope this investment pays off and this GPU lasts as long as my 980ti did (> 6 years).

I also took this time to swap out an SSD that was acting up a bit (would randomly not be mounted). I swapped that out, moved my old SSD to take over as my backup drive, and installed an NVME SSD as my primary drive. I don't know how well the nvme drive will fair since it's entirely underneath the new GPU (3070), but it did have a heatsink so it'll probably be fine. Or cook itself to death, we'll see.


Today I rolled out a fix for accounts not updating properly, but there is an ongoing issue with the new comment system due to the way it's handled 1 week at a time.

For Waifus with significant gaps in comments it appears that the load more button does nothing. This is more of an issue for gaps between Waifus that needs to be addressed. Since the pagination is time bound vs. offset bound for the sake of performance at higher comment levels (which we have yet to achieve) it makes the experience kind of feel buggy on Waifus that have sudden splurges of conversations and then dead silence for weeks. This is also a problem for Waifus that, at one point in history had a lot of comments and then suddenly stopped being popular at all. Both of these need to rely on some mechanic to close the gaps for a more natural user experience.

This will be a pretty interesting problem to fix and I have some ideas. I'll mull over it this week and decide what to do. 

Thank you all for your continued support.


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