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Hello friends,

In today’s lesson I'll be showing you how to achieve a more professional lead guitar style by mixing chord shapes into your blues licks. We'll begin by learning a few useful chord shapes in the key of C, before reviewing our major and minor pentatonic scales. Once you're familiar with these prerequisites, I'll break down a handful of my favorite licks. Let's get started! 

Recommended Gear:

Ibanez Tube Screamer - An industry standard, the Classic Tube Screamer is the perfect pedal for obtaining a classic, bluesy tone.



How to Mix Chords with Blues Guitar Licks

My complete study guide w/tabs at: https://goo.gl/ogSDqR Hello friends, In today’s lesson I'll be showing you how to achieve a more professional lead guitar style by mixing chord shapes into your blues licks. We'll begin by learning a few useful chord shapes in the key of C, before reviewing our major and minor pentatonic scales. Once you're familiar with these prerequisites, I'll break down a handful of my favorite licks. Let's get started! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Facebook: http://facebook.com/phillyguitarlessons Instagram: https://instagram.com/swiftguitarlessons Twitter: https://twitter.com/swiftlessons Request a song at: http://swiftlessons.com/Request_a_Song



Many thanks Rob, you're an awesome teacher!


Thank you Clement, I love teaching this kind of stuff. Got some cool stuff planned for the coming week!


For the less accomplished, I think it would be so much easier to follow if it were written from start to finish in measures


Rob, just finished your origins of chords and chord building. Finally I understand it. Thanks for the common sense approach.


Because these licks don't fall neatly between measures, it's better for everyone to practice them as complete phrases. Practicing measure by measure, rather than phrase by phrase would mean rehearsing in complete musical ideas. Once you have the licks down, and have practice them at half speed using YouTube's slowdown feature, try counting along with this version of the tab that feature the beats and measures:


<img src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.comment/9QNxKhOiyUNR9lXsFlRP2LnPhmD6ZGBauFUNgUVNQ0Slh7PRuyxFBZBYmNEWwJs3.png"><br>


Hey David, that stuff was really hard for me to get down, and I'm still learning new things. I'll have another video out soon breaking down the more advanced harmonies like augmented and diminished.


Where can I find the origins of chords and chord building resources? Patreon seems really hard to search. Is there not just a search bar for your channel Rob? Thanks!


Ah... I'm just having a simple moment. I just searched on youTube and found it! Thanks!