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Hello friends, I want to apologize for my silence this week. Natalia and I are celebrating our paper anniversary in Paris🇫🇷 and are quickly falling in love with the city. I will be shooting a few mini lessons during our stay, so keep checking YouTube.com/Swiftlessons for updates! Thanks so much for your support and patience, I look forward to unfolding more secrets of the guitar in the next few days. Be well and enjoy your practice!




Have a good time, gives us more time to practice.


Stay safe, have fun..


There is enough content you have provided to last me for years. Take this time to make memories, Life is short, It is my hope that you both enjoy your time together and be safe.


Enjoy your self over there!!Have a wonderful time together!!!


You have the right to take a little vacation! :enjoy -) )


Congratulations on your anniversary Rob.


Félicitations. Que tous vos désirs se réalisent.


congrets and wonderfull time


Great! Now I can catch up with your material. Enjoy!


love paris, don't miss Picasso museum for color scales that will blow your mink


I wouldn't bother with mini lessons~ Enjoy your holiday! try to mix both and you'll go in seine~


Hope you are well enjoy


Ahhhh I see what you did there haha! Thanks for your patience Stephen, Paris was amazing!


Hey Pierre, unfortunately we didn't make it to the Picasso museum, but I'm hoping to go back very soon. I underestimated the scope of the city! We walked countless miles, and visited tons of locations, and still didn't scratch the surface... I think I'd need another month to see everything I'd like to see.


Thank you Robin, it was a fantastic trip. Now I'm super motivated to get some new lessons up for you all!


Thank you Pao, I really appreciated you're patience and support while we were away. I'm back and ready to get some new lessons out to ya!


Thank you for your friendly message Ron, we had a ton of fun, and really enjoyed spending some quality time together. Now I'm back and ready to get to teaching! Let me know if you have any request. -Rob


Thanks for the well wishes Bryan, they brought a lot of happiness to Natalia and I. Talk soon. -Rob


Hey Raymon, I hope you enjoyed a solid week of practice while I was gone, and that you're enjoying the new lessons. Let me know if you have any questions. -Rob


Thanks Robert! I found Paris to be very laid back, so it was easy to stay safe.... especially with the military guarding you at every landmark haha. Living in Philadelphia is definitely good preparation, gotta have those street smarts!