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Hello friends,

and welcome to another Swiftlessons Guitar Talk Session! In this video, I'll discuss some of my suggestions for New Years resolutions. Let's kick 2018 off right by setting our goals, planning our practice schedules and facilitating some serious progress. Let's get started!

1. Set a practice schedule - with an outline of clearly defined goals. Example: learn a specific tune, the basics of a certain genre, essential music theory concepts. Etc.

2. Write your first original song - This will provide you with an opportunity to apply the theory, and techniques you have been studying. 

3. Develop a repertoire - a set list of recognizable, party-ready tunes for entertaining friends and jamming with fellow players. Building your repertoire will help you to track your progress and boost your confidence.

4. Make your first recording - this is essential to the process of becoming a polished musician. Hearing yourself back will reveal strengths and weaknesses in your playing and singing. I suggest recording several demos of the same song, separated by many practice sessions. Listening back to these recordings will help you to realize the progress you’ve made and the areas that still need further refinement.

5. Join the guitar community - A great way to facilitate more time on your instrument and motivation is to gather with other players. Consider joining a Guitar meet-up, group class, open mic night, or a regular jam session with a friend. Remember, “steal sharpens steal,” so try to surround yourself with some more experience players, but don’t let their prowess discourage you. The important thing is that you provide yourself with learning opportunities that are fun and motivational.



5 New Year's Resolutions for Guitarist!

Take Your Playing to the Next Level and Join Patreon.com/Swiftlessons for Specialized Resources! Hello friends, and welcome to another Swiftlessons Guitar Talk Session! In this video, I'll discuss some of my suggestions for New Years resolutions. Let's kick 2018 off right by setting our goals, planning our practice schedules and facilitating some serious progress. Let's get started! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Facebook: http://facebook.com/swiftguitarlessons Instagram: https://instagram.com/swiftguitarlessons Twitter: https://twitter.com/swiftlessons Request a song at: http://Swiftguitar.com/request



OK I will be the dumb one, how do I know how to improvise with the tracks ? is there an assumption that I would utilize the Djaor scale or the D Blues scales or corresponding chord progressions ?


sorry, meant to type D Maj scale


Happy New Years to you as well Rob, thanks for all your hard work in providing excellent lessons throughout the year. Looking forward to another great year of guitar learning with you!


These resolutions are just so good, Rob. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 are in my routine but there are things I need to tighten up. So thanks for the reminder. I tend to be timid about 4 and 5, so will try to do better there. The resolution I keep as number one, though, is to follow you faithfully, since it's because of your lessons that I've made significant strides in every area. I really enjoy your "talk" lessons and the encouragement and calm they bring. All the best to you for 2018 and congrats on achieving your goals.


Happy New Year Rob. Keep up the great work you are doing in providing lessons.


Hi! again, Rob...I just thought of a new year's resolution for you, albeit selfishly. How about creating a song-writing course for us! After all, it will help us with your resolution #2 above. I'm ready to sign up!


Hey Tony, thanks for reaching out and sharing positive feedback. So glad you enjoyed my work in 2017. My New Years resolution is to be more prepared, and hopefully that will allow me to increase my output. Expect many more lessons in the days ahead. -Rob


Hey Dawn, your comments and encouragement have been a blessing this year, thanks so much. I'd love to hear some of those original tunes if you'd ever be willing to share them with me. Glad you're enjoying my talks, I'm hoping to make it a regular addition to the channel.


Hey Eddie, glad to hear from you! So glad your still enjoying my work. I'm just getting started!


Yes Dawn, this has been long overdue. My New Years resolution is to be more prepared, and use my time more efficiently. I'll make sure that a song writing course is on my to-do list. Talk soon. -Rob