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How are we done season 1 already?!?! We have come so far in just one season, and I must admit, never in a million years did I think Adam would fall in love with Haikyu!! like he did 🧡 

Thank you for welcoming him into the community and for sticking with me on my second watch-through. This time through has been so much better than the first, and I'm so excited that there is so much more to go!

Password: missionaccomplished


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also (sorry for spam lol), it's to my knowledge that the spring tournament they have been referring to is generally regarded as more important because teams are stronger and more stable, having played together for the bulk of the year. it's also the last chance for those hoping to go pro to showcase their skills, though there are probably players who get contracts before the tournament as well. as for the multi-sport aspect, the spring tournament is solely volleyball, but there are female teams too. the spring is also just a popular time to have large tournaments for other sports, such as nationals at koshien for baseball (which is probably japan's most popular sport).

Kelly Michelle

All of us through the most emotional moments: 😭 Adam: 😐 All of us through the Shimada’s speech: 🥹 Adam: 😢


I seriously don't get it... but a cry is a cry, so we got him!