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At this point, Yuzuru is my favorite character. She is honestly THE BEST!!

Also, the sinking feeling I felt watching the ferris wheel scene 😣 Yuzuru is brilliant for giving her camera to Shoko and recording the incident, but Shoya's takeaway is that he just wants them to get along?! Come on now.

Password: UenoNoBueno


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Sharles Davis Kendy

One of the things that I think got lost in translation. Y'all talk more about it in part 1 but it comes up here too: Ishida got bullied. A lot. After Nishimiya left school he became the new target for all the bullying. He got tripped while randomly walking like she did, he got a water hose turned on his like she did, he got pushed into the fountain like she did, he got mean shit written about him on his desk like she did. All the bullshit he gave her, he got back. Also, when he went to see her, he went there the day of his suicide. He did NOT expect to have this relationship with her. At all. He wanted to get his affairs in order before dying and seeing her was the last affair. When he didn't is when he decided to try and actually be friends with her. So this wasn't like a well thoughtout making ammends plan, this is a hastily put together situation of two people with a lot of shared history and trauma.

Sharles Davis Kendy

I absolutely love this movie but a little nuance from the manga does go missing. Sahara left the school because she started getting bullied for being friends with Nishimiya.


Ok, I think some of that clarity was missing from the movie. We see him in the fountain and we see different end results of the bullying, but we are left to fill in the blanks of what is actually going on. I was thinking about that after part 1- was he bullied or did his friends pull back and leave him on his own? Now I know. Thanks!