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This was definitely a feel-good episode. The final set against Fukurodani (not the feel-good part), the BBQ, and the anticipation of the upcoming Nationals qualifiers!

I didn't pay as close attention to this the first time around, but I loved the sneak peeks of the country's top aces, and the little snapshots of all the teams that Karasuno will face. I obviously had no clue what was to come the first time I watched, but it's cool being on this side of things (don't worry... Adam doesn't see these posts 😊).

Password: LetsGOOO!! 


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Sharles Davis Kendy

Tp be clear, Fukorodani was the best team in this training camp, and honestly the best team we have seen play so far. They've been to nationals, and their Ace is one of the best in the coutry. Going point for point against them, even in just practice, is impressive as hell.

drink water

I love that your asking us to yap about bokuto. He is the ace of a powerhouse school, a top 5 hitter in Japan and frequents nationals. If we are purely talking about prestige, he is one of the best players on paper that we have seen in Haikyuu. Not liking him because of his mental blocks is valid but he is more than just his problems. He is a driven athlete, willing to help his opponents improve and is a wholesome human being. With every appearance I feel that Bokuto gives the viewers life lessons and is taking steps to improving his mental issues. This episode shows that being the best doesn't mean always being on top of your game or having all the attention, picking yourself up regardless of how your playing or what's happening around you is important. My final point is that he isn't unreliable every game. If he was Karasuno wouldn't have taken 61 games to notice his issue. That's all I have to say Hey Hey Hey