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Greetings, Janklords!

Happy New Year. I hope it's chill for you so far. Daniel here, with a bounty of good tidings.


Next Monday we'll be filming the first set of a weekly video series premiering later this month (I had originally mentioned these starting on Tuesday, January 2nd--my bad!)

This weekly series will be a chance for us to answer questions on a more regular basis. If you have anything you'd like to ask, whether it be about Magic, life, lore, or otherwise, comment below and we'll answer some of them on the new series!


You might be wondering what are plans are for the coming months. Here's a rundown!

  • Mid-January: We'll begin testing a weekly short gameplay series.
  • January 14th: Second Sunday Spelltable Games with ussssss.
  • Late-January: We're releasing a guest episode. It'll have a sketch, but it's not the next narrative installment.
  • Mid/Late February: Releasing Season 3, Episode 3: *** ***** ** *** ****
  • Late February: We're going to Magic Con Chicago.


The demon has bequeathed the game-winning deck from THE FALLEN EMPIRE episode to...CALLUM CRAVEN! Callum, thank you so much for your 36 months of support. We hope this token of victorious jank conveys a small measure of our gratitude.

Okay, that's all for now! Leave your questions below or in the Question of the Week Discord channel :)



Dylan McCrystal

No question, just really appreciate you dudes a lot.

Travis Poe

What are y’all’s favorite kinda cheese ?