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MAY 13th Update.

Pictured: Kelsey giving cancer the finger.

She’s home now, recovering from surgery. The kindness of friends, family, and strangers has been incredible. We’ll find out soon if chemo is needed. Celebrating a successful, but painful, procedure for now!


Hey Janklords,

Last month my wife Kelsey was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in her life. Cancer is never easy, and young cancer feels especially cruel.

I wanted to share this because it will affect Janklord’s release timing for the next month or so while Kelsey gets treatment and recovers. Once we’re through the worst, I’ll refocus on editing the rad things we have in store.

Until then, hold your humans and your fur babies close. Life’s too short not to.

Thank you for your support ♥️



Steven Mandeville-Gamble

I was so sorry to hear that your wife was having another bout of breast cancer. I hope she recovered from surgery without any issues and that her oncologist finds a treatment that lets her continue to thrive. With a little luck, this will all be something the two of you only have to deal with as a distant memory in the future.