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Hey, Janklords! 

It's been a minute since the last update. I'll cut to the chase and give you the bullet points: 

  • The next release will be another DON'T WAKE DEMON. Early October!
  • The Kickstarter went well, and we're in the process of working out fulfillment. 
  • A new Commentary/Q&A track for Episode 3.1 is out now for Indulgent Janksters and up!
  • Winners of the DMU pre-release will be announced soon. 
  • Here's a poll with 2 quick questions about future content, if you have a moment to spare, check it out. 

We're in some exciting conversations behind the scenes, and we're looking forward to the jank that's in store for all of you. 

Thank you so very much for your continued support. We are so grateful that we can keep doing this :)

You'll be hearing from us very soon. Until then...may the jank be with you. 




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