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Hey Janklords, 

After successfully avoiding COVID these last two years, a few of us have come down with it--forcing a delay on production of our new episode. We are definitely bummed, but glad that the parties involved are alive and mostly well. 

To be completely transparent, due to this and some vacation timing, we won't finish up filming until the week of June 6th. However, we have a lot done already, and I'll be working on editing so we don't have too much to catch up on in June.

We're super excited to get a new season started for you (and a sexy new playmat released), but we must ask you wait a bit longer. Thank you for your patience. 

In the meantime, the "Story so Far" recap video will be coming out next week. 

You're all the very very best. Stay healthy!

xoxo, Daniel & co. 



Timothy Johnson

I’m glad everyone is okay. You are all amazing so please take it easy.


Unfortunate news, great that everyone is doing alright though! Take your time dudes, heal up and come back with double the janky energy!