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Intrepid Patrons, 

Behold: our first in-person game in nearly a century. 

It's not our prettiest effort (mismatched lenses, wonky angles, out focus humans, etc.), but we consider it a win--and a necessary step in cleaning off the cobwebs. 

But now those cobwebs be cleaned. And it's time for us to annoint our new space with the first official episode. We're shooting that game TOMORROW. Narrative shoots happening the rest of April.

Special thanks to the lovely patrons who concocted the decks we used for this game. We'll use them again when we shoot tomorrow :)

As we work our way through the new season, the plan is to feature patron-built decks (Avatar of Jank) every few episodes.

Enjoy this patron exclusive, demon-free jank fest, friends!

We couldn't have gotten here without you. 

xoxo, Daniel, the demon, & co. 




Minty Magic

Idk how I missed this. Watching now. Of course Joe plays effing Kykar. He’s a monster

Minty Magic

Also can we talk about how this has 125 views and only 20 likes….wtf. Should be 125 likes if it’s patron only